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Kanonier Reichmann

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Everything posted by Kanonier Reichmann

  1. Christ, a spanner/wrench grog. I've seen everything now! Regards Jim R.
  2. Sorry Jeff, I meant to thank you specifically for your answer. That'll teach me to post a reply without first quoting the relevant bit of info first... Regards Jim R.
  3. Thanks Michael for your concise answer, much appreciated. I now know it is safe to fire my SPG's no matter how close to the woods they are (provided they're not firing a few metres away from themselves of course!) Regards Jim R.
  4. Why am I reminded of that computer game "Army Men" when discussing these types of AFV's. Does this mean that all you'll need is a very fast firing MG to keep chipping away at the plastic armour untill all thats left is a pile of plastic chips? Flamethrowers could make a big comeback as well with the only evidence left of a destroyed AFV being a moolten pool of plastic... Regards Jim R.
  5. With all the hulabaloo over that thread discussing Wespe's et al that knock themselves out when firing too close to buildings I'm wondering whether anybody has experienced a similar occurence by firing too close to a thick patch of woods? I personally haven't seen it in the games I've played when using Priest's, Wespe's or whatever but I can envisage a situation where an SPG that is right up close to a patch of thick woods with just barely a greyish line of sight through them could fire its main gun & hit a tree not far into the woods causing an explosion close enough to knock itself out. What are other people's experience with this potential phenomenon? Regards Jim R.
  6. Yeh, but Cav... my problem is not with the entertainment value of the movie but calling it U-571 was an insult to all the real life combatants that risked their lives and died in the process of capturing the precious Enigma machine. If they called it U-879 or something OTHER than the real name of the submarine that was actually captured by the British I wouldn't have had a problem. It's akin to all the comotion that Hasbro stirred up by calling their latest crap piece of software attempting to depict small unit actions on the Western Front "Squad Leader". It was an insult to the original designers and the integrity of the original game itself. Perhaps not a great analogy but you get my drift. Regards Jim R.
  7. What, in case they're too close when it explodes in their faces when firing their Garand rifles at it? Regards Jim R.
  8. In answer to your topic posed in the form of a question... they're crap! End of story. I wouldn't even put my mother-in-law in one, it would be too cruel a fate. Regards Jim R.
  9. What? Are you trying to tell me that the event depicted with the petrol cans didn't actually happen for real back in 1944? You're kidding aren't you? Christ, next you'll be telling me that the film U571 got it all wrong & that U-boat was actually captured by the British or some such and it was the "Limeys" who actually captured the Enigma machine. Get a grip man! Regards Jim R.
  10. Yes, excellent site posted by Michael. BTW Andreas, I just remembered I never thanked you for your posting on my previous query on the 3 inch mortar in use by the AIF in 1941. So, somewhat belatedly, thanks for taking the time & replying to my query and the excellent site reference you gave for more info. on the weapon. Regards Jim R.
  11. I understand what you're saying Andreas but unfortunately opponents don't necessarily use them in a historical manner! If the initial starting position for the British force does not offer particularly good lines of sight then you can see them moving forward at a still reasonable rate yet the only 3 man crew has to lug the tube, base plate etc. PLUS over 60 rounds of ammo. with not much restriction it seems. Compare this to the German 81 mm & American 81 mm mortar with their twice as large crew yet half the ammo of the 3 inch mortar team. It just doesn't make sense to me that's all. I've got no problem with the effectiveness of the weapon itself it just seems totally incongruous that the poor 3 man crew can carry all that ammo. for starters. As for a real life example of how the game handles the 3 inch mortar teams, I am currently in a game as the British where my 3 inch mortar crew id down to only ONE man yet it can stiil lug around the mortar, the base plate et all PLUS over 55 rounds of ammo. no probs! The bottom line to all this is that if you're playing the British you seem to have an inherent advantage with on board medium sized mortars compared with the other nations in excess of the basic good design of the mortar itself. Your thoughts? Regards Jim R.
  12. Sorry, but it doesn't explain everything to me at all & it seems a few others as well. I'd LOVE to see an official response from the BTS guys if at all possible hence... BOOT! Regards Jim R.
  13. Hmmm... Kitty, Kitty, Kitty.. that screenshot just looked soooo realistic. Talk about taking the mickey out of the poor guy! Regards Jim R.
  14. Errrr... it's a stone brige, right? Do I get a prize? Regards Jim R.
  15. How about CM2: Beyond Oniondome (except there will be no Mad Max unit available in the force pool mix). Regards Jim R.
  16. Mensch, you crack me up. That was a sensational post! Regards Jim R.
  17. The retrograde model they made which had 4 reverse gears and a puny 2 pounder gun was known as the Black Adder... Regards Jim R.
  18. And if you're an Aussie like me, we are generally regarded as a very well balanced race... having a chip on EACH shoulder! Regards Jim R.
  19. Why does that title remind me of a joke about the woman who had no arms & legs whilst on the beach... Regards Jim R.
  20. I understand your reasoning Steve & wont argue with it from the German standpoint but it does concern me that the very same argument cansurely be applied to the Allies & one can now expect a veritable flood of Meeting Engagement games where Sherman Jumbo's are the order of the day & the German force is playing with one hand tied behind its back trying to couneract them. In combination with the other Alied advantage (hopefully short-lived) of tungsten shots able to penetrate wel sloped armour without penalty I feel that many players may well opt out of playing the Axis side in a Meeting Engagement with this current combination under ver. 1.1. Just my thoughts on the subject. Regards Jim R.
  21. I'm currently reading Russell Braddon's (gruelling) book titled "The Naked Island" where he stated that whilst serving in an Australian Army artillery unit in 1941 they were forced to train extensively with the ol' British designed 3 inch mortar which he states only had a maximum range of "600 yards". This came as quite a surprise because, as we all know, in CM the 3 inch mortar has a range far in excess of this and is also off board artillery support which places it in the mile plus range category. Does anybody have any knowledge to explain this discrepancy? Possibly the design was revamped after the mid war years to dramatically increase its range? Or perhaps the AIF's 3 inch mortars were somehow inferior? I'm just guessing here so if anybody really knows I'd love to hear it. Regards Jim R.
  22. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Juju: Geez, that topic startled me... I was momentarily afraid they'd be mine. Turn is on its way Kanon! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Sadly no Juju.. pity though BTW, thanks for all the responses, it made for very entertaining reading. Regards Jim R.
  23. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by David Aitken: The Man From U.N.C.L.E. himself! Napoleon Solo! I couldn't adjust to him in the role of a German. =)<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I'm with you. I kept wondering when he would pull out his Baretta? with the bloody great silencer attached, Napoleon Solo style. Regards Jim R.
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