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Everything posted by Snarker

  1. Matters not. You toasted anyone with a slight hope of blowing the clankies. Amends to follow in the rematch. :mad: :mad:
  2. :mad: :mad: Axe hit my gun you AAR non-reading secret agent type. BTW, did the tax collector I bribed visit yet? :mad:
  3. Bah! I once made it through Lent on only two cases of beer. The tough part - what days to drink the extra eight beers on? :mad: :mad: :mad: Enough niceties, magpies. Where be me turns?
  4. I worked very hard (too much or too little alcohol, I suspect) to lose all my clankies on turn 1. To a gamey 85mm AA thingy to boot. The rematch underway will remove that stigmata... a much more thorough whipping being handed out than initially recieved.
  5. Yeah, and I tried to "Click here to close window" and it didn't work ... what's up with that? Joe </font>
  6. Do you know what makes me angry??? Besides what ever just popped into your maggot infested noodles. :mad: :mad: Yes, the current lovely state of the internet. Robohn sent me an email stating his computer was down from a friends computer. Then apply the above message. He sends a turn. Feckin' turn gets here before the message telling me his computer is down... :mad: Oh. yeah. Walkway done and looks nice. Nay-boors want to know how much I charge. More than they can afford. Maggots.
  7. So the customs official I paid off did hassle you. Egggcelent.
  8. Dave, I'm sure it's just towing an armored car or some such... MTW wouldn't do that to you... MTW is beating me silly while my tankers do the dink-dink dance of death. For all their accuracy and bravery, I would have been better served by Polish lancers... Keke owns me. 'Nuff said. MGA owes me. 'Nuff said. Ditto Soddoff. So does Pee Ewe, but adjusting to night shift is tough. Getting blown to shreds doesn't help. Robohn and I go 'round in circles. His circle includes much more armor, however. Me, I'm slumming it with the grunts. Ever notice the turn frequency is inversely proportional to the whipping your opponent is getting / giving? :mad: :mad:
  9. Oh....my....gawd!!! I was literally in tears laughing with that line. My financee Paula came in and said, "What is so funny?" I showed her and she said, "That's a compliment?" I said, "Bigger than you could know." She threw up her hands and said, "I'll never understand that maggot/TNT humor or whatever you guys call it!" Priceless! Paula and I just crossed the last 't' and dotted the last 'i' on our new home stuff. Construction starts in the next month or so. Wedding date -- Sept. 13. Honeymoon in Quebec City followed by closing date of Oct. 15. Stay tuned. I'm in the midst of writing a "What if?" story along the lines of, "What if we invited The Brood over for a house party?" Some names will be changed to protect the illiterate. Jas :mad: n </font>
  10. ARRRRRGGHHH!!!! :mad: :mad: Get 2 yards of modified gravel, 1 yard of sand, 2 pallets of pavers, 2 pallets of retaining wall stone delivered. Put it in the gravel driveway because: 1) New house, and the newly graded ground is like rock soup goo because of the recent rain 2) The driveway isn't going to be paved for a few weeks and there's time. WRONG!!!! :mad: :mad: WRONG!!!! One of the other homeowners who's using the same driveway company (and gave us the timeframe) is apparently a total loon!!! The paving company called today and said 'Monday' They never spoke to the other guy regarding the time frame. :confused: Asked around about some of the other things he told us and turn out the guy has a, shall we say, propensity to tell all kinds of stories. So, my maggoty comrades, turns will be scarce after tonight as my weekend is now planned out BY EVERYONE BUT ME!!!! But I'm not bitter. Really. :mad: :mad: [ May 30, 2003, 09:56 PM: Message edited by: Snarker ]
  11. Wine doh! you said 5 tanks to 4. I said 5 tanks to 1. He's the one your mortar-chucking-'splodie-thing toasted the tank commander on... think lad, I know it's in the emails... I discovered the yellow Red will crank a shot if I use S&S instead of hunt... should do wonders for his already amazing aim. The other tanks really don't have operating guns. I'm a-gonna start ramming things with those clanky bricks!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:
  12. Fathers Day is around the corner and I'm getting CM 4 !!! You maggots better send turns fast and furious or you may be waiting a bit comes the day of its arrival. :mad: :mad: :mad:
  13. I didn't like them. :mad: :mad: Actually, I think they had fausts and my other fine fellas had rifle grenades. Which, by the way has anyone actually seen any unit fire a rifle grenade? Me, never. I can get pioneers to throw satchels by area targeting in throwing range, but that doesn't work with the rifle grenades. [ May 29, 2003, 06:14 PM: Message edited by: Snarker ]
  14. I'm playing a game where my Heroes of Stalin are getting thwacked by canister. The first group took it in the nose from about 30 - 40m when they rose in scattered trees to fire. Bad choice. 9 dead after two bursts, the other two headed for the rear... Another group taking cover in rubble took fire from about 150m and at first they took no damage. Then they panicked, and lost men on the next burst as they high tailed it for the rear as the German infantry converged fire on them. There may be an overkill quality to canister in some cover (heavy buildings for example) but otherwise when I've used it or been hit by it the results seem reasonable.
  15. :confused: Did I GeFingerPoken your tank instead of blowing it up?
  16. Actually, they do not become static flags. I did a QB with a Biltong map. I could not pick my victory flag from what should have been three choices. When the game starts, the other two flags remain "bogus" and the real flag was worth 900 pts.
  17. A search on MasterGoodale turned up the following website: Find the TNT Quite shocking. :mad: :mad: :mad:
  18. Soddball sure looks good for a dead guy. Keke you've almost panicked all of Russia.
  19. Wait a minute. Wasn't that you I beat like a dog on that Old Dog map? Remember -- you with the Stug on the hill and the lack of foresight to leave somebody guarding that flag? Or have I gone completely batty? </font>
  20. Roit! Setup! E-mail! Now! Hey Rope-a-dope. I feel your pain. After my recent glorious major victory against Snackfood, he is using our rematch to take out his frustrations on my troops in a manner most foul. However, I do hope to stab at him from hell's heart. Or Goodale's basement. Whichever is closer. I didn't get a turn yesterday from our resident freak and geek either Soddball. He's still trying to recover from the loss of that KV-2. Dave H has taken to complaining about the Rumanian weather. Not too surprising from a guy who runs for the basement during spring showers. I can just picture safety drills in the Hutchens household. Dave: "Alright, many of you thought his time wouldn't come. Many times you thought me insane. But it's here -- the weather forecast is calling for --- partly cloudy with a chance of showers!!! This is the moment you've been training for. All the blood, sweat and tears will now come together and pay off!! You know what to do!! Go!! Go!! Go!!! Lights out?! Check!! Appliances unplugged?! Check!! Windows closed?! Check!! Pets set loose?! Check!! To the bomb shelter!!!" Jas :mad: n </font>
  21. Snarker, you disgusting baggage. Your obvious and belittling lie of a photo is so obviously not me that my outrage dries my mouth to the point where I cannot find the spit to coat your face with as you deserve. I would never wear bizarre homeless wear of that type until after Memorial Day, you hapless oik. </font>
  22. Soupballs turns got here. Both in zipped and text flavor. I sent a txt turn back, let's see if he gets it. BTW, I've done a little more research, and neither nidjit may be in the wrong. One router along the line could be messing everything up. And no, your mail doesn't necessarily take the same route both directions. [ May 27, 2003, 04:39 PM: Message edited by: Snarker ]
  23. Just popped in to put the vomit bucket in the corner, this being a drunken weekend and all. Persephone, I happened across a piccie of the Gnome on his jaunt with the homeless. Would you be able to do the touch up work? Hmm, I hear some 2 stroke engine noises... time to go watch the neighbor. City-slicker-gone-to-country is likkered up and thinks now is a good time to cut down some trees. Good thing he's never used a chainsaw before.
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