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Everything posted by Priest

  1. The funny thing is JShandorf is that I am one of the few that has not been assimiliated. Holy intervention? Maybe.... ------------------ Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb -Priest
  2. As always thank you. I have your rocket mod and was almost frightened when my friend sent some my way. WOW. YOU RULE ------------------ Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb -Priest
  3. Hmm could have swore. Oh well I stand there now even if only in silence if I am allowed (wouldn't want to upset anyone)
  4. (looks in and recognizes people) Hmmm yes this is the famous pool I see. Let us see how we like it? ------------------ Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb -Priest
  5. You forgot me. I have stood on this hill since well before September my friends and I stand here still. Every corp needs Clergy ------------------ Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb -Priest [This message has been edited by Priest (edited 02-26-2001).]
  6. Thank you tanks and JuJu. ------------------ Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb -Priest
  7. As far as not snowy goes here is what I have found I need. The Humber Achilles Badger (this may share BMPs and get modded have to check) Priest (com'on it is my namesake) and lastly and frustratingly if Fernando is listening what about the 250/8. His pack does not seem to cover it (at least in Mono Color) Anyways thanks I am in the process of creating a spreadsheet that lists everything you can Mod and what Mods you have installed. I can make it available if needed. Later ------------------ Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb -Priest
  8. Security Guard i will play you as Allies. You pick. Setting, Terrain, Points, etc. Whatever it does not matter. In fact pick big points so you can buy all those "UBER" tanks and SMG infantry. The only thing I ask is that you either give me armor (yes allied armor) or the new unrestricted class. Hey you might win i might win who knows? The reason being is that except for the rare (and realistic) occurence of dumb luck the game is perfectly balanced. If the Germans are sooooo much better then why is it that I have a winning record and use mostly Allied. Why not post to some of the German players in CPX and see what they think about me and my "inferior" Allied equipment? For a person using basic tactics and playing uninspired games it is easy to believe that the German side may give the impression as being superior but this is really due to the fact that some German equipment is more idiot proof than Allied equipment. Oh and if you get into good SMG range in anything other than a city or heavy woods against me then you deserve to win. Same goes for you if you let you opponent get that close than you deserve to lose. Next time actually put up a fight and see what happens. I usually do not flame and the above offer is very valid but I do so tire of folks making somewhat ignorant (as in they do not know but not they cannot know, there is a HUGE difference) comments. So if you are up to it then I will be happy to play you and lets hope you leave your "Protoss is better in StarCraft" logic behind. Riggs Out ------------------ Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb -Priest [This message has been edited by Priest (edited 02-26-2001).]
  9. The Church shall bestow upon you blessing Sir Tiger in exchange for this simple request.......GIVE IT TO ME NOW WOOOHOOOO ------------------ Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb -Priest
  10. Usually I use near the maximum of my arti allocation for points. I usually get within 10 pts of maximum. I don't just buy recklessly but plan for the maximum effect. ------------------ Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb -Priest
  11. For those of you folks who were not here for the gridded non-gridded wars here is the donw low. same think it gamey others do not care. i used it for awhile but believe that to become an elite player you cannot use it as a crutch and must use all camera views to achieve success at high levels in this game (it is just that good!!!) ------------------ Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb -Priest
  12. Funny ask anyone I play and they will say I use way to many ------------------ Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb -Priest
  13. at combat-missions.net there is a great mod list that will help. Links are even provided!!!!! ------------------ Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb -Priest
  14. Send it to me dude looks good. ------------------ Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb -Priest
  15. DUDE YOU RULE. Keep up the good work. With the BMP guys and sound guys like you the folks like me who have no talent get a better experience every time we load the game. Amazing. ------------------ Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb -Priest
  16. CMHQ ------------------ Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb -Priest
  17. Tom the subject is Fire Test reveals New Bug It was by Berkut. Hope this helps ------------------ Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb -Priest
  18. Hey GonzoAttacker WHAT IS UP. Long time no speak. Also Lorak that is great book. I must have read it a thousand times. Have you read any of the Elric series? (now for the CM portion of this message before the great Matt obliterates my existance) What is the Terminal velocity of a 75mm Hamster from a Sherman (Hamster)W HVSS? ------------------ Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb -Priest
  19. Yes yes 5 cents we get it. (said like Austin Powers) ------------------ Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb -Priest
  20. ShadowRun Rules. I prefer Elven Street Samuri myself. ------------------ Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb -Priest
  21. My nickname comes from paintball. I wear all black and have a priest's collar. I use a blood red gun named Demon (get it!) I was younger and thought it sounded Gothic. It stuck. Also since Fionn doen't usually post I will try to answer for him. It is his name. Fionn Kelly. Good guy who got a bad rap. Too bad he added a lot to this forum. ------------------ Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb -Priest
  22. bump ------------------ Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb -Priest
  23. bump ------------------ Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb -Priest
  24. CM OutPost. Also NightCrawlers Soundmods at CMHQ is good Also there some GREAT sound Mods at CM RECON I believe. The best plane sounds ever. ------------------ Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb -Priest
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