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Everything posted by GriffinCheng+

  1. PL, I strongly believe you have seen the shots @ CMHQ I suggest you update the vechicle spot list. And if you check the forum at CGO, there has been some talks on Mod transfers. I think people would like to know it. ...and so is the "order server" Check also for the official abbreviations fo the title "CMBB" and that it is not "CMB2B". I think it is to avoid to fallout of the TMT bubble.... "This is not a BUMP."
  2. One more: Hs-192 actually saw services in North Africa, I have to look up the books when I get back... B2T: I don't suppose there will be substantially differenct from CMBO, unfortunately. You may have entries like "fighter-bombers", "light-bombers" and "dedicated tank-kilers", etc. May BTS shed light on this...
  3. Måkjager, nice post of Hs-129. It is one of the first dedicated tank-buster aircraft seen service. It is one of my favourite a/c during WW2. I remember there is a book dedicated to this but the name escapes me right now...
  4. Add a gain of salt ot IS/JS-3 issue: Is it the same version seen in the Korean War? Well, I think I see some dust about Korean War mod in the horizon. Griffin.
  5. Great BTS is out there. Time to seek out "The Truth". I am very sorry to hear that "The Winter War" is not in. But since Finns would be in, I suppose there will be a lot of space for out Great Scenario Designers out there to fulfill our desire. Right? Since each unit info includes the detailed TO&E info (see my previous thread) so will there be a small OOB screen so we can check the total units available? It is also mentioned that there would be an optional rule based on AFV crew experience. Bob mentioned elsewhere that it is possbile that the crew reactions would be based on their experience/moral/physical condition. Could you eleborate? It is also mentioned that there would be AFV C&C rules. How would it work? Since the 1st GUI screenshots does not show the entire unit info bar (the lowest "line" removed"), who could the player know about the "physical fitness" of a infranty unit? How would be long-range tank engagements be improved? How about the "rumored" sewer system, how is it modelled? Finally, an OT, when will the pre-order be taken? :cool: That is it -- for now. Griffin.
  6. Hey boys and girls, I think this is not mentioned before. Just get my hands on both July issue of CGW and CG mag, all for the previews of CM2. Here is the drill. I am still reading the 3-pages CG preview "War! in 3D" by our friend Rober Mayer. From the screenshots, I see these: 1. Behind the article title, we can see bare 3D models of : KV2, BT tank, Russian AC and a truck-mounted AAA on the left. (Please fill in for me, thx) Elephant, Panzer IIIF (?), STuG IIIB and a Sdzk-250 on the right. 2. On the next page you see a shot showing a Soviet rifle platoon behind a tank, possible a T-34. Unlike the shots you would see in CGW, you can see the new GUI as mentioned by BTS. Note the UI is not Deanco's mod The buttons are more rounded in the corners and the color is different to CMBO: Green arrow for "Play", yellow arrow for "Start" button and both "REW" and "FWD" buttons are light blue. To the left you can find the old camera control buttons. They are pretty much the same as the original but just the arrows are bigger. Further left you can find the unit information which is completely different from the original. On the farthest left, there is a unit protrait (hey is that sarge Matt and the TC Kitty?). On the top, you see the name and rank of the leader, the organization like 1st squad, 1st platoon, E company, and then the unit type. Below the protrait, you can find the modifiers of the unit. On the right to the protrait there is a box showing the unit strength (active + casualities) and the unit experience Next to the box is the state of the unit and the delay duration. Further below is the ammo count, broken down by ammo type. Next to the state of unit is the current terrian the unit is in -- but this time it is expressed as a small pic with text. Below the terrian info is the moral state of the unit like "catious", "panic", etc. On to the right of terrian info, you can find the weapon information. For rifle squad shown, you can see the number of grenades found. For AFV, you can find the side protrait of the vechile with various color bars surrounding it. It is the armor thickness/strenght for turret, superstructure and hull. Below the protrait of the AFV, you can find the information about the main gun (if any). Next is the list of weapons of the unit. For infantry, you see the image of the weapons carried by the troop with the number of weapon. For AFV, it is broken down into each weapon mounts with the number of rounds left. The tank presented on page 3 is a T-34/76A. I think it is the same for all T-34 shots shown. "Relative spotting" is finally implemented, so no more jeep/truck recon for all you "gamey custard". And the game is now slated for "Winter 2001". I am sorry for my poor English, especially under great excitements. I also hope I have not broken any copyright law. Griffin. [ 06-05-2001: Message edited by: GriffinCheng+ ]
  7. Rob, I think there are no two views on this issue. It is just no way for printed game mags, now and may be forever, to bring full in-depth reviews on all-aspect of a game. One factor I would add is, for reader who want reviews to assist their buying decisions, the mag cannot be too late to post a review. OTOH, if a mag rushes to conclusions, the review is very likely to have omitted something. If you are a casual player, the mags mentioned are pretty okay. But if you are a hardcore, that's why we have FAQs, fan sites and forums. (Any casual CM player out there, please raise your hand!) Most long-standing mag are very sensitive to their reputations. I remember a tempest caused by the review of a 4X space strategy game written by the smae person who writes the strategy guide. That mag had to do a lot of damage control afterwards. Back to lurking...
  8. One of the reasons why Britian was still under rationing till 1950 was related to the agricultural output on the island could not substain the demand. Most of food needed had to be transported from her colonies and allies via shipments. That is one of the reason why after the War, the British government rebuild her agricultural industry on the island. It is also why the recent "foot-mouth" disease hurt the British so hard. Griffin.
  9. Jason, So you are pointing that the whole Hitler's obsession of Ukraine throughout the whole war was such an stupid mistake. Interesting pov. To me, the whole invasion of Soviet Union was a stupid mistake, the polices to the Salvs made it worse and the failure to take Moscow in 1941 spelled the doom. I agree German would eventually lose the war against the Soviets, with or without the LL. What I think if US-British was not "colaberating" with Stalin, the Cold War might not have started, or may be postponed. Griffin.
  10. CF, if it is not too late, count me in, I can make it around 0130 EST Griffin.
  11. I have 45MB back at Angelfire.com and I can get another a/c for it. Tell me if you want i t I can prepare the site by 2100-2200 EST. Sorry I would like to help but I gotta sleep now....
  12. WBW, welcome back. I hope to see the file back in the old TGN days up soon. They are valuable as gold. Griffin.
  13. Hi Candace, Connie, Abby, Ada, Janice, Jenny, Becky...
  14. UPDATE ------ No, it is working alright both on PC Netscape and IE, are you trying to make me loose sleep? I always test my work before posting but well, sometimes it is leaky though. ------ Okay, I will be damned, I gotta sleep.... I will check it right away! Griffin. [ 05-03-2001: Message edited by: GriffinCheng+ ]
  15. Even after consider the fact that Intel has recently cut the price of P4 die for over 30%, AMD "quietly" follows, the latest "Type C" TBird (with speed in 1.2 and 1.33 GHz) finally unlock the FSB clock and let you run at 266MHz. For the problem with RAMBUS chips, I read somewhere that it is some contract problems which P4 Mobos must use RAMBUS and again from what I have read, it is going to change towards the 2nd half of this year and P4 mobo can use regular SDRAM which is dirt cheap. But in long run, the mem bandwidth of P4+RAMBUS is going to do P4 systems good, but my educated guess is: it will shine when P4 goes to the 10GHz quantum but it is not that worth the price right now. OTOH, if you find DDR RAM not good in price/performance, you may with to try a dual TBird Mobo w/ RAID. It still costs less than an avg P4 system. Griffin. [ 05-03-2001: Message edited by: GriffinCheng+ ]
  16. From the previous track record, no. Personally, I hope they are not planning to go cause: 1. Setting up a E3 showcase is very expensive. It does not worth the money just to show off CM:BO and CM:B2B. 2. Going there means stopping their work at hand which translates into later deployment of CM:B2B. Unless you want this to happen but I guess most people here don't want to. Hope it helps. Griffin. P.S. You grand FAQ is mirrored at my site. FYI.
  17. The "scenario page" is blank with codes like these "ÿþ<g" on Win Netscape 4.7x. But on IE, it is wonderful. The maps are great, but a little too large to some who has lower res desktop (I run 1280x1024x16 all the time). Keep up the good work. Griffin.
  18. We need your votes also at Global 100, people!!! Keep up the GOOD WORK! Griffin.
  19. My old Prismo has no problem, so will your new iBook! Does your new iBook have DVD?
  20. Bump again, cause I post it on my site. I know I am late but enjoy! Griffin.
  21. Manx, You steal my thunder!!! You can't do this cause I am going to post my mini-WW2 library at me site! BTW, is there a way to join that book store affliate program? I have a number of good books to add for ya: "Tanks for the Memories" ed by Aaron C. Elson "The Military History of the Western World" 3 vol. work by J.F.C. Fuller (that is what I am currently reading) "Germany's Infantry Weapons 1939-45" by Terry Gander. Just a few random picks from my Library. All except the second are from that book store. Hope it helps. Griffin.
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