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Everything posted by PawBroon

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai: Must have read his own profile. Or contemplated his own existence stretching out before him like an armour penetration discussion.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Beware of those OneWorders... Next time ShaoLin post, he'd actually accuse you of bringing that Bachibouzouk in here with you. I did the error once and now that StalkingBoy who thinks he is the only Limey of the Board believes we have extended both welcome and sympathy. Well stuff it Wword Kiddo!!
  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by bauhaus: I always sucked at math.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> We wouldn't threaten anyone with the Unleashing of your well, capacities, if it were only for the sucking of Math! Who forgot to bring Bauhaus to the Vet this time?!
  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Evil: PawBroon, are you resonsible for boy_Recon? If so, never send a boy to do a man's job<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Well I don't know him/her/it so I wouldn't vouch for the bugger. You know how often we got those already... I say unleash Bauhaus and let him ponder the full implication of Rexford's calculus.
  4. 3 minutes 36 secondes of exciting Auf F Vs Auf G discussion between schooled and well versed historians. What a shame all of us are not broadband. We were missing so much, thanks for pointing us to the resource. Hi Emma!
  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Nothing Original: PoorBrown:<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Poor and Brown in the same sentence. That's so wonderfully PC of you to stop by. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Still Nothing 2C Here: I can call you a merchant banker without taking an alias. I am not Elvis, although I have claimed to be as matter of expediency.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> And we are courageous! That wild prowling beast cometh out of the Bush and try to stun me of all Poolers with a simple BANKER?! Err, Bauhaus, coming out of the Bush is a bit less graphical than that, surrender the crayons and you'll be fed. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Well he is dead now Dr: If the Yankee moderators knew what impact the "W" word actually has, so you think they'd let you carry on using it?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> You mean WANKERS?! It has an impact on you? Gosh!! And why stress the fact that those Moderators should be of the Yank persuasion? Cor Blimey! Tis because you wank while we of the Old World merely fondle. Of course we could bloody well carry on those. They come attached you bloody jellyfish! So we'd rather be grateful for the Powers that Be to let us both keep them at hand and use them to our convenance once in a while.
  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Reckon'm'Boy : This would all be very funny if it weren't so tragic.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Elvis, no need to take aliases to tell us we're wankers. Go play in that sandbox will you now?
  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Leeo: I'm just trying to ponder this imponderable point; For what conceivable reason could mensch have edited his last post?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> As Mensch Agent I'd have to ask you the following. In all weirdness, hadn't you even considered that my Client could have easily typed in [ 05-09-2001: Message edited by: mensch ] just as I did now in order to show the full magnitude of its, err, medically challenged aptness to be our Confessor?
  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Knaust: I'm still looking forward to get HarpoonIV...I'm afraid anyway it will never appear in shelves.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Do not fret Brother Knaust for Harpoon has always been my fav game cardboard or PC and even though announced cancelled, it was rescheduled and will be released. Fear not.
  9. You're refering to DeanCo's scenario @DeanCo's When I do NoT do MODs I'm Wrecked's site. Fun to watch though. I am awaiting for a setup from him but needless to say his new designed responsabilities for CM2 postponned it some... He told me that he plays CM like StarCraft. If Indy 500 is any indicatice, I'd say I'm in for a jolly good fun.
  10. Ok you Pool Pundits, that rogue thread where #176 unmasked his aversion for us is now closed due to the Bald One Locksmanship Because they were GEMS in it I'll do the magic sleight of hands so that you'd be spared the trouble to go there. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Peng: What I object to is you automatically treat me like an inferior. I've met a lot of people and I'm convinced that the vast majority of wrong-thinking people are right. Fred, if that is indeed your real name, are quite the jolly fellow there, aren't you? It is truly a pleasure to meet you at long last. I have been cyber-stalking you lo these many years and posts, and have finally decided to declare my undying love for you. I was there when you sided with BTS on the penetraion value for the .50 cal mg. I said "woot!" out loud when your side won the day on that argument, I tell you. And remember the time you contributed to one of the thousands of threads about the shape of HE blast patterns? That was great. I really liked that. Golly I'm just all flushed with hormones over here thinking that I have finally gotten to meet you. I have such a HIGH member number, and yours is nearly as low as Berli's (who by the way is rumoured among some who post to the Peng threads to be the actual DEVIL himself), I am certainly not worthy of your notice, but well ya see, I just can't hold it in any more. I want to have your babies, Fred. Please? Pretty please with tungsten on top? I have for months been complaining to BTS to fix or do somefink about the Peng threads, but my prayers go unanswered. Maybe you, with your exceedingly low member number, wisdom, power, grace and fluent grog-speak can convince them to kill the Peng threads once and for all. I would really appreciate it, and if you have a chance, send a sample in a refrigerated box, I'll take care of the fertilizing and implantation. Love ya lots, Freddybaby<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> To which I replied minutes before the Serial Locker <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by YoursTruly: I want to have your babies, Fred. Please? Pretty please with tungsten on top? Now that's truly grand! You are therefore automatically absolved of all nasties I could have said concerning the alledged slowness with which you were cooking our setup. Peng if you weren't already #176's bitch I'd marry you...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Ain't you proud of being loved by such a wonderful Grog community?
  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrPeng: I want to have your babies, Fred. Please? Pretty please with tungsten on top? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Now that's truly grand! You are therefore automatically absolved of all nasties I could have said concerning the alledged slowness with which you were cooking our setup. Peng if you weren't already #176's bitch I'd marry you...
  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by David Aitken: Talking of politics, I heard Tony Blair has kicked off his election campaign with a speech in a girls' school. He's obviously got his priorities right, eh Stuka?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Isn't it a bug in the way Blair is modelled or is that just one of those occasion where things are abstracted? I know for a fact that we frogs have an abstracted President and that's pretty cool. Nobody patches that guy he is too funny like that...
  13. Last figures I checked indicated that Pokemon Gold/Silver for PlayStation had sold 250 000 units already in its first week just HERE in France. The computing industry might be pleased by the concept of BTS like games. 250 000 odd units is a LOT to sell to the masses. So try hard and look if the computing industry will suddenly start to produce new gems on players behalf...
  14. Due to the HUGE success of Panther I, when it was finally blown sky high by the good guys in a Firefly (if not producers of U571) or by the courageous gunner of the severely outnumbered Stuart (if you are...), Panther II was scheduled to be released for the next summer but James Cameron would have no part in something that had no water in, around, above or about it. So then the project was aborted, people commited suicide all around the world. Nicole Kidmann divorced Tom Cruise and that pretty much wraps it up.
  15. Pool Notice: We (Not as in Rexfordian We) would gladly see posts and comments about would be antagonistic Pakistanis / Sikhs / Irish / Basques / Serbs / Kurds / Insert name HERE kept outside of the Pool. Any such subject is prone to Regular Board Treatment (IE Flames). If some of you feel offended by some of the posts even by our lowly Pool Standards then drop a mail to the poster and state your view to have it edited. It's of NO interrest to the community to grant the sudden attention of the Moderators and to behave exactly the way all of the #176s are expecting us to... If you really feel like bashing somebody, do the Frogs as it never seems to bugger anyone on the Board.
  16. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MeKnowShakespeare: Tempest Act II, Scene 2<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> That's one of the favorite Shakespeare play for the Czech people. They love the fact that it's supposed to be OFF BOHEMIA. Seeing as Czech Republic is so inland, one can only speculate just how much far OFF it really was. Anyway. JD you little pre celebrity John Grisham, we need a rematch. Something full of sound and fury to keep up with what started this... And in dedication to Senility newfound love for Flaubert, a little something aimed at you JDMorse: Nothing is more humiliating than to see idiots succeed in enterprises we have failed. It's a question of Honor. Send a setup or I put the Medoc in the freezer!
  17. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stuka: I did a search and kept getting Maces picture, whats up with that?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> You can't come up with Mace mug shots when doing a search unless you were looking for keywords like "How long for CM to sheep?"
  18. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Dive Bombed: Thank you, old sock. Your envy is noted and appreciated.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I'm not envious. I live in a country where young and willing crops come aplenty. Do that Normandy sightseeing and see for yourself if that young wife of yours doesn't put you on a leash like one of those Creatures in Black & White...
  19. Stuka me old mate here is my ICQ #45076977 (**** I don't have #176). Drop by and I'll have to teach you some french tricks. To sum up and basically, you are a psycho.
  20. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Mensched: Anyone understand what this guy wrote? I looked at Bablefish but there is no translation from "Moronic OFGSHF" to "English"...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Well I do. That must be something in the collective Frog gene Pool mind you. Anyone here whose Depth of Ignorance contains so many fragile bubbles of knowledge that could somehow surface and burst thus releasing the fact that Jean Francois Champollion, famed Frog Egyptologist, while working on the Rosetta stone became the first person to ever decipher the Egyptian hieroglyphics?. Told you, tis a Frog thingie. That or my in-depth knowledge of Scots (stop smiling Emma) Anyway Mensch, to sum up: "Blah blah you're a jeark, I am killing you, blah blah nothing new here..."
  21. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Berlichtingen: Are you implying that there is someone who has a better understanding of Sin?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> But of course Danichtingen! Being the self appreciating bastard I am, I'd say I would be the only one suitable for the job. I know Sin. We have practically invented the concept of Sin. Frogs are born SinCity players. It takes a dark and corrupted soul while requiring a convoluted way with words to: a/Understand your confessions b/Distribute the mandatory admonishments c/Explore new Sins to be able to then recognize the spark in your eyes. Being the Curator of our beloved MBT I therefore vote for myself and forbid through Unjust Veto Application (not to be mistaken with UVB) any further applicants unless they are #176 and show a proper lust for Pool taming...
  22. A quick search yield this: Your HTs won't behave how you want them to because you are not using DeanCo's GunMetal & Clipboard TC. That one should go in your FAQ.
  23. Here we are folks! Gather up!!! The Award for having said BOTH Phallic and Underdeveloped in the same sentence as soon as we skimmed page 2 goes to SpeedBump. My, and we're already at the P words of your dictionary. When I said Time to up your standards, it was as good as FIGURATIVE speech.
  24. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Wadz'A'Vowel: I only make this kind, gentle offer because of my deep desire to preoccupy your time, thus preventing any more of these lame attempts at a Peng challenge.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> That's kind of you AEIOU to spare us the trouble. For the others, please take heed that SoundBlaster while not entirely entertaining makes a good firewall.
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