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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by PawBroon

  1. That was one of the truly few ugly vehicules of CM. So I had to put some little incentive for you to use it... This MOD is released as CessPoolWare so go insult someone with elan, panache and Groglessness and you'll receive it. For those lacking that there's still the regular MODs-To-Go CM sites. ------------------ You are not Obsessive-CMpulsive, you are Allied-Retentive. Mark IV
  2. Outstanding as usual. Now if you could do the german guns... ------------------ You are not Obsessive-CMpulsive, you are Allied-Retentive. Mark IV
  3. There is NO such thing as whorehouses in France. Whorehousing is Gamey. The maneuvrits are using dates and the attritionists onguents. But there is NO such things of infamy since here the women would provide if you are not TOO Mace Like. Neither Andreas like and Croda like also... ------------------ You are not Obsessive-CMpulsive, you are Allied-Retentive. Mark IV
  4. The guy was supposed to be Dienekes. Go read Gates of Fire from Steven Pressfield (SP?)for an enjoyable read. ------------------ You are not Obsessive-CMpulsive, you are Allied-Retentive. Mark IV
  5. Considering the lack of details in your post I can only offer a guess. Would that be a classical VMM error with the VXD on WinMe? Boy if that makes sense to you!! Anyway, for any such report you can go to the technical forum where things of that persuasion are quarantined. You should then find your answer if mine wasn't what you expected. ------------------ You are not Obsessive-CMpulsive, you are Allied-Retentive. Mark IV
  6. Not that GermanBoy here needs any support from me, but for the benefit of those who hadn't played him yet, here goes: Andreas is one of the best and the most enjoyable player to duck it out with. The fact that I had won in both of our games has nothing to do with it. Not only does he play well but he plays fair. When he is loosing he is falling back on reserve troops. When tanks, guns or MGs are KOed he runs the crews at the back of the map. Every game we played had been hard and had been thouroughly enjoyable. Falling back to secondary positions while being fired upon is a lot more difficult than to sit still and fight in a Pyrrhic way... ------------------ You are not Obsessive-CMpulsive, you are Allied-Retentive. Mark IV
  7. Well I told you I would MOD some!! Err, was just tweaking in fact... Anyway! who is that PawBoon? ------------------ You are not Obsessive-CMpulsive, you are Allied-Retentive. Mark IV
  8. 1.11 and 1.12 could be opened and played from any of those versions. ------------------ You are not Obsessive-CMpulsive, you are Allied-Retentive. Mark IV
  9. They are at CMHQ on: http://www.combatmission.com/untested/Winter%20US%20'45%20Army.zip & http://www.combatmission.com/untested/Winter%20US%20'45%20Airborne.zip ------------------ You are not Obsessive-CMpulsive, you are Allied-Retentive. Mark IV
  10. Was fun. Should 1.13 include a FireWall then? ------------------ You are not Obsessive-CMpulsive, you are Allied-Retentive. Mark IV
  11. Some people had been a little bit put off by the marking of that AFV and by the rear of the turret. Here goes a sneak preview of what could be easily done about that. I'll pass that along to Audace for him to tweak it if he intends to change his MOD. Someone with even a Crodian amount of talent could improve on that... ------------------ You are not Obsessive-CMpulsive, you are Allied-Retentive. Mark IV
  12. Your description of the MOD is that of the Stug by Tiger just underneath Audace's Panther. Good to see you back online. ------------------ You are not Obsessive-CMpulsive, you are Allied-Retentive. Mark IV
  13. Somebody told me it was an add-on to The Sims. That or it was a sneak preview in the now defunct french magazine about computer wargames named CyberStrateges. ------------------ You are not Obsessive-CMpulsive, you are Allied-Retentive. Mark IV
  14. Sent to all requesting it so far... ------------------ You are not Obsessive-CMpulsive, you are Allied-Retentive. Mark IV
  15. Tribute BUMP. ------------------ You are not Obsessive-CMpulsive, you are Allied-Retentive. Mark IV
  16. Still 11 years older than Chup'A'Jon it would seem. That makes me a 33 for those not knowing Ze Chup. ------------------ You are not Obsessive-CMpulsive, you are Allied-Retentive. Mark IV
  17. Yes it does and masterfully so. You'll have far more options since the previous release was a PLAIN PACK after all... Go for both downloads as they are the usual work of Art. ------------------ You are not Obsessive-CMpulsive, you are Allied-Retentive. Mark IV
  18. Well one should never BUMP with a question... I wasn't clear so I'll try it differently. I installed all REQUIRED meaning I installed ALL minus the _opt which I chose by careful hand picking and simple renaming to _uk, _us and all that. Then I run the batch file which I copied also, and once selecting AFVs I always put in Stuart for test purpose in between the Shermans as you can see clearly if you forgot to run the batch because the turret is not matching otherwise from US to Brits and back. The Sherman II is then either US or FF depending on the last game I played. I checked and the required BMPs with _uk were there. ------------------ You are not Obsessive-CMpulsive, you are Allied-Retentive. Mark IV
  19. Week end BUMP. I might as well shoot a question. Any required Hocus Pocus thing to get the Sherman II or is it just me? I have installed and benefited from ALL I wanted in that Pack but the Sherman II are still showing as US when I played them in Brits issued QBs. ------------------ You are not Obsessive-CMpulsive, you are Allied-Retentive. Mark IV
  20. All of those 3 depending on the gun and caliber... Your 37 would have been clip fed if it was one of those buggering AA gun. ------------------ You are not Obsessive-CMpulsive, you are Allied-Retentive. Mark IV
  21. French tanks never retreated Croda. They just never went to the front line in the first place... I was thinking of serious no talent MODs though... ------------------ You are not Obsessive-CMpulsive, you are Allied-Retentive. Mark IV
  22. ROFLLL. Now that's a classical recursive joke. Croda's Inner Croda is Croda-like... Guess that doesn't help much! And Bruno, since when do one need to MOD things to be prone to critique? Where is the fun in your life if you are just willing to kick those who are standing?! ------------------ You are not Obsessive-CMpulsive, you are Allied-Retentive. Mark IV [This message has been edited by PawBroon (edited 02-26-2001).]
  23. Okay, now that, as a Tribute to my good spirited fellows of the Peng Thread, I got your attention with the gross over use of capitalization and exclamation marks, here comes the dreaded news. I just installed Photoshop and I got no talent whatsoever. Seeing as I am a Frog I know neither shame nor limits. For those whose IQ is of such Croda-like proportion, let me spill it in the open: THERE WILL BE STREAMS OF UGLY MODS TO COME!!!! Now I feel better... ------------------ You are not Obsessive-CMpulsive, you are Allied-Retentive. Mark IV
  24. You can download this both at Kitty's or Old Dog's. If you are short of luck mail me at marcel.vie@wanadoo.fr and I'll forward the MOD to you (ADSL to Cable should do). ------------------ You are not Obsessive-CMpulsive, you are Allied-Retentive. Mark IV
  25. The Tiger has the Nahwerferwhatnot as ample example is given in Villers Bocage where you can be surrounded by swarms of panicked Brits. Sometimes it even fires up many times which got me wondering how many of shots are carried in any case... And there is no need to test the feature Barley as Steve and/or Charles clearly stated a while back that running over troops would NOT be an option. ------------------ You are not Obsessive-CMpulsive, you are Allied-Retentive. Mark IV
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