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Minnesota Joe

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Everything posted by Minnesota Joe

  1. Mensch- You may want to consider making a cut-off date for guesses so people aren't guessing when the cesspool hits 1950 posts. ------------------ Ah scheist.
  2. $28 dollars for a 4-inch action figure?! Screw this, I'm going back to G.I. Joe. Seriously though, are you sure? I read an article stating it was $6 per figure and around $35 for the tanks and even less for the jeeps. ------------------ Ah scheist.
  3. Curses! If only Madmatt wasn't the first to answer this topic! ------------------ Ah scheist.
  4. For one thing, I asked the same question and all I got were answers like "Fionn's ideas conficted with those of BTS". I searched Fionn's last messages, but found nothing that would lead someone to be banned. So I guess I'm also curious. ------------------ Ah scheist.
  5. Well, you caught it before it became too confusing. I guess you could swear a whole bunch and get the other post locked up. Hey, I could do it for you, just gimme a second and I'll just... ------------------ Ah scheist.
  6. I think I just answered this damn question 30 seconds ago... ------------------ Ah scheist.
  7. So in other words, who is the smarter and who is the stonger. Thats easy: America and America Just try an prove me wrong... ------------------ Ah scheist.
  8. Hey, your right. I can just picture him saying: "Wo ist meine Hund? Foofy, Foofy, wo bist du? Kommt hier mein precious..." ------------------ Ah scheist.
  9. Here's a Mustang, though it is not as good as the Messerschmidt IMHO. ------------------ Ah scheist.
  10. So ar you saying that the hamsters didn't do it? ------------------ Ah scheist.
  11. Here's a link dammit. www.atomicgames.com/ ------------------ Ah scheist.
  12. Then what the hell happened?! ------------------ Ah scheist.
  13. Back to the "defend" command. Ambush works okay, but the ambush area is too small for a proper defence. I'd like to see a defend command in CM2 because it would allow me to protect my flanks as I concentrate my effort on the battlefield ahead of me where most of the action is taking place. ------------------ Ah scheist.
  14. The only problem I had with the packaging was that when I opened the mail envelope, all that was inside was a fat, shrinkwrapped manual. Of course I then found the game inside the manual and promptly installed it. Gave me quite a 10-second scare, though. ------------------ Ah scheist.
  15. The worst part about CC is the gawdawful pathfinding. That and the fact that your tanks always do their damnedest to ignore orders and get themselves killed. ------------------ Ah scheist. [This message has been edited by Minnesota Joe (edited 09-02-2000).]
  16. He was probably writing his message during the lock-up. In other words, he started typing before it was locked and submitted it after. As far as I can see, the only thing that keeps one from posting on a locked topic is that the "Reply" link is disabled. ------------------ Ah scheist.
  17. Great explosion graphics and all. Thanks for providimg all the mods in such an organised fasion. ------------------ Ah scheist. [This message has been edited by Minnesota Joe (edited 09-02-2000).]
  18. Okay since that has nothing to do with warfare and everything to do with Nazi propaganda I'm gonna agree with gunslinger on this one. That whole "get gassed" thing also shows that you indeed, are a "Naziluva". ------------------ Ah scheist.
  19. LOL, but I haven't been able to find a specif release date. I checked out the Toys'r'Us website but currenty these are not listed for sale. ------------------ Ah scheist.
  20. Well in that case, I will just stand aside as you and Peng dispence with your taunting toward Meeks. It seems that you two and several others (mostly from the cesspool ) are especially gifted in that area. Taunt away, but let it be known that the whole cesspool thing was just a gag, and I have actually found it as a compliment that you renamed that..er...place after that single post (even if the intent was for sarcasm). ------------------ Ah scheist. [This message has been edited by Minnesota Joe (edited 09-02-2000).]
  21. Is that quote from that Jet Li movie...what was it..."Twin Dragons" or something like that? That movie was great... ------------------ Ah scheist.
  22. Allright...one question: Does your cannon fire many normal hamsters at once or just one big one at a time? ------------------ Ah scheist.
  23. Wait a minute, Fionn was banned? When did this happen and why? BTW I'm not an idiot, I was just off the board for a week. ------------------ Ah scheist.
  24. Whoops, apolagies to Seanachai (I can't believe I'm saying this). I read your post too quickly and accidentally thought it a negative stab towards me (you have done such things before). ANyway after reading it once more, I found this was not the case (damn, I cannot believe I am doing this). ------------------ Ah scheist.
  25. This time I got two words for you... ------------------ Ah scheist.
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