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Everything posted by Hans

  1. Hey Paco send me an email please - have a CTV SCW question for ya Wayne100@emirates.net.ae - oh please put CMAK in the subject
  2. Oh no! Not another challenge thread, however this one would be for cultured gentlemen dedicated to fellowship, erudite discussion, astute comments and fine play and not under aged simpletons with performance anxiety unable to control their mental fatigue! (just kidding boys) Hmmmm have to look at where marker 3 is, after so many scenarios individual markers fade......-I presume you want to move the marker within the German original set up area...is it the one in the NW corner (going from memory) Hmmmmm Shermans vs Panthes, 75mm ATG and Nashorns, hmmmmmmm
  3. Oh excuses eh, well then I'll back slap you even harder, call you a son of the soil and challenge you to a Melfa PBEM. You get the fabulous Germans I get the Allies with +75%? :}
  4. Thanks for the review and comments above. In most scenarios I design for HTH I usually recommend +25-50%, +1 experience if doing it vs the AI with an additional +25% if the player deems themselves to be experience. If you ever try it against a human I'd like to know the results! Hans
  5. In an operation I cannot seem to get the padlock function to work on a group (barbed wire) anyone else come across this? Solutions?
  6. Dang, having that Dutch girlfriend finally paid off
  7. On the CMBB forum I was answering a question about how to make a good war game. I noted the lack of fear, from wounds or relief was missing for a CM commander.........how about if you lose to the AI in an equal QB the game relieves you and refuses to let you play for a week. That should generate some fear factor for the game. No I'm not serious, but it would be amusing!
  8. Simply, fear as 'commanders' we are not suffering from any fear, hunger, wounds etc. That important psychological slice of the battle is not there. Also missing is the pressure on officers to accomplish the mission to support their careers or professional ethics. CMAK player commander are rarely relieved of their duties and assigned a desk job. Hey that's an idea, if you REALLY mess up in a scenario the game locks you out for a few days....hmmmmmm
  9. Oh no trouble makers [slap] what playing the scenario NOT as the designer intended? [slap]. WHAT, you actually enjoyed playing the scenario the wrong way? [double slap]. EGADs! You've told OTHERS about this evil? [Great big slap]. Glad you had fun - hey how about a review? Oh and I played it the wrong way too - and found it unbalanced - hence no recommendation to play it that way.
  10. Dutch speakers could you take a look at the following translation: First my translation and then the original Dutch, can you let me know if I'm close! Waalhaven was the home base of Dutch 3rd JaVa (Jachtvliegtuig Afdeeling) or Hunting Squadron. It was equipped with 11 Fokker G-1 Fighter Cruisers (nicknamed destroyers). Their mission was to protect the Netherland’s largest harbour, Rotterdam. The airport itself was defended by a battalion of the Jaeger regiment. Two of the three companies had been set up outside the airport. E company was stationed on the field along with a mixed company of AAA guns. Their were in total six heavy and nineteen light machine guns. By the main building two light armor vehicles had been supplied by the Army. The reserve amounted to two platoons. Grenades had not been distributed unfortunately. Telephone connections were also missing. With the being of the war looming fighting positions were begun on the 8th of May. On 10 May, only one concrete and two wooden bunkers were finished. Another difficulty was the fact that Waalhaven was surrounded on three sides by a two meters high fence. Considering the absolutely flat terrain troops outside of the airport could not see what was happening on the airfield. Waalhaven was de thuisbasis van 3 JAVA. De met 11 G-1s uitgeruste vliegafdeling. Gelegen aan de grootste Rotterdamse haven werd het vliegveld verdedigd door een bataljon van het regiment jagers. Twee van de drie compagnieën waren opgesteld buiten het vliegveld. Eén compagnie kon, samen met een compagnie mitrailleurs op het landingsterrein vuren. Dat waren in totaal zes zware en negentien lichte mitrailleurs. Bij het hoofdgebouw stonden nog twee lichte pantserwagens. De reserve bedroeg een man of tachtig. Handgranaten waren niet uitgereikt. Telefonische verbindingen ontbraken. Met het maken van gevechtsopstellingen was op 8 mei pas begonnen. Op 10 mei waren slechts één betonnen bunker en twee, kleinere kazematten beschikbaar voor de opstelling van de mitrailleurs. Erger was dat Waalhaven aan drie kanten (n,o,z) door een meer dan twee meter hoge schutting werd omgeven. Buiten het vliegveld opgestelde troepen konden dus niet zien wat er op het vliegveld gebeurde.
  11. So where is the material? To say the least scenario material is lacking! Any active duty or reserve Dutch military around??
  12. What difference in organization and equipment was there in a standard German Airborne battalion between May 1941 (the Cmak Crete invasion) and May 1940? What had been added, deleted or changed? TIA Hans
  13. Additional comment, if you ever have the time make a simple small scenario and watch the AI set up a defense, change the map and watch how the AI adapts. Excellent way (perhaps gamey) to learn how to anticipate and defeat the AI "game playing process".
  14. FOW is very useful as a debugging tool. It would be good to have a one way FOW, keeping the AI under EFOW while the human player has clear picture.
  15. Its starting to look like some of the talented Dutch speakers will need to scenarioize those days in May! Anything from the German side? German Army Grogs?
  16. Another interesting episode, there seem to be some interesting gems in those early Dutch days of the war. Possible areas of interest - I'll contact the Dutch Command and General staff college and does anyone have a list of Dutch war game clubs? Those miniature guys tend to ferret out such information. Hans
  17. ""The German invasion began around 3 a.m. on May 10, but problems started immediately. In the 18th Army sector, commando teams only captured one of a dozen target bridge crossings. It took Xth Corps at the Grebbe Line four days to secure its first day objectives. The three SS regiments put in a less than sterling performance. Protected by inundation on one flank and the Neder-Rijn River on the other, the Crebbeberg strongpoint, held by the 8th Infantry Regiment, withstood successive frontal assaults by the SS for three days. The 1st Cavalry Division's attempt to storm the fortresses guarding the Afsluitdijk crossing over the Isselmeer failed completely with heavy losses, in spite of the support of 88mm anti-aircraft guns."" Very scenarioish, if we can find a map and more descriptive explanation of what happened. The German fight to penetrate the Grebbe line has great potential. I'd say that such material probably exists but only in Dutch. I'm quite sure the Dutch General Staff College has studied these actions to death. The book where the Waalhaven map came from might have some info. Hans
  18. Thanks Jaws As I have a number of Dutch speakers on this thread.... I'm looking for more material for Dutch scenarios - both in May 1940 and the defense of the Dutch East Indies. If you have any ideas or info please send it on, most willing to do a coopertive scenario and give credit. Wayn100@emirates.net.ae Anyone know a Dutch military Grog out there?
  19. Greyrider Until some time in the future J2D's mods are the best solution
  20. Thanks Yep I believe those are search lights Bedankt voor je hulp
  21. Okay I have a map of the Dutch airfield at Waalhaven that has the following unit marks on it. 49th PEL.LU.MITR Any ideas? I'm thinking AAA but can someone confirm? Also 3 III ZL.AFP.TL and 77 BT.LU.A And the big question anyone have a link to WWII Dutch military map symbols! I've figured out the Jager regiment just those three about are a bit puzzling Thanks Hans
  22. GOT it, many thanks I'm going to start a new tread to get some advice on a few of the more obscure Dutch military symbols Hans
  23. Look at the PanzerBlitz Situations 1-12 at the Scenario Dept. A number of those deal with this specific scenario. Take a look, it might give you some ideas.
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