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Everything posted by PawBroon

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai: I must find out if that Sherman dies or not.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> On the specific matter of ThingsDatDies, you should consider heading headlong at ScipioBase who's the chap providing all those sounds MODs. You may have noticed that the bright side of doing sound only MODs is that you don't grow one of those Instant Maximus that yell TIS NOT 72DPI when you forgot to water them. For the likes of Hiram and dedicated specifically to that Sherman crew, one should install the latest SoundPack with a special EMPHASIS on 00000506.WAV ending with a nice gurgling sound. Seeing as some of you are hearing more of those gurgles and less of the crickets, do yourself the favor...
  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Elvis: Wankers<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Boo! Thanks for providing me the script MkIV.
  3. Yup I've downloaded them something like a day or two ago and been enjoying them since. The turret job you did is grand as with most of your MODs really...
  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Berlichtingen: Why are you doing anything for the exclusive benifit of an idiot?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Why? But I have been trained by the best my friend. If I was to expect more then I'd be mailing certain people directly each pertaining to the best of his abilities...
  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mark IV: I see the invisible hand of a Gray Eminence already at work.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> That's the only grey matter that Hiram could put in any given game... While you're at it Hiram, if you could yell above your shoulder at the PseudoPod so that he could proceed a little more speedily with his setup that would be grand and maybe Mr4 will then let you shoot in his general direction. 99 to 1 Hiram, small steps, small steps.
  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mace: I don't know, but I happen to welcome the inane dribble of the newbie wannabees, but then again I am a masochist!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> You're not a masochist. You're a highly mutated life form known as Ozzer. Your plams are Velcro covered so that you could get a better grip at those poor curly sheeps and you always avoided to play me for fear of a good kickin' in the groin. Therefore, being a zoophilic coward shouldn't qualify you as a masochist...
  7. That must be proof enough that there is no need to go spent some money on that Tropico game to plot a banana republic putch. Expect some heavy idiotic postings as with each new iteration of the Mutha Beautiful Thread (Shorten to MBT there after to save bandwidth and please the Grogs). Because Eat@Joe's forewords were sounds and to be duplicated, here is the little Legal Warning for those who missed the first posting: Notice to Scum Sucking Newbies Go Away! Go Far Away and Go Now! We like the group that's here ... for the most part ... individually they're swine but the sum of the parts, etc. We did not ask you to drop by and we'd frankly prefer that you drop dead. If you DO decide that you MUST stick around ... Have A Reason! Are Geek apparently didn't get the drift of my message and responded with chapter and verse ... as if we care ... of his life and times {gag}. So lad, without getting into YOUR missive (reading it again is more than my digestive tract can handle right now) ... IS THERE SOMETHING WE CAN DO FOR YOU OR WERE YOU JUST VISITING? If the later (please, please, PLEASE ... let him just be visiting) your VISA is revoked and you have been PNGed ... not to be confused with being PENGed, which is, frankly, much worse. Stand not upon the order of your going, etc. If the former ... go away anyway, we're not in the mood right now. You've just been mirandized so now stand aside or stand corrected. Speaking of standing and for the exclusive benefit of #176, we are not long standing idiots since we've been known to sit from time to time...
  8. Gordon's Priest is mostly his own. From what I glimpsed during testing, it's only the gun part which is from Mike Duplessis' outstanding Guns Pack (Do the Axis BTW Plz!!!) and the hull which is the standard Sherman from Marco's Bag of Many Things. Flash Gordon Molek is so widely recognized for his paint jobs on Marco's MODs that it's only natural that his first ever HiRes MOD should be considered a simple repainting. That's really good Gordon, impressive...
  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by David Aitken: Did someone commission a new Thread?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Wasn't the current one diagnosed dead and believed to be slained by an overwhelming abuse of Lawyerly posting?
  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Errr. Seanechai, SenileTea? (that is the best I can make of your apparently celtocryllic name) I have it on good authority that you are a sand-bagging, set-up-the-weak-minded-and-knockem-over type who preys upon poor defenseless little grogwishtheycouldbees and then takes a huge 240 dump on them when they are thinking they have a chance in hell of even coming close to securing their own complete surrender to your superior forces and intellect. being a glutton for punishment I say "come at me, eire-boy!" So sure, what the hell. I prefer to play games that have like infantry and artillery and tanks and blowing up and stuff, and I mostly like to have any one of the nationalities in the game as my team. (no Candians! {until they admit they are just bigger goofier, and colder americans but still have royalty in their lives}) Big Giant freaking scenarios take too long, so either make up a quick one or pick a smallish premade. I am too dumb to buy my own troops effectively. If my idiot raving hasn't completely put you off to playing against me...send me a PBEM. I hope you do not get bored with all of my dying. I am honored by your challenge Peng<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Ta Ha! Ta Hey! Or whatever it is that drunk English heroes shout just before they're disemboweled, and left with that expression on their face that says, 'Err, I was just about to add...' Ha! Peng, I have taken our contest Public! Yes, public, where neither can hide in the shadows, and where the Winner is totally justified in an extremely public display of: Gloating, Abuse, and Bad Sportsmanship! And it's understood that the Loser will indulge in an orgy of Whining, Rationalization, and Mendacity! If it's a draw, we resort to simple personal abuse! And, because of your dastardly abuse of our Northern Cousins, I shall field a force of Canadians against you (I live in Minnesota, and I say to you, Canadians are our Friends!), and you, you monster, shall be forced to play the Axis! I shall send you a Quick Battle, in which I (the Heroic Allied [Canadian] Attacker {Ha, I threaten to overtake your use of multiple parenthetical devices}) shall seek to overcome your evil Pengian Teutonic hordes (which shall be Wehrmacht hordes)! And I shall set the force allocations to be computer generated for both sides, and I shall set them at 700 points, and I shall further set the map to be farmland, moderate tree cover, and the hills (besides being alive with the sound of music–someome put a bullet into that damn woman) at significant, but not extreme. And I shall allow both our forces the right of Combined Arms. And many other parameters shall I set, and then, shalt thou meet me in single combat. And if it shall be that thou shalt win, I promise that I shall never again post dialogue that is like unto a Bad Arthurian novel...okay, well, mostly promise. And also, thou shalt have the right of endless abuse. Okay, for the normal people: I challenged Peng to a PBEM, and he very nobly agreed. I really wanted to challenge Peng because of his almost magical ability to reduce all human interaction to small, burnt, crunchy bits. I admire that in a human being. It strikes me as 'good'. I took this challenge out of it's original thread, and made it public, because...well...probably because there's something wrong with me. But I challenge anyone to prove it! Peng, look, thee, for my PBEM tomorrow! Well, actually, it's damn late, so I guess today...but look for it really late today. You know the rules. Time to up the standards...
  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Jack Arilliac: It's clear that part of the purpose is to impress others with intelligence, cleverness and knowledge, which provides the individuals with self-satisfaction.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Of course you are entirely wrong but in an almost correct way. The purpose has never been to show how clever one is but clearly to rub in the others their own lack of wit and cleverness. As Sacha Guitry said: It's of no importance to me that I should be happy if I have no knowledge that others aren't. The Peng Thread are all about Panache. Cyrano of Bergerac being quoted now and then when we are not too deep into Pratchett's quotes... My favorite quote from Edmond Rostand's Cyrano of Bergerac is not the classical duelling one. It's the last scene of the play you'll find there: CYRANO (shivering violently, then suddenly rising): Not there! what, seated?--no! (They spring toward him): Let no one hold me up-- (He props himself against the tree): Only the tree! (Silence): It comes. E'en now my feet have turned to stone, My hands are gloved with lead! (He stands erect): But since Death comes, I meet him still afoot, (He draws his sword): And sword in hand! LE BRET: Cyrano! ROXANE (half fainting): Cyrano! (All shrink back in terror.) CYRANO: Why, I well believe He dares to mock my nose? Ho! insolent! (He raises his sword): What say you? It is useless? Ay, I know But who fights ever hoping for success? I fought for lost cause, and for fruitless quest! You there, who are you!--You are thousands! Ah! I know you now, old enemies of mine! Falsehood! (He strikes in air with his sword): Have at you! Ha! and Compromise! Prejudice, Treachery!. . . (He strikes): Surrender, I? Parley? No, never! You too, Folly,--you? I know that you will lay me low at last; Let be! Yet I fall fighting, fighting still! (He makes passes in the air, and stops, breathless): You strip from me the laurel and the rose! Take all! Despite you there is yet one thing I hold against you all, and when, to-night, I enter Christ's fair courts, and, lowly bowed, Sweep with doffed casque the heavens' threshold blue, One thing is left, that, void of stain or smutch, I bear away despite you. (He springs forward, his sword raised; it falls from his hand; he staggers, falls back into the arms of Le Bret and Ragueneau.) ROXANE (bending and kissing his forehead): 'Tis?. . . CYRANO (opening his eyes, recognizing her, and smiling): MY PANACHE. Most of us old Poolers still believes it's only that. Playing, NO Compromise, Style and Panache. And since I'm so full of quoting Frogs, here comes a last Guitry that should help #176: You can pretend to be serious; you can't pretend to be witty. [ 05-06-2001: Message edited by: PawBroon ]
  12. Mr4, you've been spiting your dried frog pills again. Just because some privately owned company released a game and went so far as asking beforehand if it was suitable to put SS in it while at the same time avoiding the use of nazi memorabilia doesn't mean that they are prone to lock threads about SS and their atrocities when they keep bumping at the top of a forum which could be seen as a self saling and promoting tool for would be buyers. Or it's me?
  13. Not to be rude with some of my fellow Poolers but you might indeed wade through dozens of posts without so much as a smile. It comes with the fact that some are just NOT funny and mostly because you can't be terrific for 10000 Posts. The Peng Threads are a folklore and as such have Hi & Lo. And YES Peng did exist. At the time of the Conquistadores, Peng was a famous Peruvian Partisan. Maybe you've heard those famous lines: Friends don't you hear the muffled cries Of our country who's being raped By the ones upon which Peng Is about to unleash Death, Pestilence, French and Groglessness...
  14. Outstanding work as usual. I have already put those sweet Greyhounds to good use and now they kick ass in style. Can't wait for that Sexton/White combo also... Really it makes one wonder if it's worth the time to do MODs since every single ones are so friggin perfect. The level of quality and thus the level of expectation are sky high nowadays.
  15. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stuka: Oh god nooooo! Don't say its true!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Of course tis true. The American Robin is merely abstracted on the European front. And we are not even talking about the different speed at which those sparrows are flying. And, and, there's no black!!! There is not even the slightest afro american. And nobody has tatoo or prophylactic listed when you hit the Enter key. That's an obvious conspiracy since a simple batch file could allow for some black GIs while showing tatooed blood rhesus on SS forearms. There is an obvious white and tatooless bias in that game. I mean, come on! In Warcraft some of the guys were green and you're telling me you can't abstract black?! And, and, and my member number is lower than most of yours since I registered in the days of Eniac and hadn't post a thing because I was happily playing something else like all good Grogs would have done. And I am NOT a long standing idiot, I've been known to sit from time to time...
  16. Jak, if you could only mail me your addy to marcel.vie@wanadoo.fr I'll send that zipped JagdTiger to you. MDMP2 is over 8Mb, if you just want the JT it's a bit off in modem friendliness...
  17. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Michael Dorosh: Besides, coming in early doesn't mean you know more.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Thanks Michael. Sometimes those chaps could be more arrogant and offensive than bonafide Poolers. Throwing his number like a poker chit is quite disrespectful for those who registered later on and contributed far more. Besides, Berlichtingen is #40 which is 2 above Steve. So what do that tell Fred about numbers? As a side note, we Poolers have played so much game that we are most certainly the least gamey bastards around because we know for a fact that the fun is in the proceedings. That makes us knowledgeable punks also since we have seen all kind of weird things since the beta testing and did our fair share of bug reports. Now if those who have a problem with Peng would care enough to do a search, they'll find that more often than not answers are given by Poolers who tend to behave properly when in the regular board. That's not the case for most of the others... And for those who are still not convinced, Peng Threads numbered well over 10000 posts surely now. Each time it had been questionned BTS had kept that Thread going on. Respecting BTS work is also respecting BTS choices and position. There is a Rogue Peng Thread with regular Poolers outside this URL so that the worst of what we can fathom won't splash on BTS image and fend off wannabe buyers. How many of you think of what you are posting in term of global interrest for the community and cross rating that in Grog factor? Give us a break...
  18. One must also notice that as often as Peng Threads are reborn in all their Phoenix like glory, those what's a Peng it's a waste of bandwidth come along. Vultures really. The question is NOT what's a Peng? It should rather be, do I have what it takes to be a Peng? Play one and cry little boy...
  19. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by M. Bates: I'm with Maximus on this one<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> You give a new meaning to DROP IT. Congrats...
  20. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Tiger: What really irks me is how Maximus can spew all kinds of criticisms about others' mods (really only mine now that I think about it), but can not take a little minor criticism himself...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> As a side note, Maximus was on the test team of the one and only MOD I produced. I guess that makes me a MODer per se but I am not in anyway comparing my production to yours. He gave me some good and sound advices. So did Marco and GermanBoy. I tweaked some of what they proposed and I left most of what I wanted. Maximus told me: "YOU SCREWED IT"... And you know what? It doesn't matter AT ALL. Because others might be using YOUR MODs but YOU are doing them for YOU. Plain and simple. It's like those PBEM you'll start playing again at least, if someone is a gamey bastarditionist then don't play him again. I'm glad you're happy with your choice and that you will have time to do things you care for at least. If you need a game, send a setup where you'll be using your MODs to blow Max ones. BTW, I'm sorry to tell you that Stuart MOD you just posted is WAY OFF as the gun is too long and for the hull you obviously simply did a cut and paste of a Sherman! [ 05-05-2001: Message edited by: PawBroon ]
  21. Maximus you know when you DO cross the line. Can't you just limit yourself to be a pest only once in a while. Go look at Tom's site: Most of the MODs are Tiger's. As with most of the others sites... I am not using most of them and that's mostly because I do prefer Marco's Shermans and Fernando's PSW. It has NOTHING to do with or against Tiger as I enjoy most of his other MODs. Take a close look at that Firefly. If you are not into nationality markings and batch files, aren't those latest Tiger's MODs a truly impressive work? Don't you love those Comets, Challengers et Al? Come on, that guy is peeing MODs like I say Bonjour Mademoiselle. Give him a break and that will do yourself good. Your work even if less prolific is quite good too. Don't do pissing contest in the wind as nobody will benefit from it. As for your decision Tiger, you do as you please and it's all yours so I won't push or shove with the expected result to have you crank some MODs again. But you are obviously talented and if I believe the sheer frenesy with which you do them, willing. So don't go against that. Eurowarrior must be lauging his ass off loud really...
  22. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mark IV: You mad frenchman, we are one turn away from The End of a game that was started a year ago, and you are posting here??!!! Light 'em up, monsieur!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I can understand Foobar and Abbott lust for fame and catchy tunes but you are NOT about to sing THIS IS THE END OF THE WORLD AS WE KNOW IT are you? In any case you're more a REMF than a REM.
  23. You do not seriously expect to earn much out of copyrights do you? That would do wonder with Foobar's MP3...
  24. It's with an obvious relief that I see you're up and kicking again. Glad you're back amongst us CM crowd...
  25. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mark IV: The minute we got into helicopters, we started losing wars. Anyone else notice that?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> As history would have it, the first ever use of choppers for military assault drops were done by the French paratroopers and Foreign Legioneer during the war in Algeria. Funny enough we lost that one also... There might be some kind of mad mojo thingie with those huge bananas we used.
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