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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Von Brizee

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Everything posted by Von Brizee

  1. I had lots of fun burning everythign in that. I made a wall of fire. I actually took out 3 US tanks with a grenade! The grenade sparked a fire and it killed them all!
  2. When I walked around my neihgborhood streets counting the houses so I could make it a map! When you walk up to bed after playing CM , and you walks as if holding an MP40 and speaking in German. (I did these both) When you memorize the weapons composition of every German squad.
  3. I know who's Tiger Gila is trying to kill! You already blew apart my Stuh!!!!! You're not gonna kill my Tiger! He is going to grind your little Rangers under his treads and squish em and squash em and blow em apart until the roadblock is mine!!!!! Unless that Sherman you have zipping up behind me blasts him first.. My 3 schrecks firing at it seem to be having trouble..
  4. I am playing a scenario against Kerry Landsberg, and he got screwed. It's rural, moderate hills and forests, dusk, and damp. My side of the map has heavy buildings elevated on hills with a nice LOS to the flags in the middle. He has to cross open area to get to them, thus suicide. The map is divided in half by a ridge. On the side of the ridge with no flags is his only choice of advance so he had all his vehicles and best infantry head there where I was waiting with a Panther and Tiger. I won before we started, the map was THAT bad.
  5. Has anyone here seen the old version of The Thin Red Line. It is nothing like the new one. It is really cool. About how one young soldier loses his innocence when he finally learns to kill and starts to enjoy it. Terrance Malick's new one is based on it. It has this awesome final scene where the Americans assault this Japanese network of caves called "The Honeycomb"
  6. I usually try to go for 3 platoons whenever I possibly can, because I can try to occupy one vet platoon with one of my regulars, and mount an assault on the other platoon with my two other regulars. But I'm not very good, so what do I know?
  7. I have seen a Cpt. Stransky on this board too watch out Steiner
  8. Andreas, are you kidding? My grandfather says the exact same thing happened to him. Maybe they were in the same unit? Mine was in Russia 41-44 and then was transferred to a different unit. He was in Army Group Center. I can't remember which divison.
  9. Can someone send it to me? All the links I have tried don't work
  10. I was just playing a QB and me and my opponent obliterated each other within 8 minutes. That was a bloodbath. We each ended up with some vehicle crews and some panicked troops at the end and just hit the ceasefire
  11. If I was a company CO, and I had a bunch of vehicle crews sitting around, I'd order them into the fight. I care about living! The fact that they will be refitted in the future with new vehicles doesn't really matter to the guys on the ground.. And besides, there are so many boxed scenarios where if you look at the "situation", using crews isnt gamey at all. "Relieving the Rangers" is one. In this scenario the Rangers have a strong roadblock set up blocking the only route of escape for the encircled Germans. Those vehicle crew are gonna get killed or captured unless they escape, so they might as well just go forward into the fray I say. Thus, I am using them, mostly just for easy things, like chasing down routed enemy troops. I have one amusing instance though of a Sherman and a Panzer IV knocking each other out and then the crews started duking it out hand to hand right on the spot. It reminds me of the Monty Python movie with the black knight still fighting when he's lost his arms
  12. Private Dietz Sir! He was the coolest guy in the movie...Too bad he had to die. He looks exactly like me..
  13. My great-grandfather was in the German Army in the Normandy area. His unit was getting shelled and they decided to pull back. He was up in the loft of a barn and he knew hurt his leg jumping off. He knew he wouldn't be able to get out so he climbed back up again. Soon enough, a squad of British soldiers comes into the barn. My greatgrandfather pulls out a grenade and pulls off the pin, holding it in his hands. He was about to throw it, but then thought better of it because he heard more British soldiers outside. Well the squad in the barn sleeps there the whole night, and in the morning they pull out because of German tanks in the area. My great-grandfather was holding that grenade the whole night, and he couldnt let go or else it would go off. He said that moment when he saw the British leave was one of the greatest moments in his life when he could finally get rid of the blasted thing
  14. In the Green Berets, when he's walking on the beach with the sunset, you may notice it is the wrong way. Vietnamese beaches don't face that way. I despised Big Red One. I mean, what the hell are they doing the whole movie? It's like they are on vacation. They just go off on their own for the whole movie just wandering around... And it's amazing how in the final battle in the concentration camp all the guys are just standing around in the streets, instead of using buildings as cover and all. What also bugs me about war movies is that the heros take so many "flesh wounds" Everyone in the movie dies with one shot except the hero. He gets shot int he arm or leg and say's "ahh, it's nothin" I remember one war movie where the Germans overun a US position and start firing the .50 cal at the routing Americans. One guy gets shot in the leg and he pauses for a few seconds before he continues running. I figure a 50 cal would blow your leg off!
  15. The only thing that bugs me about some operations is that the battles are too short. 20 turns doesn't cut it. Like the Carenten Op would have been much better if the battles were longer. Took the Amis 10 minutes to actually make contact with me, and then my mortar barrages pin them for 3 more, and then my MG's pin them, and when they finally get through all that they have 2 minutes to engage my main force. I also hate getting the battle ending in the middle of my counterattack.
  16. Okay Version 2 is now out, which is a much more computer-friendly scenario. I got rid of a lot of the useless vehicles that are in there just for fun, since I believe it is the vehicles that cause the most computer slowdown, yes? I am going to still tweak it a bit more, and get rid of some more units..
  17. Well the difference in them is mainly the weapons. Gebirgsjaegers are good for close fighting. Fallshirmjaegers rule. Escort troops use em for anything, as are Security. Almost the same as a rifle team. Pioneers-use them for close assaults in cities, they have satchel charges and flamethrowers in their platoons Some of the Panzergrenadiers come with halftracks when you buy them, just check if it says "Armored" Firefly has a nice big gun on it, 17 pdr I believe
  18. CM doesn't show the men climbing all over it but I assume it happens. Just recently I was playing a game with a platoon of infantry with no Fausts. 3 Shermans were moving down a wooded path. 2 got immobilized by a shreck. I then rushed them with my platoon of infantry and killed them all with grenades, so I assume it can happen. Had it happen to my Panther once too
  19. 3 men have a hard enough time fitting in a truck, imagine 12? Jeeps barely hold one guy, what if you put Company HQ in it? Sometimes I put whole platoons in a single building, they would all be spilling out. The men in CM seem to be slightly larger than they should be, so this would clutter everything up. Plus even small scenarios would tax a computer. Multiply the amount of men on the map by 4 times and see how fast it runs.
  20. Theres only 4 things I want, and 2 of them seem to be in the works: 1:TCICP 2:Tiger armor fix 3:Less accuracy/effectiveness for 50cal 4:Possibly sidearms for PzSchreck, Bazooka, PIAT's, so they are not useless when they are empty nor helpless from a rush. I still see vehicle crews rushing the bazookas and taking them out. If they had some pistols or an SMG or something they could stand a chance. I think it can be coded, since regular troops have Panzerfaust, which they fire at vehicles only or bunched up troops. Perhaps Schreck can be modified like this?
  21. hehe I have been trying to send you a file for like a week now. (This is b yost, HerrLeutnant@yahoo) Perhaps get an account at yahoo.com I was having hotmail problems and then moved to yahoo
  22. In the Close Combat forum, some CM cultists came in so I checked it out after they were sufficiently irritating
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