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Everything posted by Kingfish

  1. Came across this site by accident. Check it out: The Desert War
  2. They have to be within tossing distance, but not so close that the blast endangers them or another friendly unit. Don't know off the top of my head what the range is. A couple of quick tests should answer it for you. Enemy fire, even if only a nuisance, will delay their mineclearing duties. Being in command helps, as does experience level.
  3. Posted in random order: The Scenario Depot II Boots and Tracks Richie's scenario pack I wish it was Der Kessel Fred Rocker's Combat Mission Site The Proving Grounds
  4. Bait them to turn sideways, then pop them with multiple shooters from the flank.
  5. The Tetrach wasn't the only armored vehicle the Brit 6th AB used in combat. During Op Varsity in '45 a small number of M22 Locust light tanks were deployed via Hamilcar gliders.
  6. I've been meaning to do a Platamon battle pack, and thanks to JonS I've got tons of detailed info about it, but haven't gotten around to it (yet).
  7. The ROW III scenarios were generally around 1500 pts / 30 turns. All were playtested 36 times, with an average balance rating of around 45/55. ROW III Battle Pack
  8. Keep the lighter vehicles back and out of LOS. Roll the Tigers forward, they are practically invunerable. Bait the 2pdrs into revealing themselves by using shoot and scoot commands on your ACs / Mk IIIs. The Tigers will plink whatever AT gun reveals itself. Once the guns are cleared roll the Mk IIIs and ACs forward, and begin pulverising a section of front, then switching to a new section after a turn or two. Soon you'll have cleared a good portion of the Grove, at least so your mech components can roll in and deploy its infantry. Send the HTs back to pick up whatever foot infantry hasn't made it to the Grove.
  9. The airlanding battalions, or brigades, of a British Para division would be deployed to the battle in Gliders, and as such would normally carry most of the division's heavy weapons. Not sure about divisional-sized formations. AFAIK, the allies never used one in combat. The Germans did deploy 2 during the war, the 22nd and 91st Luftlande divisions, of which the latter saw extensive combat around the Contentin peninsula during the Normandy campaign. Edit: it turns out the allies did use an airlanding division in combat, but not in its intended role. The 52nd (lowland) infantry division was redesignated as an airlanding division for Market-Garden, but was never used as such. [ June 14, 2006, 10:17 AM: Message edited by: Kingfish ]
  10. A very very very belated thank you to John Salt for his help. I've recently released another VB scenario, this time using the Desert Fox's "Operation Perch-VB" map, and this info on the German OOB has been very helpful.
  11. You also need an Op that last longer than a day.
  12. Lost for good. Find it a safe place to ride out the battle. This goes for all units, even crews from knocked out vehicles.
  13. Thank you. Glad both of you enjoyed it. I've transferred it over to the Scenario Depot II. Feel free to add a review there. Any and all feedback welcomed.
  14. Air attacks on tanks are grossly exaggerated. A good example is the Mortain counterattack. The RAF pilots claimed 84 tank kills, plus another 35 probably destroyed and 21 damaged. The US IX Tac Air claimed 69 killed, 8 probable and 35 damaged. Take away the probables and damaged and you have 153 tanks the pilots are positive they destroyed. The total actually killed by aircraft? 11.
  15. Winecape, Thank you for the contacts. E-mails on the way. Rune, Thank you for the OOB info. Is there any mention of when this combined arms group was formed? The scenario I am designing is based on a battle that occured on July 24th. Also, is the 3rd/24th AT battery from an attached unit? According to this site the 1st/11th was the resident AT regiment of the 6th SA AD. I note also that there are no M10s in the South African purchase screens up to May '45. :confused:
  16. No, it's not the setup zone, that I am sure of. Here is another screenshot of the same map but with a new QB: The units have been scaled up to 4X. As you can see there is plenty of room in the setup zone. Note the location of the infantry stack, and the vehicles closer to the map edge. The computer places the infantry and vehicles in the exact same spot on the map, no matter how many new QBs you start. Note also their orientation.
  17. Hi Kingfish That map. Is is based on a scenario called Tankovyi Desant? I've a scenario by that name so I could send him if he likes the actual plain map to check out? Email address in my profile. Cheers fur noo George </font>
  18. Not in my case. It was basically a fresh boot on a Nvidea 6800
  19. The number relates to how easily a unit can be transported. Obviously, infantry-type units have the lowest numbers since any vehicle that can act as a transport, including most tanks, can carry infantry. The heavier weapons, such as big Howitzers and AT guns, need much larger vehicles. With regards to vehicles, the transport rating serves as an indicator of the vehicle's transport capacity, the higher the number the bigger the unit it can carry. Thus, a jeep (transport class of 6) can carry only a team or small to med-sized gun, while the German Sd Kfz 7 gun tractor can transport the big 88mm Flak or Pak guns.
  20. Thanks. I actually e-mailed the webmaster of that site a while back but got no repsonse. Too bad, really, as it seems to be the logical place to get what I need.
  21. One of the guys at the Proving grounds has a problem with a QB map, particularly in the setup, so I offered to help. He sent me the map, which was titled "PP_Tankovyi Desant". I d/l it into the QB map folder, started a QB, chose random everything except force size (1000 pts) and to purchase the units myself. I bought about a company's worth of Russian infantry along with some other odds and ends, then stated the game. Here is what I got: This is how the infantry was deployed for setup. Note that this is an entire Russian Mot Company. There is no way any of us could stack that many units that tightly. Here it is at 10 seconds: At 20 seconds: Note how the force is shaking out, but the main clump is moving as a group, dropping off a unit at a time Finally, here it is at 60 seconds: How bizzare is that? Can anyone offer an explanation for this? BTW, I should add that the same thing happened to the German side, with 2 field guns and a reinforced platoon clumped together at setup. What is really strange is that the map is plenty big (1920 x 1840) for the computer to deploy the two sides, plus both have wide open setup zones. The computer doesn't utilize either zone, but just finds a spot somewhere on the map to stack the infantry. [ June 07, 2006, 02:30 PM: Message edited by: Kingfish ]
  22. I tried e-mailing you but apparently the address you have listed at Boots and Tracks is no longer valid. Aaaaaanyway... I need whatever info you may have on the Imperial Light Horse/Kimberly regiment, which was the motor battalion of the 11th SA armored brigade. On July 24th this unit overran a strong German position 2 miles south of the small town of Mercantale, but was then hit by a German counterattack. I am looking to design a scenario based on this action. As best as I can determine the German unit was from the 356th ID.
  23. Looking for any info - online, print, whatever - that deals with the 6th South African armored division, and in particular the battles around Florence in July / August 1944. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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