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Kanonier Reichmann

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Everything posted by Kanonier Reichmann

  1. Oh my god! The sky is falling in! Surely this event HAD to have been carried out by a Finnish unit. BLACK is WHITE! GOOD is BAD! The universe is coming to an end.... AAAARRRGGGGHHH | | | | | | | Normal programming will return in a moment. Regards Jim R. [ 11-16-2001: Message edited by: Kanonier Reichmann ]</p>
  2. Interesting info. Jeff. Looks like these two particular tanks might be the case of the exception that proves the rule as far as BTS is concerned. i.e. it looks like they got it wrong although they have managed to get most else right. However, it's always fraught with danger in making such a statement when you don't know BTS's sources of information in relation to the operational use of the close support tanks of the Brits. Regards Jim R.
  3. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Cpl Carrot: I have just sent turns to those who are in my section. If you have not got it email or post here and I will try to rectify things Cpl Carrot [ 11-14-2001: Message edited by: Cpl Carrot ]<hr></blockquote> Still haven't received anyting Cpl. Carrot. Just to confirm, my email address is jimbo@picknowl.com.au The Commissar, Warhammer, Wreck & Lopaka have all either sent game files or I have sent them the relevant .cmb file. Regards Jim R.
  4. Sung to the appropriate tune... "We're happy little Vegimites as bright as bright can be We all enjoy our Vegemite for breakfast lunch & tea Our mummies say we're getting stronger every single week Because we love our Vegemite We all enjoy our Vegemite It puts a rose in every cheek." This will no doubt go above most people's heads apart from the Aussies but I simply couldn't resist. That song has been drummed into generations of Australians & would be far better known than the words to our national anthem! Regards Jim R.
  5. I have sent off my only German game file to Wreck while my game with Lopaka is also underway. To date I have not heard from Cpl. Carrot, The Commissar or Warhammer. Regards Jim R.
  6. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Holien: P.s. Just seen KR is in Adelaide which explains his British interest as it is the most British of all Aussie Cities. I will be there over the weekend of 21st Dec sampling the wines and catching up with an old work colleague and his family and then upto Sydney for the 24th. [ 11-14-2001: Message edited by: Holien ]<hr></blockquote> "the most British of all Aussie cities" GAAAAK!!... CHOKE!!... COUGH!!... SPLUTTER!! Mind you, I guess it's hard to argue when a satellite township close to Adelaide was named Elizabeth after HRH. If you would like me to show you any of the local watering holes I'd be happy to oblige while you're here in Adelaide. Drop me a line via my email address if you're interested & we can work something out. Regards Jim R.
  7. Is Gordon's mod the one with the superg dark green & black striping? If so I use it & it really makes that killer tank stand out from the crowd while being historically accurate albeit for the one PzAbteilung that used that camo. Regards Jim R.
  8. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by John Kettler: Wild Bill is not my shepherd, I profoundly want. He showeth me green pastures Yet soweth them with wire and mines. He girdeth them with pillboxes Which laceth me with MG fire. He granteth the foe dominant terrain While he maketh me to attack in the open. He plagueth me with mortars and artillery, and seareth my flesh with tongues of fire. He rendeth flesh from bone with iron chariots and crusheth and blasteth life from mine troops. For these and worse is his name become accursed; his work blighteth the spirit and saddeneth the heart. Unless thou somehow winneth! Regards, John Kettler<hr></blockquote> John, without a doubt this is your finest by far. You rarely disappoint. In case you may not have caught on to what I was trying to say before I was implying that you remind me a bit of a typecast "Whinging Pom", but the rider to that is that you are one of the funniest to boot. So I take it all back and let your humour do the talking. Regards Jim R. [ 11-14-2001: Message edited by: Kanonier Reichmann ]</p>
  9. Excuse my ignorance here but is there any way to link the .txt briefings with the respective scenario's so that when you hit the SHIFT B keystokes for the relevant scenario, the appropriate briefing information comes up? Perhaps I'm missing something obvious but all my .txt briefings & the .cmb files (where I'm the Germans) have been saved in the Saved Game folder of CMBO. Regards Jim R.
  10. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Big Time Software: Jeff just posted this information: Service Intstruction Book Churchill VII and VIII of June 1944 lists Shell, Q.F. High Explosive, 95mm, Tank and S.P. Howitzers Mark IA Shell, Q.F. H.E./A.T., 95mm Tank Howitzer Shell, Q.F. Smoke Emission, 95mm Tank Howitzer Mark I It looks like an error was made and the shell was accidentally left out. I've mentioned it to Charles. If he has anything other than a "DOH! Sorry about that" reply I'll post it here. Otherwise assume it was "our bad" Steve<hr></blockquote> Thanks for the reply BTS, you guys continue to amaze me with your customer feedback. All I can say is that it certainly wouldn't occur with a Hasbro or Microsoft. As for the missing smoke, as I said I don't think it's any big deal especially since I usually want my 95mm armed Churchill's & Cromwell's to have as many HE & "c" rounds as possible and leave the smoke generation to other assets. Regards Jim R.
  11. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Sledge59: What was the story behind that early allied prisoner that was paraded around by the bridge?<hr></blockquote> The story was that we attempted to be historically accurtate since we represented Kampfgruppe Peiper in the Ardennes so we area targetted the captured crew of the 76mm AT gun with a Panther (from memory) in an attempt to execute him for taking out our King Tiger. Caused one casualty IIRC & then didn't bother completing the task... other more pressing issues such as getting down the road at maximum speed. BTW, thanks sledge59 for the password. If anyone didn't pick up on the German password it was "iodine" Regards Jim R.
  12. Thought I would bump this to see if anybody else had any ideas as to the missing smoke for the 95mm tank mounted howitzer. Regards Jim R.
  13. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Sledge59: It was a significant gamble to place all these resources at the bottleneck. If the Germans had come over the ridge with a huge infantry force, things might have gone somewhat differently. The idea was to deny combined arms to the attackers for as long as possible.<hr></blockquote> Don't worry, we had that particular area marked as a probable site for ambushes & we suspected mines would be on the menu as well since we received a Pioneer platton as re-inforcements, making us very suspicious. I must admit I thought the extent of the mine-fields made available to the Americans seemed a bit over the top since, if the battered remnants of the Pioneer platoon hadn't managed to clear away that one daisy chain minefield whilst under 105mm VT fire, the game would have become extremely boring for the German side. Not much fun sitting behind AP & AT minefields with no means to penetrate them and no ability to manouvre around them due to the terrain. Be that as it may, we were able to (just) forge through & Mikjager became the legendary one man army in the process through his Panthers single-handed destruction of half the American army! Just one thing.. can somebody reveal the password for the Allies on that Ezyboard site so I can view what you guys were discussing through all those turns? Regards Jim R.
  14. Just thought I would extract this tidbit of information Jeff Duquette was good enough to post from within the "King Tiger incorrectly modelled thread". Originally posted by Jeff Duquette: I had obtained an original copy of WO185/178 about a year ago from PRO, Kew. There are only about 3 pgs of the unabridged report that actually elaborates on the 95mm and its shaped charge capability. Bear in mind the whole report is about 120 pages long and contains numerous letters, tables and graphs. I have scanned the pages that actually address the 95mm and posted them... I then wrote: A fascinating source of information Jeff but I just noticed one thing that seems to have been missed, that scanned report states that the primary role of the 95mm howitzer is "for smoke screening and high explosive". In the games I have played where I have used the 95mm armed Churchill & Cromwell I have yet to see any smoke rounds available for use with this weapon. Is this perhaps an oversight by BTS or have I just been lucky/unlucky? (depends on your point of view of course). Just to make it clear however, I'm not trying to say this is a huge problem which impeaches the whole game or anything as the limited amount of ammo able to be carried of 95mm calibre means that I'm happy to have as many H.E. & "c" rounds as possible! But still a possible error all the same. Does anybody else know whether the primary role of the Close Support tanks for the British changed to High Explosive & "c" charge rounds only by mid 1944 onwards with no need to carry smoke rounds anymore? Regards Jim R.
  15. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Michael Dorosh: If there is sufficient interest, and if the German commander agrees, I can post the URL to the German team website that I created. I bailed out as CO a few turns into the game, but I think the pregame planning was excellent on all the Germans' part - especially the so called CRAYON plan (LOL)! Would be interested in hearing how the Americans prepared for the game.<hr></blockquote> I'm not the German commander but I can't think of any reason why anyone would object, the game's now over. The detail & extent of information you provided early on was truly impressive & I think everybody should get to see how much time and effort you put into it (at least in the early stages anyway). My thanks to Gordon whose task was pretty thankless & yet he devoted heaps of time to this battle with no complaints. My own personal accomplishment was to lose the first tank in the game (V21 Lynx)- but it was at the forefront of the column in my defense , & then V38 StuH42 to AT mines & finally V53 SdKfz 7/1 to daisy-chain mines. At times the game was acutely exasperating but I'm sure no more so than than the real thing was to the commanders at the time. For this very reason I thought the scenario was very cleverly designed by Gordon & I take my hat off to him. Thanks once again to all my team mates & opponents for a great game and to Gordon for taking the time to make it all possible. Regards Jim R. [ 11-13-2001: Message edited by: Kanonier Reichmann ]</p>
  16. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Jeff Duquette: I I had obtained an original copy of WO185/178 about a year ago from PRO, Kew. There are only about 3 pgs of the unabridged report that actually elaborates on the 95mm and its shaped charge capability. Bear in mind the whole report is about 120 pages long and contains numerous letters, tables and graphs. I have scanned the pages that actually address the 95mm and posted them at: <hr></blockquote> A fascinating source of information Jeff but I just noticed one thing that seems to have been missed, that scanned report states that the primary role of the 95mm round is for smoke screening and high explosive. In the games I have played where I have used the 95mm armed Churchill & Cromwell I have yet to see any smoke rounds available for use with this weapon. Is this perhaps an oversight by BTS? Just to make it clear however, I'm not trying to say this is a huge problem which impeaches the whole game or anything as the limited amount of ammo able to be carried of 95mm calibre means that I'm happy to have as many H.E. & "c" rounds as possible! But still a possible error all the same. Regards Jim R.
  17. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Gyrene: KR Please try the lighter Lo-res version found in another topic I just posted, and let me know if they work. Gyrene<hr></blockquote> O.K. I'll try the lighter version once your site is able to take more uploads. At the moment it's at its limit. In the meantime, thanks for your efforts. Regards Jim R.
  18. O.K. thanks for the explanation Treeburst. Who am I to argue with a university Cray computer. Am looking forward to receiving the scenario's in due course. Regards Jim R.
  19. Quick question regarding the railway track mod. Has anyone else had problems with the lo-res mods? I installed this particular version of Gyrene's mods & all I get now is one solid slab of white nothingness where the tracks should be. The rest of the screen is fine except these great big white blocks where the tracks once were. My system is a Pentium 500 with a Voodoo 3/2000 video card. I know that the Voodoo card has had its problems in the past with all over white-out but since installing later drivers I have never had any of these sorts of problems re-occur. Could it be incompatibility with Mac converted mods perhaps? Regards Jim R.
  20. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Treeburst155: Kanonier, These scenarios are not balanced so it really doesn't matter which side you play. <hr></blockquote> I understand that but if only for the much greater variety with the German forces would be a good reason in itself. One gets a little tired of the stock standard American or British infantry & their accompanying Shermans as opposed to all the different force types available to the German side. I was just kind of hoping that in a 6 player team grouping there would be a way to have a 3/2 or 2/3 split-up for all players. It just seemed a bit odd I thought and I don't want to sound ungrateful or anything but I wondered whether there was an inadvertant mistake in your distribution system for the various scenario's. Basically, the number 3 player in each group gets the Allies 4 times whereas 4 out of the 6 get the Germans 3 times & 1 out of the 6 gets the Allies 3 times. If there is no mistake then I guess, so be it. Regards Jim R. [ 11-12-2001: Message edited by: Kanonier Reichmann ]</p>
  21. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Ellros: Long ago I heard a silly reason for the difference in salutes between the US and European armies (although it kinda makes sense)... If your country has lost an actual war, you salute with the palm facing away. If you have not, then the salute is with the palm down. Sounds odd, and I doubt it's the real reason, but I thought it was interesting.<hr></blockquote> So, we presume that the palm down style salute has changed from 1973 after the Vietnam debacle? For this reason I think the above theory is pretty far fetched. Regards Jim R. [ 11-11-2001: Message edited by: Kanonier Reichmann ]</p>
  22. Bugger! I'm Allies in 4 out of the 5 scenario's. I was hoping to score the Axis at least twice in a 5 game format. I feel I'm starting on the back foot already. Sorry, just needed to have a moan. There, I'm feeling better already. Now where's my medication... Regards Jim R. [ 11-11-2001: Message edited by: Kanonier Reichmann ]</p>
  23. If anybody wanted to get a good idea of how tough it was for KG Peiper to battle through all the opposition they faced, one only has to be a participant for the German side in Gordon Molek's "Rumble II" multi-player game based on the actions of this very unit. His particular scenario with the appropriate restricted map set in damp & foggy conditions gives the player an excellent feel for how treacherous and risky such a road bound spearhead was. In some respects it's almost too bloody realistic! Regards Jim R.
  24. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by John Kettler: No, KR, I'm not. Was born and reared here in the United States of America. Haven't even been to the U.K. What makes you think I might be a Pom, which I presume is short for "Pommy" as in being English? Where do you hail from? Regards, John Kettler<hr></blockquote> Yes "Pom" equals English. The reason for the observation is based on the general mood of your (always entertaining) posts. One could describe them as generally negative in outlook regarding the disposition of your own forces while bemoaning the strength of the opposing forces. Sort of fits the bill if you know what I mean. Please don't take this personally as it's really only meant in jest & I always look forward to your posts with anticipation. Regards Jim R. P.S. I hail from Orrstraya [ 11-11-2001: Message edited by: Kanonier Reichmann ]</p>
  25. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Dogface21: Hey yall, I just got my rig online again. What a pain in the ass. Sorry I didnt respond in time, what a bummer. Oh well, Ill get in on the next one. Good luck with the tourney, and if anyone needs a replacement, Im your man.<hr></blockquote> Sorry about that Dogface... I'm feeling rather guilty now, but I'm sure the feeling will pass. Re Warhammer, I'm ready to play PBEM when you are but what I don't understand is how do you know which numbered scenario's we'll be playing and who is playing Axis or Allies in each one??? Do you have some sort of inside information or sumfink? Regards Jim R.
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