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Everything posted by kump

  1. BTS, just how long must I wait!? I pre-ordered CM2 an hour ago and I just checked my mailbox and you know what! That's right! NOTHING!!!! This stinks! You know how long I've been wanting to play Russian tanks in CM2? ALMOST ALL DAY LONG!!! How much more waiting must we endure? You ask of us too much!!! ------------- This is what happens to pre-order folks in the US still waiting for their CM orders, total loss of sanity And also, it doesn't hurt to get some practice for next year... [This message has been edited by kump (edited 06-29-2000).]
  2. The Russo-Finnish war will more than likely be in CM4, the early years (poland, france, etc) CM2 will be from German Invasion of Russia, 6/41 and onwards. According to my understanding from previous discussions on this board.
  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Anyways, let not get into a flame war if possable guys <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Not intended to be one. I always found the old MAC vs PC debate silly. But making wise cracks is just my style. I don't think anyone would take me too seriously, people I know never do I at least try to show I'm jesting by use of the smiley faces, but I've read that such is dangerous, some Peng guy or something on some kind of crusade, or whatever. So I use them sparingly to avoid attention BACK TO THE POINT OF POST - Its great to have a developer release for both platforms at the same time (no waiting for porting reasons) and allow both platforms to share scenarios and PBEM!!! I can surf to MAC sites for some very good scenarios done by "those other platform" guys. Very cool, very significant, and about time!!!
  4. Schrullenhaft, I must have beat you to the post! MACs must be slower too Nah, looking much more forward working and playing with MAC users instead of screaming some sense into them. If I was a MAC user, CM would be a must! I'd be so shocked to have something this good available, I'd delay trading in my MAC on a PC for another year [This message has been edited by kump (edited 06-29-2000).]
  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Quote from KwazyDog dont forget CM was programmed on a Mac!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Yep, TRULY amazing! And we only had to wait an additional year too! Amazing. Please, just jesting. The MAC is (cough..cough) awesome.
  6. CM is one heavy hitting tactical wargame goodness with lots to show off! Something BTS should get highly recognized for. But how about that other strange thing about CM? CM was released for PC and MAC at the same time! Not only that, we can share scenarios across the two platforms!!! Isn't CM a wargame? Yet it extends an olive branch of peace in the ever ending war between PCs and MACs. It almost makes me believe that world peace is possible... Okay, I'll cut that nonsense out. But really, BTS deserves credit for going against the conventional wisdom of the computer Industry in more ways than one, no middle man, no big publisher, and supporting multiple platforms, even the lowly MAC which we PC owners know is almost dead... I do expect to see some scenarios from MAC CM owners. Of course, not many, but some
  7. I can't believe this. (shakes head in wonder as walk out the room) [This message has been edited by kump (edited 06-28-2000).]
  8. How about a choice of setting the main tank gun to... Main gun target Hard targets only and when this is off, its target Hard and Soft targets. Won't stop all the target switching, but it would reduce it. At least your Tiger will use its machineguns on infantry and keep AP loaded and not turret rotate until something "hard" shows up. If you think the environment is 'safe', you could then turn it off and start shooting at anything that moves, crawls, or cowering.
  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Kump, at least now we know what happened to your order.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Yep, and what a relief! I much rather have it this way then my CM floating down a river after it bounced out of some USPS delivery truck So the hope is alive that I'll be like the rest of you pre-order CMing junkies, enjoying CM on the holiday weekend and ignoring everything else.
  10. sniperscope, No, but upon e-mail exchange with Steve, a problem was discovered between BTS and its warehouse. My pre-order never got mailed. But Steve is a man of action and has promised to take care of this personally, so its just another couple of days. "It will Come"
  11. Had to repost one of Steve's replies in a post titled in a unusual way, just in case some fly right by it Question pertained to how much CM was based on ASL. I need to save this somewhere, this question is bound to be asked a lot. Steve Quote: <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Charles started out trying to make ASL in computer form with a few improvements almost 3 years ago. Within a few weeks of the intial design (i.e. before one line of code was written) he gave up This was long before the break with AH. ASL is desgined, from its core to finishing touches, to work as a paper and cardboard game. Therefore, no point trying to hobble a computer program based on inherently board game constraints. In short... there is practically nothing of ASL in CM. Or any other game for that matter. Instead, we looked at the history books and technical documentation for our inspiration. Personally, I have never played ASL or SL, so my influence on CM obviously could not have come from either game. We certainly think the break was for the better, for a LOT of reasons. CM is doing things that no board and paper wargame could ever dream of doing. In fact, no other existing computer wargame is doing what CM is And because the data in CM is based on real world numbers, and real world physics, it has a degree of realism over ASL in a HUGE way. OK, I'm really tired... but I think that made sense Steve<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
  12. Nothing can replace a good old game of counters and hex maps! Its a different experience, and ASL rules. However, CM has shown how to really do it with a computer, and do it right. Its not only something akin to ASL, but WWII table top miniatures as well. And nothing to date can get the immersion level CM can, nothing! CM is pleasing a lot of people because it appeals to all of us. It appeals to those who want lots of realistic detail and to those who just want to have fun. There is definately something for everybody. I chuckled when I read someone stating how CM made their heads hurt, making them think and "work" too much! I couldn't believe it, for this game is a snap to play. Think about ASL and its rules you had to memorize! Now that could make your head hurt! CM is not ASL. But it delivers a lot of what you loved about ASL and makes it come to life in a way no board and counter wargame could ever do. CM is faster, easier, more realistic, prettier, more immersive, and by golly, a whole hell of a lot more fun. We all like to watch things blow up! INCOMING!!!! I guess you can tell I like CM. Looking forward to the East Front with CM2, and Africa/Italy with CM3, and Early War with CM4, and what has to come, I can only hope, Modern War, CM something or other.
  13. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> believe waiting for our pre-ordered CMs to arrive is like a story my momma told me about being pregnant; the pain just before the arrival seems unbearable, but once it arrives all is fogotten in the joy of happiest.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> That is most definately true, but in this case the doctors are most worried because of the late birth. However, this is assuming that we are talking pregnancy here, for the egg may never have been fertilized (fulfillment house) and what you thought was being pregnant is an overweight issue. And once we find the pregnancy was not real, we find to our horror that the sperm bank is empty (CM soldout)! Sorry, couldn't resist
  14. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I remember reading somewhere that it takes 4 days for BTS answer back on e-mails.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I hope not. 4 days may be the norm, but I think Steve should be giving priority to the PRE-ORDER issues as BTS waits for restock. I can only hope that Steve understands that the unlucky non-delivered pre-order folks have now been waiting for awhile and the deadline BTS has set for final pre-order deliveries has arrived. Those of us PRE-ORDERS who are e-mailing are doing so upon BTS's request now, to resolve any problems that may have occurred. Waiting another 4 days for an e-mail response for PRE-ORDER status after the deadline would be very unreasonable, in my opinion. I would suggest all pre-order folks to use PRE-ORDER in e-mail subject lines so they can be quickly spotted in the mountain of e-mail BTS must be contending with. I still suspect fulfillment house problems, not USPS delay, but I definately could be wrong, as is so often the case. This may be the few USPS screw ups that are now being experienced. Who knows? I still would like to know as soon as possible (now that Tuesday has arrived) if my order was shipped at all and on what date.
  15. Don't be so sure sniperscope. It was already supposed to have got here. Capt Miller, put a round in the chamber for me too. A Pre-order with 6/15 CC charge, and no CM today for me either. Waiting for e-mail from BTS, but nothing for 24 hours, just another mailbox to check . BTS is probably flooded with e-mail from folks who ordered after release, so I put PRE-ORDER in subject of e-mail to attempt to catch attention in the sea of messages. No go. Maybe Steve will respond by tomorrow after the Tuesday deadline he set for pre-orders has passed. Definately suspect something wrong now if June 22 Thursday was last day pre-orders shipped. My luck I was on the last day. Of course, that is assuming my pre-order was shipped by the fulfillment house and not lost. Not having an e-mail confirmation is maddening after such a long wait. Thank goodness my CC has an online balance list so I can confirm it was BATTLE FRONT COM that charged my card on 6/15. Without that, I would assume now that I had only dreamed of pre-ordering CM!
  16. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Eastern Front 1941-1945.. maybe 1939 included for Russo-Finn war?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Hmmm... I don't think so. I would think the Russo-Finn war would be covered by CM4, the early years 39-40, which will cover both east (Poland, Finnland) and west (France). At least from discussions I've seen on this board. Man, already talking about CM3 (Africa, Mediteranian, Italy) and CM4!!! We merry band of addicted wargamers.
  17. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>The problem is, as others have pointed out, this situation would not happen in real life so the TacAI is at an unrealistic disadvantage. It is that, not the TacAI, that needs to be addressed.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Excellent! This is one time I love to be wrong, not counting all those other times I hated to be wrong. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>We're working on it <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Don't stop! The best keeps getting better!
  18. Eridani, I'm going with the gamey vote. You were taking advantage of the Tac-AI targeting routines. It ignored the greater threat, your Daimler. It was too busy targeting on the harmless carriers when it should have registered the Daimler as the extreme threat, attacking it and/or getting out of the way. In future patches, maybe the targeting will be changed/improved. In that case, you may have to come up with another 'tactic'.
  19. Heh, heh, you guys made my night. Almost as good as my nightly CM PAA (Pre-order Anxiety Anonymous) sessions. There we team up in pairs then hold and comfort each other as we take turns crying. Oh well, there is only one medicine for what I'm afflicted with. (on knees) Oh please be there tomorrow.... woops, just looked at the time this post was made. MAN, that was close. I meant, (still on knees) Oh please be there today.... [This message has been edited by kump (edited 06-27-2000).]
  20. Well, to tell the truth, I hope it doesn't arrive for me. I've been having so much fun waiting and checking my mail for 11 days, soon to be 12. Its so much fun, it makes me laugh. Ha, ha, ha, ha... I don't deserve this much fun. I'm not worthy. Ha, ha, ha, its become such an important event in my life. Run to the mailbox and find it empty. Wow, once I get CM, the expectation will be gone! What do I do then? NO WAY! Its the mailbox every day for me! Yes sir, what a wondrous time to be alive... and, and...but, I, I just, I just want to open the mailbox once and find CM... - sob - just put my hands around it... - sniff - hug it close and, and... - sob, sniff - just want a Tiger I to play with... - hooo, hooo - no, no, no more Chance Encounter, no please... agh, agh, I WANT MY CM, I WANT IT, I WANT IT, I WANT IT.... WAAAAAA! You could say that I'm hoping for it to arrive on Tuesday too. [This message has been edited by kump (edited 06-26-2000).]
  21. Ha, ha, ha... I can't stop... Ha, ha, ha, ha. You ordered this month and your CC was charged 18 or 19? And some of us pre-orders charged 6/15 and ordered months ago are still waiting. And your crying louder than us! Ha, ha, ha, Its Killing ME! Ha, ha, ha, ha... Sorry, ha-hum... I swore I would not cry today when I found no CM at home. So I'm trying laughter instead, but it still hurts....
  22. I don't know you Ash, but you are obviously one of the old timers. I hope you don't mind if I say "Welcome back". However, you scared the daylights out of me. I saw the "I'm Back" title and felt for sure the IgotMilk juvenile had once again appeared. We've been having some pest problems around here. Careful where you read....
  23. Psssst (in whisper) ...and some pre-orders here in the states are still waiting for the full version too. But I swore I wouldn't complain today and start a new crying thread, but couldn't resists sneaking in this whisper on this unobtrusive thread. Especially after seeing European CM comrades starting to speak up about not receiving CM yet. Sorry, don't tell Steve...
  24. Aggamemnon, Your very fortunate. If you just downloaded the Gold Demo, you are set! It will be fresh and get you ready just in time for the full version. I hope it pleases as it has the rest of us, though I have to warn you that you may be caught in an addiction that will not be going away. Make sure you spread the word! I've got to get CM2 through CM4 so I can play the entire war! Did someone start a CM2 crying thread yet?
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