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Everything posted by Kingfish

  1. Space thing, You need to bone up on your history, because WW2 is full of instances of allies fighting allies. The French opposed the Torch landings, the British fought the French on several occasions, The Italians switched sides midway thru and fought the Germans, as did the Romanians and Finns. BTW, next time you post look to the left of the reply box. You will see a link that says 'UBB code is on'. Click on that, it will explain how to add bold text, quote, insert links, etc... ------------------ "I do like to see the arms and legs fly" [This message has been edited by Kingfish (edited 01-25-2001).]
  2. I agree, but those two units are hard coded as enemy, so every time they confront each other they automatically want to blow the other away. The way I understand it (and I'm only guessing here as I have no knowledge in computer coding, much less the way CM is coded), when you select a Firefly the computer draws upon a "base" code of a Firefly and then adds all the additions that make it Canadian, Polish, etc...This base code tells it to treat all other 'flies as friendly and all Panthers as threats. With allied vs allied scenarios this code must now be changed, and litteraly changed on the fly, as we can now fire up a QB in seconds, and some of us want to play allied vs allied in one game and allied vs axis in another. I'm guessing that for this to work Charles is going to have to include something in the code that distinguishes the different nationalities, therby allowing Poles vs Canadians, Germans vs Italians, etc... ------------------ "I do like to see the arms and legs fly" [This message has been edited by Kingfish (edited 01-25-2001).]
  3. I can see this as being the mother of all coding challenges for Charles. Not that I doubt he could do it, I'm sure he can, It's just the fact that we are asking for the computer to accept two units as allies in one scenario, and with a few mouse clicks it's suppose to treat the same units as enemys in another. Consider... I could be wrong on this, but I believe that CM recognizes sides but not nationalities. What I mean by that is a 12 man U.S. rifle squad functions the exact same way as a 12 man French rifle squad. A Firefly is a Firefly, whether it be British, Canadian or Polish. Sure, you get different voices, uniforms, etc...but strip all that away and you have the same unit. Now we are asking for the ability to create a scenario with a few mouse clicks that has a Polish Firefly shooting at a Canadian 'fly (remember they are really just the same unit), now we exit that scenario, fire up another, this time we want that Polish 'fly to accept another 'fly as his friend. Imagine the bugs that pop up from all that. Nevertheless, it has to be done. As Jeff pointed out, countries were switching sides throughout the war, and nowhere more so than the Eastern front, so it has to be modeled. All I can say is Good luck Charles ------------------ "I do like to see the arms and legs fly" [This message has been edited by Kingfish (edited 01-25-2001).]
  4. This may sound like a stupid question, but are you sure you are playing with full FOW? The reason I ask is that you mentioned that the battle just started, and I notice from the screenshot that it's turn 4. Well, it usually takes a couple of turns for an arty mission to fall, so that leads me to believe that you do not have full FOW on and the AI saw your HTs from the first turn. Here's another possibility. I notice that the americans have control of the town to your right front. There are several large buildings there, perhaps they managed to get a spotter on the top floor of one of them and possibly caught a glimpse of the right hand HT. I know that's a stretch but I've seen weirder stuff happen... ------------------ "I do like to see the arms and legs fly"
  5. Actually, he isn't totally screwed. If it is Valley of trouble that he's playing then he can use his two on board 81mm mortars as a poor man's arty battery. Just use a company commander with LOS to the target to call down the indirect fire. Make sure that both 81s are within the command radius of the CO. ------------------ "I do like to see the arms and legs fly"
  6. AFAIK As long as your vehicle has a movement order pending all passengers will remain on board until the vehicle has stopped. ------------------ "I do like to see the arms and legs fly"
  7. I have the perfect solution to that problem. I can refer you to the dozen or so opponents that I play on a regular basis, everyone of them I will vouche for as being not only very trustworthy but also excellent opponents to boot. ------------------ "I do like to see the arms and legs fly"
  8. Even easier to include all that info with the setup e-mail (or before as I do), therby freeing up Charles to concentrate on coding things like T34s, KV-1s, SU-85s, etc... ------------------ "I do like to see the arms and legs fly"
  9. Try the keyword "convoy" or "follow". Also, try the other forums. ------------------ "I do like to see the arms and legs fly"
  10. Actually Wyatt, the distance between your infantry and armor is greater than 50m and growing, due to your infantry continuing to advance (and die), while your armor just sits there...and burns ------------------ "I do like to see the arms and legs fly"
  11. Sure it does. Either deploy your infantry 50m ahead of your armor and give them movement orders at the same time, or if that's not possible then give the infantry movement orders for the first turn then follow up with armor. It's done all the time. As for using tanks as cover, tanks in CM do not provide cover to any unit behind it. ------------------ "I do like to see the arms and legs fly"
  12. I know that there has been talk of adding a command in which units can create a passage way from one building to another, but you won't see that until CM2 at the earliest. ------------------ "I do like to see the arms and legs fly" [This message has been edited by Kingfish (edited 01-23-2001).]
  13. The way CMBO models buildings you cannot move directly from one to another if both are connected. Picture a stone or brick wall seperating them. Any doors or windows will be found opposite open terrain tiles (as in real life). Notice I said CMBO, as there is some talk of including a "Mousehole" command in CM2. But for now the only way to get from one building to another is exiting the first, moving along the side and entering the next. True, but we are referring to a map feature that you cannot enter, exit, see into, see out of, etc. IMO it shouldn't have been included in the map (why it did I dunno). I can't see much value in that. ------------------ "I do like to see the arms and legs fly"
  14. 1)Beer 2)Pizza 3)Arty 4)Infantry 5)Support 6)Armor 7)Vehicles ------------------ "I do like to see the arms and legs fly"
  15. That center building has no military value whatsoever, so why bother trying to occupy it? ------------------ "I do like to see the arms and legs fly"
  16. Strange, I have whorehouses in my scenarios. Have you downloaded the Mustang ranch Mod? ------------------ "I do like to see the arms and legs fly"
  17. Only 113 meters away? Only thru one building? C'mon, that's child's play ------------------ "I do like to see the arms and legs fly"
  18. There are several scenarios that feature French Partisans, but there's no difference between them and a regular '44 rifle squad.
  19. Recently I've been playing an Op that featured a night battle for the second game. I went thru the setup routine, hit "GO" and the game ended immiediatly, giving me the AAR screen. I found this a bit frustrating, as I spent a good half hour redeploying a reinforced airborne battalion on a large map. May I suggest to the scenario designers out there to include a warning / notice in the scenario brief that the night battles are automatically skipped. Just a little note would save the player alot of time and effort. Thank you, and thanks for the time and hard work you put into the sceanrios / operations. Some of them (including the one I'm playing now) are excellent. BTW, I noticed that in the AAR for the night battle my side received casualties, even though no fighting took place. Am I to assume this is the result of some abstracted combat?
  20. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Now my question, why can't the superior American tank mechanics change out a gun barrel for a 75mm? How long does it take to swap them out? But I'm assuming just the barrel got mangled, but if its the breech how come they cant change a breech out? Maybe not the next battle, but the one after it?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> It takes a while to: a) secure the battlefield to where it's safe to get recovery vehicles in get recovery vehicles in and tank out to the repair depot c) repair tank d) recrew tank and drive back to the front Also, while all that is going on you also have to get replacments for crew members that were wounded or killed. When you consider that each battle in an Op is usually separated by a few hours, then a damaged tank that doesn't show for a few battles isn't out of the ordinary.
  21. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Horncastle: 2) In CM which is the best in peoples opinions<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> IMO, Zooks are better than Piats or Shrecks for two reasons: 1) Normal load is 8 rounds, Shreck is 5 and Piat is 6 2) Zook teams can run farther without tiring, a big plus when you need to sprint from cover to cover and still be able to support the grunts
  22. You sure it wasn't Gasoline and fertilizer? Oh wait, they caught that guy...nevermind.
  23. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>but I kept having this vision of 1 or 2 500# bombs falling in this vehicle park knocking out 10 halftracks<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> If you are worried that one bomb run is going to wipe out 10 of your HTs then your problem is not who controls the skies but how you deploy your assets. Remember, a barrage of 81s can wipe out those same HTs as well as any Jabo run, and you're more likely to see that then CAS. Dispersion is a beautiful thing. ------------------ Frag Hanoi Jane
  24. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Tankgirl: I'm really am a dyke though,<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Really, so is everyone else here ------------------ Frag Hanoi Jane
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