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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Posts posted by LeBlaque

  1. 12 minutes ago, Redwolf said:

    You could also dual-boot two Windows installations.

    Yeah, just what I want to do, take another 20-60 GB of space for a dual-boot to have a roll-back driver version to play a handful of legacy games (that I enjoy) to address AMD and Battlefront's refusal to fix their products.  Redwolf, your constant "Fanboy" comments covering for Battlefront are just over the top (Hey, lets all use Linux with Wine!!). You must be on their payroll....

  2. On 12/13/2023 at 10:45 AM, LeBlaque said:

    Okay, okay, so let me just summarize some things here:

    - AMD cards have been notoriously fickle with CM-- products for years.  They've been largely BUSTED since early Spring '22 until the most recent version:  except they are busted in large battles (I have confirmed working/not working as described)....

    So in summary, how is this okay?  How is it that regardless of numerous posts to both AMD and BF no one is really willing to offer an explanation, a full solution, hope for the future, etc?  I'm tired of the excuse of "niche product" --- I get it -- but 18 MONTHS without a solution for games that are still being SOLD on multiple sites?  This is NOT a legacy product!!  If the game is not working on AMD, Nvidia, etc. SOMETHING NEEDS TO BE DONE TO PERMANENTLY RESOLVE THIS!!


    HOOOOKAY!!  Here we are!  THREE months later.  And what do we hear from BF and AMD?




    Uh, gentlemen... it is STILL broken.

    ...and most egregious?  I read the year 2024 things to come thread and not ONE reference to AMD issues.  That is right, not ONE.  But us "complainers" were referred to copiously in the second thread!



  3. @Grey_Fox

    Appreciate your post.  For the life of me I cannot FIND the notification on BFC that products do not work on "certain AMD cards."  I may have missed it, but it is certainly not prevalent on the BFC website.  And to be clear, it does not work properly on ALL AMD graphics cards unless legacy drivers are used and certainly doesn't work at all on those cards that cannot roll back.

    Your observations are spot on.  I have come to the conclusion that perhaps as disappointing as anything is the continued silence by BFC on this issue.  I did not expect this of this company given prior "transparency" experience. Communication behaviors seem more like those small companies that after taking your money on Steam in an Early Access environment wave their middle-finger at you while silently claiming "sucker" and then disappearing into the ether, never to address their game's issues and remaining in an Early Access unfinished state.  

  4. Okay, okay, so let me just summarize some things here:

    - AMD cards have been notoriously fickle with CM-- products for years.  They've been largely BUSTED since early Spring '22 until the most recent version:  except they are busted in large battles (I have confirmed working/not working as described)

    -AMD 7000+ users cannot roll-back drivers, so they are SOL until a "full fix."

    - Nvidia cards (I just recently found out) are also kinda busted on large battles, with 'deteriorating' drivers relative to OpenGL.

    -Rumor from other members is OpenGL programming from BF is "less than ideal?" potentially contributing to these issues.

    So in summary, how is this okay?  How is it that regardless of numerous posts to both AMD and BF no one is really willing to offer an explanation, a full solution, hope for the future, etc?  I'm tired of the excuse of "niche product" --- I get it -- but 18 MONTHS without a solution for games that are still being SOLD on multiple sites?  This is NOT a legacy product!!  If the game is not working on AMD, Nvidia, etc. SOMETHING NEEDS TO BE DONE TO PERMANENTLY RESOLVE THIS!!

    And... why is it I have never seen any post from BF on the AMD site regarding these issues?  If they are using a "back door" they are not being successful, and I'm surprised that Dipak over at AMD (who I've bitched loud and long to) has never said anything regarding a BF inquiry to resolve this.

    As Sgt. Rock says, 'nuff said.

  5. On 11/7/2023 at 12:49 PM, Redwolf said:


    It will be quite challenging, but also fun. Assuming you like working on/with windows and you don't mind try-n-error fixing of closed-source software.

    Having said that, I cannot rule out that CMx2 with an AMD graphics card actually runs better on Linux now (assuming the fix discussed here has been merged into Wine). But you would run on a clearly better and clearly more backward compatible OpenGL implementation.

    No, fixing the drivers myself is not "fun." And how many of us really run Linux for  F- sake???

    Here is my fed-up response today to AMD after another loyal CM purchaser can't get their AMD 7000 card to work... Broken drivers... apparently broken companies....

    The unresolvable remains unresolvable with continued excuse-making that it is "fixed" in an internal build with an actual released driver that repairs CTDs and "white flashes" essentially vaporware.  Shame on AMD and Battlefront for allowing this MULTI-YEAR issue to continue to exist.  AMD 7000 users are out of luck as they can't roll-back drivers effectively, and BF continues to sell these products at full price on Steam with no warning the game is essentially broken with updated drivers.   Frankly horrific customer services from both companies.  Too bad this wasn't Call of Duty-- would've been fixed near immediately....

    Here is a link to some more history for those that wish to keep up with this miserable issue "resolution."



  6. @Jiggathebauce, @nathangun, @Grey_Fox

    As noted by Jigga... this issue remains unresolved.  There is allegedly some hope, however-- see this AMD link.  You may wish to consider posting yourself.


    I am becoming very disenchanted with both Battlefront and AMD.  I understand AMD has no strong desire to address an issue associated with a niche product.  As such, this issue is largely in Battlefront's court as they sell multiple products at full price that are effectively broken with AMD graphics products.  The BF "fanboys" claim we should not expect a small team to come to AMD's rescue.  Well, if we keep passing the buck, who is going to solve the problem??  If you sell a product, unless it is legacy, you are obligated to support it.  Get on the stick, BF!  I tire of constant reporting to BF and AMD on the same issue over and over again.  If I were not such a fan of the games, I'd be posting negative reviews on Steam, and putting-to-rest all my BF products.  And.... next time.... Nvidia.... 

  7. I have tried HARD for months to get this issue resolved with either AMD or BF.  At the risk of sounding like either a naysayer or fanboy, I will just concur completely with @Grey_Fox.  CM games are essentially broken on AMD cards unless legacy drivers are used-- which should not be expected for any game that is still being sold for any reasonable price on Steam, Slitherine, etc.  You cannot get a REFUND on Steam after 2 hours use-- that is NOT a solution or "customer friendly."  Continued sales does not seem ethical without Fox's "warning."


    P.S.  I posted AGAIN today to AMD as apparently the "white flashes" are back with the newest driver.

  8. 14 hours ago, Schrullenhaft said:

    The 23.4.2 and later drivers fix the issue of the 'black screen' and the 'white flashes' occurring during explosions. However users have run into problems of 'Out of Memory' when running large battles and/or loading large maps.

    If your videocard is capable of running some slightly older drivers, the 22.5.1 and 22.6 drivers seem to be mostly problem free, BUT they load the game MUCH slower. The rest of the game performance is fine, but loading a scenario takes 3 times longer than with the newer drivers.

    Agreed that the 22 series of drivers noted works as stated.  The remaining elephant-in-the-room issue is that updated drivers designed to improve many other games cannot be installed.  This is a fourteen month issue still unresolved by AMD and Battlefront despite numerous trouble tickets to both.  In fact, things seem to be going backwards as the most recent 23.7.2 drivers are CTD on "medium-sized" battles (less than battalion and smaller maps) in CMRT and CMBS.

  9. 3 hours ago, nox_plague said:


    Are you able to post links to your ticket (and BFCs if it's public) on the AMD forums so folks here can easily chime in there?

    For Day of Wrath scenario, I was able to reproduce 'out of memory' with the 23.5.1 driver

    My AMD system specs:

    Windows 10

    Intel i7 9700K

    16 GB DDR4 3600Mhz

    Radeon RX 6700 XT 12GB GDDR6

    500GB Samsung NVMe

    4K Display

    Running the game with Balanced graphic settings


    Both my Nvidia system and my MacOS system were able to open Day of Wrath without issue (even though the Mac is AMD, but Apple does better drivers, clearly)

    AMD out of memory error 23.5.1 Radeon driver (Small).png

    I have no link for the BF troubleticket to AMD-- was just told it occurred by staff.

    Here is the link to my AMD ticket:




  10. 8 minutes ago, Jiggathebauce said:

    Ok folks, I just tried one of the Soviet training scenario 2's, the one of the MRB in meeting engagement. 5 turns in I ran out of memory and hadn't saved 😭

    I have an open trouble ticket that has been confirmed by BF and one of their beta testers RE: Out-of-Memory bug on the newest 23 drivers.   It appears it happens on the largest battle maps as dependent on folks' AMD systems, smaller maps can be run w/o issue (including my own).  Having said this, the beta tester's crash with 12 GB VRAM is certainly cause for concern.  AND, CMBS Steam version is more problematic compared to BF direct purchase (unfortunately).

  11. If I could appeal to this AMD community for some help-- while we collectively helped fix the "flashbang" the out-of-memory issue is also a game-killer.  I am working with John at BF on a trouble-ticket but some extra "data" would help solve the problem.  What would be helpful is try loading the LARGEST CM (Black Sea is a culprit, others) and see if the scenario crashes the game.

    My buddy and I have the exact same AMD card with 8GB or VRAM, but different levels of RAM (He 32 me 16).  My mid-size email game crashes CMBS with 23-series drivers-- though not tiny scenarios-- while his system does not crash. BUT, the biggest CMBS files crash both our systems.  Any feedback from the community would help resolve this continuing driver issue.... Let's get this problem knocked out, too!  @Jiggathebauce @nox_plague @lerxster @BFCElvis  @Bufo @Codreanu et. al.

  12. 21 hours ago, JoMac said:

    These Downloads solved my problem, and might helps yours:

    What did I do? I installed game drivers: Microsoft XNA Framework redistributable 4.0

                                                                      OpenAL (Open Audio Library)

                                                                      Microsoft Visual C++ 2015- 2022 Redistributable (x86)

    All Slitherine-infected games are running smoothly, including Cold War


    @JoMac  Thank you for the attempt!  Unfortunately no luck after downloading/installing the three noted files.  Still CMBS still crashes to desktop after one rotation of the camera.  Astonishingly, this does not happen with CMRT.  

    You made an excellent point which led to my observation:  CMRT is a direct purchase from BF, while CMBS is a Steam (Slitherine) version.  There has to be something up with THIS.  Hoping @BFCElvis and @Battlefront respond to this--  should not be dealing with crashes as a long-standing issue area. 

    Are you saying you are operating on the most recent 23-series AMD drivers???

  13. A  copy/paste from a prior thread given this is a separate issues unrelated to the "flash-bang" screen issue that has been resolved.  Frankly, kinda disturbing as apparently a long-term unaddressed problem?


      On 4/22/2023 at 9:43 AM, Myles Keogh said:

    From @Myles Keogh:  Unfortunately, the out-of-memory issue has been an existing conflict between some AMD drivers and CMx2 for several years now.   (In fact, it was the first problem I ever had with them.)  What makes it frustrating is that some driver updates have caused the issue and other have not.  It seems utterly random.

    Trying to avoid it, I haven't updated my AMD drivers in almost a year.    The 22.5.1 work fine with CMx2 and, fortunately, I don't play games that require recent drivers.  So, it's not that that big of an inconvenience for me, but I know it may be frustrating for other gamers.

    @Myles Keogh @Battlefront.com Unlike Myles, I do need updated drivers (ideally) for other games.  23.4.2 is still bugged, and apparently, this is a long-standing issue per above post.  This is infuriating in a way, as I am playing an email game in CMRT flawlessly (no flashbang, etc.) but a game in CMBS got the following error, then afterwards crashes to desktop when I rotate the view (my card is an RX 6600XT w. 8GB).  I have attached relevant pics/dropbox links for BF (and others) to check on their AMD systems.  All I can say is, 🤔😑😑😑

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/l25g01e0okcrrb5/Rollin' On The River 105.ema?dl=0        (CMBS PW: od)

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/0t049ub1b2xbdur/Retaking of Koshtovnist 153.ema?dl=0  (CMRT PW: od)



  14. @BFCElvis

    On 4/22/2023 at 9:43 AM, Myles Keogh said:

    Unfortunately, the out-of-memory issue has been an existing conflict between some AMD drivers and CMx2 for several years now.   (In fact, it was the first problem I ever had with them.)  What makes it frustrating is that some driver updates have caused the issue and other have not.  It seems utterly random.

    Trying to avoid it, I haven't updated my AMD drivers in almost a year.    The 22.5.1 work fine with CMx2 and, fortunately, I don't play games that require recent drivers.  So, it's not that that big of an inconvenience for me, but I know it may be frustrating for other gamers.

    @Myles Keogh @Battlefront.com Unlike Myles, I do need updated drivers (ideally) for other games.  23.4.2 is still bugged, and apparently, this is a long-standing issue per above post.  This is infuriating in a way, as I am playing an email game in CMRT flawlessly (no flashbang, etc.) but a game in CMBS got the following error, then afterwards crashes to desktop when I rotate the view (my card is an RX 6600XT w. 8MB).  I have attached relevant pics/dropbox links for BF (and others) to check on their AMD systems.  All I can say is, WTF....

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/l25g01e0okcrrb5/Rollin' On The River 105.ema?dl=0        (CMBS PW: od)

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/0t049ub1b2xbdur/Retaking of Koshtovnist 153.ema?dl=0  (CMRT PW: od)



  15. 11 hours ago, Codreanu said:


    Also getting some out of memory crashes on big maps like Seelow Heights in CMRT that I'm not getting with 22.5.2, update seems like a bit of a mixed bag.

    @Battlefront.com, et. al. Thanks for the test and great feedback.  The out-of-memory error seems like a "driver-killer" as I experienced this as well on a large CMRT e-mail battle with drivers after 22.5.2.  Despite the flashbang being resolved in newest, if the game crashes that is a fatal flaw.  Do we all need to do ANOTHER separate trouble ticket for BF and AMD??

  16. @Bufo, @Jane's @Steve - that is fascinating-- why with MODS would the flash be eliminated on the steam version?  

    Does this imply that with the same mods a non-Steam version of CMBN would be repaired?  I can't test as I don't own this particular game.  The original author claims it is the Steam version itself that solves the problem so this implies its MODS?

    This should be updated to AMD by Battlefront if replicated as it just makes driver resolution (IMHO) more confounding?

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