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Everything posted by LGMB

  1. Spore is delayed to 2009, are you ****ing kidding me?
  2. It'll be available on Mac OSX. Seriously though, any word on system reqs? I've got an Intel Mac now, so I'm prepared for anything.
  3. I'm getting into that boat. CMSF is starting to look very sexy.
  4. The hell? Technicals- indigenous light attack vehicles built off civilian truck chassis'.
  5. Can someone answer this for me? When did the US start describing Technicals as such? Like, what year?
  6. Totally acknowledged. Indeed, I thought, by ATGs we were talking about smaller caliber weapons- as I noted above- basically flak guns. I imagine AA will be in the game, so, I've got no problem with dropping heavier caliber ATGs.
  7. Again, I'm talking about experimenting with the game system, right- so, I'd like to see how the AA would develop in, say, an urban environment against a Stryker attack, or something. Not that you'd want to do this is actual combat, but it'd be interesting to see at any rate. As for their effectiveness against armor- I honestly don't know the stats, but, I mean, a 1.5 kg shell moving 1k a second has got to a stunning thing to encounter, even in an uparmoured Humvee, or a Stryker. You don't think they'd be effective, at all? Again, excuse my ignorance of reactive armor and all those latest do-dads... Well, solves that problem
  8. I meant far lighter calibers then 105s. More like 37s or 20s for hitting Humvees and such.
  9. Hmm... there's something grating about this. Dug in tanks would be far more vulnerable then mobile light anti-tank pieces, especially against an American opponent who can waste your desert-heated immobile tank from the air via infra-red. Of course, this isn't a defense for not including ATGs given that pretty much any land-based target (down to machine-gun nests and such, naturally) is vulnerable to precision air-strike in this day and age. I think Steve's point, over all, is that CMSF will mostly feature localized flash-point maps, where urban combat and close action will negate American technological superiority to a degree. Thus, it would be highly unlikely to see ranged ATG duels with American tanks, since the game itself is geared away from that very principle (correct me if I'm wrong, of course). The only times we'd see ATGs used in that role, anyway, would be specific settings where the Syrians are ambushing, from disguised positions, and the Americans can't simply withdraw and call in the artillery- which I imagine is what they do if encountering such resistance. Given that, I can understand dropping ATGs. However, I *would* have liked to see them in game, for the purpose of using the simulation to experiment with ATGs vs RPGs and such in urban combat. Ala Beruit and the apartment building mounted howitzer and such. Anyway, what kinds of artillery pieces will be in, for the Syrians? Flak Guns? Because, if so, we could certainly use those to sub for ATGs.
  10. Man, it would be awesome to actually see- and handle- a T-90 in game. Those screenshots look fantastic, of course. :eek:
  11. When there's 3 to 6 polygons on screen. Above that... well.... I hope your not epileptic.
  12. There were no horses in WWII. Didn't happen. None. Zip. Everything was uber moterized by retooled German engineers at Volkswagen.
  13. Il2 runs pretty dang well on my girlfriend's laptop- but ToW looks intensive. I keep feeling like I'm a) way behind the graphics tech curve and isolated in a little Macintosh niche were the best games are totaly unaviable. I do pretty much all my gaming on said laptop, to the gross infuration of said girlfriend.
  14. Damn. No kitchen sinks either I bet... *sigh*
  15. Amen! And who better to handle then Battlefront! I remeber when we were all drooling over the screenies some years back, and going "Man, if only CM looked like that". Well... now that Battlefront is publishing it, what can I say?
  16. Glad to see this game is finally going to make it to market! Congrats BTS!
  17. So you guys are aware of the fact that there are these things called computers- and on these so called, "computers" you can model and "render" graphics, right? Been locked in a closet for the past 15 years have we?
  18. The OICW doesn't have iron sights, as far as I can tell. Anyway, these guys had it out over the thing pretty exhuastively. http://www.militaryphotos.net/forums/archive/index.php/t-4109.html
  19. "since WWII in infantry weapons." Yah- in rocket luanchers. Not in personal assualt rifles. The OICW and AICW don't have iron-sights, as far as I've heard.
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