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Everything posted by kump

  1. Snip, how did that double happen??? [This message has been edited by kump (edited 10-27-2000).]
  2. Maximus, I'm trying to preserve the treeline. I've done several tricks, including the ones you suggest, and its the lo-res that still gets me. I've now done two gray skies, one light and one dark (for when its raining/snowing). Believe me, the solid looks much better. Especially if you are playing the subdued. Plus you keep the landscape as it was. I have two night types to now do. In case you are wondering, I'm doing two sets because I like the lighting of the sky to change if its actually raining or snowing and when it is not. It further variety. I'm going to set up a batch file to set the conditions appropriately. Folks can use them or just select the shade they like the best. Just waiting for someone dedicated to do some good hi-res backgrounds .... Well, back to these bmp's...
  3. Tom, They are nice skies. But as you know, they are in .bsk format, and I don't have Bryce. But it sounds like your volunteering...heh, heh, heh. Actually, I want to play too, but I think I can get these simple one tone skies done pretty quick and they do increase my own pleasure in playing while I wait for hard working volunteers like you to bring us Byrce skies I'll do the simple ones, and like I said, folks can pick and choose. I'm going to have to buy another hard drive just to hold all my CM options. This game is great! [This message has been edited by kump (edited 10-26-2000).]
  4. One of the things that annoys me a little with the present graphics of CM is the skyscapes, those dark overcast clouds and night clouds. For my own pleasure, and since I have no talent at all, just a new paint program, I figured I could at least gray out the sky for overcast. I finished the summer overcast, and I had to admit, though there are no clouds, it looks better. I think the reason is because you don't see any overblown pixels in the sky. I don't have the skill to put in nice cloud bottoms, but I like the overcast, one color look. For some reason, even with one shade of gray, it looks more realistic. I think this is only because of the pixelation, its the only way I can explain it. To get an idea, turn fog on and notice the flat sky due to haze. Now imagine it a darker gray (not too dark) and you get the idea. However, you do get the background rolling hills, so it is different. I've looked at it snowing and raining, looks fine. Until something better comes along, I figure I could make the graphic available for other folks like me who play in hi-res and hate those pixelated clouds. I think I'm going to do the same for night, make it flat and darker. Is there anyone interested? If so, I could find someone to host them somewhere. In the mean time, I'll work on it hard, but it will take a little time. Its those background hills. I need to preserve them, so it does take some work to make sure they stay okay looking and that I blend them with the new sky. It took me a bit on the first one, and there are three for each type of sky. I'm getting better though. If the interest is there, I'll beg someone to host them. By the way, I believe other skyscapes are coming from other folks who are talented. You'll be able to pick and choose.
  5. ERKS, you just posted. Okay, go get em', they are worth the down load.
  6. I've posted the answer where you asked last time. I'll repeat it one more time... These are Magua's building set, which many of us are happy to have. You can find them at... : http://users.pandora.be/aneric/index8.htm#Projects Thank goodness that copy key works
  7. The instructions of how to use ftp from IE or DOS prompt is given. Not yet on a web site, though its being worked. For Magua's buildings (the best in town), the link can be found in the past threads like "Where are Magua's buildings?" Just search for 'Magua' and you will find it. Oh what the heck, I'll search it myself, hold on a second.... There, found it.... http://users.pandora.be/aneric/index8.htm#Projects [This message has been edited by kump (edited 10-26-2000).]
  8. YES, you did get the right file, but don't tell no one, I GOOFED! I discovered I sent the thing without the updates, DOH!!! I fixed it quick, but of course some got the goofed version 2 without knowing. Tom posted again. That's what it meant, some fixes were done. My extreme appology. You'll need to get the tree base again or grab the update zip only if Tom stored that one as well. Either one will do. Sorry for goof on my part. Old age and all.
  9. Accuracy of Storm Trooper blasters! That's a riot. That would be inaccurate alright. My issue is this first shot business, whether it be me or the AI doing the shooting. I've seen it several times. There is no evidence of being under mortar fire, no tell-tale explosions close by. Next you see a projectile dropping straight out of the sky onto the vehicle. BAM, direct hit. I'm not saying it happens every time. It doesn't. I know I tend to remember being the victim of these one shot wonders more than the misses. So very true, I'm human. But it still appears to be of a too high occurence. I do love how CM has given mortars and artillery its due. Its about time. Mortars are finally valuable assets. But I find the 2in mortar to be too accurate when firing at vehicles of any type, regardless if they kill it or not. Oh well, just an opinion. Won't sour the game at all. I just go away with the experience of mortar anti-vehicle capability that makes me marvel. I think other games have spoiled me to mortars being primarily anti-personel. I'll accept it, but it still makes me wonder on the anti-vehicle accuracy issue. Dumb but proud, I'm off to play more CM....
  10. It looks better in color. Looks nice. Nice splash screen. ------ Aside: Hey, those trees look familiar. I noticed it by the "too green" color under that tree. If it is, get version 2 tree bases from Tom's ftp site, it browns out the green tree base and doesn't clash so much. I found it to be too green, especially for autumn. You know, some people just can't stop fiddlin'. If your shot isn't the tree adjustments I did, my mistake, but I just wanted others who may be using it know that there is an update. Aside 2: I've been playing with the subdued for three days only now. I'm addicted. I tried going back to the original, and couldn't handle it. I think I'm stuck in the subdued world. Thanks [This message has been edited by kump (edited 10-26-2000).]
  11. I just had to mention it one more time and wonder if others have been playing with this one. City fighting, I approached a church on a hill with infantry and a Hummel for support. I spotted three 2inch mortar crews at the top of the hill outside the church. The Hummel pivoted and fired its big Mama gun, and WAMMM, all three mortars were taken out in one shot! That is a big gun! Right after that mortar killing shot, I watched in amazement as a single mortar round dropped straight from the sky right into the Hummel, and WAMM again, catastrophic explosion, Hummel out. One of those 2in mortars got a single shot off. It was an exciting 60 second turn (as if any CM turn wasn't). I know, it will happen. But I see this often, and that makes me STILL marvel about the accuracy of the these 2in mortars. My witness is their chance of hitting seems still too high. This is not the only time I've seen this uncanny hit on the first shot by a 2in mortar. It must have some Anti-Vehicle sighting equipment that I haven't heard of. Weren't mortars historically designed to give a spread when they fire? Is it a common occurrence to hit a targeted vehicle on the first mortar shot? When I say common, I mean one out three such first shot events, which is what it is starting to appear to me. Oh well, didn't matter, a Sherman II showed up as reinforcement and would have blown the Hummel away during the next turn. My second Hummel immediately booked for the hills. Those British 2in mortars are a technical wonder. I love this game. Never been addicted to drugs, but it must be something like this. Its delivering in spades on my gaming enjoyment, but ruining the rest of my life. Oh well...
  12. Bruno, I don't mind the current method for squads. If their HQ is knocked out or out range, they get no leadership bonuses. They still fight, they are delayed and more likely to run. I don't know if I want the ability to reassign the infantry squadrons to new commanders. Some would unrealistically abuse this, by finding their best commander and assigning as much as possible to him. Hmmm... But the mortar teams have a capability of indirect fire using a HQ unit it is currently assigned (closest) to. You manuever to take advantage of indirect fire and then BAM, the chain of command changes for the mortar unit, which ruins your planned bombardment. Its these "closest HQ" units I find any issue with. I know one can be very careful to avoid this, but I for one keep stumbling into it and it can get annoying. Its still workable as is and it is the best wargame ever, so I'm not going to rant and rave. Just wimper a little bit.
  13. Agreed on the commander switch. I'm constantly getting bitten by this behavior. I try my best to avoid it, but it always seems to happen anyway. I've lived with it, but it sure would be nice to have something done about it. Click on the asset and have a new command "assign", then you click on the HQ unit. From then on its attached and if out of range, its out of command. Currently, a passing platoon and woops, there goes the chain of command. The original commander runs back and screams at the mortar crew, who then change back. The platoon commander approaches closer, and they switch again. Its like, who ever screams the loudest (is closest) gets the asset. Thanks for bringing this up. I've just lived with it and accepted it. But it truly would be nice to have something done about it.
  14. Hey Tom, those are Magua's buildings, not any effort from me. It was those things of beauty that got me moving to do something. Personally, the trees I just did in one night seems to be a colored version trying very hard to be monochome. I'm still not happy Too much gray. The two autumn trees are the only ones I'm happy with. The summer trees were still better than the earlier one shade for all type, so I made it available quickly as I continue to muck. Well, back to some additional and careful effort. I'm going to play with the summer trees again and try to bring back more green but keep dark shadows. Will I ever be happy? Heck no! Sounds like Magua may also be working on trees. Hope so. I'd like to see other attempts with these summer trees. As for the grass, I agree, it is a bit odd. It sure needs to be more green, but subdued. I tried it. Man, its a tough one. The greener I make it, the more it "glows". I found myself running back to Gunslinger's color, because it is just so much easier on the eyes. Guess I'll keep trying. Should be some compromise for those not happy with the present subdued grass. [This message has been edited by kump (edited 10-25-2000).]
  15. Being introduced to the toned down graphics of gunslinger's mod for the first time this weekend, I found myself drawn to it because it was easier on my poor eyes. I use only the terrain, I leave the vehicles, guns, and infantry the same so they are sure to "stand out". Some folks say more realistic, but others find too gray and dark. I have to agree that on sunny days, it actually is too dark. However, with fog, its great. I've been using it because of my eye strain, not a reason for being more "realistic". Wondering why others like to use it and how many have already switched back? I do find it unusual how the British tanks seem to love the darker hue, those shermans blend in quite well. That was an extra benefit to me, those allied tanks look much better in the subdued colored environment. Any other reasons one would prefer it?
  16. Errr... Hate to tell you folks, but I already updated the light tree bases. I sent Tom the full zip file (version 2) and just the light tree bases (update) so folks don't need to download the entire tree base file. Sorry, but played a lot and found those light tree bases (especially in autumn) to be too odd. Your choice, you may like what you got. That's it for me, no more monkeying with this stuff. I've got a mountain of scenarios to play....
  17. For you guys having difficulty with FTP and Windows MS Internet Explorer.... Try the old command line method. Open a DOS command window. Change to the directory where you want the file to be downloaded to. Do a "dir" to see your directories and a "cd <directory name>" to get into the directory you want to be in. Now, proceed with the following... 1) ping (yes, its good idea to make sure you have connectivity) 2) > ftp 3) User: cm 4) Password: cmbo 5) ftp> bin Type "bin" to insure in binary mode... 6) ftp> dir See the directories. 7) ftp> cd kump's 8) ftp> dir Again, see the three zip files. 9) ftp> get <filename> After getting all you want... 10) ftp> bye
  18. Tom, I told you IE4.0 didn't work for me last time and I used FTP by command line. I just tried it with IE4.0 and it worked for me this time around. Guess I was drinking too much last time? IE4.0 will work just fine, sorry about the misinformation Tom..
  19. The game is exactly what we all thought it would be. No surprise. The sad thing is that they were able to use the "Squad Leader" name on the box to generate sales. Wonder what suit came up with that deal? The game won't be a success, but it sure will generate some extra sales due to the title alone. Its a real shame. A real shame. Others will get hyped about it, buy it, junk it, get on line and flame it, trash it, feel victimized by it, gets recommended to CM by someone sympathetic, buys CM, play it, love it, become addicted to it, begs for CM2 and completely forgets about that thing that had a "Squad Leader" title on it. I've worked too hard today. Need to get off this forum and go play the real computer SL.... [This message has been edited by kump (edited 10-24-2000).]
  20. I've sent the updates to a couple of places for downloading. I'm sure links will be posted soon. On a couple of issues: 1) Yes, things are toned down and may appear too dark in Gunslinger's mod for reality. However, most old guys like me don't like the "too bright" colors, we play CM too much! It can lead to eye strain and I like duller colors so the real graphics that are important to me stand out, the units on the map. I don't dull these out. Its only a matter of preference. 2) Tiger's mods. Yes, I have used some of your mods, basically the marsh and summer wheat, since they are the best in town. I did include a readme file that credited them to Tiger. I considered them free for toning down for others who like the toned down look, did not consider it rude to do otherwise, since they are out on the net. My appologies if I crossed the line. Consider me educated. I'll avoid such in the future.
  21. Jeep with platoon HQ in back race across a bridge at "fast" speed. Long range small arms fire take out the driver. The jeep continues racing down the road with no driver behind the wheel and the HQ unit kneeling in the back. Eventually, the jeep drifts off the road and stops. The HQ unit calmly exits the jeep and goes on its way. It was quite a ride.
  22. I thought I'd jump into this mod thing. I love Magua's buildings and the toned down Gunslinger mod. The tall pines looked great, but the woods didn't please me too much. They all appeared too similar in shade and color. I took the liberty of modifying the trees again, especially the "fall" trees. Here is a shot of an October overcast day. Note the trees have been darkened and have been given different color balances to give variety. The gold and reddish brown of fall also came out well. If folks are interested, I'll make these mods available to Eric "McAuliffe" for posting. I've updated the tree bases as well so its easier to see the edge of woods and scattered woods using Gunslinger's mod. I've also taken the liberty of using other folk's improved terrain and tonned them down to the Gunslinger style.
  23. I have to go with longer time constraints. Nothing I hate worse than a scenario designer that uses a time clock to force the player to push ahead recklessly to obtain the objective. It might be historical to force a player into the reckless actions performed by the commander being portrayed, but I won't change my style to experience what such reckless behavior leads to. I'll never get the Total Victory, but my soldiers survive and their little digital families are appreciative I like medium scenarios with enough time allotted to avoid the rushed tactics game.
  24. Sorry, I know you asked for V5 on MAC. But my V5 for PC is outstanding with CM. Once you play with 4xFSAA in 1024x768, there is no going back. The only difficulty I have is in the 2D screens before. The mouse pointer has an issue in that it leaves a block of graphics from previous screen shot due to no redraw where the mouse pointer was positioned. Not a big deal. Everything works great in the 3D environment, all the special effects are perfect.
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