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The Commissar

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Everything posted by The Commissar

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by The Commissar: My all time favorite is still: Burns: "Smithers, do you think my power plant could have killed those ducks?" Smithers: "There's no 'could' about it, sir." Burns: *sniff* "Excellent..." Kwazy Dog, Cool! Thanks for listening. I just want CM2 to be as close to reality as current processor power allows, and I think this is a major step, since most people I know play with the "village" setting in QB's.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Michael Dorosh: He did have some classics, from "Release the hounds" to "Excellent." My fav still has to be "Smithers! Massage my brain!"<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> My all time favorite is still: Burns: *sniff* "Smithers, do you think my power plant could have killed those ducks?" Smithers: "There's no 'could' about it, sir." Burns: *sniff* "Excellent..." Kwazy Dog, Cool! Thanks for listening. I just want CM2 to be as close to reality as current processor power allows, and I think this is a major step, since most people I know play with the "village" setting in QB's.
  3. Kwazy, Tell me if this sort of graphical suggestion concerning buildings could be considered. I love the texture work and all, but the way buildings just stick out in CM1 (and judging by these screenshots, CM2 as well) on the open grass is just unrealistic. In reality, buildings in rural areas always have the grass work away near the door and sometimes around the house itself. This is obviously because people walk in and out of their houses for various reasons. In the back or sides of houses, you could have an appearance of more vegetation or maybe even some debirs. A great polygonal addition would be a basic box near the side or rear of the house, textured with the image of piled wood. This was common practice in rural Russia, as winters are very very cold and chopping wood under 4 feet of snow is NOT something you want to be doing, let me tell you :eek: I see this achieved by adding a little space all around the edges which touch the ground, and texture that space accordingly, instead of the basic box model you use for a house currently. You can then add all sorts of stuff to it. Like I mentioned, patted down or worn away grass, wood piles, various house-hold objects thrown away or misplaced, etc. Not a game saving uber-effect, but one which would greatly increase the realism in villages and small buildings.
  4. Terence, I'll hold you to that since I cant precicely remember how far apart the trees were. I dont think a wide tank could pass through them, although Berezas are slender trees and could be toppled over quite easily. I suppose they could represent Light Trees in the game quite well. If BTS doesnt include the texture originally, Ill take up modding and do my own
  5. Damn shame, too. I'd love to see what a massed T-34 attack would do to one of those tin-foil box on tracks the Japs had throughout the war. Im not even sure if they had tanks involved in the fighting against the USSR at that time.
  6. BTS, On a related note, would infantry be able to penetrate this fuel tanks? You said they were not VERY explosive (the key word being very, I presume) but if they were able to cause at least some damage, this would be a very important issue. Im not sure if fuel tanks were made bulletproof (I doubt they were). If they arent, close infantry assaults late in the war could be very deadly indeed. Info?
  7. Gustav, Unless you're on a laptop (in which case I pity you), you can get a video card relatively cheap (I know it's been said over and over again). Go to pricewatch.com and look up 8mb cards. Just checked, I see a SDRAM 8mb card for $25 If you cant afford that much, you have no place playing computer games. Go buy some food instead of starving yourself for this drug we know as Combat Mission
  8. How come no one mentioned this before?! These are CM2 screenshots and info here, people! BTW - Beautiful work. The terrain screens they have look very well done. The trees seem more detailed, and the buildings look Hi Res, although I doubt they actually are. One little niggle - for the tree sprites, include the "Bereza" tree. The slender white tree with black spots? No real reason why, other then for its beauty, really. I remember whole forests of them where I lived on the outskirts of Moscow.
  9. Great. Now I cant find any of the posts by interesting people from days gone by. Damn you, Infopoop!
  10. Anything Soviet would do. The choirs are really amazing to hear, even though they all preach the wonders of communism. Im wondering about the Title Screen picture as well. I wonder what it will look like? Suggestions?
  11. Which PCG is this? What are "Gobbets"? And how did you get it so damn early?!
  12. In my experience, the difference between these super-heavies are well justified. During the course of one game, my opponent had a JagdTiger on a cliff. I attacked it frontally with Super Pershings and half a dozen Hellcats, flanked it with 3 more Hellcats, bounced off shells of every caliber and at every range, to no effect. Shells were bouncing left and right off this monster, tungsten or not, from the left, right, and rear of its armor. Then again, later in the game, I offed a KT with a flank shot by an M-18 from 150m off. Maybe its just luck.
  13. Youll get a lot more antsyer before you see any of those. Wait a few months or so. There's bound to be stuff up by then.
  14. **double post** [ 04-19-2001: Message edited by: The Commissar ]
  15. I especially enjoyed the time I spotted a German company in an open field (hiding amongst the individualy rendered blades of grass and stones), so I naturally sent it my horse cavalry to sabre them to death. Man, I love the multiple death animations. My favorite is the one when the cossack pulls the sabre, lops of the German's head, and big blood-covered letters reading "FATALITY" pop up on the screen! [ 04-19-2001: Message edited by: The Commissar ]
  16. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by russellmz: ...the one that didn't have the recruiter say(when u refuse) "i'm...well, i'm hurt...deep down...where i'm soft...like a woman..." and that service was...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> ...the elite formation entitled "Uber-Stompin-Girlscout-truppen". "What a revoltin' development" said Gustav to himself, since no one usually listens to him anyway. "Where in heck am I going to find the money to buy the regimental uniform? Those Pink berrets cost an arm and a leg!" Then it dawned upon him: "I know!" said Gustav, "I'll ask..."
  17. Jeff, Once again, you manage to miss the point. The whole idea is that these unarmed conscripts would not be the only force on the map. Far from it. Nor would their use be "stupid", simply a last resort when required. Say youre playing a 1000 point QB. The German player buys some infantry of Regular experience or higher, some machine guns, etc. The Soviet player, when selecting infantry, decides to get in addition to his actual fighting force a battalion of these conscripts. Now, naturally, these conscripts would alone outnumber the German player's entire infantry formation. When used in mass, to capture an important position, IN COMBINATION WITH REGULAR INFANTRY (I stress this point since you dont seem to understand that I meant there will indeed be other forces involved), they could make an otherwise wasteful, dangerous, and suicidal charge into a game-winning move. If they were the only troops on the map, I would understand how anyone would be bored (trying to rally the buggers after they hear the first shot). However, this is not the case here. I hope I made myself more clearer this time around. Tiger, Agreed. Just trying to keep it friendly here.
  18. *sigh* This thing seems to have wandered off a bit from the intended topic. First, more clarifications: Skipper, It was not my intent to "dehumanize" the Soviet people by posting this mesage. Being a former Soviet, born and raised in Moscow (and proud of it too), trying to make my people look like "mad mobs" would be rather silly on my part. I obtained information, read in books and heard mentioned in several cases on this board, and thought it would be a good idea FOR VERY EARLY IN THE WAR. I should have mentioned that before, I think some people got the wrong impression. Jeff, If you dislike playing any scenario which has opposing forces with unequal experience, you would be a very boring person to play against. In variety there is fun. Besides, it takes a lot of skill beating more experienced troops with troops of lower experience. Of course, to each his own. Tiger, While I have no objections to your comments (nor to anyone elses for that matter), I would have to kindly ask that you try not to drag this thread in the direction of a locking via heated arguments with Skipper. Argue, please, just try to take it easy. Im sorry I havent been able to supply the sources I have promised in this messege. Ive been busier then a mule all day. Ill be checking up on this thread as much as I can. Thanks for all the discussion guys. Keep it up.
  19. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrSpkr: a picture of Kitty sitting astride her . . .<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> ...sheep? What the heck is she doing with that back and forth motion - oh, wait, that ain't Kitty at all! Its Mace wearing a wig and Latex! Hey Mace, that suit is so tight I can see your...
  20. In regards to my sources: Most of these are from various personal accounts, spread out through different books and even several websites. I realise that some of these might be biased (Germans wishing to justify their crushing defeat). I will try to look for exact websites when I get the chance to (writing from school lunch break). Skipper, You claim "myth" to much of these occurances, but you dont sound sure yourself. As far as I know, and I will admit that it is less the I would have liked to know, in the early days of the Ostfront, the USSR did not have the means to properly train and equipt troops. Once again, I will try to get some info once I return from school and work. I also cannot read German, so I've no idea what the poster you posted says, although Im guessing its some sort of propaganda? Jeff, You totally miss the point. If implemented, these conscripts would cost so little that a very large amount could be bought for blocking purposes. Say you have a German platoon in good terrain, overlooking the map, and I feel I need to take it out no matter what (keep in mind, this is just for examplary purposes). In front of this position is a lot of open space, and lets imagine I have no other assets besides infantry. Maybe I wasted them, maybe they just were not available. Now say that I have a batallion of these unarmed conscripts, with the whole thing costing me some 200 points ( :eek: ). Along with this, I have other infantry, armed, relatively well trained, etc. The terrain around this position of yours is supposedly poor, so fighting it out would result in me losing. So I rush out this coscript batallion, with the armed ones in behind. The AI franticly shoots the uncoming masses, who may or may not survive this attack. Meanwhile, my real fighting men get in up close and personal and maybe manage to overpower you. Thats the whole point. Just clarifications on my part, keep up the discussion guys.
  21. I have an idea that would better simulate the dire situation during the early days of Barbarosa. That is, the well documented and immensely wasteful wave attacks made by conscript mobs of UNARMED men, used primarily as bullet fodder for the actual armed troops who would be advancing behind them. These would be large in size, be available only with conscript experience level (you wont get to be a vet if you participate in these wave attacks), and be unarmed. Of course, when/if these hordes get into close combat, they would be able to inflict damage. The cost would have to be very low per platoon,(or maybe they should be sold as companies only to represent the "mob" mentality?) lower then regular conscripts by a good ammount. Not only would this be historicaly correct, it would also encourage the early Soviet player to use "realistic" tactics. Of course, unless sweeping machine gun fire is fixed in CM2 (not that I doubt it will) these cannot go in - these unarmed mobs would simply overpower the enemy by pure mass. What do you say? Do you think these could go in? Should they go in? I realise this is a game, but I doubt that many players will even send virtual men into certain death just to get a few armed squads up close. Suggestion appreciated. [ 04-17-2001: Message edited by: The Commissar ]
  22. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by 109 Gustav: Drive the Kreigsmarine Voles out of the garden, where they were...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> ...poised with 5000 mole ships behind the largest pumpkin they could find, awaiting the right moment when they could commence in a Blitzkrieg upon the unsuspecting dung beatles of the maneuver pile. Speaking of maneuvre...
  23. ...has a 3 o'clock shadow. Or is that 9 o'clock? What is it with these o'clocks anyway, he pondered? Suddenly, it dawned upon him that the answer was hidden amongst...
  24. ...said "Oh ****e, so that Commi freak is posting here again". This produced groans of annoyance from everyone, with the exception of Mace's sheep, which trotted up and with a look of pure pleasure... [ 04-15-2001: Message edited by: The Commissar ]
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