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Everything posted by Londoner

  1. Once again great competition gents. Many thanks to all involved! Well played WN, where has that sweet, inocent newbie I once knew gone....
  2. I didn't think you liked games over 1500 points!! While I'm here, in the words of a long dead CM vet, where's my turn!!!
  3. What the hell are you talking about Tom? Is this some sort of masonic code/trigger??
  4. John, You've posted a lot of interesting and informative stuff over the years, and I enjoyed our ROW game immensely. However I stopped following your argument here: "With charges of espionage placed against me, I expected a General Court Marshal. Instead I was transferred to Washington, D. C., whereupon charges were dropped and I was transferred to Montauk Long Island Military Base (Fort Hero). From that point I was time shifted to 1983, back in the Phoenix Project. Once there, I was given a super brainwashing-all memory was removed. Additionally, I was age regressed (reduction of physical age and size from a 30-year old to approximately 1 year of age) and then, at a physical age of 1 year, sent back in time to 1927 to be plugged into a new family as a substitute for a dead son. This new family -- the Bieleks -- became my only known parents for over half a century! The project generated the time tunnels. People were able to travel in time and space and they did. But they also had other projects going on at Montauk. We still don’t know all of them. The technology for the tunnels was given to us by cooperative effort of alien groups, primarily the Orion group, which involved reptilians, a sub group called the Leverons. A technical group which provided most of the assistance, was the group from Sirius A -- a materialistic, scientific, people. Perhaps not a bad heart but misdirected, because they had very long-term contracts with the Orions to provide them with the technical knowledge and assistance they needed. And they were working with our government in secret to work out mind-control techniques and technology and pushing for a highly automated, technical society, which would be much easier to control than it would be the way it is now. But we’re approaching that rapidly." I like to think I'm as open minded as the next guy but this sort of thing is IMO the domain of nuts and con artists. Jesus Christ John, you're going to need cast iron evidence (which most of the forum wouldn't be in a position to verify anyway) to give any of this even a shred of credibility, otherwise how can you possibly expect anyone here to take this stuff seriously?
  5. Sergei, Pray tell, why are you are such a pi$$ taker....
  6. Exactly, my apologies, what I was rather clumsily trying to get at. Something from Clausewitz that has stuck. Consequently, The Laos/Cambodia incursion didn't work on any level. Operationally, sure, it curtailed NVA/VC movement through the area but it didn't eliminate it. Strategically it didn't achieve anything significant and politically, most importantly, it didn't contribute to a credible, effective, democracy in the South - the political goal. On the contrary, repercussions arguably hindered the ultimate political objective and left a lasting bitterness because of the suffering that ensued. That's why I think most historians would disagree with you justifying, militarily or otherwise, U.S. activity in Laos and Cambodia.
  7. Morality always takes a backseat to military operations when push comes to shove. This is logical since war is, to its very core, immoral. Even if you can construct a moral justification for one soldier to take the life of another, it is difficult to come up with a moral justification that excuses the harm and/or suffering on others who just happen to be at the wrong place at the wrong time. Since war inherently can not avoid collateral damage (and I mean that in the broadest, long term sense as well as short term) then war is by its very nature immoral. Since Human behavior is so rarely inline with moral principles, warfare must be viewed in the context of Human Nature and all of its MANY flaws. Steve </font>
  8. Militarily maybe. How about morally? The numbers that died as a result escapes me (not even sure if there are any accurate figures), not to mention the rise of Pol Pot.....
  9. Quick update..... LfB = 7 turns left. TV = 20 turns left.
  10. What a guy, insightful stuff. The military enlightens all I guess. Fair enough, probably what a lot of law abiding Germans said on 22/6/41. Your candid statements are refreshing, in a sinister sort of way. If I may make an assumption, your obviously a man with an opinion formed,(I hesitate to say informed) by a fairly diverse and colourful life. I'd be a fool to dismiss your or your neighbour's opinion as one of an idiot or crackpot, maybe this is simply an echo of today's middle America. However I am mildly suprised that only two people felt your comments were at best, wildly naive.
  11. Of course you could, and COs often did, just not too far if they had any sense!
  12. I'm sure I've seen a similar bug in CMBB (never in AK though), You plot a movement and rotate order for a vehicle and the rotate order is changed into an additional movement order!
  13. Will do Jes, sounds good. LOL yea the organisation of it all must require the paitence of a saint!! Hopefully this new software will change all that, looking forward to Holien's tourney already.....
  14. Ahhhh I see. Tis what I was hoping for but since they were so sketchy about, I was wondering........
  15. I'd love to see a collapse of AG centre campaign. What was it 30 odd out of 35 divisions lost? For the German player, could yours be one of the "lucky" handful to get out alive? For the Soviet player, the war machine rolls on, you'll get all that lovely breakthrough artillery!!
  16. Yes Please! This is an evil, evil scenario . So much nervous tension here. It really helped having a mature opponent though - the suspension of disbelief was complete. The Blitzkreg rolled right at me, (and eventually through me!) in true 32 bit colour. For me it was all about sweat, swearing and eventually sreaming! The armoured wedge that hit my lines was quality, skillfully and elegantly handled Wald. I'll email you the last file as soon as I get it. Who designed it btw?
  17. Hmmm interesting, I see. Could you not play a team based game, akin to CMMC? I liked the Luga format, it was nicely done. Map and "scenario" design will surely be a massive task in CMC, somewhat unavoidably I suppose, but there's so much potential here...
  18. CMBB currently has a 76mm off map module....
  19. Mr WC to the rescue yet again!! What is the maximum number of players for CMC? There doesn't seen to be a cast iron figure anywhere.
  20. I bet half the forum would still pay $200. Shame it's not really practical to put on the shelf at that price! I won't pretend to know anything about running a small business, but doesn't Steel Beasts cost roughly that? It's been around for a while no? So one would (naively perhaps) assume it's at least a viable product from a business standpoint?
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