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Everything posted by Snarker

  1. NANCY???? GRRRGAAAARGHH!!!!!!! :mad: :mad: If you weren't thrashing me so soundly I'd be thrashing you so soundly for that!!!!! I'm waiting MTW to say where he comes from they don't end sentences with a preposition...
  2. Bother. Fuss and form, but you are a right proper git. But being as you are correct and the length is annoying even me, it shall be fixed. And for being annoyingly correct you will accept a setup once all is well and settled again, which will be soon I hope. Hortlund!!!! Beta testing isn't an excuse for laggardly behaviour! You'll soon learn it's another job, with horrible pay (none) and lousy hours. I did it for quite a few titles...
  3. I would but the last time I tried to order a drink dressed as an elephant the authorities were called. Its a long story and might have had something to do with not wearing pants. Don't remember all the details as I was drunk at the time. Would I have to wear pants this time? :confused: </font>
  4. Sorry sorry, Its just that I GOT ACCEPTED AS A BETATESTER FOR THIS GAME! And I have been studying the forbidden scrolls hidden in the SECRET forums where no mortals ever tread. Turns will be out tomorrow. -edit...oopps I didnt see that the train had left for Coventry already... apologies. </font>
  5. Cripes. The Canadian's don't have many military left after the recent governments - smaller than NYC's police force. Our Salvation Army could take them over.
  6. Hmmm. How 'bout a Committee of Stenographers? Of course they need to be kept away from the Mormon wives or it's scotched.
  7. Looks like I missed something. Or something missed me - thank God, you can get messy in the 'cess. Hortlund, you shameless Scandinavian scamp! Did you get the Kursk file back? Hiding in the vaste wastelands of Russia won't work for you, even though France proved it would in the 1800s and Germany proved it again in World War II. We'll never see ifRune melts our computers if you don't send the file back, lad.
  8. Axe apparently has NGVD, ABCD, WXYZ (whatever) troops. Thanks for waxing your own troops! Soddball is reduced to racing jeeps in the snow. The hoor.
  9. If I exceed the limit, I just hit my back button and I can just delete the funny faces. Netscape 7...
  10. Qu'est-ce que c'est? While we're at it, what is the deal with Finns and cell phones? I seem to recall reading somewhere they have the highest per capita usage of cell phones in the world. Probably has something to do with getting lost in the woods all the time. Jas :mad: n </font>
  11. But the obverse does have a phallic symbol rising from the low buildings. You Canadians are warped... wouldn't want it any other way!
  12. No, an idiot would have injected some half-arse, back-woods wit. You are obviously dealing with an inbred, half-wit or a Canadian. </font>
  13. One word: smoke. :mad: :mad: Actually, let's expand on this concept. MASSAMISSINGMOSS you twunk. You shelled my feckin' tanks with whatever guns you had. Hoping for what? A satisfying "clink" as a round plunked off the armor? Smoke, maggot, smoke. Or at least shell something that gives a damn. LIKE SOFT TARGETS, YOUR MOLDASTIC MAJESTY!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:
  14. Cursed Panty Maggot, I've never seen someone growl with a lisp. Did your Momma teach you your war cry? Robohn will eat you alive!!! :mad: :mad:
  15. There you go Axe. Inforno (no doubt it plays like hoor) for our rematch? [ June 07, 2003, 11:22 AM: Message edited by: Snarker ]
  16. Keke went and whipped me good. Reeeeal good! Note the new addition to my sig. GRRRRRRR :mad: :mad:
  17. 'RAWR'???? I tried it in the mirror, damn it was scary. Made me look and sound like the Elephant Man. Kurt Panzer Maggot, I believe it is still trinitrotoluene, but knowing Master Goodale , it could be 'toe nail tailings' (moldy) or some other oddity. [ June 05, 2003, 10:56 PM: Message edited by: Snarker ]
  18. No doubt when you are sent to the corner by the missus, maggot, you are the 'greatest tactician of out time'. Here in PA we call it 'time out'. You New England lot have odd expressions. 'GRGRGAARGHRHHGAR' is another that jumps to mind. :mad: :mad: Oh, yeah. Almost forgot. Q: Who's turning your pixilated pupae into jelly? A: A) Snarker Snarker C) Me (Snarker) D) All of the above :mad: :mad: :mad:
  19. Eight. He's getting better. Or more likely someone helped him. Mrs. Maggot, mayhaps?
  20. Dave and Axe, What say you I remove MGA's name from the title for camoflage? Then we can bet on how long it takes him to find it... Edited the title: 20 posts 'til MGA arrives... [ June 05, 2003, 08:42 PM: Message edited by: Snarker ]
  21. Now with 30% more excuses why the frothing at the mouth TNT chucker doesn't count that game as a loss!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: [ June 06, 2003, 08:01 AM: Message edited by: Snarker ]
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