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Everything posted by Snarker

  1. No preferences other than not wanting a void, table top map. You're right. Too subtle. Here's the sledgehammer: Maggggoooootts!!!! GooAle described " a bomb in a bull". Get it? And new house or not (I had one built recently) you will be unmercifully busy doing "just one or two little things" - for feckin' months of weekends and days off, and the hours you should be sleeping!!!! :mad: :mad:
  2. Right. I read all the posts since my last, and none of you picked up on the word play (maggots). A perfect setup by the head maggot, and a smashing return sailed into the void, unacknowledged. Right again. Axe send a setup, as you most of all should have immediately spotted this one, wordsmithy. Actually, I'd like to get a game or two in with you before "the house" starts taking all your time. Oh, you think it won't, eh? :mad: :mad: :mad:
  3. I concur; basically we can describe your turn rate as "abominable".
  4. I'll change the title back to 'Cheery' if it will let you feel safe enough to take off your tin foil hat. Conspiracy maggot!
  5. Toe cheese. The lot of you. :mad: Any of you flatulent carbuncles know if DX 9 does bad things to CM or other war games (like HPS titles)? Damn thing didn't even work properly with a MS game designed with DX 9 as a requirement until we downloaded a patch for the game and a patch for DX to allow LAN play. Feckin' World-Owning Eevilâ„¢ MS hoors. :mad:
  6. New thread here. Seems this last thread title was acting like maggot repellent. :mad:
  7. Right. The last thread's title is laid to rest, and not a moment too soon. Long may it molder in obscurity. :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
  8. I had a high school friend whose father was a funeral director. The maggot brought me into the basement while a body was being embalmed and the feckin' thing moved (from the fluid exchange I think) and scared the crap out of me. All that was left of me in that basement was the faint odor of my after shave. Did I say he was a maggot?
  9. Axe - Looking at your sig line. Now I know why Picton called 'em "rascals" right before he took his dirt nap. The enemy had the unmitigated nerve to load their rifles, didn't they?
  10. Bah! CM will be around long after the chess fad wears off. A big, happy shout out to Prinz Nyuk Nyuk who has in three days, now doubled the turn rate of all the other maggots I'm allegedly playing. :mad:
  11. Let's see. MTW's computer is acting up again. I sympathised right up until I heard his "techs" had to reinstall the OS after replacing RAM. Wino, the statement, "Bring your computer to the Techs" does not reference those heavily armed, drugged up guys in Somalia. My snail's pace game with Softballs continues. Slowly. Very slowly. He continues to be covered with honey and staked over the ant hole. Goodant is jealous. Speaking of the "Marques of Maggots and Mold, Archduke of Ants, and Eunuch to Skunk Nads", did the Orkin man get him by mistake and stuff him in the dryer? Prinz Now Eu See Me, Now Eu Don't carries on with his Claude Raines imitation. For you toddler maggots too young to remember the era of crude special effects, that's the guy that played the Invisible Man. Since no games are flowing at the moment, any maggot that actually wants to send a turn (at least once every two days, fer crissake) feel free to send a setup. I'll take the first one in the in box and line the rest up for when / if any other games end. Be warned, I'm obviously turn-constipated and will unload my 'splodies without mercy, or sense of direction. :mad: :mad: GRARRGRGRHHHH :mad: :mad: [ July 22, 2003, 07:49 PM: Message edited by: Snarker ]
  12. Keep the Python nonsense in the Peng thread where it belongs. We like ants, mold, maggots, Dave H, TNT and waffle here. :mad: :mad: :mad: </font>
  13. Where've I been, MaggotAxe ??? Waiting for turns from other maggots. Slow motion maggots, at that. Let's see, Ive finished the walk and walls, put 3" of topsoil down on a 1/2 acre, mulched the flowerbeds and planted twelve shrubberies and assorted sedums. Still no turns, and no Knights that Say "Ni" either. :mad: :mad: :mad:
  14. Let Paula play Skunk Nads. Battle of the maggotesses, so to speak.
  15. Let me see... Munching Goof Off is renovating his basement. Adding a jacuzzi. And a fireplace. Goodale!!!!! You fleshy sack of non-thinking TNT!!!! What does a "humid, warm, and wet" environment in your basement invite???? I'll give you a subtle hint: <big> You took massive doses of antibiotics because of it </big> . And, no, it's not the clap, maggot. :mad: :mad: :mad: [ July 17, 2003, 09:55 PM: Message edited by: Snarker ]
  16. Paid Teddy to find out what really happened to MasterGoof-all after the mold / ant attacks. His man returned with this picture: Oh, the humanity!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:
  17. Heck, last year I had more medical bills than I did gross earnings. Yet I still owed money to Uncle Sam at the end of the year. Someone explain that to me, please. God, right offs are a joke. :mad: </font>
  18. Yes, Sodded Lot, I also giggle when I think of you working all those hours for the flippin' tax man. :mad: :mad: :mad:
  19. Yeah, right. It comes from the grocery store and don't try to tell me otherwise. Next you'll be telling me the Osprey isn't named after the US Marine's VTOL aircraft. Where does the insanity end? :mad: :mad: :mad:
  20. Yes, Soddball, it is a titanic struggle between good and evil. Not really, but what the hey. You (evil smarmy Russians) stropped by your own stick. :mad: :mad: :mad: BTW "Inferno" was a hoot. (I live in a 'holla' so I can say redneck things like that.) Sad to say, MTW is the only timely magautte in a sea of magauttes.
  21. Soddball, I just ID'ed and knocked off all your FO's with rubberband guns at two miles. Now leave poor Moon alone and send a turn so I can do the same for your grunts. Actually a good catch, fellas. Being as my artillery usually rains down on my own guys, I'm rooting for this issue to remain as is!!! LOL
  22. It's an assualt. Gpig is probably right.
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