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Kanonier Reichmann

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Everything posted by Kanonier Reichmann

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Slapdragon: Basically I think everyone has answered you. Air is a worthless waste of points that bothers the Germans so little that you never see AA purchased. Likely one burst was enough to scare the pathetic woodchuck flying the obsolete bird dog modeled in the game straight from the skies. I think in this case the game designers got it wrong, they thought Cab Rank meant cab drivers flew interdiction rather than pilots. Honestly, most air did not fly FEBA anyway, although German units lived in terror of it and assigned a huge number of AA units to it, producing a lot of AA tracks of different types. If they left, they are probably gone for good. Trick: Never buy air.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Thanks for the response Slappy and I understand & agree with what you're saying in tgerms of purchasing them but in this case the pre-designed scenario has allocated fighter bombers to me so I had no choice in the matter. I just wonder if they're ever coming back & if anyone else has experienced a similar situation. Regards Jim R.
  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Berlichtingen: I love flamethrowers. I almost always buy engineer platoons in QBs. Very effective in attack or defense... so long as you use them correctly.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I wondered how long it would be before you chimed in Berli...what with your (in)famous reputation for using them at every possible opportunity. Regards Jim R.
  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Diceman: Can I get in on this action?. March 45. Armor only. You get King Tigers only. I'll take short barreled 75 tanks only. Moderate hills, moderate cover. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Methinks a swarm of Chafee's could be heading Combatboys way! Have fun, but I reckon I know who will win. Regards Jim R.
  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Schugger: A good question. One possibility to simulate their lack of radios is to penalize them with an additional delay time. Making all russian tankers Conscripts or Green is not a sounding solution, specialy for QBs. Again I won only the silver medal. 'tis is strange: The third post in three days were I was beaten by one minute. [This message has been edited by Schugger (edited 09-30-2000).]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Hey, don't feel bad about the silver medal thing, us Australians are bloody used to it, believe me! Regards Jim R.
  5. Thanks for the responses to date but they don't seem to cover the situation I'm describing. To clarify, one & only one of the German AA assets being a halftrack mounted 37 mm Flak unit managed to get a quick burst of fire at my already arrived fighter bomber (since I could hear it in the sky). I severely doubt that one burst would have hit the aircraft as the AA unit was being targetted & fired on from 3 different sources of mine at the same time so it's accuracy would surely have been affected plus there was no sound of an aircraft plummetting to the ground after being fired on. Therefore, my question is, has the fighter bomber been scared off by that ONE burst since I have not heard it buzzing around in the sky since OR could it simply be standing off some distance away until the virtual pilot considers it is safe to return to the battlefield once more German AA assets have been destroyed? Thanks again Jim R.
  6. I agree completely with this suggestion. It is always somewhat of a letdown after 30 turns of furious fighting to see the very bland end report screen when one craves specific information on how each unit did in reality. Would love to get some feedback on this from BTS if possible. Any old tidbit would do like, it is likely to be improved in CM 2? Regards Jim R.
  7. I have a query with regard to air support in Combat Mission. I'm playing a game at the moment (pre-designed scenario) where the Yanks must have fighter bomber support in the form of re-inforcements as by about turn 15 I could hear the plane(s) up in the sky. Now, the Germans have at least 2 Flak trucks (37mm & quad 20mm) plus a Wirbelwind still alive at this stage and on turn 15 I noticed the 37mm AA take a snap shot (1 burst) into the sky while the truck was being fired on from 3 different sources. I assumed the fire couldn't have been too accurate due to all the heat coming onto the AA unit (75 mm gun, 37 mm gun & a 50 cal. HMG all firing) and yet my air support seems to have disappeared. Now I'm pretty sure the plane wasn't shot down as I would have heard the crash noise sequence and yet my air support seems to have disappeared. I'm wondering does Combat Mission simulate either the plane being spooked off from being fired on, never to return again OR is there a chance that it may return once I eliminate more of the AA assets the Germans have (which I'm gradually doing). In other words, is the TacAI smart enough with regard to fighter bombers to hold off any attack run until there is little or no significant AA fire likely to come its way? Any views on the subject would be appreciated. Regards Jim R.
  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Pillar: Tell us more! Tell us more!!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Aren't those the words from one of the hit songs in the movie GREASE? Jim R.
  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Vanir: Partly. It's true that production of the Tiger stopped in Aug '44 and Panther continued to the end of the war. However, Tigers were twice as expensive as Panthers and took twice as long to build. A lot of people think the Germans would have been better off if they had never made the Tiger and had allocated all that production to making more Panthers instead. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> That may be some people's take on the Tiger but try convincing any German tank commander of the reason why he still has to toil around in the Western Destert in his Pz III is due to awaiting the development of the Panther. It is worth remembering that the Tiger I was issued to the Panzer divisions in late 1942 compared with the Panther which wasn't ready until Kursk in 1943 ( & even then it had a whole heap of bugs that needed ironing out). My view on the Tiger compared with the Panther is I prefer the Tiger in most instances since it is more of an allrounder than a Panther due to its anti tank AND anti infantry capability. The Panther is probably better if you're in an all out attacking situation due to its manouverability & turret speed but then it is awfully vulnerable once anything with an anti tank capability gets on its side. Regards Jim R.
  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Banshee: Which banned words? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Try Hamster or Gerbil or chinchilla or the like. Hang on...if these words were banned there'd never be another posting on this board! Regards Jim R.
  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Slapdragon: Many movies real weapons are not used. In the TV show Combat! , Vic Morrow, not being a veteran, was given his script and saw he was to use a "tommy gun" and said cool. The weapon looked tough. Rick Jason, who played Gil Hanely, looked at his script, saw he was also to have a tommy gun, and being a veteran said "NO WAY". Jason was given a carbine at his own request, saying no way was he going to spend an entire show run lugging 11 pounds of metal around a stage. So the first day of shooting rolls around, and Vic Morrow figures out what Rick Jason already knew: 11 pounds is a lot of metal. It was so much metal that they had to make Vic Morrow one made out of wood, only giving him the firing model when it was time to shoot some blanks. Of course, if you are not the star, you carry the metal -- which is what Jack Hogan had to do. The first season he just carried an M1, but it was pointed out that a BAR should be used with the squad in the hands of a speaking character (as opposed to a "red shirt"). Hogan got it by default and carried it 4 more years, but never complained. Jalbert may have been a better choice to carry the BAR, as he was an olympic skier and the only real athlete in the bunch. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> What always gave me a laugh when watching "Combat!" was how Vic Morrow could fire his Thompson SMG for extended periods and NEVER and I mean NEVER have to change the 30 shot magazine on his gun. It was like it was a belt fed Thommy oh, and of course, despite the extended periods he fired the weapon it never ever jammed either. I guess those were the perks of having the star billing status. Regards Jim R.
  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Grognerd_Fogman: Actually the reason most of us "in the know" partake on Hamster dribble is due to the fact there were real top secret Hamster troops utilized in WWII on underground missions (through camo'd habitrail tubes) for the Reich. I could tell you of many, many operations they undertook but I swore to my great great German grandmother that I would never tell a soul. Just suffice it to say that if Hitler had not buggered up some of their greatest battle plans (among other things), the Axis probably, in my best estimate, would have altered the course of the war. If left alone to their devices, the current world would probably be speaking in rodent tongues an munching on cabbage. O well... <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Is this statement along the same lines as what Hitler allegedly did to goats....and then paid the ultimate price! Regards Jim R.
  13. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Teutonicc: Is RUNE still fighting for this <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Is that the T28 GMC? If so, it's bloody big!!! Regards Jim R.
  14. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Kitty: Kitty is from San Gabriel, CA and is a she, not a he and I don't sleep with plants, animals, insects, amoeba, etc. Just silly lil' rule I have. Kitty <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> How ultra conservative of you... didn't think such right wing ideas still existed in todays society. Regards Jim R.
  15. Those poor slugs...when oh when is someone going to take on the cause of the slugs (instead of hamsters, gerbils, rats, beavers, siberian hamsters etc. etc.) Regards Jim R.
  16. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Michael emrys: Maybe it's been a long weekend... Michael<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Yes, a hard day mega assimilating... Jim R.
  17. Great! What was originally a request from moi to INCLUDE soft gridlines for the grass textures (& snow but I hadn't checked to see if it was already there) it has now turned around to become a request to REMOVE gridlines. Please, can't you guys start your own topic & leave mine ON topic. Pretty please! Regards Jim R. ------------------ Inspector: "Does your derg bite?" Dog Owner: "No, my dog does not bite" Inspector: "Good derggie (pat, pat...growl- snap!)... Yeeow! I thought you said your derg does not bite!" Dog Owner: "That is not my dog".
  18. I'll give this topic a screw punt to see if there is any genuine interest the subject. Jim R.
  19. As it seems to be almost universally accepted that the massive Gunslinger package of graphics mods have become very popular to run, is there any chance that a further mod pack will be introduced soon to add "soft" gridlines to the grass & snow textures asscoiated with that mod. Not wanting to sound ungrateful or anything as I think the previous mod pack was fantastic, but I personally think this one futher addition would round out the ultimate mod pack IMHO. Anybody else feel the same way? Regards Jim R.
  20. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mirage2k: Is that anything like "The A-Team"? I still don't understand how, despite the hundreds of thousands of rounds those guys must have expended through that series, I have never seen any man (enemy or friendly) get hit. -Andrew <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> What I vividly remeber of the series was the fact that the German commander would regularly lose his armoured column to a bunch of unarmoured MG equipped jeeps and at the end of the engagement shake his fist at the Rat Patrol muttering something along the lines of "I'll get you next time Gadget". Th most absurd yet somehow enjoyable series I remember from my formative years. BTW, that German commander...was he the same guy who later appeared regularly on Daze of our Lives? And another thing, how come that German commander was never court martialled despite losing the equivalent of a Divisions worth of Mark IV's to a bunch of bleedin' Jeeps! Regards Jim R.
  21. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stuka: 3 cheers for the NZ olympic team! HIP RAY! Hip ray, hip[yawn]ray A mighty BRONZE medal! (thats one in a row now isn't it?) You must be so proud [pitta,pitta,pitta,pitta] (sound of feet fleeing ahead of the oncoming flames) <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Good on yer Stuka, give 'em hell (as Roy & HG were doing with not much subtelty). Perhaps I could start a thread challenging all those NZ medallists out there to a game of Combat Mission... but then again, I guess I would only get a MAXIMUM of 1 reply. Thats the trouble when dealing with a small pond of "talent" when what you really need is a big lake to really challenge you. Now if that doesn't get GAZ NZ going then nothing will! Regards Jim R. ------------------ Inspector: "Does your derg bite?" Dog Owner: "No, my dog does not bite" Inspector: "Good derggie (pat, pat...growl- snap!)... Yeeow! I thought you said your derg does not bite!" Dog Owner: "That is not my dog".
  22. All the bext to you guys in your new role. Not wanting to be accused of being cynical or anything but Steve & Charles are getting Kwazy at bargain basement prices when one considers the value of the $AUD at the moment! Regards Jim R.
  23. I can't believe that BTS has not modelled cellars in this game 'cause if they had, that would have been the ideal place to set up my mortar teams...with the commander having control over them set up directly above them on the timber floor, for spotting purposes. Jim R. ------------------ Inspector: "Does your derg bite?" Dog Owner: "No, my dog does not bite" Inspector: "Good derggie (pat, pat...growl- snap!)... Yeeow! I thought you said your derg does not bite!" Dog Owner: "That is not my dog".
  24. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Schrullenhaft: For some reason your 1.03 & 1.05 versions are pulling all their graphics and sound off of the CD. Where do you have all these versions on your hard drive ? Are you replacing the executable in the CMBO directory or are you using some sort of shortcut. If you're using a shortcut, then that's probably your problem. I would suggest some sort of scheme to replace the file in the CMBO directory. Otherwise it may not understand the directory structure and instead refer to the CDROM for the rest of the files (can you see any scenarios other than the default ones that come with CD ?).<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Yeh, thanks Herr Schrullenhaft, you were right on the money. I had stupidly forgotten to replace the old CM executable & was therefore only running shortcuts. Thanks very much for pointing out my mistake. Regards Jim R. ------------------ Inspector: "Does your derg bite?" Dog Owner: "No, my dog does not bite" Inspector: "Good derggie (pat, pat...growl- snap!)... Yeeow! I thought you said your derg does not bite!" Dog Owner: "That is not my dog".
  25. Exodus, I'm wondering whether I was too late to be included in the camapign you have proposed. Because I couln't see your E-Mail address listed anywhere I thought it best to raise this query on the C.M. board. Regards Jim R.
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