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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Snarker

  1. Cease! Goofy Anonymous of the United Nitwits declared the action against the Oddstralians as illegitimate (much like you lot). The French will veto any resolution - unless it contains a clause to exclusively drop French goods like wine, sticky ripe cheese and any other biological weapons they can secretly make money on. And you, Boggs. Shame! You live in a state not unlike Australia (don't tell me you don't drive on the left you nong) and obviously Florida's next in line for the Gnomes personal war on outlaw regimes.
  2. dalem that is really annoying. Both the verse and the reverse caps. Kudos.
  3. OGSF: Laddie, wae Scots pla catch wi' tha caber. Arr ye man enoof? Techie: Sure I... {SPLAT}
  4. What really gives me nightmares is Hiram may think he can procreate with himself, what with his second screen name (with breasts) running around in his mind. Boo? Has MSN been hoarding your mail? You owe a turn, you Ohiokie.
  5. Bloody hell! No email address, no common sense, can't follow the rules. Have you SODDED OFF lad? On the bright side, it took unusually long for the Grue food to arrive in this incarnation of the MBT. Edited to remove the nasty smiley [ March 11, 2003, 12:02 AM: Message edited by: Snarker ]
  6. Never was so much said about so little in so many words. Would the last one out please flush the pool. Malakas.
  7. GOODWAIL, YOU MAGGOT ENCRUSTED SOCK PUPPET!!!! Gone AWOL??? My bitter, psychologically disturbed TNT too much for your delicate sensibilities? Don't try the "Your ISP didn't deliver the turn" ploy either. It's probably true, but where's the fun in me not poking you with sticks? GRRRRR
  8. All of you except Lt Hortlund owe me a turn. AJ has a legitimate reason for being slow. He is. Noba was last seen skipping his men through bong smoke and babbling something about "Town". Ebgert might have my Uber Dead Guys at a disadvantage. Boo also has a legitimate reason: Boo got shot!!! Get well soon.
  9. Yeah, avoid the paths and use the terrain to skirt the obvious fire lanes, sprinting to cover. Oh, never forget to low crawl along the gutter through open areas or you may be ambush meat. Others may laugh and point, but once that '42 does open up, who's the genius?
  10. We should ignore whatever name 12345 takes and just refer to him as "The Count". Edited because of unbelievably 'orrible English [ February 28, 2003, 09:29 PM: Message edited by: Snarker ]
  11. It's that brain-dead butterfly at work... it and "Barney" are two things that need to fit in a clay pidgeon thrower. Soon. AJ is the only turn I've got back - if you sent one and did not get one back, resend as a zip. Hmm, add my ISP to the above list.
  12. Wallybob, you must hold the record for longest stint in ROTC. It must make you mad :mad: :mad: :mad: enough to chuck demented lumps of indiscriminate TNT!!!!
  13. Ha! One Aussie down, one to go! AJ's men bit the dust, bought the farm, visited the choir angelic, assumed room temperature {insert your favorite here}. Moral of the story - if your opponent asks you about purchasing a Sturmtigger just say, "No". Not that I deny being gamey, but I did asked the pillock first! Product of the pub-like schools, and no doubt. The fate of Oddstralia now rests in the hands of Noba, but the precious is not for you, is it, you sneaksie troll?
  14. Oh joy, look lads, we've a newbie who asks a boon of us! What joy there'll be in the CessPool tonight eh lads, there'll be dancing in the shallow parts and no error. Now obviously he hasn't bothered to read the rules or ... oh wait ... there, there ARE no rules are there! Our esteemed king (I never have been bothered to learn HTML codes but I REALLY liked the way someone used the really, really small font on king, that would be useful to know) didn't bother to use them, instead he choose some superficial and obviously useless "edicts" and by George didn't THEY work well. This may not have been a complete sentence. Look TikiBoob, this is the Peng Challenge Thread and is NOT the place for someone who actually advertises that he's an aspiring chef ... if you'd said EXpiring chef you'd likely have had a better reception as it would have indicated that you finally tumbled to your worth and decided to end it all. AND the clown lists his credits for the luv of Gawd! Like WE CARE! Allow me to be the first to wish you a hearty SOD OFFFFFFFF! Joe </font>
  15. Turns out soon to everyone I owe. Moving this weekend. Oh, and shocking news - some of your txt files still went missing ( AJ I got your resend as a zip, thanks) despite my Dog Patch ISP claiming it's been fixed. Noba, Mike I have nothing new from you - if you sent a turn, please resend as a zip.
  16. He did it again he did it again! The pond. Throw him into the pond. </font>
  17. Leknorgonadotropine! Another rousing poem that leaves us gasping for air trying to decipher the deep meaning of the verse. Or is a banana just a banana?
  18. GRRRRR, you TNT slathered excuse for a sentient being! And how, pray tell, would one *attach a setup file* to the text box this function limits you to? Silly function for a PBEM crowd! :mad: :mad: Anyone send you a setup now that they can?
  19. :mad: :mad: Mike "D" Wino don't cha know anything??? :mad: :mad: Just send your setup to Sgian_Dubh@i'llnevergetthis.com Then find someone else to chuck molten TNT valentines to.
  20. Why all this King / Justicar fuss? Meeks did not officially go through the ceremony, and as such is still a pretender to the title. When did he lie flat on pimpled cushions? Or was it he pimpled lies on flat cushions? No one paraded his Royal Sceptre about, and an abbott could not be found. No words did he utter in ceremony. A tourney is called for, with individual combat to decide the issue! Let God sort this out. The Justicar vs Meeks in a battle on the field of honor! Loser is a right proper pillock and swears fealty or admits no right to the crown, as necessary.
  21. :mad: TNT coming your way. I;m going to run you ragged, you growling saline-dipped mandril!!! :mad: :mad:
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