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Kanonier Reichmann

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Everything posted by Kanonier Reichmann

  1. I must be having a bit of a run at the moment. Playing a reasonably large scenario as the attecker I just had my regular German 20mm armed Armoured Car (PSW whatever) storm towards a dug in but cowering US squad it was firing at directly across the path of a known AT gun position only some 60 metres away! To top it off it then stops right in front of the AT gun and doesn't shoot at anything so naturally it died very quickly. I'm wondering whether anyone else has seen Squad Leader beserk like behaviour from their AFV's in Combat Mission when no movement order was made. I mean, which AFV commander in their right mind would charge out from behind woods cover where they were protected from the AT gun yet able to fire at the intended target, right across the sights of the enemy and then stop. Green crews, maybe, Japanese crews commiting hare kare, possibly, or if the unit is being bombarded by artillery, perhaps, but neither situation applied here. (Sound of gnashing teeth trailing away).... Any feedback welcome to see if this has occurred to others. Regards Jim R.
  2. I declare Jason Cawley the winner for consistently posting responses that "out verbalise" every other respondant by far. Congratulations on winning the CM Verbal Diahorrea Award! Regards Jim R.
  3. Thanks Bullethead & argie for your clear responses. Obviously I have been a bit unlucky with these two guns but you know what they say..."sh*t happens". Regards Jim R.
  4. Hmmm, I dunno. 15 to 20 meteres is over 50 feet away. O.K. I wouldn't want to be there myself in that situation but I figured that an HQ unit with a positive modifier for morale (ie the heart symbol) would make a significant difference. Regards Jim R.
  5. Has anybody else had a problem with crews prematurely abandoning their infantry guns when under fire but not having taken a casualty? I've just lost two 75mm Inf. guns when they were being moved and admitedly under fire but no casualties suffered. When I lost the first one from 60mm mortar bombardment I thought, oh well, they're out of command from an HQ unit so "c'est la vie" but when I lost the 2nd one it was moving in the open but under the command of a +1 morale HQ unit & what caused them to abandon was an 81mm airburst some 15-20 meteres away in adjacent woods. Surely splinters of wood will not render the gun useless and without the crew having taken casualties, what gives? Anybody else noticed this sort of thing happening perhaps a bit too regularly? Reghards Jim R.
  6. I'm sure you have enough sense Kitty not to get sucked in by this troll. Now on the other hand... when is Berli going to respond to my post & get sucked in with my post? Regards Jim R.
  7. I couldn't resist using Berlichtingens portrait as the ideal face for all those Volksturm troops. Could there be any better to represent the German equivalent of "Dads Army"? Regards Jim R.
  8. GAG! We all know THE beer to drink is West End... just ask the legend Bob Neil. Regards Jim R.
  9. This concept could be the next huge craze to take off. Instead of Pokemon trading cards or Magic: The Gathering how about "Cesspool: The Sickening". Hasbro's probably already submitted their copyright with the relevant government authority. Regards Jim R. ------------------ Some people are only alive because it is illegal to shoot them.
  10. I'm with you Olle. With the quality of Marco's stuff who needs hi-res? Plus my lower end computer will run it with ease. Please let us know Marco when they're ready & where to download them fromm as I for one can't wait for your excellent mods. Regards Jim R.
  11. From those 70 Quick Battles were 69 of them Meeting Engagements? Regards Jim R.
  12. How about this classic from the Looney Tunes series... Daffy Duck reciting his script in his own movie at last WITH star billing and set in a small reed infested pond: "I wonder where all the duck hunters are today?" *BLAM* *KABOOM* *BANG* *KAPOW* ......."MAKE-UP!!!" Regards Jim R.
  13. Which was "stolen" from the Blackadder series set during WW I. The quote was from Blackadder himself (Rowan Atkinson) in response to yet another one of Baldricks "cunning plans". I don't know whether you Yanks can get to see the Blackadder series but the first one set during medievel times & the last one in WW I were probably the funniest and highly recommended! (BTW, "Yanks is not meant to be offensive but simply quicker to type than Americans... mind you, with the addendum I've just defeated my original purpose ) Regards Jim R.
  14. I'm no artillery grog John but have you considered that if the shell casing on an artillery shell is much thicker than a mortar shell then it's likely to fling out much more shrapnel upon explosion, hence a higher blast rating in CM to model the greater and heavier number of fragments. Well it makes sense to me anyway... Regards Jim R.
  15. Age: Vierzig ie 40- for all of those that can't "sprechen sie Deutsch" (including me!) Unfortunately that means I'm well over the hill as opposed to being on the reverse slope, according to the average age calculated to date... Regards Jim R.
  16. From memory, I think Rommel was quoted as saying he would prefer Australian troops when attacking for their shock effect but for all round discipline & fighting spirit, he considered the Kiwis to be the best "all round" troops. In his opinion, the Aussies were simply too hard to control & maintain discipline. (Something to be proud of in my book!) Regards Jim R.
  17. Last I heard he hasn't been beaten for over 110 games in a row (actually, make that at least 111, he just recently kicked my butt). Has anybody beaten him of late or know what the current record is? I could ask him myself but he probably wouldn't answer the question for fear it may be considered bragging. Regards Jim R.
  18. Jeez... you had me rolling on the floor with that one Juje... is it a European continent thing or something? Regards Jim R.
  19. Who the hell is Seyss-Inquart? I've heard of Urquhart-Jones (however you spell it) from the Arnhem operation but not this pelican. Regards Jim R.
  20. Oh my god! I can forsee this very picture being used on the front cover of the re-release of the classic Avalon Hill wargame "Up Front". Makes that drawing of the SS stormtrooper they used originally look like a complete wuus! Imagine the controvesy THIS picture would cause if released... Regards Jim R.
  21. It's some horrible concoction of plummy English combined with a slight Scottish brogue topped off with a bit of the Aussie drawl influence. Sounds bloody 'orrible if you ask me. Just ask a New Zealander what the number between 5 & 7 is & you'd swear he or she was propositioning you. (If you've heard a New Zealander speak you'd know what I mean). Although the "Stralan" language is hardly perfect at least it's relatively consistent in the way it drops the vowels! Regards Jim R.
  22. Yeh, OK. I'm also proud of being an Australian but I try to avoid getting too jingoistic when someone pays us out. I just think "oh well, they're entitled to their uninformed opinion" and leave it at that. Perhaps it's a national psyche thing? Most Aussies (a generalisation, I know) have the attitude of- she'll be right- and move on but it seems to me alot harder for Americans to let sleeping dogs lie (OK, another generalisation, I know, but that is my opinion from what I've experienced). Perhaps its the Australians downfall? I personally regard it as a positive however rather than a negative. This may or may not be hard for you to believe but the majority of adult Australians wouldn't be able to sing more than the first verse of their national anthem (and there are three of them... I think!). It's all in the attitude... Regards Jim R.
  23. Yes I did and it was VERY CLEARLY intended as a joke. I suggest you treat this thread in the same vein & not get so worked up about it. Enjoy the day! Regards Jim R.
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