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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Maximus

  1. In a Scenario, yes, this seems a little gamey for PBEM purposes. But in an Operation, I don't see a probelme with it.
  2. I don't get it, the leader of the free world is being elected and all you foreigners say it's boring. The US elections have a huge impact on world economics as well, in case you didn't know.
  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Gadget: I understand Florida still uses paper ballots. Kinda like still playin' wargames with cardboard counters. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Parts of Florida use paper ballots, but Palm Beach uses punch cards. Illinois uses punch cards. Electronic ballots can be tampered with.
  4. First of all, don't even look at it as the "first" scenario. CM isn't in any kind of order. As far as gameplay, you have to use real world tactics. In other words, don't use the typical RTS tactics of just building up a huge force and gang-rushing an objective. Just have patience, check out each units armaments, etc, and try to figure out what they could be used for. Since you haven't been into wargames before, you probably don't have the knowledge of the units and what they do. Just take some time and check them out. ie. Select a unit and then hit "Enter" and a Info box comes up and describes just about everything you need to know about a unit. If you've got the full game, do yourself a favor and read the manual. It contains a lot of good information and its written in layman's terms. Some "editor's comments" have come directly from this forum and its discussions prior to the game's release. Kinda neat really, when I read some of those comments and could recall which discussions they stemmed from. ------------------ "Rule#3: You must be a member of my Meta Campaign to take part.(doh!)" - Rob/1
  5. They use DUKWs in Branson, MO as tour rides. They even go plunging into the nearby lake. Hellava rush! Back in 1991 on one of my High School Senior club trips, we went out there and I got to drive the DUKW when we were in the lake.
  6. Whoops! DOH! Fell into that Myst/Myth confusion thingy. Wrong game! LOL!
  7. Just caught this little tidbit on another site, and since some people here are fans of the series, I thought I'd mention it.
  8. I didn't even know they were up in the first place.
  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Juardis: What I don't understand is when you become immobilized why you cannot still rotate the turret. I understand why with turretless vehicles and I can understand why if the engine is hit, but I cannot with turretted vehicles that just lose a track. Even if done slowly by hand the turret should still be able to rotate, engine hit or no. Anybody see the turret rotate when immobilised? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Why sure, I have had several immobilized tanks still using their turrets with no restrictions. If the tank will not turn its tureet, it may be due to having "gun damage" of which sometimes, the turret will not turn.`
  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stefan Fredriksson: So far I've been lucky, either the vehicles have come unstuck after being bogged in, or they have been immobilized well before action. So due to my limited experience: - If a tank is immobilized (on a road for instance), can it still turn? In real life with one track left, you'd still be able to spin it around. If nothing else to face it the right direction. - Same question, but if bogged in - can it turn?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> No, once a vehicle is immobilized it can not turn. This is something that is just a feature of CM. Yes, it would still be possible to turn a little bit with one track, but in CM's scale this is not feasible. Even if a vehicle is bogged, it can't turn either. Think about it, if a vehicle is stuck, it couldn't turn. If it could, it wouldn't be stuck, now would it? ------------------ "Rule#3: You must be a member of my Meta Campaign to take part.(doh!)" - Rob/1
  11. I always thought it had to do with sexual favors. ------------------ "Rule#3: You must be a member of my Meta Campaign to take part.(doh!)" - Rob/1
  12. Hey guys, **** happens and when it does, you just gotta sit back, drink a brewsky, and rethink things. But hey, you guys haven't let us down yet. Just wished there was a way to tweak the Operational AI to allow the computer to fight a more aggressive attack. As far as this floating point error thing, I'm glad you guys found it, so I wouldn't have to explain to my slow friend why his Panther ran off the bridge on his machine and not mine. P.S. If you ship a free Hamster or Gerbil with the current method, we might take it "as is". LOL! [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 11-06-2000).]
  13. Actually, in Tiger's original Weathered Stuart & M8 pack, he accidently included winterized croc trailers but with the wrong numberings. I took those out and renumbered them for winter usage and have compiled a zip for them. If anybody wants them I've got'em. davem@shawneelink.net
  14. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mr. Clark: Soon it will be believed that the only way to "really" win is to rush blind, headlong into the enemy, never once allowing your forces to halt their movement, except jeeps, which cannot move at all because that would be considered "scouting".<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Are you serious??? A part of this "scouting" issue is related to Jeeps??? Then WTF are they used for then? I am sure as hell gonna send a Jeep forward first before I send a precious Sherman. Hell, with all of this contraversy lately about scouting and all, it's making me use my halftracks and such as scouting mobil MG platforms. I mean, what's the issue? Using them in a way to be cannon fodder to flush out the enemy? So what! Better them than using a Sherman. [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 11-06-2000).]
  15. Well I just finished playing my buddy in a PBEM, he gave up after just 7 turns. I completely destroyed his initial force: 3 StuGs, 1 Panther G (late), and about one company of infantry. I only took about, maybe, 10 infantry casulaties. It was a meeting engagement and I had him caught in a crossfire. He came straight down the middle, I had him flanked on both sides. He did try coming up on my left flank where I had my Priest set up but I had two platoons of infantry standing guard in the area. LOL! Gotta love those Priests when you got'em set up in a good position where it's out of the Line of Fire.
  16. Simple fellas.....DESTROY the ENEMY! This is of course referring to last minute thrusts for Victory Flags. To me that has to be the most gamey tactic in the book. For one, the game should be coded in order for a person to have some sort of minimum control or power in a Victory Flag location for it to change hands. In other words, running a sniper that is out of ammo, back to some VF just to grab control over it should not change possession of th Flag, or even neutralize it. It should take a number of points, say each unit has its value, there should be a value check. Say a King Tiger occupies a VF, and an American MG crew manages to sneak into the area, that area should not change to neutral. I don't even play for VFs, I play to annihilate the enemy. Hell, isn't that how Operations work. There are no VFs in Operations. You just push for an objective and destroy the enmey on the way. ------------------ "Rule#3: You must be a member of my Meta Campaign to take part.(doh!)" - Rob/1
  17. In terms of a game, yes, that tactic is gamey. In terms of real life, no, because in real life battles don't absolutely end at ~35 turns (minutes). In real life, if an enemy unit were to retake an big objective, the other side would not just say, "Oh well, the HQ said we are only allowed to fight for 35 minutes." Hell no! The army would continue to fight to drive off the stuborn enemy.
  18. A good "natural" way to make a model weathered looking is to let it sit on a shelf for years and collect dust. But yeah, I'm not a modeler, but I assume a dull coat of paint is the trick.
  19. I don't know guys, but I tend to play to destroy the enemy forces. They can't occupy VLs if they ain't got nobody left. Right now, I'm in the middle of a Meeting Engagement PBEM with my buddy and I've destroyed at least 80% of his initial force and it isn't even turn 10 yet. I've knocked out all of his armor support to zero losses of my own. I've only taken about, maybe, 15 infantry casualties. I'm playing the Americans BTW, don't under-estimate the toughness of those Sherman Jumbos. It's taken at least three front-end ricochets one by a Panther G-late and at least one by a StuG. Play to destroy--we don't need no stinkin' prisoners!!!
  20. Marco, I discovered a cool filter in my paint program. It was called "Weather" as in "Weathered". I applied it to several of the vehicles including your hi-re Sherman III & V and it looks pretty cool. It gives the vehicles a cracked, peeling paint look. I'm going to add this effect to about everything I got and see what it looks like and then I may post those versions on my Web site whenever the hell I ever get around to publishing the damn thing.
  21. That was a pretty good one. But my pick is the one where Rob/1 spelled "countries" incorrectly and some replies came back as like "What kind of trees Rob?"
  22. Having not read any of the threads on this topic, I don't understand the problem with running up a M8 Greyhound, M20 Utility Car, Daimler, White Scout Car, Humber or even a MG Jeep. Or is this a problem? Or is it more of a problem using halftracks? I don't know about you all, I use halftracks, especially SPW 251/1 HTs, as mobile recon MG platforms. I sure as hell not gonna risk my few precious tanks on finding out what lays ahead. Now using just plain trucks, jeeps, or kubelwagens, yes, that is kinda gamey.
  23. Believe it or not, that has been asked before of Bill and IIRC, his response was that since there are constantly new scenarios added or updated, that it wouldn't work or be practical to gather them all up in one large zip file.
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