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Everything posted by Snarker

  1. I wouldn't know about "real" nVidia drivers. Dell gives you a crippled version with the crippled cards!!! Oops, how politically incorrect. I meant "feature challenged version", of course.
  2. You're full of fury maggots!!!! Saves me the trouble of shooting them all over your walking corpses!!! S--T--U--G! S--T--U--G! S--T--U--G!
  3. I'm working on a setup. It won't be your usual type, either, MoldyMan. Sig altered, like your mind. :mad: :mad: :mad:
  4. Whatever a 'fury maggot' is, one thing is certain - you don't want to meet it in a dark alley. Oh, and for those of you that need rules, here's one for you: 1)No rules. :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
  5. Matt, the new driver has a setting under AA that says "application". It seems to help the image quality and I do not get the text problems. Sparklies are gone, and the equipment detail is much sharper. It may be wishful thinking, but I wonder if nVidia put that setting in as a work around to allow programs like CMBB more direct control over the way AA is used.
  6. Mine has the alt tab issue also. XP home with the MX 420 (crippled $#$%@%@@ card, thank you Dell!!!) I'm pretty sure that if I turn AA off this problem will go away. Will let you know what settings I finally get to work. EDIT: This works for me: set Image settings to "quality". Set AA to "application". You can use the anisotropic filtering. This set up eliminates the alt-tab problem. Screen detail is tons better and no slowdown. I did not use texture sharpening, but I see no reason for this to cause a problem. [ May 15, 2003, 12:19 AM: Message edited by: Snarker ]
  7. No, Boggsie there's no crying in this thread. Watch how it's done: :mad: :mad: MassapicunrealisticAAgunforAT, you will pay for this you crusty heap of moldering maggot mold. Oh, yes you will. Slow roasting over a low flame in our rematch is too kind a revenge for taking a SODDING 85mm AA GUN :mad: :mad: No mercy in the rematch my carbuncled, knock-kneed TNT chucking anti-arcraft luvin' collection of moldy body parts. You will attack, and by the Gawds of Everything 'Splody you will pay. Maggot.
  8. Prinz Eugen your ISP refused to accept my turn. Since when is anything Finnish afraid of hot TNT????
  9. GRRRARRRRGH!!!!! :mad: :mad: We recently got the right to buy likker on Sundays; mostly because the weekend maggots from NJ and NY pissed and moaned about trying to figure out how much they needed to buy on Saturday to last through Monday morning... Want some more fun stuff? I can buy three sixes from a licensed restuarant, but not four. Cases only at distributors. But if I leave, put the three in my car, return to the restuarant I can buy three more. Rinse and repeat as necessary. Edited because: Let me see if it works like nitwit Jersey - I may be able to "request" your wine by filling out a form and it may get faster consideration. Maybe. Email me with some info and I'll see what the Unterfuhrer at Der State Store has to say for himself. [ May 13, 2003, 07:34 PM: Message edited by: Snarker ]
  10. I've read through the last few pages, and I have one obsevation to make: SEE WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU LET THE INMATE CHOOSE THE TITLE OF THE THREAD???? :mad: :mad: :mad: As for the wine, send it to me and I'll let Axe know how it tastes. Actually Axe, what does UPS say about shipping beer?
  11. Slow roasted over a low TNT flame with a nice chianti. Maggot. :mad: :mad: :mad: I will exact a terrible revenge.
  12. All of them that still have legs, and back into the masher they go. The computer decided the fight ends when all bones are broken, all craniums hollowed and every soldier's flesh is scorched from his ever-lovin' body. Such is the life of my pixelated ground pounders. :mad: :mad: :mad: Thanks for asking. [ May 12, 2003, 09:36 AM: Message edited by: Snarker ]
  13. Back from Atlantic City, where the Eeeevil Dealerâ„¢ continually flung hot, angry aces to compliment the endless TNT slathered royalty in her hand. 'You're killing me!', says I with eyes rolling and head shaking. 'It's my job', the she-devil from Tropicana stifles the maniacal laugh behind the sadistic, amused eyes. 'And you do it soooo well', I groan, splitting aces only to get a maggot encrusted three and another moldy ace that I can't split. The demon's hand of thirfeckinteen goes "whap, whap" to twenty one... GrrrgrrgAAAAAAARRRRGHH!!!!!!!!!! :mad: :mad: I'm back, lighter in the wallet and slinging hot lead your way, maggots.
  14. Axe. Did you in fact open turn 30 I sent you on 5/5/2003 9:30 EST? PBEM helper here says 'wait' and the last turn in my in box is 5/5/2003 7:45, turn 29. Let me know if my send went AWOL. Maybe the electronic postmen are now rivaling the efficiency of their human counterparts...
  15. I'm back and your turns are done you whining mounds of maggot muck. Even yours GoodAnt.
  16. Goodale you siphilitic bag of non TNT chucking mold and ant food!!! . . . . . I got your turn. . . . . . . . . I'm out of town until later this week so guess what? . . . . . . . You won't get a turn for a while. . . . . . . . . . . How's it feel now that you must wait MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA :mad: GGGGGGGG :mad: OOOOOT????? :mad: God I love this thread. PS Lemon juice also annoys the crap out of ants for less money than boric acid. Maggot.
  17. PBEM helper says you are the biggest maggot of all. Download it, figure it out and use it!!!! :mad: :mad: Keeps me regular, not unlike Raisin Bran.
  18. Mike how in blazin' TNT chuckin' hell die you manage to get 'Originally' misspelled??? :confused: Especially since the board adds it for you???
  19. I hate to say it, but that's the most flawless piece of logic since the Enron case. Mike_the_Wino, you suck goats for being unable to conjure up a useful argument. Congrats, DaveH. Your sig is safe with me. </font>
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