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Everything posted by Lars

  1. PARTY ALERT! Yes, Dames and Gentlewyrms, it’s time again to celebrate “The Day The World Became A Better Place”. To wit, my Birthday. By this time tomorrow I will be as drunk as Iskander and making about as much sense as Pawbroon and OSGF combined. The SS Boating While Intoxicated will be leaving the dock and setting sail upon the surface of Lake Minnetonka loaded beyond the Plimsol Line with a variety of spirits. She is sure to founder under the load but that is O.K. as I intend to return to shore on a raft constructed of empty Champagne bottles and a sail made from bikini tops. In keeping with the spirit of making the world a better place, none of you are invited. Excepting, of course, my liege Joe Shaw (always have to invite the boss, hopefully he’ll go home early!) and the lovely Ladies YK2 and Kitty (Woo Hoo!, chicks with feathers! hopefully they’re boa’s and they stay late). Signed, “Old enough to know Better, Young enough to do it Anyway” Lars P.S. If any of my opponents should happen to receive turns this weekend, feel free to act like you’re a underpayed nursing home employee and victimize the elderly.
  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Tritritri (actually you should quit trying): Prepare for my mailed gauntlet, Who-are-these -- I don't use it to slap people in the face! (There are other, better spots for it to go and other, better spits for it to emulate!) <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> So your saying you’re a Medieval Re-enactor specializing in Proctology? I suggest you self-medicate.
  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Louie the Toad: Hey Lars, Good to hear from another Minnesnowtan. Do you play Franko's Rules at all? Cordial Toad<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Sorry Louie, I just play the game as it is. If I wanted to read rulebooks I would go back to Squad Leader. For the rest of you gentlemen, in my experience the only stupid questions are the ones I can't answer.
  4. Stay with the infantry, it'll be more effective. VT works great on open top AFV's as you noticed.
  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> I really like you, in a kinda funny but not ha-ha way.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> So you like him in a funny peculiar way? That’s just sick and wrong. Edited to say "not that there is anything wrong with that", ala Jerry Seinfield [ 08-09-2001: Message edited by: Lars ]
  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> ROIGHT, THEN, I WANT TO SEE EVERYONE BELOW THE RANK OF 'KNIGHT' DO 20 LAPS AROUND THE THREAD!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Just...{puff}...12...{huff}...more...{puff}...laps...{huff}...to...{puff}...go,...{huff}...anyone...{puff}...got...{huff}... a...{puff}...smoke?
  7. For a quick fix you could just rename the scenario files. 040844(scenario name) 220845(scenario name) European dates will work best, I think.
  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Soddball: I just shrug it off (mostly by remembering that Americans have terrible inferiority complexes ). <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Are you making fun of my inferiority complex?
  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by shootdodge: actually FRIEND im only flaming the people who flame me so thats why jons getting it and jeff aint are u a bit...slow mate<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I think it's time to put your brother's computer away for the night and go to bed, little boy, before he finds out you've been playing with it.
  10. Shootdodge, everyone is trying to help you and you just keep flaming them. You’ll learn more by listening than by talking. Ah youth, it’s wasted on the young.
  11. On the bridge? It might not last as long as you think. Everything up and down the river will have a shot at it. Keyholed and boresighted down the bridge? Just typical German gameyness.
  12. Geier, your e-mail address refuses to relay and keeps bouncing. Do you have another?
  13. Game Updates: buzzbuzzbuzz Seems not to be to fond of the pillboxes in “Crodaburg”. Has decided to smoke the entire hillside and is advancing slowly. Arty is up and on the way. Stinkey Winky This boy is a gamey bastiche to watch out for. Lined up all his armor in “Crodaburg” and let ‘er rip. BTS must have given him the cheat code for pillbox penetrations. Using his gamey “run like hell” command again. Arty is also up and on the way. In our other game, his Daimler has payed the price for its deviant lifestyle. Poopoowiper4/2 After a letter perfect drop by three Jabos, Poopoowiper4/2 has about five runners left. After this one I think we’ll play a Berli scenario so he can see that he’ll Die-A-Lot even on a good day.
  14. Well said, Seanachai Panzerwefer, I recommend “Forever Flying” by R. A. "Bob" Hoover. I’ll let the matter drop here.
  15. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by panzerwerfer42: Did Bob Hoover drop an A-bomb?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> You, sir, are a dolt. Come back when you learn the difference between a truck driver and a pilot.
  16. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by panzerwerfer42: So I'm being killed by the gamiest units in the gamiest scenario, big deal. [serious] Yesterday I met a pretty famous pilot. It's a good thing BTS didn't include the bomb he dropped because then bombers would be even more gamey. If ya drunken dolts haven't assembled the clues to form a complete, if fuzzy and vague picture, the pilot was Paul Tibbets. [/serious]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> More famous than Bob Hoover?
  17. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> puss leaking from a VD victim: There you have it folks – Lars (bolded because I can) owns up to getting the LOWEST ALLIED SCORE EVER FOR JABO!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Stained Tinkler, I would soundly berate you for this but I’m still laughing my a$$ off over what happened to poopoowiper4/2 in turn 2 of Jabo!. A perfect drop by the flyboys. The U.S Air Force must love flightless birds like you. edited cuz I can do that too. [ 08-06-2001: Message edited by: Lars ]
  18. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Dribbled by the Infected Member: Hey Lardo - shall I post the e-mail where you reckon I may well get the highest score ever for Jabo??<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> No need for that, I will post the results now: Needs Penicillin – 28 (surely a high score for Jabo!) Lars – 72 (Allied Major Vic, was there any doubt?) Entirely due to his gamey use of the ”run like hell” command. Come on, poopoowiper4/2, send a feckin turn, you have your work cut out for you!
  19. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stinky Tinkler: In his other efforts Lardo reckons I've done quite well in Jabo. Dunno why - after giving everything "run for it" orders on T1 I've only made about 5 or 6 other orders in the game - BOOOOOORRRRRRING!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I said you were doing well in comparison to poopoowiper4/2, idjit.
  20. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Well, that treacherous Lars is making mincemeat out of my attacking forces in Crodaberg. Goddamn pillboxes. I wonder what the turn one record is for AFV losses. I might have broken it. I am pretty sure he is only using about one quarter of his force to hold back my mad assault.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Seems Lardo has taken a liking to Crodaberg this week - we're just about to start T1, and it should be interesting with almost all the Allied at & armoured assets going head on with the 88mm pillboxes from about second 1......the converging yellow lines on the pillboxes should look quite impressive!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Hehehe
  21. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by chrisl: Minneapolis is much colder and darker than A^2. You will have parts of your body freeze and fall off. Your eyeballs and teeth will shatter from the cold. Your ears will turn white, and then green, and finally black with a texture of leather before they are finally bitten off by the geek at the Minnesota State Fair while you are waiting in line to buy some food-on-a-stick.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> It's only August, wait till it really gets cold. Mwuhahahaha.
  22. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by tss: Where's also a nice and easy way to freeze a non-lubricated (and also lubricated) rifle: Take it inside your heated dugout. The moisture (and there will be a lot of it nearly always) in the air will condensate on the weapon, and when taken back out will freeze.[/QB]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Hehe, I've run into this one also. My buddy brought his rifle inside for the night. He missed a twelve point buck the next morning. Damn near broke his finger yanking on the trigger to try and get it to work. We in deer camp, were, of course, very sympathetic to his plight. It’s also a good way to fog the hell out of your scope. Just a tip, folks. Leave your rifle outside.
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