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Everything posted by Kingfish

  1. I ran a series of tests a good while back to see what effect the marker had on the aircraft's arrival point. According to my results it didn't. The aircraft came in from all around the map. Now, the marker may be the spot where the aircraft makes its initial LOS check just prior to the actual bomb run, although that is just a guess on my part.
  2. Somehow the thought of opening up the hatch to my tank while dozens of heavily armed enemy infantry men are waiting outside, all the while holding a live grenade in my hand, seems..........most unwise
  3. I have to admit it was fun while it lasted. Lets see if we can fool Emrys again, shall we? . . . . . . If I was Lucas I would have designated the shores of the Adriatic as my first day's objective. This would be followed up by a drive on Budapest, with a diversionary raid on the Ploesti oilfields by the Rangers. If all goes well I would be in Helsinki by the third day.
  4. No I wasn't! Lucas had a clear path off the beach. A week of hard charging and he would have been knocking on the door of the Fuhrer bunker! But he blew it!!! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I guess nows the time to come clean before they unleash the Grogs of war on me As Andreas pointed out, I was only joking. Sorry for the hubbub. It was all in good fun. Now, Holien, whats this about me being an Uber grog? :confused:
  5. The allies didn't have to fight at Monte Cassino. All that was needed was for Lucas to push the Anzio forces to route 6, and the whole Gustav line would have collapsed like a house of cards. In fact, there was nothing standing in the way of Lucas 'cept a few drunken Germans and an old guy pushing a vegtable cart. He could have been in Rome in 8 hours and as far as the Alpine passes inside of 2 days.
  6. I disagree. The reason for Germany's delay in launching Barbarossa had more to do with the invasion of Yugoslavia (which was due to a pro-allied faction overthrowing the pro-axis goverment in a coup) and Greece (which was a response to the British landings) than anything Italy was doing in Albania. These came at a time when Germany was preparing for Barbarossa, and the threat to her southern flank (as well as the Ploesti oilfields) prompted her to invade these two countries. </font>
  7. I disagree. The reason for Germany's delay in launching Barbarossa had more to do with the invasion of Yugoslavia (which was due to a pro-allied faction overthrowing the pro-axis goverment in a coup) and Greece (which was a response to the British landings) than anything Italy was doing in Albania. These came at a time when Germany was preparing for Barbarossa, and the threat to her southern flank (as well as the Ploesti oilfields) prompted her to invade these two countries.
  8. tick tock tick tock... Time is wonding down, Gentlemen. We have a little over a week left, so get those turns cranking! Here is the current list of games completed. As before, it is broken down into finalists and non-finalists for each scenario: The Petroskov River Bridge Wellsonian vs Lt Bull Juha vs Holien Bryce Baker vs Frunze mPisi vs Pacestick Wade vs jjelinek Stoneage vs Kanonier Reichmann Tweety vs tabpub Combined arms vs Spanish Bombs The Koltov Corridor Holien vs Pacestick Lt Bull vs Shock Trooper Deadly 88 vs Wellsonian Juha vs mPisi Flammenwerfer vs Tabpub jjelinek vs Ted Combined arms vs Stoneage Kanonier Reichmann vs Spanish Bombs The High Road Shock Trooper vs Wellsonian Pacestick vs Juha Frunze vs JPS mPisi vs Holien Tweety vs Flammenwerfer Kanonier Reichmann vs Combined arm Spanish bombs vs Stoneage Please note that this list is no different than the previous one, which means I have not received any new scores since then. Do not assume that your opponent has turned in the results. If you know your score then please e-mail them to me, regardless of who won. Also make sure to 'cc your opponent in the e-mail *****Very Important****** I have switched ISPs, and no longer have AOL. Please take note of my new address: sc112265@bellsouth.net Send (or resend if need be) all scores, questions, etc. to this new address
  9. Regarding German paras dropping on Tobruk, I did a quick search on the web and found this. Note what Neil Malan says down near the bottom. He found confirmation of the para drop, although he doesn't say from where. I guess one could e-mail him if they were interested in finding out. BTW, that page is part of this site. Not all the links work.
  10. Try this site You can either move the red crosshairs at the top left to the general vicinity, or click on the letters to get you a list of towns. Use the arrows to manuever around on the map.
  11. Kindfish??? :confused: Anyway, here is the list for the scenarios that I have in my HD: Into the Void - July '42 When Worlds Collide - July 25 '42 6th Army Probe - August '42 Hell on Earth (op) - Sept 12 '42 The Library - Sept 18 '42 Our Backs to the Volga - Oct '42 My City of Ruins - Nov '42 One Final Stab - Nov 9 '42 A Morning Commute - Nov '42 Antonescu Kaputt - Nov 19 '42 Tovarishch Mysh - Nov 20 '42 What might have been - Nov 20 '42 Glimmer of Valor - Nov 20 '42 Kalach Na Donu - Nov 22 '42 Waltzing Matilda - Nov '42 Assault in the Snow - Dec 4 '42 Eye of the Storm - Dec 13 '42 Balck and the Bridgehead - Dec 15 '42 Hollow Legion - Dec 16 '42 Der Mannstein Kommit (op) - Dec 19/20 '42 Failure on the Askai (op) - Dec 20/21 '42 Tatsinskaya Raid - Dec 27 '42 The Bitter End (op) - Jan 12 '43 There may be a few that I have missed, but this should keep you busy for a while
  12. I will organize a list when I get home. For starters I would play WWB's 'Into the void' first, followed by Jwxspoon's '6th army probe'.
  13. Markshot, Did I read that right? You have 'Sounds in the night', The original Wild Bill ROW I scenario? If so, can you please send it to me. I don't need the others, only that one. My address is: sc112265@bellsouth.net Many thanks
  14. Ask, and ye shall receive... The Kursk Pack While you are there make sure to snag the ROW III round 1 pack as well.
  15. This site shows the 2nd SA div, not the 1st, as being the main unit at Tobruk in '42. IIRC, the 1st was at Gazala, but managed to retreat back into Egypt following the British defeat 2nd South African Division
  16. Add to that 2 platoons from the 1st Noogee regiment and the entire 8th titty twister brigade
  17. IMO, you wouldn't see any substantial forces being sent in. Germany had very little sea-lift capability in the Med, so that limited the reinforcements to mostly light Airborne / Mountain units that could be flown in. As for what forces were availible, 2nd Fallschirmjager was stationed around Rome and AFAIK was at full strength. 1st FJ was in the Foggia area, but they were severly reduced following the Sicilian campaign.
  18. I would also recommend some of Franko's stuff. Two really good ones that come to mind would be Hitler's son and 'Tank Warning' from the Kursk scenario pack. While certainly not 10:1 odds, they are a very tough challenges for the German player, even against the A.I.
  19. These are all great suggestions, but to get Steve to seriously consider them you'll need to get more support from the members, especially the old timers. My suggestion: pitch your ideas here. Good luck!
  20. No sir, same as always. Here it is again: sc112565@aol.com If unsuccesful try: scastillo@vitalpharma.com
  21. Not to take away from the point you are making, which I agree with btw, but it was the South Africans who surrenderd Tobruk following the battle for Gazala.
  22. Here is the updated list of games completed. Please e-mail me asap if you do not see your game on there. You'll need to provide me with the score, which side you played, and who your opponent was (make sure to CC your opponent as well). Each scenario is divided into two sections, with the finalists listed first. The Petroskov River Bridge Wellsonian vs Lt Bull Juha vs Holien Bryce Baker vs Frunze mPisi vs Pacestick Wade vs jjelinek Stoneage vs Kanonier Reichmann Tweety vs tabpub Combined arms vs Spanish Bombs The Koltov Corridor Holien vs Pacestick Lt Bull vs Shock Trooper Deadly 88 vs Wellsonian Juha vs mPisi Flammenwerfer vs Tabpub jjelinek vs Ted Combined arms vs Stoneage Kanonier Reichmann vs Spanish Bombs The High Road Shock Trooper vs Wellsonian Pacestick vs Juha Frunze vs JPS mPisi vs Holien Tweety vs Flammenwerfer Kanonier Reichmann vs Combined arm Spanish bombs vs Stoneage Edit: If you have finished all your games, and would like to see the results so far, you can e-mail me and I will send you the spreadsheet. It is in MS Works. This does not mean you can discuss the scenario here on the BBS. As soon as I get 6 scores on any scenario I will start a thread in the scenario forum, and there you can praise & berate the designers to your hearts content. Until then mums the word. [ September 29, 2003, 10:14 PM: Message edited by: Kingfish ]
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