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Everything posted by Måkjager

  1. Just inn case you missed it....the Winter worn Tiger I for CMBO with full CMMOS support has been released here. web page A wee glitch is making it show up at the moment as a SECOND Tri colour Tiger....infact the description to to its right of it being a winter worn Tiger I mod is correct. Enjoy and least we not forget Gordon. Thank you for all the support , effort and advice over these past few years...and most of all for being a real pal best regards Måkjager
  2. Tracer....it was a "rush job" as such due to lack of time and resources. I like the wee puppy too...and it looks kool with the new coat of paint and weathering I hope to do another one in the future..this time a total rebuild from the ground up ..al la Luchs WIP. best Måkjager
  3. Apache...MODs & MODers has been dormant due to the unfortunate Marcel Vie ( PawBroon ) having TWO brand new PCs melt on him. AFAIK..once he is able to get back on his feet i think we may see M&M back on line. Matt...if you let CMHQ pass away..then i dont think i will have the heart to make any more Mods.... ( Desperate attempt to do some emotional blackmail on Matt in the vain hope a cabbage can influnce a baldy Yank ) regards Måkjager [ January 21, 2003, 03:57 PM: Message edited by: Måkjager ]
  4. If ONLY i had known Lindan....... Nice job on my PzJg I Tracer ( in ref. to working on the original stock texture..another on my future "To Do" lists ) Regards Måkjager [ January 21, 2003, 06:31 PM: Message edited by: Måkjager ]
  5. Mike.....the side bmps in both images are 512 x 256 pixels with a res of 144 pix per inch. The original bmp size that i am working on it 1024 x 512....which i supose you could term Super-Hi res. I reduced it in size without doing any sharpening etc and it looks like the ATI version in game now. I have just set up a 1500pt game on a Huge map/moderate trees/ small hills/ rural with a Plt of 5 Luchs , 5 Stugs , 5 LMGs and a Comp of Infantry..without what ever the Reds bought. Visual..very very slight dergadation...only noticable with a slight fuzz on the turret top bmp. Movement has become slightly choppy..but by and large the visuals are still what i want them to be. As for your card....i am stumped. Yours is a later version of mine ( yours x2 AGP ? ) Could it be something to do with it being x2 where as mine is x4? Just tried a very small map with one Luchs ..and it looks the way i intended it...no extra sharpening due to small size of map ( ie no downsampling) When i made my 1st Hetzer mod on my 333mhz iMac Rev D i had horrible graphics...somewhat similar to the nVidia card..only much worse..but then that was ATI 6MB. Very strange indeed. If you CAN get your hands on a Radeon 32MB OEM card..then mb things might be better...but its a shame that you have paid out already for a card that is not doing the work its supposed to be doing. Check out www.versiontracker.com and find the ATI drivers , and see if they do anything for you. regards Måkjager ps..to do the "å" on a Mac just press alt / option and a at the same time
  6. Hi all i have posted two pix below of the same vehicle for you to take a gander at. web page I have a Mac G4 Dual 800 which came with a nVidia GF3 with 64MB of VRAM , x4 AGP card with Apples ADC connector. I was disappointed to say the least with the quality of images that it displayed. Originally i wanted to get a OEM x4 AGP Radeon with my mac..but Apple pulled em due to their spat with ATI over announcements. Lucky enough i was able to get my hands on a OEM x4 AGP Radeon with 32MB of VRAM. Now...my OS is 9.2.2 in which i have seperate sets of the latest drivers for both cards...ie Apple's supplied v3.0 for the nVidia card and ATIs retail Radeon update ( October) These pix are taken with these drivers activated. A clear difference is obvious...the 32MB ATI knocks the crap out of the nVidia 64MB card when it comes to the quality of displaying 2d visuals...just look how that GFF3 card bleeds The strange thing is that the nVidia card is NOT downsampling.....but the ATI card IS. It seems that the culprit here is in fact the drivers Apple have supplied for the nVidia cards...they are not up to scratch for CM unfortunately. Hope this helps some best Måkjager
  7. CMBO and CMBB with a Mac OEM Radeon 32MB = Fog and Weather effects....no "smeary" looking graphics...especially on vehicles( MOST NOTICABLE around the WHEELS ). Downsampling does occur. A Mac 64MB GF3 nVidia card OEM with v3.0 drivers......"smeary" vehicle wheels. No downsampling occurs. Moral of the story....there is a problem with Apples supplied nVidia drivers for GF / MX nVidia cards used in macs. The ATI cards displays CMBO/CMBB vehicles much better..as well as giving you the fog/weather effects we crave Regards Måkjager
  8. Great job on the Val , Mike I think i have that song sheet too Best regards Måkjager
  9. Just posted this in the CMBB forum. 5 new Pix of the Luchs posted..this time in CMBB. web page Made a new Jerry can / holder , stowage locker padlocks and chains , foilage cammo loops , low vis black outline cross etc. Still some work to do but getting closer to application of cammo and weathering. Best regards Måkjager
  10. 5 new Pix of the Luchs posted..this time in CMBB. web page Made a new Jerry can / holder , stowage locker padlocks and chains , foilage cammo loops , low vis black outline cross etc. Still some work to do but getting closer to application of cammo and weathering. Best regards Måkjager
  11. For those of you poor old souls who never visit the CMBO forum anymore..... Just added 2 new pix of the Luchs WIP mod to my web page. web page Worked today on new spade/axe/other tools. Crank handle on the front. Modified the front hull crew hatches to actual shape..were square..now angled along the inner side to the rear as in real life. Front top fender bracers/detail New gun with perforations in the muzzle. Fire extingusher on left rear track. Hooks on the upper hull ( 4 corners of fighting compartment...and tow of the same to the rear of the turret) Toned down some of the shadow on the turret top. Added bracers to the top rear of the rear fenders. Clean ups..various lil bits and pieces in the layers. I have also made some locks that will go on the stowage bins on the sides. Last major thing to be done is the Jerry can and holder on the turret side..will hopefully find inspiration tomorrow and get that out of the way. Rear exhaust will require some clean up..rust part of the pipe needs to be shortened so as it does not flow down into the chamber. Thats it for the moment. Regards Måkjager
  12. Just added two new updated pix of the Luchs to my web page. web page Worked today on new spade/axe/other tools. Crank handle on the front. Modified the front hull crew hatches to actual shape..were square..now angled along the inner side to the rear as in real life. Front top fender bracers/detail New gun with perforations in the muzzle. Fire extingusher on left rear track. Hooks on the upper hull ( 4 corners of fighting compartment...and tow of the same to the rear of the turret) Toned down some of the shadow on the turret top. Added bracers to the top rear of the rear fenders. Clean ups..various lil bits and pieces in the layers. I have also made some locks that will go on the stowage bins on the sides. Last major thing to be done is the Jerry can and holder on the turret side..will hopefully find inspiration tomorrow and get that out of the way. Rear exhaust will require some clean up..rust part of the pipe needs to be shortened so as it does not flow down into the chamber. Thats it for the moment. Regards Måkjager [ January 12, 2003, 08:20 PM: Message edited by: Måkjager ]
  13. Gibsonm..from the sounds of your description of the nVidia card....it looks like the previous owner "flashed" a PC version of the GF2 MX with a Mac ROM. I would first ask the owner if it is at all possible for you to try out CM on his machine before buying it. I am not sure how the flashed card would handle CM..so best try test first. Have to say though that i would go with the Radeon card for CM grapix. regards Måkjager [ January 11, 2003, 08:30 PM: Message edited by: Måkjager ]
  14. Hey..i think it was worth it just to see some "new faces" Thanks for the kind words. I am happy with the final result. This Tigger is really at home in Tom's Battle of the Bulge terrain Mod pack...in fact the other day it took me near 5mins to try and see the damned thing when it was on a map!!!!! ..thank BFC for those base thingies As for CMBO...i do feel that it is still only the beginning for CMBO and Mods..there is plenty of scope for new additions to the ModSluts Album. Now that the winterworn Tiger is out of the way i can concentrate on the Luchs. My immediate plans are to mod the shared German vehicles that are in CMBO/CMBB....that way i wont get distracted and can do two jobs at the same time. After the Luchs is wrapped ( when the time comes ) its onto a new Hummel/Nashorn set and then mb i will get around to the Marder II / Marder III / Wespe /Pak 38 /Pak 40 combos...not to mention a revisit to my first and second mods...Hetzer and JgPz IV. Well....here is to CMBO Vets and future mods. Best regards Måkjager
  15. Well...its done and dusted now Just sent off the finished bmps to Gordon for testing and packaging with CMMOS. I have altered some of the bmps a wee bit. Got rid of a reddish tint on the turret top bmp , added some shadows and fixed up a few things. Final version includes bmps to allow the following. Tiger I Mid production gun mantle / dish road wheels..with and without zimmerit Tiger I Late production gun mantle / steel roadwheels..with and without zimmerit. Turrets...optional spare tracklinks. Front Bow ...optional spare tracklinks. Optional Gun with 5 black kill rings. 2 Black and 3 Red rear turret stowage bin tac numbers. I did not include any unit insignias as i doubt they would have show up too well on the cammo. ETA......the next CMMOS update that should be along soon. Hope you guys dont think you are being starved of "ModSlut" bread. Link below will bring you to the final pix i will be posting. Its the late Tiger I with zimmerit and the steel road wheels. web page Next mod that is already in the works is the Luchs / Lynx.......tri /bi-green / bi-brown /winter. Do NOT leave your house/room. Stay tuned best regards Måkjager
  16. and not forgetting some soggy mouldy Modders lurking beneth the well cammoed rock who will continue to support CMBO. Regards Måkjager
  17. October/November 1944 for the Pak 40 - 75mm armed AT version. Regards Måkjager
  18. And PLAN B is a soggy auld Modder gets to em in the future. regards Måkjager
  19. Hey JuJu...i was never "out of action" as such , but on a behind the lines Combat Mission with BFC and CMBB. My time had been taken up with beta testing and making several scratch vehicle textures for the game. But as things have settled down a bit i have found some time to do some more of my "To Do" Mod list vehicles. After i get the Luchs/ Lynx finished..i will be off on my "Hi Hoooo" for the Hummel/Nashorn and other things besides. The way i am thinking is that my time is limited so i may as well hit the shared vehicles between CMBO and CMBB..that ways i can make stuff for both fronts without going bonkers. regards Måkjager [ January 02, 2003, 12:01 PM: Message edited by: Måkjager ]
  20. I always seek to look after my customers Regards Måkjager
  21. I will keep your request in mind Ian As for weathering....i was and am stumped in how to do Gordons weathering with PS ..but a new app(Painter) has sorted that out for me. Regards Måkjager
  22. The Panther D has two seperat bmps for the turret....correct display of the tac numbers is possible. As for the Tiger I...it IS possible to have non-mirrored tac numbers on the turret...only problem is they will be on the very rear of the turret side..besided the turret wall hatch and the far side port. This bmp is the one with the rear turret bin attached. Hope this helps ye. regards Måkjager ps....sPzAbt 510 did infact write its turret numbers in these very locations.
  23. hi Mr Die Easy glad u like it so far. Please dont take offence if i deny being what you term a "Mod God"...i am just a Joe Soap blundering around a paint program As for Allied stuff....my interest is more with the Jerries as just about all my source material is on their afvs and stuff. I may some day have a wack at the Chaffee..but i seem to remember Andrew was having problems with it and hence the No Show so far. Just give him time and he might come up with the goods. regards Måkjager ah HAAAAAA...so i got you to take a peek out from under that rock Lee
  24. Hi all..Happy New Year to you and yours.I have posted this also in the CMBO forum. Below please find a link to my site which will show you 3 pix of a WIP Luchs Mod i am currently working on. web page Final finished mods will have full CMMOS support.....variants bi green / bi brown / tr colour / winter. Much still to do though before i am finished. Mods will work in CMBO and CMBB- talking to the man about CMMOS support. Regards Måkjager [ December 31, 2002, 01:05 PM: Message edited by: Måkjager ]
  25. Hi all..Happy New Year to you and yours. Below please find a link to my site which will show you 3 pix of a WIP Luchs Mod i am currently working on. web page Final finished mods will have full CMMOS support.....variants bi green / bi brown / tr colour / winter. Much still to do though before i am finished. Mods willl work in CMBO and CMBB- talking to the man about CMMOS support. Regards Måkjager
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