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Everything posted by PawBroon

  1. Edited for Buggy Web Server Whatnots... [This message has been edited by PawBroon (edited 04-01-2001).]
  2. Looks great Audace as usual. I started to work on mine but switched to the Daimler AC. If you could eMail it to me I'll do the ETO MOD for you so that it could be used in CMBO. ------------------ You are not Obsessive-CMpulsive, you are Allied-Retentive. Mark IV
  3. Worthy BUMP. Paved road and grey dirt road are a keeper! A bit bright but so detailed it's eye watering... ------------------ You are not Obsessive-CMpulsive, you are Allied-Retentive. Mark IV
  4. I do. Best bet is they had to close for bandwidth over use as Dragoon forwarned me about that. Either that or they are doing a simple maintenance and retrofit... In any case, that shouldn't be too long now. ------------------ You are not Obsessive-CMpulsive, you are Allied-Retentive. Mark IV
  5. Okay you schmucks! I'm still barely trying to cope with the fact that SteveZeBrat is one of us and here you are happily Penging away with a friggin bucketload of newbies!! Who are those anyway? Seeing as I'm still the only French Pooler and in that quality am offering nothing much of value whatsoever (well I do have nude pics of one of us Poolers mind you) you'll have to talk slowly or mime part of it... Who is shagging whom and what's an Iskander?!! Come to think of it what's an Agua Perfido too?! On the PBEM front I must confess I have been slaggin some. YES!!!!! That's my coming out you petulant and joyful buggers. I had been thinking about my Inner Croda when I had an Inner Seanachai all along. Yukk... Anyway, for those of you who were fondling with their cordless mouse while it was posted I WON OVER GERMANBOY. The over use of capitalization isn't indicative of the surprise I had since Andreas is STILL to win anything over me. But it's always cool to step on the pride of one of those neighbouring Krauts when you're a Frog... German are quite charming and they love our country so much that they are prone to do some heavily tracked and armored tourism every now and then. But that was BM (Before Me in the PawBroonian Calendar of sending turns back). Faking an education and a gentleman attitude, GB actually offered to dump our current game because I was loosing and it might be hard on me. SCHMUCK!!! I'm FRENCH, I am BORN a LOOSER tis practically a brand name. What other countries misjudged for a long period of peace in France was in fact a civil war which had been raging since 1954 and where neither side was winning... But I did win. I'm sorry. Never trust a cornered Frog. Unless it was "Never eat a corned beef". Never mind the Morlocks anyway. One must also admit that I am sort of loosing against Cardboard AFV and that I have no shame about that because I don't know what shame is. And now cometh Baldishtingen. After a LONG streak of draws, that one is clearly a winner for him. He sent me a screenshot and his Stug'O'Death is TC'ed by Moriarty. Now I feel insulted! I demand a game from you Sherlock!!! An all armor PBEM, Stugs for you and M8s for me. 1000Pts ME. Sheeesh!!! Dan you bugger! That's ONLY 25% victory. You might say it's 100% of all wins but I've learned not to trust Yanks with survey. That's it. Now you may resume your activities... ------------------ You are not Obsessive-CMpulsive, you are Allied-Retentive. Mark IV
  6. Outstanding Pud. Drastic improvement over the original. Keep up the good work... ------------------ You are not Obsessive-CMpulsive, you are Allied-Retentive. Mark IV
  7. Worked for me just fine. Downloaded Gunenrgoz's Speckled Grass if it's a factor. No corrupted zip or such things. ------------------ You are not Obsessive-CMpulsive, you are Allied-Retentive. Mark IV
  8. Should be there as the first one: http://appui-feu.panzershark.com/fichiers/HumberScoutCar2.zip ------------------ You are not Obsessive-CMpulsive, you are Allied-Retentive. Mark IV
  9. Sent to all requesting it through mail. For those needing a walktrough, here cometh: The long wooden thingy on the side of the Humber ISN'T Betty Grable's legs. The forrest green base of the camo is green as opposed to the very dark green strips also known as black. And lest I forgot, the small high visibility red circle on the top/front is a foolproof device for quicker setup. Here is the rule of thumb: If I got no detail whatsoever, even the green known as black and the shovel know as Betty AND if that little circle is NOT showing THEN I've put my Humber upside down during setup. Thanks for your attention and for the otehrwise overwhelming positive feedback I've received with that Humber... ------------------ You are not Obsessive-CMpulsive, you are Allied-Retentive. Mark IV
  10. Well it says it all. The list of tweaks from release 1 is in the readme file of the MOD so for you to get a feeling about it I'll post the same kind of pictures as last week. To sum up, changed the color and add details. Distribution thereof my typical may... That is, eMail till it's posted if it is. ------------------ You are not Obsessive-CMpulsive, you are Allied-Retentive. Mark IV
  11. You mean you NEVER actually saw it happen in the game?!! Dunno who did that PTOD way back at CMHQ but the would give you the idea... ------------------ You are not Obsessive-CMpulsive, you are Allied-Retentive. Mark IV
  12. Thanks for you're contribution Harv... ------------------ You are not Obsessive-CMpulsive, you are Allied-Retentive. Mark IV
  13. Well amongst other things Mickey Mouse IS on the list. Will look cooler too... That and a Desert Rat for DFDR. The rest is different level of details and optional files. ------------------ You are not Obsessive-CMpulsive, you are Allied-Retentive. Mark IV
  14. Well tis not that difficult, I just did it AGAIN. That's an undisputed string of victories. But then again twas me that played and not you... Now if I'm not wrong that would be your clue Lorak. Been a long time out of the Pool and I can see you lots have been misbehaving. I'm proud of you! What are all those newbies anyway? ------------------ You are not Obsessive-CMpulsive, you are Allied-Retentive. Mark IV
  15. Here is Marco's list of Tweaks straight out of the Bag'O'Manyfinks... I've annotated some screenshots with the things that I would change if I were doing the mod. Please note that this is not intended to be a put-down of your efforts, but is just the things a total perfectionist has noticed. This is supposed to be helpful, not critical. The list: A: I think I would put shadow under the mudguards, to make them stand out better, and maybe some highlighting along those sharp top edges. B: This hatch should be the same colour as the paint around it... and don't forget to tint the hinge, which is a little too bright. ( Airbrush at about 3% opacity will give you a nice tint and tone down the whiteness. ) C: The air intake along the length of the engine deck is quite prominent in real life. On the mod it seems to disappear. Highlight the top edges, and put a black 2 pixel line right along the bottom edge. ( There's a slot there where the air goes in ) There's also a slot on the edge of the engine deck (both sides), which I quickly drew onto the JPG to show you where it goes. A quick highlight as shown here helps the look of this slot. D: There's a bolt head at each corner of the engine deck. And that engine deck is so plain it needs every bit of detail it can get. E: Serial number. Where is it? Should be here. F196184 is a genuine serial, and this is one of the few vehicles where the sides aren't mirrored. F: Personal preference, but I would have used a Thompson, a Sten, or a Very pistol rather than an MP40. G: Unit markings. As far as I'm aware, the Humbers were only used by HQ Recon troops, so the geometric symbol should be a diamond. This is how it appears in all the pictures I have. Also, you should add the unit badge and number. 52 in a red square and the black bull on a yellow box (11th armoured div) seem to be the most common in my references. They go on the front plate on either side of the geometric symbol, slightly above it. H: Hinge too bright. See B: I: Front vision hatches are a total different colour. I think I would tint them to be closer to the paint around them. J: Camouflage mismatch here. There are others, but this the most obvious. Suggest you take a little time making sure that the camo lines up. This is the thing which people always notice. K: Hatch colour. See I: L: Unit markings. 52 plus the bull. ( no geometric ). See G: M: Serial number. See E: N: The handle and hinges are a different colour. Give them the airbrush tint treatment. Also, the lighting on all the models tends to be from dead ahead, and above the vehicle. So the shadow from the handle ought to go the other way, towards the rear of the vehicle. Making sure that all the shadows go the same way has an improving effect far larger than you would expect. Well, that's all. Please don't let this long list discourage you. The base work is good, but greatness comes in the details. ------------------ You are not Obsessive-CMpulsive, you are Allied-Retentive. Mark IV
  16. I'll see that with Marco and if there's no prob then I'll post those. You'll he is hard to please... ------------------ You are not Obsessive-CMpulsive, you are Allied-Retentive. Mark IV
  17. Thanks for that. The MP40 gives mixed feelings I'd say. My view is that a recon TC would be more than happy to shangai a MP40 to deal death from above instead of having to cope with a blend sten. It's a bit like "When eagles dare" and has no other purpose than coolness. I'll do a Thomson/Sten on as an option for the other 50% who think an MP40 is a bit too much... And NO it is NOT a cricket bat. Humbers die too fast for allowing that kind of game... It's an oil or pneumatic shock absorber or whatever. I might be more hysterical than historical for MODing purpose but that one ought to be there. For those who had trouble downloading this could go get it at CM Outpost in the Early Bird: http://www.afv-uk.net/cmoutpost/Armor/early_armor.htm ------------------ You are not Obsessive-CMpulsive, you are Allied-Retentive. Mark IV
  18. If it could help you overcome this, there is always the fact that you had been wrong in thinking you were. Just trying to help... ------------------ You are not Obsessive-CMpulsive, you are Allied-Retentive. Mark IV
  19. Now one can't go sleep content in the knowledge that people will BUMP that thread? Are your Inner Crodas happy with the Originals?! Sheeshh. On the tweaking front, I submitted my MOD to the famed Marco Bergman for some tips and feedback: The list ran from A to N. While reading the mail I had a moment of angst about the fact that I wasn't up to date with my Greek and Cyrillic alphabets. Marco that's what I call heavy duty feed back. I'll try to improve on what I can because most of what you highlighted is either lack of talent from me or abscence of knowlege about Photoshop and all those fancy tools. ------------------ You are not Obsessive-CMpulsive, you are Allied-Retentive. Mark IV
  20. Thanks Maximus. Always nice coming from those who triggered my desire to pay back some... Anyway, a quick poll with my think tank leads me to the Daimler AC. The Bren/Wasp should be next. ------------------ You are not Obsessive-CMpulsive, you are Allied-Retentive. Mark IV
  21. Magnus, you have tools like DreamWeaver which allow you to check on your site's compatibility with all the browsers. After that it's up to you to decide if the SFX you want to include is worth the fact that some would not see it... ------------------ You are not Obsessive-CMpulsive, you are Allied-Retentive. Mark IV
  22. MP3 to WAV Converter http://www.remixer.com One of the fastest and very straightforward... Have fun. ------------------ You are not Obsessive-CMpulsive, you are Allied-Retentive. Mark IV
  23. Done. Next tweaks will be rear deck and Mickey Mouse camo. I think I'll go for a BMP_opt type of release for the V2. For those who haven't downloaded it yet, that MOD is finished as is and could be used as of now. I am merely asking for feedback so that I could do optional files for a packages release enjoyable for all tastes. ------------------ You are not Obsessive-CMpulsive, you are Allied-Retentive. Mark IV
  24. Another screenshot for a rear view this time. I already have a list of tweaks and fixes. Thanks for your support and comments. ------------------ You are not Obsessive-CMpulsive, you are Allied-Retentive. Mark IV
  25. Anyone willing. I was about to distribute it by mail as I did for Marco's latest Shermans when CM Outpost crashed, so being hosted IS a drastic improvement... Glad you like it. DeanCo had already given me some inputs and I might do a another version. Feel free to do the same as the more advices I could get the better the MOD (or so I wish). ------------------ You are not Obsessive-CMpulsive, you are Allied-Retentive. Mark IV
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