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The Commissar

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Everything posted by The Commissar

  1. ...bake cookies!" said the leprachaun. "Wot iz zis not rezpondeeng goeeng on, eh?" Little did he know (pun intended)...
  2. Manx, what if you set up a seperate "banner section"? Then, people who download from your site or otherwise vist regularly could click on a bunch of banners a few times in a row and make you money. Im not much of a web enterpeneur, so Im not sure how much those banners will get you. However, with the large commmunity, if everyone who visits (most people) click on, say, 10 banners, and you get 10c per click, that's $1 per person. How many of us are mod sluts? Everyone. Thats a lot of money. Then again, I may just be misinformed. You could give it a try. ------------------ "...Every position, every meter of Soviet soil must be defended to the last drop of blood..." - Segment from Order 227 "Not a step back"
  3. ...which was none other then a bastard who wrote "Soldier" in front of every messege. Matt: You suck. Lord-guy: Leave me alone, mister! The light reflectring off your skull is blinding me! Matt: You cannot survive make your time. Lord-guy: What you say!!! No really, I'm short of hearing!!! Matt: NO ONE USES AS MUCH EXCLAMATION POINTS AS I DO!!! FOR THIS YOU WILL... [This message has been edited by The Commissar (edited 02-27-2001).]
  4. I'll admitt I couldnt force myself to read half of the bickering going on in this thread, but from what I've seen no one mentioned some hard core evidence. Since the next game is CM2, ramming was a helluva lot more common. Soviet tankers, devoid of good guns, sighting, and training got medals for ramming s@it to hell! One knocked out an entire Motorized company with a T-34! Here's a webpage. http://rkka.h1.ru/ramming.htm Oh, and here's the exact smae thread from a while ago which BTS never answered. http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/Forum1/HTML/010167-2.html Cheers! ------------------ "...Every position, every meter of Soviet soil must be defended to the last drop of blood..." - Segment from Order 227 "Not a step back"
  5. ...the local Antarctican bar. There, he broke up a ruckus between two pinguins fighting over a fish. "Those penguins" scoffed Matt, wiping his hands free of penguin blood and small intestines, "they never..."
  6. PC: 15 MAC: 15 AMD Thunderbird, 1Ghz, 264 RAM, 64MG TNT2 ------------------ "...Every position, every meter of Soviet soil must be defended to the last drop of blood..." - Segment from Order 227 "Not a step back"
  7. CM does not sell in stores. That way, BTS gets all the profits from its sales instead of having the store, publishers, etc get some. Plus CM will never be overshadowed this way by other games. Trust me, buy the game, its well worth it.
  8. ...do-rags as parachutes. This automatically led to the debate of the historical use and deployment of do-rags in WW2. One group preached that no such thing existed in the 40's, while another quoted credible authors such as "Mr. T" on the deployment of do-rags by Afro-stylin Ruskies on the Ostfront. Group one then broke into hysterics over the proper way to say the word "fool". BTS had to step in and rectify the situation by "slappin they bitch ass up" until Gummy Mommy...
  9. Wasn't this movie made in Europe? Id expect higher standards then bloody Hollywood from them! How exactly was the movie "sweetened"? Does "Ahhnold" steps in with a vulcan and terminates the German menace?
  10. Getting the sand out of their trousers from the time they got dead drunk on expensive liquor on a $200 per hour Barbados privet beach. Which was comfortably close to their $3 mil condos, garage full of Feraries, and various mistresses to please their every desire. How do I know this you ask? Im a BTS paparazi. ------------------ "...Every position, every meter of Soviet soil must be defended to the last drop of blood..." - Segment from Order 227 "Not a step back" [This message has been edited by The Commissar (edited 02-26-2001).]
  11. ...proceed to give them over to Kitty who, screeching "Come heeere me preeetiiissss!", tears them from the hands of the dilivery man - who is by then wetting his pants in fear of this hamsterholic - and gleefully...
  12. I still cant get over hearing Soviets with British accents, LOL! "I say, comrad, it's 2 o' clock now, wot? To bloody hell with tea time - we got vodka time now!"
  13. There really is no such skin. If youre asking for personal opinion...well, Ive never really liked how the original Panther models looked. By no means is it "total s@it", but I did not really like it. Cheers!
  14. ...folks who couldn't handle real hard liquer. The same folks who pranced in daisy fields, hummed sing-songs, wore tie-died T-shirts, and...
  15. ...goat-humping hamstertruppen armed with kitchen sinks and Barney dolls. "God, the horror", said Mr Potato Head, "this bloke ain't making any sence since he's downed 4 shots of Smirnoff!" However, some people, the stranger kind, would instead drink shots of warm yellowish liquid sane people refer to as....
  16. Gosh, securityguy, I really really REALLY wish my computer would be working properly so I could prove how wrong you are! Then again, Im sure many others could do the same, perhaps even better then I! Listen, Ive beaten Germans many a time, and Ive won with Germans many a time as well. They are not superior. They have disadvantages and the Allies advantages. I know because Ive seen it. Maybe you need to fight some easier opponents? If the ones you are currently facing are making you think such silly things, try picking on someone new or on your own level. ------------------ "...Every position, every meter of Soviet soil must be defended to the last drop of blood..." - Segment from Order 227 "Not a step back"
  17. Security guard, I know where you're coming from. When I was new, and got a good kicking from a player who knew how to handle the Germans, I at first though "Oh crimeys, damn those SMG wielding, KT riding bastards!" Well, I played longer and I found out this isnt really the case. You can win with just about anyone in an infantry fight. One thing I will say is in most of my fights I could never win with Brits, due to their embarrasingly low firepower status. Fortunately, their extraordinary Wasp vehicle more then makes up for it, along with the Firefly and Daimlers (a personal favorite of mine). Try and NOT relly on Inf. VS Inf. fights when you can. Get arty, vehicles, and armor involved. Give those bastards everything you got but do it carefully. Your rather comical line stands true - all you need is more practice and perhaps less gamey opponents. Or, better yet, play the same gamey bastard that bought all SMG's and agree on something like Fionn's 75 rule so the Uber-tanks dont get involved. Then, pick the terrain for wide, open and flat. When he buys his SMG's, he'll be lucky to have em hit you from longer ranges! Either way you chose to take it, wild outbursts - although serving their purpose in releasing anger - dont get you very popular with the others. Cheers! ------------------ "...Every position, every meter of Soviet soil must be defended to the last drop of blood..." - Segment from Order 227 "Not a step back"
  18. I guess Im missing a joke, since Im feeling pretty dim myself today (its all rainy and sleepy in NYC), but what has Poland got to do with it? Yeah it was divided, with half to the Soviets. Poland was a part of Russia through out a good part of its history, and with every new invader has tried to break free only to be taken again. Now I think it will remain free for a good long while. Anyway...Cheers! ------------------ "...Every position, every meter of Soviet soil must be defended to the last drop of blood..." - Segment from Order 227 "Not a step back"
  19. ..."Spider Monkey Stew", the foulest smelling thing this side of Nigeria and on most days, my backside. I could just see opening my mouth, and taking the full lenght of that big, luscious, juicy...
  20. I LOVE YOU Gunny Bunny! Could anyone else have taken a silly concept out of the blue and had the guts to share it with us? This guy's the best... Oh, and BTW... NAY! ------------------ "...Every position, every meter of Soviet soil must be defended to the last drop of blood..." - Segment from Order 227 "Not a step back"
  21. God All Mighty. So this - THIS is what public education does to youth these days, eh? Unlike Shatter here, I wont degenerate into American bashing because 1) I live there 2) I feel myself better then some people who like to bash other countries without knowing jack s@it one way or the other. Shatter, I think you need to understand one little aspect of why the US could not get overrun by just about anyone. That big blue thing. Yes, the Ocean. See, unlike any European country, the US is nice and protected from another Europeamn country (Germany is a European country, BTW). Now, since invasion is made easy by this solid rocky mass covered with vegetation we call the earth or, simply, the ground, a country in depression suffering a totaliterian government and massive purges cant always have the time to train their troops. Yes, I know it comes to you as a surprise that troops need to be trained in the ways of fighting. You can't just hand a farmer a rifle and tell him to kill stuff. US - Plenty time to train USSR - No time to train. See the difference? The USSR contributed to the war by not selling or giving stuff to other countries, but by taking brunt of the German attack. By destroying over 250 divisions. By being responcible for over 85% of all German casualties. I wont get into US or UK bashing - Ive been to both places, currently reside in one of them, and happened to enjoy both. However, I really do NOT enjoy uneducated kids yelling this or that about someone other then them and how "sucky" they are. Kindly do shut up. Or read a book first. Or both. ------------------ "...Every position, every meter of Soviet soil must be defended to the last drop of blood..." - Segment from Order 227 "Not a step back"
  22. ROFL! Im sorry Shatter, I tried not to laugh in your face, I really did. However, your refusal to read what someone posts have made you look like quite the fool. Let's go over my post one more time: I said: "Bla bla bla, joke, bla bla bla... (3 SMILIES INCLUDED TO EMPHASISE THE JOKING MESSEGE OF THIS POST)" Now, if something was unclear to you right there, smarty pants: I WAS JOKING!!! *ahem* I dont know how you could have missed it or even have made the assumption that I seriously was comparing the USSR to someone else - seeing as how they broke up some 10 years back. I guess in your faithful patriotism, your mind wasnt working properly, now was it. I think we need more smilies to help you out. Here ya go, buddy: ------------------ "...Every position, every meter of Soviet soil must be defended to the last drop of blood..." - Segment from Order 227 "Not a step back"
  23. Come on fellers, dont turn this into another US vs UK thing! Let's just agree that the USSR kick both your arses (3 smilies used to emphasise the joking aspect of my messege) BTW: David, love the pic. Had me chuckling for a good minute! Cheers! ------------------ "...Every position, every meter of Soviet soil must be defended to the last drop of blood..." - Segment from Order 227 "Not a step back"
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