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About Joques1

  • Birthday 08/04/1973


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  1. Maybe it's best to just ignore him. He won't even let go of the infantile "arsegeek" joke.
  2. Which is, of course, a bald-faced lie. You wrote: "It's just some guy with a blog looking for some notoriety. "Hey, look at me - I rated CM:SF lower than anyone else!"" Claiming that the review is something that it isn't. Sorry man. And with the arse "witticism", you just shot the last of your credibility. So because a simpleton/yokel/schoolyard bully might mistake the name for something else, that invalidates the opinions set forth on the site? How moronic can a person get?
  3. Honestly!! Earlier in the development cycle, BFC mentioned that PBEM might get cut because the file sizes would get too large. Instantly, the board was filled with wailing and gnashing of teeth. "Give us PBEM! We don't care about file size!! We'll find a way!!! If we can't play PBEM, we'll DIE!!!!!!!" Already people are complaining about file sizes. Find a way. PBEM has been included (probably against better judgement) as a courtesy to you, the fans. Oh, and hello. I haven't been here for three years or so, I think. But this CMSF thingy looks very appetizing
  4. Aha, I just checked the review at Gamespot, and the Xbox version got a mediocre review score while the 360 version got a stellar review. Huge differences in the two games, apparently, and the reviewer pointed out the same flaws that you did. I'm happy I played the 360 version
  5. Are these two different games on the Xbox and the 360? Cause most of these complaints are not there in the 360 game. Info window popping up in mid screen? No. Jumping? Well, you can jump over obstacles. If you want "bunny jumping", head on over to Quake. Control over other friendly forces? Yes. And yes, there is a command to steady the sniper rifle, but I don't remember what. It is readily explained during gameplay, however.
  6. Care to sell me your copy? I'm recently getting back into CM after a year or so. But CMAK is unavailable...
  7. Matt, you can say this until you turn blue in the face, people will still trust to their own superstitious "techniques" to unbog. "If I give an order of reverse, then hunt forward, then reverse, then hunt forward, then I unbog. Nearly every time. It's true!!"
  8. Hi! Any plans of updating those most excellent Toulon-scenarios?
  9. Panzerman, I had this very same issue with SH 1-2 and 5. They are right there in the folder, but don't show up in the scenario selection screen...
  10. Thanks! I can't seem to find any Berlin Pack though. Does it exist, or is it a figment of my feverished mind?
  11. Thanks! I can't seem to find either the Kursk Pack or the Berlin pack though, since the Scenario Depot doesn't allow you to search for keywords like "Kursk" or Berlin". Have a link?
  12. Hi all! Just back after an extended hiatus (for personal reasons), itching to get going again. My old account has allready expired... I'm wondering about any scenario packs that have surfaced while I was gone. There was a Stalingrad pack out, and rumors of a Kursk pack, Berlin pack and Seelow Heights pack. Are all these out? Are there any more? TIA
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