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Everything posted by Maximus

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by kmead: And way different issue and WAY different outcome... Come on Maxi, research research...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> What? I could have sworn that Ruby Ridge was Montana. Oh well, Idaho. (Google Search) Only missed it by one state. Idaho "carries" Montana's ass doesn't it?
  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Abbott: Hmm, didn't they pick you up in a run down, one room cabin in Montana a few years ago? When did you get out? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Obviously referring to Ruby Ridge Incident, I take it. But you know, he's got something there. I don't usually buy a lot of books, but I did buy Chanberlain's Tank Encyclopedias since CM has been out.
  3. I apologize Tiger, I just loaded up the bmps of the MDMP-2 PzIV in my paint program and you're right. Your's has better detail. Like I said, I haven't looked at that one in a long time, so I had forgotten its level of detail. Your's is definately better. Be looking forward to downloading it soon. But about your weathering. IIRC, there was some discussion about weathering in mods EARLY on. Some thought that textures should have it and others didn't. Because remember these tanks were not 60 years old at the time of use. They were more or less a few months or a year out of the factory. Granted they're going to get dirty and whatnot, but for the most part, the paint jobs aren't going to get "ratty-looking" if you know what I mean. For instance, your latest Cromwell. Dirty road wheels look good, but isn't the paint weathering just a wee bit too much? I don't I could be wrong, but it just looks like these tanks shouldn't be as "beat up" as some would think. Anyway, your PzIV *does* look good. I'll be happy to use it when you get it on over to Manx.
  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrSpkr: Grecian athletic contests. Still amazed by the improvement in Phillies' appearance, Maximus insisted he/she/it come along. "You haven't lived until you've engaged in nude unisex wrestling, " Maximus told Phillies. "I can't wait for us to pair off. I want to show you my . . ."<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> ...Louisville Slugger that hangs from my loins. And when it goes erect, I'll clobber you over the head with it an escape this disgusting display of FAQ'er nonsense." But just when it was about to harden up Mace suddenly showed up and yelled, "Get away from Phillies, he's my bosum buddy and we have some sheep to shank." So without further adue, Mace and Phillies were off into the meadows to fine some sheep. Luckily it wasn't long before Mace and Phillies found some sheep and began to....
  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by M. Bates: The turret hatch and mesh are superb!! I'll wait for the Maximus Seal Of Approval b4 downloading it though <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Well, you asked for it, and you shall receive. I do give credit where credit is deserved. I do like the paint job for once. And the visible detailing is nice. But still just one question. Tiger, why don't you work off of a hi-res mod to begin with, such as the MDMP-2 version and just do a repaint? And this goes for all of your mods, really. For example with Fernando's latest StuG mod based off of Kwazydog's StuG. Nice repaint, but retains all of the hi-res detail. DISCLAIMER: Now I haven't looked at the MDMP-2 PzIV lately, so I'm not sure about what hi-res detail was included or not. I'm referring to the road wheels in this instance.
  6. OK Doug Beman, er, I mean JMcGuire. Nice way to kill a thread.
  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PawBroon: Please be aware that as of today I am done playing CM or more accurately CM seems to be done being played by me. Every single time in try to launch a game it comes up with: A fatal exception (0E: Page Fault) had occured at 0028:C00071D5 in VxD VMM(01) + 000061D5 When I kill all running processes but Explorer and Systray it's even worth since as soon as I click on the shortcut I get that: A fatal exception (0E: Page Fault) had occured at 0028:C004F320 in VxD Vcache(01) + 00000B20 Now I'm a little peeved to say the least... So for you diagnosers and wannabes, here are the specs: Pentium III 700Mhz, Win98se (had WinMe but had the VERY SAME errors and did a complete reformat to no avail since it's still occuring), some 200Mb of RAM, GeforceDDR256 with latest 4.12 650 Detonator Drivers straight from Nvidia just minutes ago and Dx8.0a I can't understand how I can play Black & White, Project IGI and games like NHL2001 which are known powerhogs and can't even LAUNCH CM when only Windows is running. So PLEASE: a/Advice b/Play someone else in the mean time... And lest I forgot, I did a search, I reinstalled ALL of CM just to be sure the EXE wasn't corrupted and all of that. Thanks for your time and now I'm back to something that I can ACTUALLY play with. [ 04-21-2001: Message edited by: PawBroon ]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> OK, let me get this straight. You did a reformat and reinstall and are still getting the error? If so, hmmm... Sounds like something maybe in the BIOS. But I don't know. Although DirectX 8.0a may be the problem. However that doesn't seem likely as it seems to work alright on other people's machines. Did you reinstall sound drivers too?
  8. IIRC, the Demo is version 1.02 right? Unless they've updated it since then. The currect version is 1.12. The AI has gone through NUMEROUS tweaks since then, so I wouldn't judge the full game on what you see in the demo. The AI concerning all of what you described, including stuff you didn't think you described, has been tweaked at least once or more.
  9. Well if you had to search through nearly 250,000 posts, you'd be slow too. Nah, I know what you mean, just couldn't pass that up. Yeah it is slower than it was. I also don't like the fact that you have to know the Member's member# in order to search for their posts. [ 04-20-2001: Message edited by: Maximus ]
  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by 109 Gustav: coconut half for each one, because my gozongas are growing faster than the population of Colorado." Realizing that he was getting more attractive by the minute, Phillies headed for the nearest bar, where he met Maximus and Mace. "My God, Phillies you're making me horney," Maximus whispered. "Lets go and...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> ...see if Gustav wants to play with those for he does like fish-smelling things. He ought to like "melon-flavored" things as well." So with that Phillies and Maximus headed out in search of Gustav. Soon, the two bumped into Mannheim Golfcartdriver and suddenly Mannhein started to get a stirring in his...
  11. The Fernando mods are top notch. Guys, this StuG/H mod is definately the one to keep. The PSW mod is also good. I loaded the mono-color one into my DFDR install and the bi-color one into my CMBO install. Juju's ID markers are cool too. Kinda tough to decide which to use. Can't speak on the Marco Kitchen Sink Add-on, as I've had that for some time now already. Juju's fire is cool too. Haven't seen the explosions yet in-game though.
  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by caralampio: Thanks for all the responses. According to my Compaq's manual, it accepts PCI and AGP cards. I have found at a local store Riva TNT2 AGP cards, 16 and 32 Meg, at a real good price. However when I told the salesman that I had a Compaq he balked and said that I might have compatibility problems because the cards are generic and don't get along so well with some brand name computers. I tried to contact Creative but it's impossible to get through. At Compaq forum, I did find some posts where people complained about problems with boot up or modems after installing new video cards. Some suggested that there could be less trouble if the upgrade is only a 3D graphics accelerator to be added to the base video card. Should I go ahead and buy the TNT2, or take the easy path and forget fog?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Ahh, there's your problem. You have a Compaq. The Mac of Windows-based systems. By that I mean that Compaqs must use hardware made by Compaq. So you'll probably have to do your shopping through Compaq itself. BTW, Gateway 2000 systems aren't much better for that matter. Dell is about your best bet for pre-built, mail-order PCs. But that doesn't answer your question. But anyway...
  13. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by 109 Gustav: bottle of Bloussant herbal supplement. It naturally increases my breast size, without gaining weight anywhere else." Mace looked up when he heard this. He ran over and snatched the bottle from Maximus. "Ooh! It also works on sheep, so I'll be having some fun tonight!" Maximus begain fighting Mace for the bottle "Mace, you nong, give me that back! I need it for...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> ...my sister, for she lacks in that department. And if I ever would get the chance to shag ol' sis, I would want some natural cushions on her chest for when I need a rest." Disgusted, Mace pulled back and said, "Disgusting!" Maximus then replied, "Works everytime." "Of course I wouldn't shag my sister. But I have a right to herbally enhance my own breasts don't I?" Disgruntled, Maec went pouting off into the corner. Just then Phillies PHan walked in and......
  14. Excuse my ignorance, but what is this Sidewalk Sale everyone is talking about?
  15. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Shatter: Hey Max: When you get that done, could you send me a copy, Please. Also what SKY MOD are you going to add the mountains to. I'll send you some new scenarios.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I was gonna add them to Tiger's Skies. [ 04-20-2001: Message edited by: Maximus ]
  16. Where's that BIG-ASSED UPDATE you were talking about? You still have DD's grey Heer uniforms that have never been posted. Please Mad Bald One, we mud sluts need our fix. Houston out.
  17. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Michael Dorosh: ribcage. He stroked the front of his MAXIMUS ISN'T GAY t-shirt and sniffed. "If he isn't," Gustav asked aloud, "then why say it? Doesn't it make you..."<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> ...a Catholic? Because Catholics do not believe in homosexuality. Hey isn't Maximus a Catholic? Well I guess that answers that question." Anyway, without further adue, Michael Dorosh decided yet again to ruin the fun by criticizing a mod for its lack of historical accuracy. However he had then created the a mod that was as bland as English cooking by painting out all the underlying detail. But that was nothing, with Rob/1's base-matching AFV, was a great piece of amusement until......
  18. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Rex_Bellator: As a certified Mod slut it seems a while since my favourite mod author released those amazing Sherman packs and I've not been able to find any hints on other threads as to what (if any) his latest project is. C'mon guys - any rumours?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I don't have rumors, but I do have some pretty reliable information that he is working on the M8 Greyhound and M20 Utility Car. This reliable information came in a Alpha preview a few days ago. He asked me not to post any screenshots as he doesn't even all of the files started yet. However, what he has worked on looks promising. You can actually see the headlight thingys now.
  19. I played "Grab for a Prize" and fought it to a Draw. Couldn't quite take the final objective Flags. What was funny though was that the Germans really didn't put up a fight till the last 10 turns or so when I reached their last strong-point. I was losing Easy-Eights by damned panzerfausts from hidden infantry squads in houses.
  20. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panzer Leader: I wonder if anyone will pick up G.I. Combat... it looked like it might be pretty good (3D Close Combat basically)<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Don't get us started on the whole G.I. Combat thing. Some of us had a go around with the G.I. Combat Forum as it was filled with Close Combat fanatics. They had the audacity to call us the Church of CM. LOL! Anyway, I'm kinda glad that the company is folding up. They apparently don't take too well to criticism. The answer criticism by deleting your posts. BTW, did Hidden & Dangerous 2 ever come out or was that game cancelled too?
  21. Hell that ain't nothin'! I just smoked a IS-2 in the front with a PzIIIN. But you guys ain't artillery until those Katyushov's or whatever they're called send in their rocket barrage.
  22. This problem was what I meant originally in the other thread. I knew that the M36 turret is different than the M10. That's why I asked in the first place.
  23. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrSpkr: The truth was, while he rather enjoyed wearing the frilly dresses and singing the Barry Manilow tunes, he was terrified of being forced to . . .<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> ...create yet another lame Canadian CM site. For Gustav was not one to have to placker his coutry's name on everything he ever did. However, Gustav was interested in creating...
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