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Kanonier Reichmann

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Everything posted by Kanonier Reichmann

  1. Jeez, you had me worried there for a moment. I thought you were going to say that your troops were suffering from dysentary or something. Regards Jim R.
  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Phillies Phan: I met Peng and you sir, are no Peng.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> So why doesn't he post anymore? Unless I've missed his musings I'm assuming the legendary Peng has moved on. Is that the case? Regards Jim R.
  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Dr. Brian: Major Tim, I see your point, or more appropriately, as you call it, your "lack of respect." No sense trying to discuss further.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> To be honest here Dr "BrIAn", I always assumed your name was Dr "BrAIn" by simply glancing at it every time until I recently noticed that my assumption was incorrect. I believe Major Tom may also suffer from the same assumption so don't think the worst in his case, I believe he simpy has your name wrong by not looking at it properly. Regards Jim R.
  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Terence: The only downside, really are the voices: Dont STOP. Fiyuh only on my OhDuh....<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Whaddya talking about! The Poms have the BEST saying in the whole game. When a valuable enemy tank or whatever is knocked out you often hear "stick THAT up your pipe, Fritz". With those sorts of voices it's almost worth playing the Poms for the sounds alone. Regards Jim R.
  5. Thanks for the site IPA. It certainly covers the specifications, design and who used the LMG to great detail but unfortunately no anecdotal stories about how it performed and what its strengths and weaknesses were. Still, an interesting site nonetheless. Regards Jim R.
  6. OK, thanks for that. Does anybody else have any thoughts on the subject of the Bren LMG? Regards Jim R.
  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stuka: Oh.....Har.....Hardy har har.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Shouldn't you follow that up with..."It is to laugh". Regards Jim R.
  8. After reading up on the BAR thread I thought I would ask what people thought of the Bren Gun as an LMG? From what I've gleaned it also was highly regarded by the troops that used them, especially it's accuracy and reliability. However I also remember someone commenting it was almost too accurate for an automatic weapon, especially when the fighting got close and you wanted to spray an area at advancing enemy troops. Anmyone with first hand experience with the Bren care to pass comment? Regards Jim R.
  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Tank Man: I'm not sure you fully understand. When I look at the sheer numbers the LMG42 in the Volksgrenadier Heavy SMG squad is smaller than the LMG42 in any other squad. Why is that? Is it becuase other squads had crewmen aid the gunner with the belt and what not, while the VG LMG SSW gunners only used the 50 round belt-canisters?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> No, I think you'll notice the firepower factors of the MG 42 drop away as the target is closer. The reason for this is that BTS has coded in the assumption that the crew member to the MG will cease crewing the weapon as the enemy get closer to then use his own personal MP40 machine pistol. This would naturally lead to a reduction in the firepower factors from the MG 42 due to the lack of a crew member feeding the bullets through etc. This very query was raised to BTS some time ago & they answered it in much the same way although, no doubt, more eloquently. Regards Jim R.
  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Tank Man: All this is very informative, but one thing I noticed is that the Volksgrenadier heavy smg squad LMGs seem to have a lower firepower than the LMGs in other squads. Why is that? anyone know?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Yep, because BTS were so bleedin' clever they even thought of the fact that when the MG 42 is manned by a crew member you're forgoing all that firepower that would normally be contributed by the 1 machine pistol the crew member would normally be armed with. Compare this with the loss of only a rifleman when he is crewing the MG 42 for a normal Heer squad. Smart buggers weren't they! Regards Jim R.
  11. I couldn't agree more. I certainly don't want this to degenerate into some sort of discussion along the lines of "our troops were treated worse than your troops". Rest assured that the conditions in any of those German, Soviet or for that matter, Japanese POW camps would have been horrendous and thankfully none of us will have to endure such deprivation. Regards Jim R.
  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrSpkr: You know, its tangents like this that are interesting to read, rahter than the rants and personal attacks and penis waving ("I'm bigger than you, say it to my face") crap. Thanks for a good posting. MrSpkr<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Yeh, thanks. Notice how us Aussie types don't tend to crap on about how great our troops were during WW II (except in defence of ignorant posts about them)... we already KNOW which troops were the best! Regards Jim R.
  13. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Skipper: Yup. Some 10%. Germans taken around Stalingrad were not anywhere as lucky.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> What was it again? I thought I read somewhere that only about 9,000 returned from the Gulags (or whatever you want to call them) from the approximately 200,000 men captured from the shattered remnants of the German 6th army. Is that approximately right? Regards Jim R.
  14. My very basic understanding of the diesel engine is that it has to made to much higher tolerances compared with the petrol engine due to the diesel fuel being under very high pressure for it to vaporise. In this case it really does beg the question why the Soviets went for diesel engines as I would have thought alot of their production processes (due to forced mass evacuation eastwards to the Urals etc.) wouldn't have cut the mustard in terms of consistently manufacturing engine blocks and associated bits to withstand the high tolerances required for a reliable diesel engine. If some trained engineers want to shoot me down in flames on this one you're more tham welcome to. Regards Jim R.
  15. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stalin's Organ: [QB} And the Aussies weren't in the Dessert long enough to be feared by anyone - they left to surrender at Singapore. [/QB]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I'm sorry but I simply can't let this comment go without reply. The Aussies who defended Tobruk (known as the "Rats of Tobruk") were most certainly feared by the Germans & Italians who tried for months to dislodge them from their completely surrounded and cut off position behind enemy lines. Their aggressive nightly scouting patrols spread fear and dread amongst their adverseries and kept the numerically much larger beseiging force continually off balance. Yes, they did receive some supplies from destroyers doing nightly runs into the harbour but the troops were always short of ammunition and food yet held back the might of the Afrika Corps who had previously swept all before them at that stage of the war. To say that they weren't there long enough to be feared by anyone simply stupefies me and is an insult to all those of the Australian 9th Division that fought there. END OF RANT Jim R.
  16. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Jarmo: We call it "Vappu". It has something to do with the coming of spring. Used to be the workers day, or student's day or somthin' Anyway, you are generally supposed to drink vast amounts of alcohol in various forms. The rest comes naturally.. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Whaddya mean "the coming of spring"? Spring doesn't start until the 1st September... well at least it does if you live downunder. Thanks for the info and I hope you Scandinavian types have a rip roaring "pissup"! (i.e. beerfest). Regards Jim R.
  17. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Jarmo: I Tss! What the he**? If you start celebrating this early you'll pass out before midnight! That's no way to go. :eek:<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Errr, excuse my ignorance. What happens on the 1st May? Regards Jim R.
  18. G'day Dad. (Thread soon to be closed due to frequent ignoring of the terms & conditions of being part of the board which precludes excessive swearing). I suggest perhaps "feck" or "f***" in future. Regards Jim R.
  19. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Michael Dorosh: German should include Luftwaffe Field Divisions - blue uniforms and regular helmets, brown equipment <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Damn, I must have it wrong. I thought the inexperienced Luftwaffe troops had brown pants... especially useful for when they first make contact with the enemy. Regards Jim R.
  20. Is anyone else having problems loading up Manx's Boot Camp articles on his Combat Missions site? When I try and load up say the combined arms article (using Netscape as that's all I have) the text seems to initially load up & then dissappears. All you're left with are the pretty piccies and nothing else. Similarly, the Panzerbush (or whatever it's called) article doesn't seem to exist at all with my browser telling me that the page doesn't exist and has probably been moved. Manx, is it just my system or are there problems afoot? Regards Jim R.
  21. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Skipper: On that "Komsomolets" artillery tow vehicle already mentioned here. During the defence of Sevasopol, they camouflaged these things as dummy tanks (complete with composite plywood/rubber armor, 76 mm log and a bow MG for firepower).<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Geez, that sounds like a nightmare for BTS to model. Would there more chance of rounds bouncing off this rubberised armour? Regards Jim R.
  22. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Incoming: HEY JAZZA, RETURN OUR FILE SOMETIME THIS WEEK.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> My feelings exactly! Regards Jim R.
  23. What's this! It also looks like KiwiJoe mixes in Commonwealth forces with Americans! A fairly universally accepted gamey tactic and just not cricket. It appears he is prepared to go to any length to attempt to secure a win. Have a nice day. Jim R.
  24. What's so unusual about that? Isn't that sort of score typical of how much the Phillies normally lose their games by? (Ducks for cover). Regards Jim R.
  25. Just a self serving bump to see if anyone else has any thoughts on the subject. Regards Jim R.
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