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Everything posted by Snarker

  1. And here I was thinking you were really good, Keke. Now I find out it was the "Cheery Threat of Waffle Grenadiers" that's doing me in. The curse of the Maggot!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:
  2. Muahaahaa! MaggotMaster cha-cha's to my TNT chucker's disturbing rhythm. It's fun to watch him twitch like a disjointed marionette directed by a raving lunatic. Whino, how's the digging going? Body bitterly complaining yet? It will, it will... I can't find enough cover (or armor) to keep Keke from flensing my hapless troops. Go away! Sturm Tigers are extremely gamey, and P Eu will get a rematch with more conventional forces. I'm still waiting for whatever monster armor he had to buy to make it's appearance. So I can kill it. :mad: :mad: :mad: Edited to say: LMAO Keke! Just noticed "MasterOopsicrappedmypants". Put the fear of the Finns into 'im! [ May 25, 2003, 10:59 AM: Message edited by: Snarker ]
  3. Ten. I'm just testing my email account - although given that everyone else has successfully sent me turns and received them, I know where the problem is. It's in between Goodale's keyboard and his chair. :mad: </font>
  4. Ten. I'm just testing my email account - although given that everyone else has successfully sent me turns and received them, I know where the problem is. It's in between Goodale's keyboard and his chair. :mad: </font>
  5. Feh and bah. A trial it is. SDBall: MGA that twitching phallus, refuses to send a turn. MGA: :mad: I sent it to you dozens of times, you puss encrusted maggot!!! SDBall: Never received it! Never!!! You're email must be loopy. MGA: :mad: My email is TNT powered and only a belly crawling pseudopod would blame his email problems on the sender. SDBall: Impossible!!!! Nothing wrong with my wankered ISP, I've no problems what so ever. MGA: :mad: Right, so explain why Snooker can't get a turn from you again, Snitwad? Judge Snarker: Clearly a case of the grub calling the maggot black. Dismissed.
  6. I don't see any other Mistress Poorpisses around here... Speaking of which, what's the difference between a tribe of pygmies and Master Goodale's pixelated pansies? One's a pack of cunning runts. Axe Me No Questions and I'll Tell You Olé is a stickler for manners. I forgot to knock, so he breaks out these guys with SMGs and fires at me. Can you believe it? Someone could have lost an eye. :mad: :mad: [ May 22, 2003, 10:59 PM: Message edited by: Snarker ]
  7. If I got an email from you that went something like, 'Hi! Hope all is well and you are blessed with everything you wished for today. Oh, you blew up my tanks last turn, but that's OK. You're such a swell guy.' I'd puke, Maggotmaster. Then I'd worry your wife took over the game and I might be in danger of actually losing. :mad: :mad: :mad:
  8. :mad: They're not just hull down. They're hull down at some ungodly angle and coated with TNT repellent. That's you on the right, maggot. [ May 21, 2003, 11:36 PM: Message edited by: Snarker ]
  9. Put me in a German tank leader position, Sodball. Extra guts but no sense. Oh, no luck either.
  10. Master Maggot !!! How does it feel? Painful to watch your tanks expand like hot, angry popcorn? Bwaahaahaa!! More carnage to follow. I dipped my shells in blended squirrel. Makes 'em home in on your nuts. :mad: :mad: :mad:
  11. Which tonight, maggot? The tonight of most normal folk, or the tonight of a time-warped TNT chucking looney? And before you growl a word, I sent the turn last night. My last night, not yours. I mean :mad: :mad: :mad:
  12. Look on the bright side - most of use would have to pay to relieve our pain. :mad: :mad: :mad:
  13. Grand Master TNT Chucklehead it was sent last night. Turn seven; 7; 007; Snark_MGoodale007.txt to be precise. :mad: :mad:
  14. I don't know! Who could he be? I feel the answer is staring me right in the face somehow... </font>
  15. You... you... you're Algore??? Bugger all, I never would've guessed it. Can you run some new backbones with that tax I keep paying on my phone bill?
  16. 20:32 and not a turn in the in box. :mad: Slackers :mad: Alright then, Grape crushing maggot let's chuck TNT in a 1500 pt meeting engagement, '43, you as whoever it is you want to see mutilated. Keke you're on, since apparently everyone (where's the rematch, aaaaAAAAAAxxxxeeeeee?) else is asleep at the wheel. [ May 19, 2003, 08:35 PM: Message edited by: Snarker ]
  17. When the blisters finish healing my hands will be hard as a rock. Not unlike the zillions of rocks liberated from the ground of PA this weekend... Once my body responds to my requests again you will get an angry setup, M_T_W you yeast wrangler.
  18. Hot streaks of solid TNT winging towards MoldyMaggot and Robohn as we sit here and growl. :mad: I dug out an area to put down cobblestone today. Not only is PA bassackward in alckyhol rules but the dirt is like titanium enriched concrete!!! ANGRY (and sore all over) OUT LOUD!!! Maggot soil.
  19. Let's see, Prize Eubanks NEEDS TO GIVE ME AN ADDRESS THAT ACTUALLY ACCEPTS EMAIL!!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: Axeman done whupped my spotty arse because I can't be bothered with details like leaving someone at a victory flag. Truth be told, he slaughtered my helpless (hopeless?) krauts whilst they sang silly songs and pranced in front of submachinegun fire. Twits. :mad: :mad: :mad:
  20. Sounds like I'm getting soft, eh? Well every fourth shell is actually unexploded TNT that will end those miserable peasant's drudgery!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: You Cananindians have Monday off? :mad: Slovenly maggots.
  21. Not after seeing the piccies you post. :mad: :mad: Gives "group hug" a whole new meaning. [ May 16, 2003, 11:50 PM: Message edited by: Snarker ]
  22. :mad: :mad: A REAL TNT chucking grandmaster would take his computer with him. Whipped maggot. :mad: :mad:
  23. Axe you're just jealous because Nippy may be farther north than you AND M_T_W can send him wine. :mad: :mad: :mad: [ May 16, 2003, 09:53 AM: Message edited by: Snarker ]
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