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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Maximus

  1. Now are we talking about the Waffen SS or the Algemeine SS? ...and I duck as Babra takes a swing...
  2. Bob, found an error in your Guide. The last paragraph in the Batch file section is a little unclear. You forgot to say that you must first select the Program tab before "finding" the Change Icon button. ------------------ For your dream car click here. For a Close Encounter click here. Hey look! I can see my house! And for all you Hamster Lovers out there, check this out! Kitty, this one's for you!
  3. This is just a guess, but I understand Win ME is quite buggy. It's possible, but not necessarily that the problem lies with that in that maybe your modem may not be configured properly for Win ME, although I have no clue on how to change configures.
  4. ...scrotum. "Damn," Mace exclaimed, "I missed!" With that Mace stood back up and carefully inserted his melon back into the sheep's rectum in search of the fish. A few minutes later.... ------------------ For your dream car click here. For a Close Encounter click here. Hey look! I can see my house! And for all you Hamster Lovers out there, check this out! Kitty, this one's for you!
  5. This post makes 2096 for me. Not to mention that I had nearly 900 with "Ol' Blood & Guts" before I lost that I.D. last May during the Refresh Monkey craze. But of course we aren't counting quality either. But trust me, if I could type normally my posts would be a lot longer. Since the accident and with limited hand use, my fingers get sore after a while. Luckily I have decent keyboard skills so I can pretty much hunt and poke almost as fast as I used to be able to type. ------------------ For your dream car click here. For a Close Encounter click here. Hey look! I can see my house! And for all you Hamster Lovers out there, check this out! Kitty, this one's for you! [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 03-23-2001).]
  6. Well, if you don't use the Mod Manager here's what you do. 1.) Copy the batch files and icons to the CMBO root directory. 2.) Make shortcuts for all the batch files except for usandff.bat and cmnwlth.bat. 3.) Change the generic MS-DOS shortcut icon to the appropriate icon by doing the [right-click, Properties, Program tab, Change Icon, and Browse method] 4.) Go through the mod folder, (the folder in which you unziped the mod into outside of the CMBO/BMP directory) and you'll see a bunch of the files have the same number but with different extensions. 5.) Click on each file to see what the graphic is. You'll need to rename any _opt file that you want to use to the standard _us or _ff, or _uk extension. In other words, if you want to use the file listed as "_us_opt1", first rename the "_us" one to "_us_opt2" or something similar and then go back and rename the "_us_opt1" to "_us". NOTE: There are a few files where if you use one you'll have to use another one. ie. The M4A1 and Sherman II, as their hull front is split and if you mix and match the two different options they won't look right. See the readme for which files I'm referring to. 6.) Copy ALL files that have "_us", "_ff" and "_uk" extensions into your CMBO bmp folder. 7.) Place those shortcuts into a folder on the desktop or something so you can access them easily later. 8.) Now to put Free French markings on Shermans, just double-click on the FF shortcut and after a few seconds, you'll have FF markings on the Shermans in-game. Do this BEFORE you initiate the "Loading 3D graphics" screen by ESCing out of CM. The process is very simple really. If you can do simple Windows file management, you can handle this. [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 03-23-2001).] [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 03-23-2001).]
  7. A Desert Total Conversion Mod is on the way. Check out this site for their official site. There's nothing there yet, but that's where it will be hosted. You can see screenshots for this mod at the CM Outpost site. However, CM3 will be the Official Mediterranean Theater game. It will cover North Africa, Italy, and Greece/Crete. And just for your information CM2, which is often talked about now, will be the Eastern Front. BTS is looking toward a Fall 2001 release, which is quite optimistic, but I'd say probably more like Winter 2001/02. ------------------ For your dream car click here. For a Close Encounter click here. Hey look! I can see my house! And for all you Hamster Lovers out there, check this out! Kitty, this one's for you!
  8. Let's see, Manx's COMBAT MISSIONS site takes scenarios. The Last Defense as well. There are several others but I can't think right now.
  9. Well, pretty much all the terrain mods will work. Then the Sherman mods and the StuG and Panther G mod. DD's uniforms will work. Skies will work as well, but there really isn't that great of selection of skies. But I suggest the Marco Bergman Sherman Plainpack and install it into the demo. It really changes the Sherman graphics. Grab Panzertruppen's buildings while your at it. You think the buildings are cool in the demo, you ain't seen nothing yet. DD's grass and trees are a must. Go to CMHQ's 3rd Party Mods to get most of these. There is also a "Must Have" barbed wire mod in the Terrain section. Adds's a wooden frame to the graphic to give it a 3D look. ------------------ For your dream car click here. For a Close Encounter click here. Hey look! I can see my house! And for all you Hamster Lovers out there, check this out! Kitty, this one's for you!
  10. ...again. But this time, everybody came along to watch. As Mace struggled to free his cranial appendage from the sheep's sphincter, the whole lot burst out laughing. Finally, Mace freed himself from the orifice and saw everyone standing there laughing. With a heated look on his face, Mace exclaimed, "..... ------------------ For your dream car click here. For a Close Encounter click here. Hey look! I can see my house! And for all you Hamster Lovers out there, check this out! Kitty, this one's for you!
  11. I'm still not sure you follow me. Yes there is what you describe above, but are you completely sure that there aren't any settings ABOVE the "Master", "Source", "MIDI", "Options"? It should say "Environment" accompianied with a white text box with a pull-down menu that lists all of the Environmental settings. And then to the right of that are four buttons labeled "Save Environment", "Delete Environment", "Import Environment", and "Export Environment". ------------------ For your dream car click here. For a Close Encounter click here. Hey look! I can see my house! And for all you Hamster Lovers out there, check this out! Kitty, this one's for you!
  12. I'm not for sure, but I think it is rather limited. Probably not more than 40-60 meters (2-3 tiles). ------------------ For your dream car click here. For a Close Encounter click here. Hey look! I can see my house! And for all you Hamster Lovers out there, check this out! Kitty, this one's for you!
  13. ..."Give this man a DICTIONARY!" But just then, out of the corner of his eye, Croda caught a glimpse of Mace slowly stroking his gnads as he was preparing to fulfill some sheep's fantasy. Then all of a sudden out of nowhere, a loud whaling "BAH!" sounded as Mace apparently proded his victim. Meanwhile, Philles Phan and John Wayne were..... ------------------ For your dream car click here. For a Close Encounter click here. Hey look! I can see my house! And for all you Hamster Lovers out there, check this out! Kitty, this one's for you!
  14. Lucas radios? CM is detailed, but not that detailed. C2 range? Range is extended by quality of unit and by HQ bonuses. For command radius IIRC is the little star icon. A star is +1, a star with a box around it is +2. As has been mentioned above, a vehicle is abondoned when it has recieved sufficient damage to both itself and possibly its crew. Also with the relatively short time scale of a CM battle, there would be no time to repair it. This is just a limitation of the game rendering engine as it doesn't render the inside wall textures of a house as it does the outside. Which is also interesting because all other textures in the game are rendered on both sides. But IIRC, there was some coding issue with this why they couldn't render both sides. But as for positioning purposes for LOS out of buildings, most small houses can be sighted out of in any direction if the unit is within the middle to the edge of which it is trying to sight out of. (ie. A unit can't sight out of the left side if the unit is on the right side.) Again, not enough time in a CM battle. I don't have any experience in digging a foxhole, but I can probably safely assume that it takes longer than your average CM battle. Not really necessary in CM. CM doesn't model the intricate procedures in dealing with POWs. In all my playing of CM I very RARILY see POWs being "rescued". Besides, usually when a unit surrenders, they are usually rendered combat incapable anyways. ie, low in ammo, very few active men left. Only when morale is very low and enemy units are surrounding these units do large units surrender. ie. I've had squads surrender that still have yet to take a casualty because my units have overrun their positions and enemy morale is very low. These are usually units that the AI was using as a rear-guard. This has been mentioned before by others. This request seems to stem from a line of thinking that CM is a true war similuation or a wargame with FPS elements like H&D was. CM is first and foremost a wargame, so MPs, POWs, and especially Medics, and WIA Evacuations are unnecessary. This is already done behind the scenes between Operation Battles. This is still an on-going discussion and its is being looked into. ------------------ For your dream car click here. For a Close Encounter click here. Hey look! I can see my house! And for all you Hamster Lovers out there, check this out! Kitty, this one's for you!
  15. ...get sexually permiscuous with his woolly friends. Disgusted, Phillies Phan, quickly snuck back out of his position to go join Croda and John Wayne. While drinking their beers, Phillies told them about what he saw and then Croda said, "Hell, maybe we could make some money off of this. Here's what we'll do.... ------------------ For your dream car click here. For a Close Encounter click here. Hey look! I can see my house! And for all you Hamster Lovers out there, check this out! Kitty, this one's for you!
  16. OK, I stand corrected, but that still doesn't sound effective as the Germans still did lose the war. Maybe they shouldn't have posted WARNING signs and maybe they could have killed more of their enemies. Like I said above, I don't ever recall seeing the VC mark their booby traps. Like "GI, no pick up suspicious toy." or "No step here, blow foot off." ------------------ For your dream car click here. For a Close Encounter click here. Hey look! I can see my house! And for all you Hamster Lovers out there, check this out! Kitty, this one's for you!
  17. I don't know about Peng tasting gamey, I thought it tasted a bit funny. But what I was really wondering was is do hamsters taste gamey? ------------------ For your dream car click here. For a Close Encounter click here. Hey look! I can see my house! And for all you Hamster Lovers out there, check this out! Kitty, this one's for you!
  18. I wonder how that mod will go with DD's grass.
  19. OK, I don't know if this has been mentioned yet in the upteen different CM2 feature request threads so don't jump on me like a goat in heat at the base of a mountain. So what I'm wondering is, will CM2 feature the ability of tanks' treads to be blown off their road wheels? This along with the earlier mentioned turret decapitations would add that extra bit of emmersion of the game. ------------------ For your dream car click here. For a Close Encounter click here. Hey look! I can see my house! And for all you Hamster Lovers out there, check this out! Kitty, this one's for you!
  20. Solid Snake, Again, what kind of video card do you have? And I'd say that you may need to either update your driver or get a whole new card as to some cheap cards are just a big problem in themselves. Like a friend of mine has an Asus video card and he has been unable to play certain games because that card didn't support the game.
  21. Hmmm, I'm confused as to what you did exactly. Did you uninstall the game and reinstall the v1.03 from the CD and then try to install the v1.12 patch? Well IIRC, during the v1.1 Betas, it was necessary to have the game updated to v1.05 before using a v1.1 beta patch. But the official v1.1x patches should work from any version of the game. As to installing the patches, just double-click on the patch .exe file and point it to your Cmbo directory and it should install (or self-extract). ------------------ For your dream car click here. For a Close Encounter click here. Hey look! I can see my house! And for all you Hamster Lovers out there, check this out! Kitty, this one's for you!
  22. Oh now I see! That's why they say "Atchung Minen!" They don't want you to go through them. So they waste the resources of digging holes and placing explosives in them, yet they mark them so noone will actually be STUPID enough to waltz through them. MAKES TOTAL SENSE! So why don't they just put up these signs without actually putting mines in them. Following your logic, the enemy would have to find a different way to go around a phantom mine field. Now that would be smart. If the Germans truely did this, NO WONDER why they lost the war! The average Gernman soldier must have been the total goof that world media usually portrays them as if they can't remember where they put their own mines. IIRC, the VC didn't mark their pungy stick booby traps with signs saying, "Amerikansi, do not step here or U will die." Please, M Hafbauer, gimme a break. ------------------ For your dream car click here. For a Close Encounter click here. Hey look! I can see my house! And for all you Hamster Lovers out there, check this out! Kitty, this one's for you! [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 03-21-2001).]
  23. I haven't seen a thread on here mentioning the update at CM Outpost so here it is. My new US winter uniforms are now available on CM Outpost as well as PawBroon's Hi-Res Humber SC. However, the SC is still in beta as it is being tested by me and the Marco Squad. ------------------ For your dream car click here. For a Close Encounter click here. Hey look! I can see my house! And for all you Hamster Lovers out there, check this out! Kitty, this one's for you!
  24. You don't use batch files? They are pretty simple as well.
  25. [sigh] Look right above those tabs, it should have a pop down menu labeled Environment. There is where you will find all of the Environmental Presets including Forest. Those tabs just set the source and other things associate with the environmental settings. Those sliders are for manual adjustment of a certain effect. In fact, depending on what the enviromental setting it is set on, it will only show certain aspects there. ------------------ For your dream car click here. For a Close Encounter click here. Hey look! I can see my house! And for all you Hamster Lovers out there, check this out! Kitty, this one's for you!
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