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Everything posted by PawBroon

  1. Ok guys! Who bit Hannibal again?! As it has been said above, eventhough some posters may be harsh or downright rude, the average respect and self restrain in that Forum is quite high actually. As long as you don't start Threads named THE GUY YOU VOTED FOR IS A JELLYFISH or THE COUNTRIES YOU ALL LIVE IN ARE AS BAD AS THE PRESIDENT OF THAT OTHER THREAD you should be quite safe...
  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by JAK: Nice work PawBroon, when and were is it going to be avalible? I definitley want it! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Thanks for your interrest in that MOD. Even though not hosted per se at Manx's site, the link could be found there. Here it is: http://appui-feu.panzershark.com/fichiers/HumberScoutCar2.zip Appui-Feu is the French site related to everything CM. For those who speak some french go visit it at http://appui-feu.panzershark.com
  3. That tremondous increase in your posts' quality would then be qualified a Quantum Leap?
  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mord: Daimler and Humber definately need a "Jenny Makeover"!Mord<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Well I did a HiRes Humber Scout Car a wee whiley and am finishing the Bren/Wasp before proceeding to the Daimler. Here is the Humber if you missed it:
  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Maced: Comes gift wrapped, does it?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Nope. When you're wearing dick under your kilt up North, you will most certainly end up with what is quite aptly described as a Blue Ribbon. The idea of being gifted while retaining a blueish and shrivelled shrimp is a Scottish concept. All those McShrunken lads deserve a Purple Heart really... [ 05-05-2001: Message edited by: PawBroon ]
  6. What with that sudden bout of literary sycophancy? I'm French, which could only mean that eventhough I had been gifted with an all around general purpose handsomeness, while cursed with a priapic appendage only suited to fend off the foreigners while retaining their women, it has nothing to do with writing skills. You could always try to provide a bucketful of ink, no matter how willing, no matter how mobile that swivel mounted device is, it is still neither a quill nor a calamus. We left calami to foreigners for they are calamitous... Boy am I proud with that last part! I'll have to go fondle with myself under the shower since it got me in love with my English prowess again...
  7. I usually don't go through the Cut & Paste routine with the mail I receive since my opponents are moronic enough to step in the limelights when Ridicules are awarded. But I must admit a certain fondness for Mensch's epistolary prowess. He just sent me a setup for a scenario he designed or more aptly put, devised. Chances are that it would give him a head start and that he might eventually manage to inflict some casualities on my troops which is something left to be witnessed by me so far when Greg is involved... His OneLiner is the following: You'll may win this one, maybe, but I'll make you bleed like a, well, bleeding person. Don't you love playing the Deported Canuck?
  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai: Where's my turn, Chef?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Yeah roight! Same for you lucky bastard. I can't believe you're not dead by now. Do you have some special ointment as Mace hinted during our last ICQ chat? Wouldn't surprise me at all that. Gamey vaselinationist!! Unless you're Teflon coated. Whatever... Send my turn! And send Peng's setup also while you're at it.
  9. If you've hanged long enough in here through multiple patch releases you'd also noticed that the increase in tungsten efficiency gave quite a boost to Brits TOE due to Fireflies and the likes. Wasps are also and big favorite from most Brit players. All in all, Brits, Canucks & Poles gives the more fun...
  10. Well you should play more people as I for once do mostly the Brits. I've seen many others with that Pro Brits bias. Change partners and you'll get diversity...
  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by GooseBump: Altering an original quote to change the meaning is only a small step below creating a new quote out of whole fabric. As my most respected Knight has stated in the past, the true skill in reparte is to take what the other has said and twist it to your own needs.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> As another most respected Knight said in the past, it's never what was quoted which is lacking in veracity but what you said that wasn't up to what others wanted to quote in the first place. If you had the sense to be funny and to offer some quotable material then you'd be spared the indignity to have us think them out for thyself. And of course you can misquote me on that...
  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Layered by Lawyer: I'd bet you work at EPA except you're not clever enough to be a GS-11.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Talk about clever posts that could be appreciated by the rest of the World. Could you be a little more specific with the likes of street names, federal acronyms and tax deductible tidbits? We had more than our fair share of OneLiners already but here comes the day of FlatLiners...
  13. Harpoon while being strictly 2D had such a cool feature to let you overlap radar picket and ASW screen. Was cool to see how far you could see and how much you could shoot by arranging you tasl force here and there...
  14. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Senility: Sigh! Shandorf will also be barred from entering France.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> And I didn't even say it. Seriously, every idiots can come to France as long as they go elsewhere. If our latest bunch is indicative in any way of what the average Pooler is, then they might as well go in New Orleans and believe it to be Paris... Don't frown on cheap thrills PembleMan, Idiots will wear us down.
  15. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrPeng: PawBroon you magnificent, mad FROGman. How in the hell am I supposed to fail to mention you in a post if you call me out like that? Damn you and your daffy French ways and your para-angliase writing and talking. You put to shame the armouredgonad and the abbess and the spanker and the wanker and the tinker too. but the shame must fall on you for your abcessent absence from the one and only thread in all the damned world that matters. Not that it matters anymore since the old ones only post once in a hundred worthless posts. I, like the The story teller, find that I must MUST read every last post, though my eyes bleed and my lower intestine peristalt-halts in a writhing deathdance with each 'new' 'taunt' by the likes of, oh hell someone who's name starts with a letter of the alphabet, pick one anyone they are all of them together not worth the snot gob on the end of Croda's inner croda's finger just as it meets his tongue. So, Dear PawBroon, I will boldly and with malicious aforehand smite thee verily about the face and shoulders. I pick up your gauntlet and slip it into my haversack, it might be worth something at the fleamarket some day, and Accept your challenge. I will wing a thing to you poste tardy that shall be have its particulars enumerated in a Pengish sort of way in the body of the missile while the attache bit will be a thing that we shall play. I strongly urge you to begin dying a lot at this particular period in history. Peng Failing to fail to mention PawBroon at last.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> By the Reformed Church of Festering Boils! I have tears flooding from my once clogged eyes. Peng, the Tectonic Knight. He who redefines slowness in the very same plodding way that EuroWarrior seems to think that having corn flakes for the breakfast makes him a Cereal Killer... How could I fail noticing your failure at failing to notice me? What kind of Catch 22 is that?! Was I meant to be objurgated just for the schooling of newbies I hold in so high an esteem that they wouldn't scrap the sole of my boots if I were to tread on them? I knew the jocularity of our vernacular imposed some sort of abuses but did you have to let those lice proliferate and bath in the wrongful knowledge that they were actually belonging here? Peng, I'll have to spank you with the still limp limbs of everyone of those Courtesans whose value would be deemed so high that they wouldn't even have me peed on them for my prostatic pleasure. Once bathed in the Blood of those smitten Unbelievers, you'll have the remaining few introduce themselves properly in the way of the Old Pool. We have a Code, we have the PoolShido... By the way Bauhaus, none of that self introducing since we've learned about your elasticity a wee whiley already! And in the Spirit of the Story Teller, or maybe not actually, as much as I remember why BlowMouse is ask to sit, I thrive in that sudden use of Random Bold Lettering. No the Frog is not dead yet eventhough still afflicted with a terrible priapism that seemed to be a mandatory [(and slightly {not in magnitude} impractical in nature)] cultural thing. Feed my lust with a setup and feel my thrust under your parring. Dead man walking! Dead man walking!
  16. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Crying because of Mace overuse: Damn, classic posts on the main board and I couldn't participate 'cause I was in the Land of Nod!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> The Land of Nod? Aren't we becoming a gentleman farmer then?! Go visit Mace's Hideout If you're to plot against the GDI in Hampshire you might as well find some time to peruse the regular board you SheepDip!!
  17. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Posted by Abbott (I dropped ORIGINALLY because there had never been anything even remotely original in Costello's posts): That is hardly fair! PawBroon is from France and does not have the same staggering command of the English language that I possess.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> And boy do I try to be a blubbering idiot just like you lot! Who are you anyway? Since then being a nuisance gives legitimacy? What's ailing you Peng that you should allow such a mollusk to wag his disruptive dimwittedness under your nose? Are you so lacking in backbone that you should not only ignore my previous challenge but also accommodate the Lovecraftian horror of those Oneliners? Since there is none here that could rival the sheer brilliance of the French while retaining a modicum of tactical soundness, then I'll have to challenge myself! PlushGroom, send me a setup or I'll ceased being your self serving friend and you'll have a sex life unbeknownst to even the like of Hiram! Upon receiving it, I shall let it rust in my In Box just because I value your time as much as I have fun talking with a drosophila. You're not worthy of my time.
  18. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally sued by a Lawyer: Check out PawBroon's latest effort on EW's "To the Admins" thread. Awesome! I'm telling you, the Duke is posting right here in the Cesspool. What an honor!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Sycophancy won't get you into my pants Washingtonian! In any case I'm not the Duke... In the word of someone greater than me I have to say I go by the monicker of Dude. So I'm the Dude, that's what you call me,ya know? That or his Dudeness, or Duder, or El Dudereno if you're not into the whole brevity thing. As a side note and in all fairness I should say that I am neither Abbott nor Costello. Stop your fantasy about me you rabbit boiler!
  19. You are Morons and slugs! My name is EuroWarrior. My father is mighty and I remember when I was younger (that's two weeks ago at Lake Tahoe) that I witnessed him crushed a locust. There are millions of Africans who can't do dick about locusts and me Dad is so filfthy rich he just crushed them like they were insignificant. I have had pizza yesterday which got me all excited and had to pretend I was fighting off a mole in our backyard while laying smiling on the grass honouring Mother Nature. Some of you are talking about ASL but that's just showing off since I can't understand how you could do American Sign Language through a BBS. I hate Maximus because he is an adult and all adults are so unchildlike it's a wonder I ever had something to say to them. You are all Pikachus and I'm your Master. If you don't believe me then my Dad will have to buy a copy of CM so that I could use it as a milk mat. Please lock all Threads where my name or any anagrams of my name or any mentions of my existence are there to be seen or I'll take whatever it takes to ruin your lives even if it means I have to get to bed after 11:00PM I mean it! Now you can disband!! Phee...
  20. That one needs a BUMP. In my quest to save Hiram from Himself I had him hooked on ICQ and I diagnosed the following: Most people ask Hiram to play canned scenarios Double Blind. No Hiram Double Blind NEVER meant you had to shut BOTH eyes! I'm glad I helped. Other than that the best piece of advice had been given above. Play us fellow Poolers and ask for a debrief afterwards. That's all. Should you need a game, shoot one my way.
  21. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Long winded by Senility: Unlike most of you, I know exactly why it is that Bauhaus is asked to seat himself, and where it came from. [05-01-2001: Edited because Long Winded is too much wind: Seanachai]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Well some of us Old Timers do know that also you Canadian Wannabe... For those who are not Schooled in the Ways of the Old Pool here cometh some hints. Mace stop humping my leg will you? Bauhaus is our first line of defence against NewCommers and Rob/1s United. He is our PIAT and as such he is spring loaded and with a spigot to boot. Seeing as most of you have no clue whatsoever about your own vocabulary and since Spigot is coming from an old Southern French word (Provencal to be precise) here comes a definition: SPIGOT: a joint for uniting pipes, formed by the insertion of the end of one pipe, or pipe fitting, into a socket at the end of another. My traditional overuse of BOLD (and I hadn't say BALD so don't padlock it yet) is to highlight the operative words since most of you are MarkIVs. Bauhaus is spring loaded and as with each and every Jerk'Inna'Box, he is just about to explode Spigot like (IE with a fitting precision beseeching the lack of collateral damage save for your Inner Crodas). As such the posting of most of you requires the taming of most of us in the form of SIT DOWN BAUHAUS. I'm glad I helped. After all why is it that Penetration Data Thread should be left to the exclusive use of that Rexford fella? [ 05-01-2001: Message edited by: PawBroon ]
  22. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Burped by PzIIL: Where is the para-literate PawBroon, who owes me at least 28 turns?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> In the Spirit of the now defunct TeutonicLad I should ask the following: How come you little McCarthies wankers could actually believe that your command of english is so beyond comparison to us fellow Europeans that we should be deemed semi or in your good days, para literate? Between Andreas and I we have already forgotten far more than you ever fathomed as a whole in the multiple and downward spiralling iteration of the Pool. After all you are only spin offs... I owe you nothing Mr4 as playing me is probably the climax of your leisuringly unproductive life and in that very precise way you should be crawling on the mud licking the sole of my feet for this is the only time where you could hope being noticed by me. You are all slugs and now reading the Pool is so uninspiring that it merely take a fast browsing to see if someone worth reading actually bothered to post. Behold the words of Seanachai!! Any of the 13700 actually. What are you becoming? Para literate? Sheesh! Seeing as it is supposed to be The Peng Challenge Thread where people cometh adashing with swashbuckling challenges and with a quickness of wit only equalled by the swinging of French pairs, here comes mine. Peng, the love I bear thee can afford no better term than this, thou art a villain! Send a setup before bitting my thumb at you last till I'm gnawing at my bones. Now if you could stomach my use of Shakespeare as I have to overcome the regular abuses of French culture by Senility, then be a man and shoot one my way. The rest of you can disband as I have really no use for you being here in the first place.
  23. That one deserve an outstanding BUMP. I had the chance to see some work in progress a while back and I can tell you that Marco's ability to produce those life like MODs without resorting to scans can really freaked me out... Excellent work as usual Marco and thanks for the heads up Old Dog.
  24. Well I had said that so often it won't be news for DeanCo... But then again a little soothing is always good now and then. DeanCo's GunMetal & Clipboard are the best over all MODs there is for CM. The reason being you ALWAYS have to look at the interface and it has to be both informative, good looking and unobstrusive. It's so good I am not seeing it at all now. I've been talking with DeanCo over ICQ while he was field testing his Clipboard and I know it's the best compliment he wanted his MODs to achieve. Congrats on being on that talented team and remember you're in for a kickin' you StarCraft like push button!
  25. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Head Mahone: Besides, we get to screw all of your drunken girl friends when they come down to New Orleans for Mardi Grass!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I wouldn't be too obnoxious but isn't Mardi Grass that moment when you all smoke pot in the french quarter?
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