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Everything posted by Snarker

  1. Grrrrr... Flattery will get you nowhere. And Axe obviously isn't talking about the Oxford English Dictionary. He's referring to the Official Etymology of the Disturbed. :mad: :mad: :mad:
  2. Of course, MG could prove to be very stubborn, experience suggests you need to treat any underlying hostilities from an early age.. In which case.. </font>
  3. YK2 setting up her own personal corner in the Waffle... despite (or because of? ) The Maggoty Man. MGA escapes into the MBT, forever leaving his mark in the oddest titled incarnation of that thread. Fitting, I suppose. I blame Boo. Now pardon me while I go find and listen to "The World Turned Upside Down". :mad: :mad:
  4. Sharpshooters. Give them nothing but sharpshooters. It'll be like a demented game of paintball. :mad: :mad:
  5. Now, now, the ladies in the MBT are sacrosanct and are to be treated with respect at all times, be it here or in the Waffle. There's the gentleman. Remember Pee U {neither spelt nor bolded} SSN you are in here, and SSN you will be in Coventry should you continue to soil {glances around}... uh, stink up {sniffs and grimaces}... well, annoy your hosts. See Becket's post on rope salesman in the Waffle...
  6. GRRAAARRGHRH!!!! You place it from the unit setup screen. Now you have the answer and you've been maggotized. :mad: Not bad for a one line post.
  7. Don't forget to say something to tweak Master Goodale. How will he react to a lady from the MBT? Film at 11. :mad:
  8. Good thing. You'd still be growling so much from all that anger your boss would've sent you home. And you could send some turns. Can't have that, now, can we? :mad: :mad:
  9. Who are you and what have you done with Mace? W-o-m-e-n does not spell sheep, and Mace would never make that mistake.
  10. "u"U'u'U... Bah! No good. Just a quotation mark, as you can see. Must be one of those "pick a language" keyboard settings. I'm very disappointed. And not picking Finnish as my keyboard language. Who knows what words would come out and which Finns I would inadvertently insult? :mad: :mad:
  11. "They"? "THEY"? Ye chatterin' wee stoat's sphincter! Wha' di ye think ye dwin, includin' tha Fair Emma ain ye snide slanderous gibberin'? Ye kin taill Seanachai tae tape haes shtyupid haid tae haes buttocks an' sit on a splintered tree stump, but didnae bae includin' tha wee lassies ain ye diatribin'!! Bastarrrd. </font>
  12. It would be a shame if you were an ÜberFinnberFinn, but you have lost to Spanker fer crying out loud! :mad: </font>
  13. I have no problem with either side. Your choice Becket; pick your favorite, I'll choose in the eventual rematch.
  14. Grrrr..... :mad: First you complain about the lack of TNT chucking and general mayhem, and then you add to it by being all smiles and grins. :mad: :mad: Well, Mike's Organ's a Maggot, if no new players step forward, I'll force feed liquid TNT to your hapless, jelly-spined troops. :mad:
  15. Becket, you baseball card carrying martyr - I'll play Tank Warning with you. Fire it up, send it my way. No preference, guessing you want Allies though. Maggot. :mad: [ September 02, 2003, 08:31 PM: Message edited by: Snarker ]
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