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Everything posted by Snarker

  1. Grrr... Don't you know what abd is? Behave yourself, for I am about to be your daddy. Note to self: you best win or Soddy will never let you forget you said that. [ August 28, 2003, 02:27 PM: Message edited by: Snarker ]
  2. You're not in New England any more, Dr. Goodlittle. [ August 28, 2003, 02:24 PM: Message edited by: Snarker ]
  3. Because the rest of the world isn't privvy to British Secret Time. Now, just make up a number, that'll keep him confused for 10 hours.
  4. Master Blaster!!!! My retired "forward everything anyone emails me to my entire address book" Aunt living in BeFlorIdie sent me this - useless for me (as is everything else she sends, bless her big, spamming, tie-up-the-internet with junk heart :mad: ), but for you... The list of uses continues, but sorry maggot - no mention of mold. It mentions something about skunks so you may want to keep it away from the wife. :mad: :mad:
  5. Huh. Would you look at that? The tank commander tied infantry to his turret to defeat bullets and hollow charge projectiles.
  6. It is with great pain that I must report the following: All of you who are playing me owe turns. Here's the part that hurts - except Master Goodale. Soodball is slow because he fears a sig - but MGA should fear that sig more. He he. Axe and Drunken with Strangers should be sending turns at a furious pace, as the latter owns my sorry arse and the former commands Uber Finns. Any of you target shoot? They make little plastic targets that 'self-heal' - the bullet passes through and the hole just closes. I think the Finns are made of that plastic. :mad: :mad:
  7. Yes, I had to go back to your previous send and replay it. As for the cheating part (yes, I know your kidding)- How do you spell "Oi Vey"??? Never mind. What Axe said. If it makes you feel any better, I'll give you my password. Do you know why? The Spring Valley High football team was tapped into our headsets while we played them in '79. They still lost. And they were better at strategy and tactics than you. Grrrrrr :mad: :mad: :mad:
  8. My file is in text format. If you use PBEM helper's PBM format, your turn gets zipped and a small file is also sent that helper uses to track sending/playing info. Not the case here - it's happened to me with or without helper in the past.
  9. Skunk Nads is that good a cook, eh? Send me your password for the game we're playing, Dinner Chucker. The Mad One needs it to check on the save error. [ August 26, 2003, 02:08 PM: Message edited by: Snarker ]
  10. Both of us purchased the program directly from BFC. The error pops up on the turn I have in my PBEM folder pre send, and if I try to open it I don't even get to the screen asking for his password, I get the error message instead. I've asked for his password and will send the file when I get it. I'll also send the turn I got immediately preceding the problem save. [ August 26, 2003, 02:13 PM: Message edited by: Snarker ]
  11. BFC, Every once in a great while I was receving PBEM files from opponents that would say "File is meant for a different edition of Combat Mission". We were using 1.03, but it was close to the patch release so it was chalked up to user error. Now a file I've sent to an opponent won't open and he is getting the same message. Game played under 1.03, saved under 1.03. I still have the file, and any and all previous files to it if you want them. [ August 25, 2003, 09:32 PM: Message edited by: Snarker ]
  12. I've contacted my local Santa Ria branch and I have it on the word of the head priest his magic will raise my men from the dead. So you can shoot them up all over again.
  13. At 5 days per turn, 40 turns in the game, it will be over 200 days before I have to worry about that. And even that is an optimistic estimate, since some of those turns require you to respond twice before the next turn begins. </font>
  14. The little PBEM helper says, "Hey Axe, Snarker is waiting". Come to think of it, it says that for (surprise) Goodale, Snotball, and The Bismarck's Little Buddy. So if any of you think the helper is yanking me, let me know and I'll resend.
  15. Grrr. :mad: Let me introduce you to the Marder's commander. :mad: :mad:
  16. There are no rules in this thread. You must have your "Peng" and "Goodale" confused. Let me clarify them for you - one is something you read and it makes no sense, and the other is something you read and it makes nonsense.
  17. BTW, if you can see em, you can shoot em. Get yerself a pellet gun and take em out. </font>
  18. Mold, ants and mice. I think you need to change careers. Working for Orkin or Terminix jumps to mind.
  19. Boo!!!! How did you manage to crash the entire electrical grid??? Don't deny it. It's obvious it was you. Problems started in Ohio. You live in Ohio. See how clear that is? Now, don't start with the, "there's milions of people in Ohio" defense, it won't work here; there is no defense in this thread, just TNT chucking offense. So how did you do it? Drop your Epilady in the 'pool???
  20. Harumph! PEu, my turn is bouncing back fro the "suomo wrestler" address. No email owning maggot. :mad: :mad:
  21. Tch. Based on the condition of his house, one would think it's "...for mold" or "...for ants".
  22. Good evening, Maggots. Miss me? I thought not, you lot do have some common sense. So did you pee on poor Seanachai? After all, he's not edible and lord knows if MGA and Seanachai played a game we're more likely to see the Second Coming than an AAR. In other news, Poor Ole Spike's spamming me, what a class act. Anywhoo, it matters not anymore, because he's "Junk Filed" and his missives are read only by my mail program as it passes them to oblivion... Turns out to all of you soon. :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: [ August 18, 2003, 10:19 PM: Message edited by: Snarker ]
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