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Everything posted by Snarker

  1. Let's see - Soddbottom - Relay the turn to someone with instructions to forward it to me. I know what your thinking. Not SlowAle, but nice try. :mad: :mad: MassaGooAll - done tuckered hisself out with the latest round of turns and rants. Warm TNT and off to bed to hibernate until the summer... Unlike bachelor number two, Axe sends turns. He also drops hot, angry marshmallow shells off target. Or really hates empty woods and roads, I can't decide. Bad TNT chucking form!!! Restarted the game with Prinz Oiy-gen. Good thing, too. The map was a bog the size of Canada, and me without my waders.
  2. Jasus Dave. Piss poor high school basketball teams score more points than that. I doubt this releases you from anything save the embarassment of adding another sig line.
  3. Lenakronad is busy flooding the Peng thread with penguins. Rather strange fellow, unlike MasterGoodale.
  4. Don't forget to throw the pearls before him. Should help the fall to boot. Another turn from Goodale. Something is not right...
  5. Roight. When you tire of the embrace of your favorite goat, purty please send a feckin' TNT slathered turn!!!! No excuses about bounce backs. :mad: :mad: :mad: </font>
  6. As painful as this is to admit, I'm looking forward to this story. It's the Peng version of a Hunter S. Thompson novel. Hopefully the plot includes roasting a penguin or two.
  7. Roight. When you tire of the embrace of your favorite goat, purty please send a feckin' TNT slathered turn!!!! No excuses about bounce backs. :mad: :mad: :mad:
  8. Hot, angry, mad :mad: :mad: TNT screams your way as you write this. Hope your captured kitty doesn't suffer much.
  9. Auntie Jeff fell to my evil minions recently, the third time an Oddstralian suffered ignominious defeat at the hands of a lowly Pennsyltoonian. Proves the old adage that one sloped brow hill billy is worth three down-unders. Hurry, sale ends Saturday. Lars is now on the lake and out of the woods? First it's fox pee, now fish nets... will the madness ever end? Stay tuned for the next installment of This Week in Minisoddoff... [ April 29, 2003, 05:00 PM: Message edited by: Snarker ]
  10. Poor blighters have a case of you... Even zipped??? If so, their spam filter thinks you're a pornographer or a photographer or sumfink. Nitwits. Let me know so I can call them for the eleventy seventh time to straighten this out. Actually, it shouldn't bounce back if that's the case... I should see it in a quarantined file. Double nitwits. [ April 29, 2003, 04:38 PM: Message edited by: Snarker ]
  11. Attention maggots!!!! Do not put your winter coats away yet. Just in time for summer - HELL FREEZES OVER!!!!! :mad: :mad: Goodale sent another turn - three in one week, give or take one week.
  12. Axe? Axe? Axe? <big>Axe?</big> GRRRRRRARRGGHRHHHH!!!!! PBEM helper says I'M WAITING FOR <BIG>YOU</BIG> MAGGOT!!!!!! :mad: :mad: P.S. AI is winning, isn't it?
  13. If he doesn't have a radio, I believe he cannot enbark. Wire...
  14. I'm lapping it up, maggot breath! :mad: :mad: Nothing goes better with a frosty bottle of malt pop than TNT slathered lead. :mad: :mad: :mad:
  15. Good! Send a turn and do it as carelessly as befits a wankered gamer so I can wipe that demon gun off the map. Edited to add: Almost forgot. If you need the bucket, just hold your hand over your mouth and make the proper noises. [ April 25, 2003, 07:43 PM: Message edited by: Snarker ]
  16. Moon, If I was to purchase the retail CMBO, could I just load the graphics and scenarios from the disk? I ask because I assume (so I may be wrong) that CDV will slap their annoying copy protection on the disk, and I'd rather use the copy I originally purchased from you fellas because of that.
  17. Über Gamey updates: Dead wood Panty Bleater is declared null, void and defeated. Not spotted in the MBT since becoming sane. RIP † Ebbert (misspelled and not bolded) returneth by this Saturday. He hopes. Ages ago, he was winning. Maybe. Australian SAS performed brilliantly in Iraq. Aussie Jeff is not SAS. His men die in droves, which is good. His men are multitude, which is bad. Mike's men continue to plonk shells off my clanketies and his men are easily recognised by the back of their uniforms. Hortlund purchased a PzIV 70 born under a lucky star, spat upon by a Roman jailer, shat on by birds and possessing a crop of four leaf clovers. It hurts us badly, it does. Nasty, evil thing. Destroyer of Many Clankies; Scourge of All Fleshies; impervious to any mortal weapon. It needs "666" painted on it as a warning. We hates it!!! Boo Radley. Not playing him currently. All pile on Boo anyway. [ April 24, 2003, 09:49 PM: Message edited by: Snarker ]
  18. :mad: :mad: Grrrargh!! Axe, I meant to tell you that. BTW send a setup you non-knowing-how-to-continue-a-PBEM-game-after-upgrading person. :mad: :mad: You did, at some point upgrade????
  19. Lee-oh-de-oh-doh, you froofy git. A link to a page that links to a page? Did I mention you're a git? Oh, well. Since I'm here and tasked to haul the vomit bucket, do you care to make a deposit or a withdrawal?
  20. ANGRIER OUT LOUD!!!!!! :mad: :mad: No mention of me in that thread, Axe you..., you..., actually I've never played you. Never mind.
  21. :mad: :mad: GRRRRRRR!!! Page two and still no sign of the Moldy One? Goodale !!!! Enough of the Claude Raines imitation!!! Front and center, MAGGOT!!! There's TNT to chuck, opponents to slather with bitter splodies and rodent droppings to smush under foot. Besides, May is just around the corner so a turn is due. Malakas. :mad: :mad:
  22. Thank you for reinforcing the point. Fortunately your lack of opposable thumbs precludes your use of a firearm. But just in case, I'll be dressing like the broad side of a barn to assure a miss if you manage a way to grasp objects.
  23. Thank you for reinforcing the point. Fortunately your lack of opposable thumbs precludes your use of a firearm. But just in case, I'll be dressing like the broad side of a barn to assure a miss if you manage a way to grasp objects.
  24. So I sits down to read <u> Sharpe's Company</u>, because I can despite being a mouth breathing, kanuckle drugging Pennsytoonian and there it is. The single most annoying misuse of a word in the english language. The quick and dirty bio of the author finishes, "Mr. Cornwell is now a full-time writer, and is working on the ninth and penultimate novel of the series." This is meant as high praise. Let's use the word properly: "You lot are the penultimate intelligent life on the planet." Except for MrSpkr. That was a right proper piling on of Boo, despite the protests of music majors everywhere.
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