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Everything posted by Hans

  1. Good for me personally but not for a scenario meant for the unwashed masses! Thanks Hey Guachi you rarely post, I feel honored!
  2. Thanks Xerxes but that leaves it with European style houses and trees. I'll have to redo the tanks (lateral degrade) to bring the substitutes for the Jordanian and Israeli Centurion Mk5s and M48A2 into something that can be done within the NA restriction. grrrrhhhhh : ]. May change the Israelis to Shermans and the Jordanians to Pz IVs-not quite as exciting as Tungsten armed super 8s vs Tigers.
  3. FK no, I was surprized that this was the case as I could do it in CMBB. Start in May 1945 and take a HVSS easy eight and give it Tungsten then change to NA, the tungsten doesn't show up - its there as you cannot add more regular AP. Hmmmm odd. I'll wait a day or so and see if anyone has an answer or solution then will send a message to Madmatt but I suspect it might be a bug and I also suspect it won't be corrected ATT. FK could you confirm that? I just want to make sure it s not something specific to my own machine?
  4. FK no, I was surprized that this was the case as I could do it in CMBB. Start in May 1945 and take a HVSS easy eight and give it Tungsten then change to NA, the tungsten doesn't show up - its there as you cannot add more regular AP. Hmmmm odd. I'll wait a day or so and see if anyone has an answer or solution then will send a message to Madmatt but I suspect it might be a bug and I also suspect it won't be corrected ATT. FK could you confirm that? I just want to make sure it s not something specific to my own machine?
  5. I thought adding in Mata Hari and Balkenende was a bit much but other than that ok!
  6. a button for contour lines would be much appreciated in the next version
  7. Max Hey wait a minute you're not even in it......but good luck - and watch out for those crafty Chinese.
  8. I need to model a tank not in CM, to reflect its superior gun I wanted to use a 76.2 and allow it an all tungsten AP load. The problem is the scenario takes place in Palestine so North African terrain is needed. So you load up a tank in the italian region then take it back in time to NA and NO tungsten - any way around this ammo debacle? puzzling
  9. SERGEI THAT IS A GREAT IDEA! Retailization, two groups of Mall employees fight to the death for the parking space between them. We could locate it near Metz and have the conflict between French and German outlets and call it the Franco-German war of merchandising of 2004. Yes Italian and German retailers take on the Americans, French and others in a fight amongst the corridors of the worlds two most poorly designed shopping areas. Ah love it
  10. SERGEI THAT IS A GREAT IDEA! Retailization, two groups of Mall employees fight to the death for the parking space between them. We could locate it near Metz and have the conflict between French and German outlets and call it the Franco-German war of merchandising of 2004. Yes Italian and German retailers take on the Americans, French and others in a fight amongst the corridors of the worlds two most poorly designed shopping areas. Ah love it
  11. Ah ha Sergei, I have noted down you down for mocking my poor spelling. Revenge shall be mine! Yasha it will have to be then unless we hear something different from an Israeli, thanks. Interesting cultural aside, there seems to be a fairly strong war gaming culture in Israel while there is absolutely nothing (in English or Arabic) on the other side. Interesting.
  12. I should get to finishing Waalhaven in a few days, six scenario ahead of it in the finishing queue. Will send back to you for final Dutch approval. Van der Zanden was her last name. Hans
  13. Ah yes those Germans 6xxmm rockets - ah for the next version of cm gunfight, the Not OK Corral, the revenge of the Michael's Yeah to bad there is no way to have more than two sides in a CM
  14. What is the Hebrew word (spelled out in english) for Retailiation? The context would be the word used to describe a military operation, ie operation 'retailiation'. I live in an Arab country so there are NO Hebrew dictionaries around and all the online sources are blocked! TIA
  15. I didn't go with the brothel because I couldn't come up with good representation of incensed fighting ladies of ill repute to be part of your "gang". Plus the guy I would have assigned the pimp position to was already "employed" elsewhere in the scenario. Thinking back on it I should have had you commanding some mad monks - maybe bringing down lightning bolts? (single 240mm shells) a bit over the top.
  16. It is also the worst of all possible worlds. They always neglect to tell you about that part. Michael </font>
  17. Sand digger the scenario is called CM Gunfight 1881, and is an alternative scenario designed to involved the most active and talkative people in the CM community - except for Saint Joachim of course. Joachim well it was either name the Mission or the Brothel after you but I decided to forego the house of ill repute.
  18. Ah a company man. I had thought of having you lead a group of staff & crazies (actually it would have been a TB hospital) to attack but I trimmed the size of the forces. Your command would have been a bunch of lunatics/sickies lugging around mortars with no ammo.
  19. Since I have no idea who that is I'm confident in saying no.
  20. Hey Cessena As you said you were a PanzerBlitz player I wanted to remind you that the 12 classic PanzerBlitz scenarios have been converted into CMBB CM - at the scenario depot. No need to give up PanzerBlitz to play CM, you can combine them! Hans
  21. Sergei - well BECOME Catholic, become ordained, become who you really want to be. Parabellum - yes meant to have you as a fighter but I had a few too many German sounding names. I thought the name for the building was appropriate. I was also unable to figure if you were a company or four-horsemen supporter. MikeyD, what you don't understand about the four-horsemen, the company, minions and lackeys? Sakes alive! Where I come from that's a burning offense.
  22. We've all played bad scenarios haven't we? You've experienced the thrill of uber tanks vs. MG armed eggshells on a featureless steppe. The intellectual splendor of the contest against hordes of CAS and not having a single AAA weapon or a ground enemy anywhere within 3 kilometers. The delight of running into an impenetrable mine field and noting you don't have any engineers. The sublime reaction to finding that your force consists of conscript infantry and all-0-leaders and they must cross 400 meters of flat, coverless, MG swept terrain to attack crack fanatic infantry sitting in trenches. But I've made one worse than that - it’s our own Four-Horsemen gang and their Minions trying to take over CM from the Company (BFC) supported by its various Lackeys. Yes all of the most annoying people in the CM community are part of a scenario. If you like bad, really bad scenarios then go over to the Scenario Depot and take a look at CM Gunfight 1881. This scenario will be followed by CM Splat, 1467 - you and your trusty wooden maul versus an army of conscript bunnies out to get your celery. Hans
  23. A German defense against a armour heavy Soviet attack. This was a QB against my evil brother so I had to win. Unfortunately I some 2 37mm ATGs and one weak self-propelled and a green infantry company. I had the SP show itself and yep all the Soviet tanks swung towards it exposing their rears and sides to the reverse sloped positioned ATGs on the other side of the map, one turn later and there was no functional enemy armour!
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