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Everything posted by Lars

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw: you want to know my secret for catching fish when no one else can.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Did you say pass the dynamite, my Liege?
  2. Let it be “Arty Fest ‘45”, Sire. It did get rid of Juardis, so we have a 50/50 shot here.
  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Originally posted by Justicar Shaw: Now everyone has a right to be absent for a time, but Simon Fox hasn't shown up since the day he was frocked as CessPool Grog. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I thought that was the whole point, Sire. As for Slapdragon, having read all his posts, he has yet to grasp the simple concept of a Challenge. Who needs a Squire that doesn’t play? Wait a minute, perhaps MrSpkr should take him, his last Squire wasn’t much of a challenge either. And Stalin’s Organ, Buzzsaw, and CMplayer, send a turn, you pillocks! It ain’t Friday anymore! [ 09-25-2001: Message edited by: Lars ]
  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by hansfritz: Maybe the writers of the new C.M.game should make the points value's of crews even higher to discourage Gamey Bastards like me from using them offensivly. But maybe I'll just consentrate on hunting down enemy crews then instead.Oh dear, anyone know any cures for beeing a gamey bastard.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Play Operations instead of Scenarios. You won’t be using your crews for scouting then!
  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panzer Leader: Uh, Aitken, its KwazyDog. [ 09-20-2001: Message edited by: Panzer Leader ]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Yah, but he can still spell Kwazydawg.
  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by dalem: I have also seen I494 and I694 clogged more than Lou Grant's arteries as I went to go get my new driver's license. Need to find a way to avoid those babies. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Don’t worry, we’re getting a new choo-choo train. Your tax dollar at play. No need to take the freeway. Of course, light rail won’t go anywhere you’d want to go, so I suggest you try it. And regarding Maxipad and Losername, you ever watch a drunk pick a fight with the bouncer? Always entertaining when the bouncer opens the bar door with their heads. So in closing, dalem. the James Taylor please, and MrSpkr, the insects froze to death last week.
  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by CMplayer: I like to use the highest view possible together with anything by Barry Manilow. That really does the trick for me.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Processing your turn will never be the same for me, CMplayer.
  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw: Lars oh Lars, is the Iron Maiden ready? Fresh lipstick too, good job lad, good job. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> First Mormon Wives, now Margaret Thatcher. The horror. What else do we have in the dungeon, my Liege?
  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrSpkr: Is it MY fault that your troops were too stupid to count the tanks that are . . . HELLO . . . all visible at the start of the engagement? Is it MY fault that you were dim enough to think that the German forces wouldn't have any AA or AT assets? Don't blame me for revealing information a halfway competent player should have learned . . . oh . . . I see . . . Well, no accounting for that, is there?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I'm the Germans. Idjit!
  10. Juardis, sorry to see you go, but I understand how you feel. If it makes you feel any better, your last rocket barrage wiped out about a company and a half of troops. Lorak, mark the tome if you have the time. In other news, CMplayer and I have converted our current game of ”A Long and Bloody Mile” to a Blood Hamster match due to MrSpkr’s stunningly poor grasp of operational intelligence keeping. Strike that. His stunningly poor grasp of intelligence. After this and the failure of your Squire, MrSpkr, you have moved up on the short list. Stalin’s Organ is quickly closing in on the wire of ”Crodaburg”. The defenders are waiting to see if he can manage to handle a pair of tin snips. Buzzsaw is slowly closing in on the wire of ”Crodaburg”. The defenders are waiting to see if he can manage much of anything. Now, do any of you three want to surrender while there’s still time?
  11. Nothing quite like a kneejerk reaction.
  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by argie: Yes. Some peopel is counting with this board to keep themselves informed, believe it or not.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Well, let show a little maturity and move at 290. Agreed?
  13. We are only at the 180 mark. Lets move at around 290 then.
  14. Priest, I think Madmatt will let this one go past the 300 mark.
  15. Stay where you're at, Pvt. Ryan. Everything in New York has got to be jammed up. You're safer where you're at. Wait for the storm to pass.
  16. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lindan: I just saw the pictures of Palestinians celebrating this tragedy and having a party in the streets. This makes me so sick with anger that I would like to see this whole pests wiped from the face of earth.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> They're not going to win any friends that way.
  17. I'd stay where you are at, wwb. no need to get caught up in a mob.
  18. I'd stay where you are at, wwb. no need to get caught up in a mob.
  19. IDS building evacuated. Airport shut down. Air traffic diverted to Canada. Hospital placed on alert. Imagine it's the same everywhere today.
  20. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PVLLVS MAXIMVS: I heard that there was a hijacked 767 that crashed in penselvania (or somewhere), and that the plane that hit the WTC was actually a DC3. Anyone know anything about that?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> saw the footage. second plane was a 767. haven't heard about the first.
  21. Just heard second tower fell. Also heard report of another hijacked plane unaccounted for.
  22. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> It is about "Initiation Scenarios." I think it is time this cruel and unsual punishment was put to an end. They are too horrible to play! Mostly because of scenario creator's inability to make fun and exciting scenarios, but also because they are heavily weighted (obscenely weighted to tell the truth) to give one or both players no chance of doing anything of worth, merit, or even interest.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Put a end to cruel and unusual punishment? Are you insane? The whole point of this thread is cruel and unusual punishment. Now “Jabo!” might be slightly favored to one side, but it has its worth in seeing what an opponent will put up with. If they can take a joke, they might do well here. If they start whining “gamey, gamey, gamey” they absolutely have no place in the Pool. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Let's test the mettle of SSNs by giving them games where they have to show intelligence, wit, and panache to win, not just dogged determination. That is a quality too over-rated around here.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Now you’ve gone too far PanzerLeader. If SSN’s had intelligence, wit, and panache, they wouldn’t be SSN’s, now would they? Dogged determination is the best we can hope for. Initiation Scenarios let the Pool ascertain whether a SSN has what it takes to complete a game. Or will they just throw up their little SSN hands, take their ball and go home when they are losing. P. S. Send back a report on CivIII. CivII is one of the few games that is still on my hard drive. {damn UBB, one little slash mark} {edited again to say "dammit, Sire, you just beat me"} [ 09-10-2001: Message edited by: Lars ] [ 09-10-2001: Message edited by: Lars ]
  23. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by poopoowiper4/2: Game(y) Update: Regrettably, the ubergamey swarms of Lars's Jabos have finally located the last of my valiant forces. It should be noted that they are completely out of his control, which means that he in fact is so dumb the computer has to do the killing of my hopelessly exposed, poorly armored vehicles because it is beyond his mental capacity. Bring on another round, you worthless Texan scuzzball transplant.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Yes, fellow Cesspool denizens, time to announce the results of the first SSN match. And the winner is…. Stalin’s Organ Poor poopoowiper4/2 only managed a score of 1 to 99. It was over in a mere six turns when the AI did the sensible thing and surrendered for him. Stalin, however, dragged it out for the whole ten turns and actually managed to kill and exit a few things, thus his score of 26. And if you are wondering about his ability to return files, the late date of this post should give you some idea. Now poopoowiper4/2, I said come up with a decent taunt if you wish for another game. A one line reference to the Great State of Texas in no way counts as a taunt.
  24. I’m back, the beer is all gone, and I don’t have enough money left to drive to either the east or west coast. Dammit.
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