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Minnesota Joe

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Everything posted by Minnesota Joe

  1. This post is just a shameless attemp to get this thread back on top... ------------------ Ah scheist.
  2. You forgot to ask which was better: Republican or Democrat. ------------------ Ah scheist.
  3. Getting the thread locked up would actually be better than getting a secret prize... ------------------ Ah scheist.
  4. I wonder if those tanks have working treads or if there are just hidden wheels. The "droopy" look of the treads on the Panther make 'em look like they work, so I'm gonna guess that the do. Here's another couple of pics for ya: ------------------ Ah scheist.
  5. Ah what the hell... ------------------ Ah scheist. [This message has been edited by Minnesota Joe (edited 08-31-2000).]
  6. There's a Panther if ya go through the first link (Sorry, I don't wanna clutter the MB with images). However, it is slightly less impressive than the Sherman. ------------------ Ah scheist.
  7. Ya like those? I know this really has nothing to do with CM, but I just thought I'd show ya these new "toys" I found while online. Those are 1/18 scale dammit! 12 points of articulation! Look at the friggin' detail! Look at the friggin' weapons! Makes G.I. Joe look like a pile of puke! Anyway, there's alot more info at this site... www.21stcenturytoys.com/usxd_section.html and an article about where to buy, prices, and other info right here. Scroll down to 25 on the list for the article. http://members.tripod.com/~ultimate_soldier/scrapbook.html ------------------ Ah scheist. [This message has been edited by Minnesota Joe (edited 08-31-2000).]
  8. But none of that matters 'cause there'll be big 'splosions! YeeeHaww! ------------------ Ah scheist.
  9. Guys, don't turn this into another one of your CESSPOOLS. Okay?
  10. The last thing we want is a rushed sequel. BTS knows how to take its time and make sure the games it makes are good. I respect them for this. Don't worry, they'll be using pretty much the same codes and engine that used for CM and thay know what mistakes they made. I doubt they will try to boost graphic quality, anyway, because nobody really cares as long as the game is realistic. I like to compare the situation to the CC titles. Remember when CC1 came out? It was OK, but when CC2 came out it was a helluva lot better because Atomic learned from its mistakes and took its time to make an enjoyable sequel. So compare CC1 to CC2 and thats about the change you'll get for CM2 (proportionately, of course). These are just my opinions, though.
  11. There is no justification for piriting a game like CM. ------------------ Ah scheist.
  12. There is a lot of useful tactical advice throughout the manual. There is also a tutorial walkthrough in the back of the manual that discusses tactics. ------------------ Ah scheist.
  13. How about "Ich haben meine Hosen geschissen!" ------------------ Ah scheist. -edited for your prtection [This message has been edited by Minnesota Joe (edited 08-19-2000).]
  14. Another thing I'd like to see is good weapons modeling. I'm kinda specific about this I think that when you run around your gun should be visible like in most FPS. It should be modeled in 3D, though so it can move around and bob up and down in your hands. When you aim at something, a mouse button should be pushed and you would shoulder the gun. Now you'd be looking straigt through the sights, making aiming much more realistic. Ohh... That Mexican food I had last night is killing my insides! ------------------ Ah scheist.
  15. Whoops double post. Oh well, might as well put another block'o houses in there... ------------------ Ah scheist. [This message has been edited by Minnesota Joe (edited 08-18-2000).]
  16. Guess what house is mine and win a prize! ------------------ Ah scheist.
  17. Chances are it's never goanna happen. Why? Becuase IMHO the maps for a modern battlefield would have to be much larger than those in CM. This is because of the imprved technology and longer ranges for weapons. Close combat rarely ever happens in modern battles. ------------------ Ah scheist.
  18. So I was (relatively) bored one day while trying to get ideas for creating my own maps. Then I had a great idea. I went to this little site I know: www.terraserver.com While there I downloaded sattelite images of my town, North Mankato, MN (circa 1994). I zoomed into my neighborhood and printed out the image. I quickly went to work designing a large-sized map based exactly on my neighborhood. It was so easy, especially since I live in a middle-class suburban area which is mostly flat. The only hard part was putting all the damn two-story houses in. There is a river dividing Mankato [proper] from North Mankato. Two large bridges traverse the river and link the two towns. So long story short, my felow North folk (played by American Airborne) courageously attempted to defend our town from the bastard Mankato army (played by Waffen SS). Though unsuccessful, I had lots of fun playing this scenario because it was well...in my own back yard. I was obviously bored and am bored at the moment because I am not playing CM. Why am I not playing CM? I don't know. ------------------ Ah scheist. [This message has been edited by Minnesota Joe (edited 08-18-2000).]
  19. SEAL Team was so good in fact, that it put many a modern game to shame. The game was great because of: *An excellent waypoint system with an easy map interface. *Dozens of Vietnam era (you could only play in Vietnam) weapons. The loadout interface was revolutionary, affecting weight and thus speed of your SEALs. *Enemy AI that wasn't the suicidal kind found in many games of today. A few NVA would lay down suppresing fire while others ran forward. *The possibility to call in support (Cobras, hueys, broncos and two kinds of assault boats). *Crawl, sneak, and run commands. *When the **** hit the fan, there was this ominous little Midi tune that played as your troops bought the farm. I guarentee that if you can get this game, you'll enjoy it more than the newest mass market FPS. Disaster@Work has made a good point. If there was a WW2 game like this, it would be bought by me. ------------------ Ah scheist.
  20. Well, by good I mean enjoyable to the same crowds that enjoy CM and those that like realistic FPS games. Eye candy is not important to me. I dont need to run a game at high resolution to enjoy it. I have this game called SEAL Team, for example. It was made almost ten years ago. It has **** graphics by today's standards, but the frame rates are good and the game is very enjoyable. I'd like to see realistic weapons effects for one thing (The occasional Tommy gun jamming would be great). Ever hear of Red Faction? Its a FPS coming out that supposedly has an emvironment that is almost totally destructable. Another cool idea is to have a command interface just like CM. You'd give orders via radio to squads of other players and they'd follow your orders (hopefully). ------------------ Ah scheist.
  21. I don't know if Fionn is gonna like this... ------------------ Ah scheist.
  22. Once again off topic, but I feel that this should be addressed due to the fact that some FPS games are becoming more realistic and more reliant on tactics. Good examples are of course Rainbow Six and SWAT 3. In my opinion, Medal of Honor was good for a platform game, though generaly dissapointing, so I'm not even going to consider that a platform game could be upto par for this goal. I'm not saying I want G.I. Quake or some BS like that. I would like a game where wounds and physics are correct and no expence is spaired to promote realism. There are so many areas that would need to be improved to attain respectable realism, like speed, interactivity, and communication. So do you guys think it would be possible? And if so, what would be required for an enjoyable, yet realistic experience? Please don't flame me. ------------------ Ah scheist. [This message has been edited by Minnesota Joe (edited 08-18-2000).]
  23. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>When I walked around my neihgborhood streets counting the houses so I could make it a map!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> -Von Brizee Whoa! You did this too? It's great living in a suburban area just so you can design your own neighborhood and drive a JagdTiger right through your own home. I even made a scenario where I named an elite sniper as myself, put him in my "house", and had him defend against those nasty krauts. I was killed by an HMG-42 on the fourth turn. ------------------ Ah scheist.
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