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Everything posted by Snarker

  1. Puuuullleeez!!! This is the same UN that most recently was going to have Libya head the Human Rights Committee, Iraq the Disarmament Committee and Master Goodale the Turnaday Committee??? I'm guessing Canada's bribe contribution dropped to 9th place from 3rd this year... BTW, who was first on the list? No, wait, don't tell me... let me guess... Shangri-La. Before I forget - all of you who got turns and returned them are the best. The rest of you I've signed up for lifetime memberships in NAMBLA. Gave your age as 12... who loves ya, baby??? :mad: :mad: :mad: [ July 11, 2003, 12:27 AM: Message edited by: Snarker ]
  2. Concrete. Very hollow concrete. That's why it floats, but you can't turn it on land. No, it's rubber-coated very hollow concrete. Germans always went the extra mile in QC for their equipment.
  3. Hey, I beat my old score by 3% - you beat me like a drum. Next time I plan on being totally annihilated.
  4. Maggot Goodale !!!! Resend your last turn or should I say, PLAY THE TURN FIRST!!!! I've been incomputercado for a week but I still doubt you actually sent anything. The rest of you chewed up pieces of gristle went soft? What's with all the fluffy posts? Soothing background music?? :mad: :mad: :mad:
  5. Silly Wino. Beef Steak Charlie's didn't give you all the beer, wine and sangria you could drink for no reason... Computer is about back to normal so you maggots can expect multiple turns sometime before MGA gets you even one.
  6. Maggots!!!! Maggots!!!! No, not you fellas this time - my cat left a vole, mole or sumfink on my front step and it's carcass is wiggling around... MAGGOTS!!!!! This one is at you lot... Rune said his scenario would toast my system. The bastiche. My POS hard drive bellied-up this weekend, so no turns for a while. Like until the tech Dell has to send can install a new one. Good thing I earned my CNE etc. so I CAN FECKIN' PULL AT IT waiting for this twit to decide he wants to venture here, instead of getting it overnight and doing it myself. Happy 4th, or should I say 'fifth', in honor of the cheap bottles soon to be emptied?
  7. GRRRRRRR !!!! The title of this thread almost kept me from finding it... :mad: :mad: :mad: But, like a moth to the flame...
  8. Think back, lads. Think back many Mutha Beautiful threads ago... The Aussies commandeered a ship... a leaky one no doubt, as foresight is hindsight to a resident of Oddstralia. 'Poolers bombarded the fleeing vegamite munchers with beer, as I recall. We thought the escape was foiled, but this obviously is not the case. They just collected the brew and went on their merry way... My money's on Mace and AJ.
  9. heheh... HEHEHEHE... Stop it! I'm going to wet myself... The only way you'll get two more flags is if I decide to use your vacant eye sockets as stands.
  10. :mad: :mad: There's only one form of poetry that fits this thread: THE LIMERICK (sort of) ***Ahem*** There once was a man from New Hampshire Who in a fugue set his house afire. While swatting smoking pants He screamed a loon's rant "MAGGOTS!!! Who mailed me moldy ants???" Thank you
  11. If that's what M_T_W is calling it, it's a baaaaaad thing. He laid one on me not so long ago. :mad: :mad: [ June 24, 2003, 07:33 PM: Message edited by: Snarker ]
  12. I dub Keke "The Fiendish Finn". Churning my bulls eye covered soilders into frothing mist, he is. The rest of you magoos have turns back, so die-a-lot and then send them back. :mad: If this turns out to be a double post, you maggots deserve it. Silly internet.
  13. There ya go Snarker, an opportunity presents itself. I would make Axe2121 spring for the funny hat and porters outfit though. </font>
  14. I'm here, maggots!!!! :mad: :mad: Family reunion and sending resumes to those who ignore such things that they request ate up the weekend.
  15. Put down the bong and go back a couple of pages. I had this same thougt, oh, 2 pages ago? JazzFlunky ignored but has recently been all "pissy"....which lends more evidence for the same sex marriage idea. </font>
  16. Huh. 1) Axe7734 recently announces he's getting married 2) Fiance is ostensibly 'Paula' 3) Saw a news report that Canada is now recognizing gay marriages Trying to draw any conclusion from the above makes you someone likely to believe Master Goodale actually sent you a turn. Maggots. :mad: :mad: :mad:
  17. There's a batch of something in my inbox... hmmm... doesn't seem to be TNT... smells like... like... like your guys need a diaper change! [ June 19, 2003, 10:26 PM: Message edited by: Snarker ]
  18. Somebody get the bat. I got another frog in the bucket... </font>
  19. All right maggot!!!! :mad: Damn this is difficult. Ahem,<font size=-10>you're my daddy.</font> :mad: Wamped me up and down, north and south.
  20. Beatin' the ever-luvin' maggot juice out of you. And why is your wife named "Skunk Nads"? Bit odd, but you Yank Me's are a sandwich shy of a picnic anyway.
  21. Hmmm... I've noticed the same thing. Even Snarker is getting a bit snippy (for no reason). Now that I think about it, it seems like these three guys get all grumpy about every 28 days or so...... Wonder what that's all about. </font>
  22. Oh, I don't know Surplus. Why don't you just wing it? All pile on the Swedes day!!!! [ June 17, 2003, 10:48 AM: Message edited by: Snarker ]
  23. Getting better all the time. The goodly Mrs. Boggs has resumed command of la casa and is whipping things back into shape from her position on the couch. I've been reading Snarker's posts and have picked up on a number of his crying, whiney, girly little excuses. I wonder if they'll work on the Mrs? Gee, dear, it's considered bad etiquette to just stop sending turns for this long. Hmmm...I don't think it will work for me either! </font>
  24. :mad: :mad: Grrrrr :mad: **Sigh** The objects are always the last to know. Can't you see it? He wants you, Axe Eeeewwwww. Maggots. Strange, odd little maggots, at that.
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