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Everything posted by Priest

  1. It does not make me feel superior. The fact that you think that it might makes me worry for you. It is understanding the different views. You are aware people are not jsut random singular creatures and that some trends do take place. You are aware that even the most derranged of or society can be profiled and grouped. Does that mean we are a herd? No. Does that mean that some are superior to others? No. Are you folks way to defensive? Yes. Most importantly if we cannot ask questions and be open to listen to views on how people video game then my god something approaching a world with less racism and hate is unachievable. Geez take a breath and calm down. Gee huh huh wouldn't want a forum where we ask question huh Cleatus? (this last line is a impersontion of some of the people in this thread right now!) ------------------ Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb -Kryton of Red Dwarf
  2. PBEM report Hammie goes for his best rendition of Picketts Charge. Does better than Pickett did. Now it is Pickett's Charge II this time performed by me Priest. Also just for those who were counting 1 Dailmer from hell (I think I actually saw horns and a tail on them) is still around. DAMN!!! ------------------ Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb -Kryton of Red Dwarf
  3. Welcome ------------------ Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb -Kryton of Red Dwarf
  4. Gee I go away for the night and look what happens. First of you are very welcome Maximus. Second as I have tried to state in an earlier post, I have played every genre that is currently available. I still play a lot more than just "wargaming". The point is that the "general" game public sees StarCraft and WarCraft as a strategy and tactics excercise. Now while some "game" strategy does come into play I doubt a flanking manuever by some Zerg would take advantage of the side armor of a siege tank. That is the point of this post. Many folks have posted stories or laughed at some game players for their interpretation of CM or just there style and preferences towards games. How many people would answer a thread in vehement defense of CM if someone popped in and stated that "StarCraft involves a much highler level of understanding in subjects of strategy and tactics!" Oh come on we would be on that person like a crack whore who needs her fix like pronto. A flame war of biblical porportions would break out. Now a player (Maximus) has simply asked why. Some of us have tried to answer him thoughtfully. Others have tried to berate him. Hmm let's all get together and see what is more constructive. While I trust that Steve and Charles will never "water" the game down the understanding of the tendencies of the modern day gaming market needs to be assessed. And as far as folks saying well I play all kinds of games. Well good there is nothing wrong with that. But I can name 20 people that I know that fit into the above classifications easily. Are they stupid? No. But they do not understand CM's point because they do not expect to get what CM delivers. ------------------ Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb -Kryton of Red Dwarf [This message has been edited by Priest (edited 03-16-2001).]
  5. Uhm the thread is about how some CM players (see wargamers) do not get why other genre style players do not see CM's value even after exposed to it. The example may not bet the best but then again maximus states that. BTW I beat Zelda. I love the Final Fantasy series and until I read the historical account of the Sinking of the Bismark and played Panzer General I i was one of these people. I own every game system out and game non stop. It is good thing I have never drank or smokes or had any other crutches or my girlfriend would have left me by now! I consider myself a selective game player now than the whore I used to be even after Panzer General I. Example I own all the release titles that came with the PS1. I got them when they came out. Most sucked. Freak there is a difference with gamers out there. You can never seperate them totally because hey they are all different but this is the best I could do 1.) casual gamer 2.) Gamer DUDE!!!! 3.) Gamer Most of the player are gamers. That is what this thread is about. This is what my above posts are about. Any more questions? ------------------ Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb -Kryton of Red Dwarf
  6. Funny GOZ but remember that Rainbow 6 was originally marketed as an FPS. Red Storm got hounds of letters after it's release about people dying when they got hit and have no life bar. Of course just as many letters came in about how refreshing "true" squad combat was when compared to Quake or whatever FPS was king at that time. All of a sudden the game was a Sim or Strategy game and RED Storm marketed it as such. that is why when you go to GameSpot.com the Rainbow 6 series (which I play) is in the Simulation area not the action area. To the majority of gamers Warcraft 3 is the best strategy coming out and Harpoon 4 is about whaling! ------------------ Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb -Kryton of Red Dwarf
  7. On a serious note I think the point was missed. The test subject believed that you were saying that you could control everyone on the field with as much "control" as he could Link in Zelda which is of course wrong. If you give the average gamer the whole point of the TACAI's being they will look at you in disgust because who wants a game to do stuff for them. They lock onto well the game is stupid I am not so I wanna pick what happens. Total control is achieveable in Zelda or any other action, adventure, roleplaying, etc. etc. etc. At most players of today believe that StarCraft is way difficult because you havta think. And controlling every guy is a bitch. Of course if you try to alleviate that problem they complain that you are taking away control. They key is of course to have a great AI and not many games do. Lastly no matter how frustrated you are with CM charging guns a blaszing will not work for long even against the AI. This being introduced to game community that is used to losing at StarCraft and deciding that next time they are jsut gonna send a horde of Marines to win instead of the fancy stuff or I am just gonna make sure I get the G-9000 WAZZUP Blaster and kill so and so blah blah blah That is the playing difference of what I consider the Gamer DUDE and the true gamer. ------------------ Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb -Kryton of Red Dwarf
  8. woohoo ------------------ Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb -Kryton of Red Dwarf
  9. A Hamster is sponsering me!!!! This just keeps getting better and better by the second. ------------------ Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb -Kryton of Red Dwarf
  10. I agree that the AI just does not do it for me anymore. I try oh god how I try. Then again I can never turn down a game against another person. I find that I use the AI as a "lab" to test new things. Like right now I am testing the best ways to initiate contact with the enemy. Once I am in contact I quit. Ahhh. What is sad is the fact that it is still the best AI out there! Thanks BTS (haven't said that this week!) ------------------ Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb -Kryton of Red Dwarf
  11. HAMMIE. I await my turn. Question? Why did you guys choose Lorak the Loser who will go to the lengths of hanging out with his boss!!!! just to get free drinks, to keep your records. Now free drinks, however wonderful, is not justification for the level one must stoop. Why not just get the Bum from the Andy Griffith show to keep track. On a side note, MrPeng you still have not learned. The more you complain the more you can be assurred that the thread will continue to be named after you. PENG PENG PENG PENG PENG PENG ------------------ Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb -Kryton of Red Dwarf [This message has been edited by Priest (edited 03-15-2001).]
  12. thank you ------------------ Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb -Kryton of Red Dwarf
  13. Expect no turns from Hammie tonight as now that he has started the infamous PENG thread he is now deep in preparation for the upcoming ritual suicide to take place. Please do not bother him further. ------------------ Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb -Kryton of Red Dwarf
  14. hehe mace Get well soon Matt! ------------------ Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb -Kryton of Red Dwarf
  15. It is a sad state when the title of Pissboy is an upgrade. Super (note sarcasm) ------------------ Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb -Kryton of Red Dwarf
  16. Hammie allow a simple update on my part. Hamsters: Dying a rodent death (of course in doing so he eviscirating my men too so all is not well!) ------------------ Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb -Kryton of Red Dwarf
  17. I have played both. Here is your solution. 1.) Buy CM 2.) Go to Ebay and buy Nobungas Revenge for the NES 3.)Dig NES out of closet 4.) Play NES until CM gets there to justify purchase of Nobunga's Revenge. 5.) While playing NES pop in old games like Metroid, Zelda I, and Tyson punch out and realize that they still rock. 6.)Recieve CM 7.)Install CM 8. Never look back Welcome to the addiction ------------------ Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb -Kryton of Red Dwarf
  18. I am not the one admitting that I have a mind like a rodent! ------------------ Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb -Kryton of Red Dwarf
  19. I doubt a clear winner can be drawn. But Oh Lorak your estimation of forces relaxing with me is woefully inadequate. Remember just because you did not see it does not mean it is not there. And not all of his squad mates died by the way. It is a big family and he has friends very very near. But it was a great game and one that unluckly will not get much run. Too Bad. Well no matter what everyone else says Lorak you are not totally deplorable ------------------ Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb -Kryton of Red Dwarf
  20. Hmmmm. Lorak is right on the fact that I withdrew (from the smell?). But I did capture that oh so nice vineyard and while you my loathed opponent are eating dust and dirt (not to mention bark and horrible rations) in the cold dark rain, I am sipping wine relaxing in an estate. The rest of my guys are in hotels eating warm food and the only place for you to go is farther back towards more of my friends. So yes I withdrew Oh Lorak but I withdrew to luxury while you struggled and clawed for an ever shrinking piece of land (remember I did get south of the road and held). But hey since it is dirt it will make a great grave site. Here Lies Lorak the Loser May he rest in Cess ------------------ Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb -Kryton of Red Dwarf [This message has been edited by Priest (edited 03-13-2001).]
  21. Now this is what makes BTS great. Thanks Kwazy. ------------------ Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb -Kryton of Red Dwarf
  22. Hammie do not try to use feeble Jedi mind tricks on us. I sent you a turn you dasdardly hamster and i expect return. Now mail the flippin turn already. ------------------ Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb -Kryton of Red Dwarf
  23. Hey folks it is not what you use to screen your forces it is how you use it. Depending on the size and composition of your forces you need to select a portion of them to be the forward element. This screening force is what we are talking about. As CO whatever you pick to be this screening force is up to you. It could be a tank it could be a jeep it could be a sharpshooter it could be a general it could be a lot of things. Some wise choices others not. The "gameyness" comes into play when the player (CO) just throws them to wolves with little or no disregard for the units in the screening force turning them into a bait force or suicide force. This is gamey because it takes advantage of the games limitations (ie single battle with little or no effect in the aftermath and for later battles). Jeeps were used in recon but they were not driven toward Berlin in a straight line with a big sign that says HEY MR. 88 Free Shot Here!!! in German ------------------ Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb -Kryton of Red Dwarf [This message has been edited by Priest (edited 03-13-2001).]
  24. That too rough you need to be gentle. Hammie where is my turn you malignant tumor of a rodent I still have a Dailmer to kill. ------------------ Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb -Kryton of Red Dwarf
  25. Hammie just send me my turn ------------------ Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb -Kryton of Red Dwarf
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