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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by IntelWeenie

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lorak: Have any idea what the advantage is? Since there isn't an equal option. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> The handicap setting is based on the attacker (Attacker +50%, +100%, -10%, none, etc.) I think that's the only thing that is affected in a meeting engagement. IIRC, this is separate from the points advantages seen in the other battle types. ------------------ "Belly to belly and everything's better" - Russian proverb
  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MadDog0606: I'm not sure if a Nashorn has the same gun as a Tiger, but I've had a Jumbo taken out by a Nashorn before from 800 yrds. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Nope, the Nashorn has a much more powerful 88mm than the Tiger I's 88mm. I forget the actual designations right now, but the Nashorn gun is nearly identical to the one used on the King Tiger. Sgt Sanders fan: adding my 2 bits, I'll remind you of the saying "only fools rush in". Speed is essential for most allied tanks' survival, but don't confuse that with your tempo of operations. What do I mean by that? Don't rush your tanks all over so much or so fast that you end up leaving your infantry or other AFV support too far behind/in a position where they can't help you. In open country it's usually better to lead with the tanks, but in built-up or heavily forested terrain, it's suicide. Lastly, use your numbers to engage simultaneously from many directions. I often try this by engaging from far to one flank to entice the German tank to swing his (slow as molasses) turret that way. While that's going on, his buddies quickly pop up from the other flank and nail him before he can get a shot at the first tank (or so goes the theory ) Failing that, the first tank pops back down and the German tries to engage the flankers. That's when the first tank becomes the flanker...Try it out in some QB games (buy both sides, but give the Germans weaker tanks so you can polish your technique. It isn't 'fair', but it's a decent way to learn fire and manuever). ------------------ "Belly to belly and everything's better" - Russian proverb
  3. I'm assuming you're talking about the TRP (Target Reference Point)? It looks much like an ambush marker. Anyway, the TRP is a pre-registered artillery target. That means the gunners already know exactly where to aim (lay their guns) to hit that point. This results in much faster response time and increased accuracy. To use the TRP, place it where you think you will most likely need arty fire. Then, have your FO target the TRP just like you would designate fire anywhere else. ------------------ "Belly to belly and everything's better" - Russian proverb
  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Kurtz: But when do you really need a 5 km range? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> When the other guy has something that can shoot 4Km. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Smack: Im confused, Why doesn't infantrymen shoot down helicopters with thier rifles and machine guns.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Most modern helicopters are heavily armored and have redundant flight control systems making them very survivable vs. light arms. If EW and anti-IR systems are included in the mix, even light SAMs aren't a very sure option. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Tanks and helicopters would be easy meat...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Anything on the modern battlefield can be killed by something else, but I would say that these two systems (with arty a close 3rd) are the most deadly and efficient of them all. ------------------ "Belly to belly and everything's better" - Russian proverb
  5. **Bump** OK, I'm at home now and I just ran a little test (in between games) I made up a test scenario containing most of the different types of German guns (AT, AA, Art, Inf). The 'non-rotation' problem seems to ONLY occur with the three 88mm guns (Flak 88, Pak43, Pak43/41). It also is happening with the US 90mm AA gun. Guns larger than this (105 Arty, 150 Inf guns, etc.) are working as expected. Once again, this happens ONLY during gameplay, not during setup. Charles/Steve, I can send some screenshots if you need them. ------------------ "Belly to belly and everything's better" - Russian proverb
  6. I'll go along with Greybeard here. To some people, the very name 'wargame' brings up images of hexagonal maps, stacks of cardboard counters and rulebooks 2" thick. I recently tried getting my 18yr-old brother interested in CM. When I first told him it was a wargame, he immediately had that "Oh, no, I don't like those. They're too hard." look on his face. Once I showed him the demo, he became VERY interested. OTOH, mentioning "turn-based" will probably have the same effect (especially on non-grog types) as "wargame". ------------------ "Belly to belly and everything's better" - Russian proverb
  7. OK, I figured it was me (or at least my install of the game). I really don't see where I can be doing anything wrong; the command is just plain MISSING from the right-click orders menu. The orient order is present in the setup phase, BTW, just not during gameplay. I'll make some screen shots of it tonight... ------------------ "Belly to belly and everything's better" - Russian proverb
  8. What is the reasoning behind not allowing AT/Arty pieces the Orient "O" command to change their facing? This is especially puzzling to me since you can force them to pivot 180 degrees by issuing an area fire command (which then wastes ammo, gives away the position, etc.). If the command is then cacelled, they return to their 'base' facing. I'd like to hear some opinions on this and maybe see this changed in future releases. BTW, did a search and found nothing.... ------------------ "Belly to belly and everything's better" - Russian proverb
  9. There are a couple of good tutorial scenarios waiting for you when you get the full game, plus a walkthrough in the manual. Otherwise, you might want to check out some of the AARs on CMHQ. http://combathq.thegamers.net/ ------------------ "Belly to belly and everything's better" - Russian proverb
  10. One aspect that I think has been lost in all this is that no matter the perceived or real inferiority of US/Allied tanks, these same tanks proved more than equal to the task of defeating German armored formations (with some help from other supporting forces and tactics). This (to me, at least ) is analogous to the defeat of French armor in 1940, though the French tanks were superior to the German in many respects (especially armor protection). ------------------ "Belly to belly and everything's better" - Russian proverb
  11. AFAIK, snipers will refuse to attack a buttoned vehicle of any type (tank, HT, etc.) ------------------ "Belly to belly and everything's better" - Russian proverb
  12. I have played a couple all the way through so far (both on v1.01 vs. AI): Utrechseweg: Played as Germans (attacker) Won after 6 battles (total) A Day in the Cavalry: Played as both, won both. German, minor victory, US total ------------------ "Belly to belly and everything's better" - Russian proverb
  13. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by machineman: As well they had problems with the chronic german tendency to over-engineer things <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> An excellent example of this would be the difference in the number of parts (and the difficulty of making those parts) between the MG-34 and MG-42 (IIRC, the -34 had nearly twice as many parts, many of them small and easily damaged or lost). Both filled the exact same role, used the same ammo, and with the exception of increased ROF on the -42, had very simlar performance. In no small part because of things like this, German war production really didn't peak untill the war was pretty much already lost. ------------------ "Belly to belly and everything's better" - Russian proverb
  14. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mirage2k: Just out of curiosity, what would an Ensign in the U.S. Navy straight out of OCS (or ROTC, even) earn as a salary? -Andrew <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Probably a lot less than if he was manager of a video store or a McDonalds... I really have no idea what the current pay scales are, but when I lef the army as a SGT (E-5) with 7yrs, I made just under $18k/yr (including language pay). An O-1 with less than 2 yrs service made around $22k/yr, I think. Of course, this low pay is somewhat made up for when housing, medical and food costs are factored in. ------------------ "Belly to belly and everything's better" - Russian proverb
  15. Ah! Perhaps a reason to keep a copy of 1.01/1.02 on the hard drive! There's been a few posts about upgrade problems involving only seeing QB and the editor. Maybe if you reverse the process (keep a copy of the original executable in another directory after upgrading to 1.03), you could do this. Well, sort of. ------------------ "Belly to belly and everything's better" - Russian proverb
  16. OK, n the interest of FAIRNESS I must come to JP's defense here. I (and many others on this forum) don't agree with most of the things he's posted in other threads, but that doesn't give anyone license to jump all over him when he asks a NORMAL, GAME RELATED QUESTION. I, for one, find no offense whatever in his original post in this thread. I find little difference between the "teach the allies a lesson in combat..." and half the taunts written by many other posters to each other. Had he said he wanted a powerful kampfgruppe to slaughter his enemies with, then that is something altogether different. Also, has anyone considered how this sort of thing looks to a new member of the forum who doesn't know all the personalities and past posts? Just my $0.02! ------------------ "Belly to belly and everything's better" - Russian proverb
  17. Most of the common versions of Shermans are in the game. Unfortunately, none of the "specials" (DD, Crab, flame, caliope, etc.) are modeled. The turret speed is definitely modeled! ------------------ "Belly to belly and everything's better" - Russian proverb
  18. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Airborne: Not a bad book, considering the author was a cook in the 70th! How come there are no cooks and other REMFs running around CM armed with potato peelers and skillets? ----------Chris <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> They are in the game; you must need to upgrade your video card.... ------------------ "Belly to belly and everything's better" - Russian proverb
  19. IIRC, the limit for defenders in QB is now (v1.03) 5000 points. I don't recall there being a purchase limit in the editor, though. ------------------ "Belly to belly and everything's better" - Russian proverb
  20. Started playing SL back in '80-81. Haven't stopped since, though I am one of the ASL converts. Don't have but a couple FTF partners in the area and nowhere in my new house is safe enough, anyway (kids, cats, dog). <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Los: High point of my ASL career came after Desert Storm when while waiting to get retruned home played a WHOLE Red Barricades Campaign Game (CG2 IIRC), in about two weeks. Was amazing! With nothing else to do other non-players kept asking for SITREPS, AARs, got involved in IPB prior to the next battle. Was a BLAST. Los<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I thought about taking my stuff, but didn't want to lose any counters! Instead, I brought Harpoon and a friend brought his mechwarrior miniatures. Funniest time was when the Bde Cdr (1st Bde, 1st ID) made an unannounced visit to our site. He actually seemed amused by the 'robots' in the sand... (our CO was not, BTW) ------------------ "Belly to belly and everything's better" - Russian proverb
  21. Sorry, didn't intend this as a "Bash Clinton" thread. Rather, I thought it to be an interesting tidbit relating to the thread about the "Best Armies in the World". Most people take pride in their nation's armed forces, and I thought it would be illustrative to point out how bad conditions are (and have been for a LONG time) in the US Army. I've been out since '94, but I still remember that even then nearly 1/2 of the married soldiers in my company were on food stamps and drinking in the barracks was rampant. ------------------ "Belly to belly and everything's better" - Russian proverb
  22. In the defense, I use them heavily with spotters. They can be placed in a hide position with LOS to no one while the spotter does nothing but hide. Hmm, sneakier (and more timely) than off board mortars/FOs! In the attack I find them to be much more difficult to employ, mainly due to their slow speed. I usually end up either letting them sit back and just provide fire support for my intial objectives or move them forward with any vehicles I have available. ------------------ "Belly to belly and everything's better" - Russian proverb
  23. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Airborne: Did quite a bit of it over the years. Hard to do these days with cats and kids, etc... -------Chris <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Ain't it the truth... I used to do a lot of 1/35 armor modelling, but my enthusiasim slowly died out around 5 years ago. Went to a hobby store a couple of weeks ago and couldn't believe the prices these days! Don't know if I could AFFORD to start modelling again. ------------------ "Belly to belly and everything's better" - Russian proverb
  24. Woah! That's quite the list! I'd like to see some different terrain, too, but I think some of them would be marginally useful (remember, there's major programming issues involved): * grain silo (did they even have these in NW Europe?) * farm equipment * mine shafts w/ related equipment * narrow gauge mine railroad train & cars (above ground or underground?) * construction equipment * telephone poles (don't see how they'd affect the game) * high tension towers (ditto) * fire watchtowers * haystacks w/ code to allow hiding inside * aircraft hangars and revetments * aircraft * ammo dump/POL dump * pipeline * streetcars Not trying to be nitpicky or anything, just (hopefully) constructive criticism. P.S. You forgot Flak towers.... ------------------ "Belly to belly and everything's better" - Russian proverb
  25. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Spook: I will add for reference that I do NOT get fog with my 16meg nVidia TNT. But it's also been a few weeks since I last checked for driver updates.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I tried the Detonator drivers from on my 16 Mb TNT card (STB Velocity 4400) and got fog, rain, snow just fine. Got them here: http://www.reactorcritical.com/ It was only up to v5.32 a couple of weeks ago, but now they show 6.01. Please note, I DID have some minor problems in another game after loading these (the sound in my son's "Beetle Buggin'" racing game got slow and scratchy ) ------------------ "Belly to belly and everything's better" - Russian proverb
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