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Everything posted by kump

  1. Pvt Ryan, Close, but not quite... Oh, and that's DD's terrain browned out for winter with no snow season... [This message has been edited by kump (edited 02-18-2001).]
  2. I'll look into it. Made one more change. OH forget the domain name. Who knows. Just put in the IP address instead. How about now. If that don't work, I haven't been paying my bills!! [This message has been edited by kump (edited 02-18-2001).]
  3. Huh??? What you talking about? I doubled checked. Its fine. Here, maybe your setup wants something more than just the domain name. Try it now. Any others seeing the fabled "x" broken link box?
  4. The release of CM2. (At least my anticipation makes it seem so...)
  5. I've been over my head in work, but I'm taking a break and surfing for mods. Some nice ones still coming out. But after downloading one, I reviewed and thought, hmmm... what if... and... what about... Okay, I don't know if its right, but I don't think its wrong to take liberties with other's mods, as long as credit is given and I'm just using it for my own pleasure. But what a great quiz! (x) Name that mod!!! You think it is too easy? Well, the commander is DD's uniform mod. But who did the StuH-42? Are you sure? (Sorry - ruffled feathers, quiz over) [This message has been edited by kump (edited 02-21-2001).]
  6. No comment needed on Kitty's Tiger. I've been wanting it for a long time now. All I can say is, good things come to those who wait. The DFDR mod is another one of those long awaited gems. I was very excited to see it found another roosting spot for previews. MikeT has a great idea. I wonder if he knew just how much work it would take? Can't wait for the desert battles, though I do realize its CMBO with a different dress, its still going to be a great experience and a change to the norm. Got a second CM installed waiting for it. Even got a set of goggles to protect from the sand. Bring it on... PS: Nice job on the site DraGoon. Hope the Droolers appreciate it!
  7. No comment needed on Kitty's Tiger. I've been wanting it for a long time now. All I can say is, good things come to those who wait. The DFDR mod is another one of those long awaited gems. I was very excited to see it found another roosting spot for previews. MikeT has a great idea. I wonder if he knew just how much work it would take? Can't wait for the desert battles, though I do realize its CMBO with a different dress, its still going to be a great experience and a change to the norm. Got a second CM installed waiting for it. Even got a set of goggles to protect from the sand. Bring it on... PS: Nice job on the site DraGoon. Hope the Droolers appreciate it!
  8. The previews look great. I want that snowed sherman mod, or did I already make that known a couple hundred times already? Nice work in keeping the CM Outpost going. I enjoy the visits. Garry
  9. Thanks Jason, Yep, I need to give "hide" orders to the vehicles when I'm doing this advance with infantry at night to a close line of scattered woods. As for the V pattern. That one is tough when it is the infantry transport doing the shooting. I guess I need to spend the time to "loop" like bull horns, but then I'm most likely to get in trouble on the flanks. But I can understand the approach outside the main overwatch firing cone. I think the vehicle hide orders are going to help. Except in the case where I will wish they would shoot after my infantry has turned tail and routed out of the way
  10. Night, winter. Infantry platoon dismounts from HTs, advance into scattered woods. Stumble on a lone Art observer team in foxhole. HTs and nearby tanks open up with machineguns. Art observer, routed. Problem: One FULL friendly squad wiped out, half another, two dead in third. My infantry platoon butchered by my own HTs and tanks. Its night and you stumble into the enemy. Can't help but be close. So how can you keep your own troops from shooting you in the back? I lost 14 men in a span of 10 seconds to route an Art observer. Seems a little extreme for that "spray colateral damage". I've played for six months now, and I don't think I've had such a disastrous self inflicted wound. I experimented some more and found that your vehicles are indeed zealous in their willingness to shoot through your troops. I have to use a "sacrificial" squad to expose the hidden Art unit. Is there another way? [This message has been edited by kump (edited 02-09-2001).]
  11. Maximus, I like it! Its a great idea. I can setup a batch file to use this for November to Febuary/March. I've got Gigs for CM. I would like to get hold of this one... [This message has been edited by kump (edited 02-08-2001).]
  12. Well, the mismatching hulls and turrets don't look bad either, long as its these new snowed turrets with the summer hulls These look great on the battle field. Got it down perfect. Beta huh? I can't see a thing wrong with them. First thing I said when I saw it was "You looook marvelous." What a joy that BIG SHERMAN mod is going to be. The jumbo, the HVSS Shermans, and snow too!!! I'm beside myself with excitement. I love them. I'm in the waiting room pacing for the news of the elephant! I've got cigars waiting! [This message has been edited by kump (edited 02-07-2001).]
  13. I'm literally in tears. Hey, Lord General MB, where the heck are you? Can you see it? Can you believe it?!? What can I say? I'll be installing winter mods again! An exceptional piece of work and Bergman mods all year round baby!!! Snow and Ice, its beautiful. Hi-lights those Shermans well! Very much looking forward to this one. And thanks Marco, your a hero, and a wonderfully talented one as well! Garry
  14. In the old days, it would be Axis only. But I've had a blast with the Allies in CM. So I go with the scenerio suggestion if solo, either in PBEM. I've finally learned the worth of a Sherman or two. Count me a 3
  15. (Stepping up to the podium after the Lord General sits down) I think the truth is out as well. After this lively discussion, I realized the summer hi-res mods just look too good to replace with lo-res winter ones or, more importantly, white washed ones that hide detail and make the model harder to see. Hey, I know, get with reality. But I love this game. And yes, I love the graphics, and truth be known, its all Bergman's fault. That's right, Bergman did it to us! His mods are too damn beautiful! They have ruined me! I have deleted ALL of my winter mods so I can have his mods all the time, year round, day or night. Sorry, even if Bergman's mods were white washed, they still hide too much. Only one wonderful winter vehicle mod have I not deleted. Magua's HTs. Why not? They are the same wonderful summer mods with snow and ice applied. Beautiful! They can't be touched. I'm with Lord General, I would love to see more vehicles, German included, that had the snowed on effect. I stink at graphics, but I'd love to learn this technique myself, then all my favorite summer mods would get snow and ice! I thank the mod authors who did winter vehicle mods. Even the white washed ones. They really do look good and show great work. But Marco Bergman, well, he really made the summer mods just TOO GOOD. Shame on him! Just way too much talent and he excelled way too far. Spoiled me, that's what he did, spoiled me rotten. And Magua? He should be ashamed too! Now I can't look at winter mods without using his HTs as the measuring stick. What a fantastic job! And now we know what can be done. Who could help but want more? Sometimes, I wish I had remained in the dark. But its too late. I've seen the light. And its beautiful! More SNOW and ICE!!! A snow blinded fan, Garry
  16. AGREED!!! If you haven't seen what SS Peiper is talking about, go see at... Kitty's KT on CM Outpost Its the best one yet!
  17. Hey, Pvt Ryan, it was e-mail, private By the way, I don't try to get mod author's to do anything, I just beg. Magua's snowed effect is the best winterization of vehicles I've seen, regardless if the engine hood should be clear of snow. Its just the best looking thing in CM for snow maps. Sheets, whitewash, or whatever, I personally would just like to see Shermans of Bergman's quality with Magua's wonderful "snowed" touch. It just looks better and it makes the visual come alive. [This message has been edited by kump (edited 02-03-2001).]
  18. This is not a surprise. Let me fill you in on some history with CM and CNET Gamecenter. CM got a 7/10 review back in July/August. We were stunned. Close Combat 4 got 9/10 and a CNET award! The CM review was done by the very same reviewer of Close Combat 4, Mark Walker. But we noted his screen shots were low resolution and he complained about graphics. Mark didn't even discuss the innovative features of CM. CNET got a lot of mail. Well, the editor appeared on this forum to tell us that he thought it a fair review, defending Mark as an experienced wargame reviewer, and that Ground Control and other RTS games were just better looking and in his opinion, more fun. But to each his own. You can roll yours eyes now. Close Combat 5 was reviewed recently and by, you know who, Mark Walker. And this time, though CC was getting a little long in the tooth, it got an 8/10!!! He liked it better than CM. Guess what he likes? People have different opinions, but I consider the CNET review somewhat biased. And I can't help but note that CNET is part of Chips and Bits (or vice versa), and they mail order games! They can make money on CC orders, but CM? Can this influence reviews? I certainly hope not. But go look at the reviews of CM overall and you can't help but wonder how this one reviewer was the odd man out! But each site can review as they see fit. The validity of wargaming reviews at CNET dropped substantially in my opinion. I avoid it, not visiting the site any longer. CM got plenty of rewards, and it will go down in history as a classic. The newest magazine issue of Computer Gaming World (March issue, 200th aniversary) again mentioned CM in a couple of places... From T. Byrl Baker (thyrlbaker@msn.com) stated in his "Favorite Gaming Moments: Combat Mission" article, page 132... How many of us feel the same way? Seems to me that when a person spends more than an hour just to do a quick review of this wargame, they catch the glitter of the gem it is and can get ensnared in the addictive power it has. In a separate article, CGW was going over the great computer games of history, those that made an impact. On a side bar, they cover wargame classics, such as Carriers at War, Harpoon, Panzer General, and ugh, Close Combat. But you know what else was there? Already being called "classic", Combat Mission rounded the list up with... By far, it will sit head and shoulders above other recent wargames due to its unique and innovative design. And damn it, it looks good too! So CNET not recognizing CM in their latest award whatever is not surprising and shouldn't bother any faithful CM fan. Ignore it. As for my quotes from CGW, I hope they don't mind. Great magazine, a must buy. Been receiving the magazine for many years. There, a commercial for their benefit. Should make the quoting more acceptable Garry [This message has been edited by kump (edited 01-27-2001).]
  19. Combat Misson 2 (Combat Mission I Engine) Eastern Front, 1941 - 1945 Abbreviations: CM1.I W(44-45) CM2.I E(41-45) CM3.I M(40-45) CM4.I W(39-40) CM5.I Modern CM1.II WM(39-45) CM2.II E(39-45) CM.III WWII(39-45) CM.IV WWI/WWII/Modern (1910-2010) Note: CM.IV requires 5.4 Gigabytes hard disk space with 1.2Gig Video Card.
  20. Nice to see "the site" continued. Not my site. Its DraGoon's site. DraGoon has been very supportive of this venture. Its in good hands. His site is now one of my favorite sites With DraGoon's permission, I'll contribute where and when I can. CM is still the best gaming software I've ever owned and I have not got over the addiction. Just working on other things, but I still got to get a CM fix once in awhile. Garry
  21. Oh, darn, I have to pitch in. Seven years US Air Force, five years Nebraska Air Guard. Military turned me completely around. Made me re-evaluate myself and appreciate the team way of doing things. Left the military and went to college full time. Changed me from flipping burgers at Diary Queen and getting in trouble with the law to an Electrical Engineer. Do I miss it? Hell yea, but I do appreciate the salary which is five times larger than what I was getting in the military. So I'm much better off now, but I owe a heck of a lot of gratitude to the military experience. From the attitude of a lot of folks I see around now (including those of my old age), mandatory two year service sure looks like it would make a lot of sense! Garry [This message has been edited by kump (edited 01-24-2001).]
  22. Spook, Thanks. It is worth a lot. If the article ink isn't dry, I hope you can update the site name and link reference. The old link will still be around for awhile pointing to the proper location, but eventually, POOF! If not, I think that is okay as well. People will figure it out. Things change. Thanks again. Garry
  23. This deserves bumping! If you have not gone and looked at the screen shots, you need to. I'm very impressed with it all. There is some excellent work going on here. Even the palm trees are impressive. I've got other things to do and being away from CM is hard enough. Now this! I can't stand it! How am I ever going to keep myself away? MikeT and all of you working on this grand package. Nice job and really looking forward to this masterpiece. Won't be the real desert CM, but it will definitely give us a visual change and a whole other feeling to our CM experience. Keep it up! PS: Looking forward to the SSM's as well. I think its a wonderful idea. I already have three CM games installed on one computer. What's a few more? Garry
  24. So it turns out that I won't be closing down the site after all. I received several offers and have found a new home for what is now being renamed CM Outpost. Pete "DraGoon" and Robert "Triton" have volunteered to take over the site. After working with DraGoon this week, we have successfully transferred the site and its now fully operational. Please update your links. The old link will refer you to the correct location. With DraGoon's okay, I will attempt to contribute comparisons where I can. I still love making those armor shots. I appreciate the enthusiasm of the CM community and am constantly surprised how we work together on our all time favorite wargame. I will be back, just rare for awhile, but who can stay away from CM for long? Thanks again to all. Be seeing you around. Oh yea, here is the new link... CM Outpost Garry [This message has been edited by kump (edited 01-23-2001).]
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