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Minnesota Joe

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Everything posted by Minnesota Joe

  1. You are either a Troll or grossly misinformed. ------------------ Ah scheist.
  2. Okay, I guess that's settled. I do agree with your point about avoiding "feeding the Troll" or whatever you called it. I did refrain from posting in about half of the JP threads. However, the rapid influx of posts to each of the JP threads made it difficult to determine where your post would end up when you were done typing and hit the 'submit' button. And I am quite confident that there are some members of this board who (especially after last night) would be willing to sacrifice some time for the position to watch for other incidents and regulate as needed. There are many at this board who I could trust to do this without suffering from the feared "message board powere trip". For some reason I would especially trust you *guys from the cesspool and some other non-cesspool-affiliated members to have such authority. *You guys gotta come up with an official name for yourselves. I hate having to type "the guys from the cesspool" when I could just use some generalized term that lebels all of you. ------------------ Ah scheist.
  3. Mark IV- JP's name wasn't even mentioned in this thread until you showed up, now that's something to think about. Borderline hypocritical IMHO. The only thing that I'm suggesting is that the board be monitered 24 hours a day. This would not be a problem if shifts were shared between a dozen or so people. It wouldn't change things much as 99% of the people around here are very respectful and cautious about what they post. ------------------ Ah scheist.
  4. Go away vermin. ------------------ Ah scheist. [This message has been edited by Minnesota Joe (edited 09-04-2000).]
  5. Vikings kicked some Bear ass (big deal). We've gone through 4 quarterbacks in 6 seasons. The new one is straight outa college and I'm not impressed, though maybe I should give him a chance. That Randy Moss mutha can jump! ------------------ Ah scheist.
  6. Uh, I'm gonna turn this topic around a bit so there's no chance of getting flamed tomor...er...later today. So...uh...is the Stalin 3 gonna be in CM2? Its a good tank and I like to see it in CM2. Yes, that should be quite adequite... ------------------ Ah scheist.
  7. Minnesota Joe tired...confused...please don't hurt me... ------------------ Ah scheist.
  8. Yay! I've finally been assimilat...er, I mean...damn, he finally got me. Oh who the Hell am I kidding?! Thank you CM Borg, I think youre swell! ------------------ Ah scheist.
  9. No play PBEM right now, must concentrate on...other things. Fact is I got my first day of my senior year at H.S. on Tuesday, so I've been rejecting PBEM offers. That and I keep getting my ass whupped. Why do I always play as the damn Allies?! CM Borg- just though you should know, I havn't been assimilated yet! In your face! ------------------ Ah scheist.
  10. Does anybody stay up this late? You do know that its a 4-day weekend, dont you? Ah well...zzzzzzzz*..... *In case you couldn't figure it out the 'z's indicate that I'm sleeping...sigh... ------------------ Ah scheist.
  11. Kinda makes you widh there were civilians in the game. Upon driving his jeep into a liberated French village: Ami Sargeant-"Hey these guys love us!" Ami Corporal-"Hey look! That old lady is bringing us a pie!" Ami Sargeant-"Mmmmmmm, pie..." ------------------ Ah scheist.
  12. He is obviously not the real Peiper (thank God), although the real Peiper is probably reading this thinking "Yay, I have a fan, I must be really cool," and it is also obvious that while not really Peiper, this new kid is in fact around 12 and has nothing better to contribute to this forum because he is a worthless idiot. I'm sorry, little one, did I hurt your feelings? Did I make you cry? There, there, go back to Mommy and she'll tell you that the bad people on the computer can't hurt you. ------------------ Ah scheist. [This message has been edited by Minnesota Joe (edited 09-04-2000).]
  13. How much of loser do you have to be to pose as a loser that everyone hates? ------------------ Ah scheist.
  14. Man, now THAT is pathetic. ------------------ Ah scheist.
  15. 1. Peaceloving German farmer is drafted into service in 1943. He goes on to fight for the Fatherland, but he is just a soldier. 2. Hate-filled teenager joins SS in 1938 in hopes of recieving authority to beat on the unpure non-Aryans. Volunteers for position at concentration camp where he enjoys his job of killing innocent Jews. If you can't see the difference, than I feel sorry for ya. ------------------ Ah scheist. [This message has been edited by Minnesota Joe (edited 09-03-2000).]
  16. Bump Plus I want my questions answered... ------------------ Ah scheist.
  17. You know why. I'm sure that some may be willing to volunteer w/o payment just so they have some authority and can ban/lock when Steve/Charles/deputy mod aren't around. I would really hate for this board to get shut down or cencored just because some punk kid was having a little fun while nobody could do anything. ------------------ Ah scheist.
  18. My guess is you haven't yet seen JP's latest round of image posting... ------------------ Ah scheist.
  19. Where the hell is Steve?! ------------------ Ah scheist.
  20. Ah Scheist. ------------------ Ah scheist. [This message has been edited by Minnesota Joe (edited 09-03-2000).]
  21. Man, now days if a tank commander killed even 5 enemy tanks he would be given the Medal of Honor (or equivelent), get an interview on CNN and about 13 other news programs, and have a movie made about him. God help ya if ya want to find media on the greatest tank ace who evr lived... ------------------ Ah scheist.
  22. Okay, looks like you got it. That guy on the right is grinning for a reason. ------------------ Ah scheist. [This message has been edited by Minnesota Joe (edited 09-03-2000).]
  23. Does anybody else notice the contrast between the two pics of SS troopers? That guy in the real pic must be thinking: "Goddam, motherf*ckin' propaganda bastard sonofabitch lying sack of sh..." ------------------ Ah scheist.
  24. The M-16A2 fires bullets at 950 meters per second (muzzle velocity). I did the math and it turns out to be 3420 km/h. I forgot the conversion from km to U.S. (miles). Can anybody help me with this? I'd like to know fps and mach. Oh, and more thing: How does the M-60E3 compare to the SAW? Edited twice 'cuz I'm just I big screw up. ------------------ Ah scheist. [This message has been edited by Minnesota Joe (edited 09-03-2000).] [This message has been edited by Minnesota Joe (edited 09-03-2000).]
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