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Kanonier Reichmann

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Everything posted by Kanonier Reichmann

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by AR: I also like this idea. It sounds very realistic to me. Anyone that has ever tried to give an order to a squad that is firing away knows how hard it is. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Bloody good idea AR. 3 gold stars for that piece of original thought which may go a long way to overcome modelling of command & control problems with the Soviet forces. Regards Jim R. ------------------ Steve to Combat Mission community: "If it's not in Combat Mission it never happened in reality"... nah that's not quite right "If it's not in Combat Mission then the chances of it happening were miniscule"... hmmm, not quite "If it's not in Combat Mission then we didn't have the resources to code it"... rats, we've employed more people now "If it's not in Combat Mission, STIFF SH*T!"... yeh, that's what I meant to say
  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PeterNZer: Actually, check out those Austrian uniforms from the Napoleonic war! Jet black appart from smatterings of Silver trim, sharp! PeterNZ<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Precursor to the SS uniforms of WWII I believe. Seriously, I wouldn't be surprised if whoever was responsible for designing the SS uniforms had in mind those Prussian Kings German Legion ones at the time. Does anyone have any information on this? Regards Jim R.
  3. Fantastic information on Soviet Rifle formations (once again) PzKfwI. Thanks for the education. At this rate I might even advance to Junior Grog 1 standard! And yes, that's 1 out of 10 not the other way around. Regards Jim R.
  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Kingfish: IIRC, there is a scenario that gives the Germans a crack truck driver. I wonder how many pedestrians he had to run over to achieve that status. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Or alternatively, a truck driver with a substance abuse problem. Regards Jim R.
  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by McAuliffe: Maybe this link is a help..you can zoom in down to street level or zoom out in order to have a general view of the area. http://www.mapquest.com/cgi-bin/ia_find?link=bmmq/mmq-map_results&zoom_level=8&uid=r8a4y2o7i6vaw9iy:22g4bl1r7&SNVData=3mad3-96,hr%3b821y1a%3d4r50a,4i%3bz2u.9v%28y72%24tw2%28%3 aFiw5%24%2bV7dr2gm%3a%2bVS_%3d%3a%28OJ%3a820u and so on and so on etc. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Christ, by the time he's punched all that crap into his computer the seasons would have changed! Jim R.
  6. Assuming we're not just restricting ourselves to war related games, how about Reach for the Stars 2? I've heard it's going to be the greatest thing since sliced bread if you're into Space based strategic games. Just what I've heard though & haven't played a demo or anything yet. Regards Jim R.
  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Chupacabra: Uh, I thought my post was fairly obviously lighthearted, and was not intended as "bait." If you took it this way, well, dunno what to say. Guess I should saturate my posts with smileys from now on. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Hey Chup, you're talking to an Aussie here....we don't take ANYTHING too seriously. I could see that you were having a minor dig & I couldn't let it rest could I. So you don't ever have to worry about upsetting me when posting on this board. Now, while playing Combat Mission, that's when I can definitely get upset! Regards Jim R.
  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Jochen Schmidt: O.k., o.k., this is really not important for the gameplay (perhaps only the frozen rivers) but i think, if we wanna be corgnards this should be said. Any comments?? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Are "corgnards" like a cross between a corkhead and a grognard? Or are all grognards by definition this sort of combination? Sorry, I know English probably isn't your first language (& I'm not saying it should be either) but I just couldn't resist when the opportunity presented itself. Regards Jim R.
  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Chupacabra: I have the cutest postcard with a kangaroo wearing one of those darling little hats!!! He's drinking a Fosters and saying "G'day, mate!" It's adorable! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Sorry, I wont take the bait. I'm glad you like it Regards Jim R.
  10. Well thankfully in the Australian army we have those very distinctive slouch hats which I personally think look great. They stand out, can provide a bit of shade (if only to one side of the face) and any soldier wearing them is instantly recognised as being an Aussie & not some homogenous could be any countries soldiers (if wearing a black beret). Of course I'm not biased or anything! Regards Jim R.
  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Armdchair: The movie "Thin Red Line"(written by director Terence Malick) bears little resemblance to the book "Thin Red Line"(written by Pacific vet James Jones). The following passage is from the book:" What power was it that decided one man should be hit, be killed, instead of another man?...If this were a movie, this would be the end of the show & something would be decided. In a movie or novel they would dramatize or build to the climax of the attack. When the attack came in the film or novel, it would be satisfying. It would decide something. It would have a semblance of meaning & a semblance of an emotion. And immediately after, it would be over. The audience would go home & think about the semblance of meaning & feel the semblance of emotion. Even if the hero got killed, it would make sense. Art, Bell decided, creative art - was ****...here there was no semblance of meaning. And the emotions were so many & so mixed up, that they were indecipherable, could not be untangled. Nothing had been decided, nobody had learned anything. But most important of all, nothing had ended. Even if they had captured the whole ridge, nothing had ended. Because tomorrow, or the day after that, - they would be called upon to do the same thing again - maybe under worse circumstances...It would certainly end sometime, sure, and almost certainly, because of industrial production - end in victory, but that point in time had no connection w/ any individual man engaged now. Some men would survive, but no one individual man could survive. It was a discrepancy in the way of counting. The whole thing was too vast, too complicated, too technological for any one man to count in it. Only collections of men counted, communities of men, only numbers of men... The emotion this created in Bell was not one of sacrifice, resignation, acceptance, & peace. Instead, it was an irritating, chafing emotion of helpless frustration..." This is very different than Malick's musings:" How did evil creep into the world?..." The only sense of Jones' book comes through intermittently, during the firefight scenes, and through the character played by Sean Penn, Sgt. Welsh. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Hey, Armdchair... you weren't the script writer for The Thin Red Line were you? Regards Jim R.
  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Grisha: In fact, by 1944 the Red Army had perfected the use of forward detachments, which were small, yet heavily equipped units that were sent ahead of their parent unit, usually with a very specific mission. The notable thing is that commanders of forward detachments were given wide freedom of action to complete their mission, and some of these commanders were every bit as good as the best the Germans had. In any case, a discussion of forward detachments is tangential to this thread, but I just wanted to point it out. Soviets did have sound, innovative tactics. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Thanks Grisha, very informative. I'm wondering since you seem to have good sources on this, were those forward "heavily" armed detatchments mainly armed with PPShk (if that's the right spelling) SMG's? Regards Jim R.
  13. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Chupacabra: Mmm, okay, then answer me two questions - 1) Is this feature currently available in the scenario editor, yes or no? 2) Will this feature take longer to code than it would take someone to use the scenario editor, yes or no? If there's a bug up my ass, it's because there are a constant stream of "I WANT THIS NOW" posts on this board, and it's a bit ridiculous. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> "Enough with the negative vibes man".. one guess who & from which movie. Regards Jim R.
  14. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by CavScout: I have a question, why do people get angry when America makes movies about Americans? Surely there has to be movies by Brits about Brits or by Canadians about Canadians! Or is this just a weird acceptance that America (Hollywood) makes better films and you wish they'd do one about you country? Cav <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Cav lets not be at each others throats on this but where did I mention anywhere about getting angry at Americans making movies about Americans. I didn't say it & if you took my complaint about TTRL movie as proving this point I can only say you've completely misinterpreted me. All I'm saying is that ONE film I thought was a pile of wombat droppings in terms of its realism & portrayal of your typical GI. I personally love other films such as SPR, The Longest Day, Kelly Heroes etc. but I definitely draw the line at The Thin Red Line. Now if only someone did a movie on the original Thin Red Line consisting of a handful (relatively speaking) of British line infantry holding out against massed cavalry charges in the Crimean War. That WOULD be worth seeing. Regards Jim R.
  15. I gotta say it although I'll probably be howled down...The thin red bloody line...what a shocker! I mean, since when did regular GI's contemplate the meaning of life & exostensialism & all sorts of other crap while engaged in a bitter war with the Japs? Come on now, most probably all they were interested in was survival, getting sex whenever they could, food , water & other basics & that was probably it. You're living on a day to day basis when you dont know if your most recent meal was your last & these 2 jokers are contemplating the structure of a leaf or some such AAAARRRRGGGGHHHH! Sorry, I just had to say it. Oh, and one other thing. Who else but me thought that the Japanese manning those 2 MG posts in their prime location must have been pretty bloody stupid not to think to hurl some hand grenades at those all of 5 or so Yanks below them. How idiotic can you get? Regards Jim R.
  16. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by killmore: I disagree with this point completly. SOVIET (not russian) squads should not be penalized by poor training in any way. The soviet veteran squad should as good as german veteran squad! But normal battle should be regular/veteran german squads vs. conscripts/regular Soviet troops. This is how poor quality should be modeled - not by penalizing the squad fire power.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> OK, fair point about the level of training etc. but as you say, it is much more likely there will be an abundance of Conscripts compared with Veteran squads unless it is an elite Guards unit perhaps. Oh, and I didn't mean to offend anyone by referring to Soviets as Russian, old habits die hard. BTW, thanks very much PzKwI for all that fascinating info on the Soviet squads. I don't know where you dig all this info up from but you must have one hell of a library at home! Regards Jim R.
  17. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by TR12: Anyone seen 'A long days dieing' about 3 British Paras stuck behind German lines. Now that was a gritty no holds barred film. The killing was really personal and it brings home the horrors of war. I believe it stared David Hemmings.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Just another thing on this great little film. From memory (please correct me if I'm wrong) the main British Para character was played by Anthony Hopkins no less and not David Hemmings, but it has been a long time since I've seen the film. Regards Jim R.
  18. Anybody out there in the know (or possibly conjecture) who is aware how large the Russian squad sizes will be in CM2? I'm assuming they will probably be about 15 men to each squad and if this is the case then I'm assuming BTS will have to release a new graphic for squads with 4 figures per unit. In this way one would be able to get a reasonable handle on how many casualties the squads have been taking. Oh, and another thing. Assuming 15 man squads will be modelled with most of those guys armed with Mosin Nagant bolt action rifles, I hope the generally accepted inferior range & often poorer training of the riflemen will be reflected in their firepower at various extended ranges. Otherwise those standard Russian squads could end up being the new "Ubermensch" of Combat Mission! Thoughts, critiques, comments all welcome. Regards Jim R.
  19. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by M. Bates: If the UK and Germany are competing, make the tournament an alcohol free zone and keep those two teams at least 500 yards apart Please don't let it go to penalties <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Would penalties consist of lining up 5 PzKwIV's or Sherman M4A1's at 1000 metres (depending on which side you're on of course) with whoever brews up the most tanks in a 60 second turn winning? Just a thought. Regards Jim R.
  20. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Dittohead: I for one, believe that concrete is correctly modeled in the game.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> But hang on....only German concrete is in the OOB of the game. What about American, British, French etc. concrete? This has been left out & is a slight on the game. Oh, and my research confirms that American concrete used much heavier guage steel mesh in its construction so when it's included in a later patch it better be harder to penetrate than the flimsy German stuff! (Does this remind you of anything?) Regards Jim R.
  21. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Wilhammer: Perhaps we need an "historically invulnerable death ray equipped" German tank option in future CMs? This option would greatly help the "tactically challenged".<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> What would it be called....a "Cheetah" perhaps? Regards Jim R.
  22. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by CavScout: My apologies for even suggesting a German tank was not superior to an Allied one. Das Panzerkampfwagen IV war das beste! [This message has been edited by CavScout (edited 10-13-2000).]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Jeez CavScout, you really are way too sensitive when somebody makes an INFORMED comment about the various tanks. PzKwI [ie not the tank ] AGREED with you that the standard PzKwIV in North Africa with its short barrel 75 mm gun WAS outclassed by the Sherman but when it received the high velocity long barrelled gun it became at least the equal of its Sherman counterpart. That's all he was saying.....SHEEESH. Regards Jim R.
  23. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by TR12: Anyone seen 'A long days dieing' about 3 British Paras stuck behind German lines. Now that was a gritty no holds barred film. The killing was really personal and it brings home the horrors of war. I believe it stared David Hemmings.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Yeh I saw it TR12, a great little movie with all the right armaments (if only small arms) & I especially liked that long barrelled Mauser pistol with the attached stock that the German para was using. As for our "hero" (read anti-hero) he was particularly adept at the old needle through the heart trick wasn't he. Regards Jim R.
  24. I'll bump this hoping someone can answer. Anybody will do! Regards Jim R.
  25. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by KiwiJoe: You will be very welcome to try but as a lot of non NZ'ers can will atest... it will be a mssion and a half to beat me. (any1 I have beaten can add to this.. please <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I'll use a previous quote of mine from earlier on to put KiwiJoe's victories in perspective: "We'll let "junior" play amongst his underlings. All of us Aussies know that the true test of a player lies in the bigger lake rather than the small pond." Regards Jim R.
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