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Von Brizee

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Everything posted by Von Brizee

  1. I wanna find this Winter Camo to download!!!!
  2. Mine came over, saw me in the middle of an action movie where 12 vehicles blew up in a barrage from Panthers and she said, "Whoa that was pretty cool" i actually got her learnign it
  3. Will do. I could have made it much bigger, but I want it to be a stress reliever, and if the AI takes 10 min to calculate, you might be even more pissed. If you want to see the destruction VERY nicely, keep fog of war off. The US position is surrounded by water so no one can escape.
  4. I just made this scenario as a kind of "mess around" It's a long map, on one side is a high ridge. Below it on the other side is a very large town and some woods. On the high ridge are Elite German 240mm Arty and 300mm Rocket Spotters. In the town are thousands of Americans. 5 minutes into the game, which was TWO minutes of bombardment, EVERY building was destroyed and the Allied survivors surrendered. The ground was completely littered with corpses. About 60 Americans survived to surrender. 1500 didn't. This game doesn't run very slow, the AI calculations only take a minute or two. If anyone wants to try it I can mail it you ya. Post your address.
  5. Maybe it's just me, but the first time I played Fire and Maneuver as the Germans I got my ass handed to me. That one is a lot of fun. I havent played any more than once, but I got beat at Wiltz as Germany, largely due to my stupid tanks firing at infantry instead of enemy tanks.
  6. I have seen downloads for Allied winter camo, but I have not seen any for German winter camo. I am positive that the SS and the FJ wore winter camo. During the bulge Wermacht troops made their own, out of sheets and tablecloths, and some were issued. I have seen pictures of German winter camo on CMHQ, but cannot find where to get it.
  7. I got my ass handed to me the first time I played that as the Germans. My stupid Panther spun around instead of going reverse and that kind of ended it for him. And then the US Tank Destroyer appeared on the hill and not one of my vehicles turned to fire at it and he got side shots on all of them in a minute. My platoon of PanzerGren to the right side just went move fast in their halftracks and I busted into the Americna rear somehow, only losing one halftrack on the wya over. I poured my men out into the town and they put up a really good fight until it was all over for them.
  8. Hey man I did that with CC3 also. 145 Russians and a little less Germans all duking it out in the Reichstag.
  9. I liked it. I got a total victory against the AI. SPOILERS on how Okay I moved my two 50mm mortars up very close with my company CO so they can fire at that pesky Brit MG (U know the one) My 3 platoons bounded from cover to cover, with my right most my "attacker" My other platoons were being diversions and basically just taking fire and suppressing defenders. I had my 80mm mortar observer launch his load into the big forest the Brits are in. By the time that was winding down, my assault platoon rushed the place, killing or routing all. By this time, my middle platoon had lost one squad to a rout, and the others were more or less intact. I waited 3 turns, and moved my assault platoon into the rough thats left of the woods. Next turn, I had them rush the Brit Mg post while my 2nd platoon rushed to the next cover. Next turn I rushed the Brit Mortar post with the flag on it with my assault platoon. I moved up my second platoon closer to the enemy. By this time both of them are out of ammo. I still have my left most platoon on the crest of the hill close to the big patch of rough. Next I order my 12cm mortar fire onto the remaining Brit postitions. After two turns, I rush them with ALL my platoons and then the battle is over. Total Victory for me. the Brits surrendered. They lost all their men except 11 who routed off the field. I lost 31 men. (Ironically enough, my assault platoon which did all the work took the least casualties of all my platoons, only losing 8, but killing and capturing about 40 of the enemy themselves) The platoon that took the worst casualties was my reserve platoon that only saw 2 turns of combat (They rushed the Brit MG area from the front to be a diversion so my other platoons could get to grenade range since their guns were empty) Hope these tactics help you guys. I am pretty good at infantry tactics because I have been playing Close Combat for 4 years and this is VERY similar.
  10. I have seen screenshots of German infantry in white winter camo. I have downloaded the US winter camo and the vehicle winter packs. Where can I get German winter camo?
  11. Panzer Elite is a great game. I love running down fleeing infantry in my Panther.
  12. I have downloaded the USA winter camo pak. I have seen screenshots of Germans in winter camo but do not know where to get this? I got the Vehicle Winter camo and in the screenshot of it, it showed German soldiers in white riding the halftracks. Can anyone tell me where I can find the German camoflauge?
  13. Okay I am definitely downloading the sounds, since I have heard good things about them. I am going to back up my old sounds just in case I dont like them. I will also definitely get the winter 3rd party vehicle mod.
  14. I had a German sniper shoot a Sherman commander, and he yelled "My leg!" Must be a pretty powerful bullet to get through all that armor
  15. FLAK stands for Flieger Abwehr Kanone AntiAircraft Gun
  16. I was playing the scenario Ruyerville I think it is called, and I noticed in some German halftracks some funny glitches. When they button up, I can see the driver's feet on the ground as it drives around. It's like the Flintstones cars. Maybe they should make them have only half bodies like tank drivers?
  17. Okay I am going to get these Mod Packs, but my connection is slow and is a hefty download. I have heard that MDMP Version 2 is coming out, and I am wondering if this will be a small update to version one or will I have to download the big file all over again? Also, does the graphics pack have winter textures?
  18. I am just about done but it is really hard to balance very well. I just got the game so I am not really good at it so I think I should make it so I barely lose every time I do it
  19. I have started working on it but it is really hard to balance very well. I just got the game so I am not really good at it so I think I should make it so I barely lose every time I do it
  20. I downloaded Saving Private Ryan scenario and the "Combat" one. SPOILERS I actually thought SPR was way too easy. When it was all over I had my Company CO intact, 2 30 cals, one bazooka, and a full airborne squad. I killed every vehicle and most of the infantry and kept all the flags. I still liked it though. I'm not sure who made it but there's a few things need to be fixed. 1st-German troops were SS in the movie. 2nd-There was a Stug in the battle I believe. I liked the Combat one. I saw the episode. When I played, my platoon commander Hanley was being a wuss and wouldn't rush the pillbox with his men. When he finally went up to do it, he got shot by my Sherman punk. I was very happy when that hidden PzrSchreck killed him. I hope in 1.03 the at teams get pistols or something because they are so vulnerable to vehicle crews.
  21. SPOILERS I played just that scenario for about a week and discovered good tactics for it. Put one platoon of infantry BEHIND the Victory Flag that is to the way right. Put them on the backside of that hill and many times they wont be seen until the end. Put your concrete MG between the two left-most light buildings in town. (The ones closest to the big hill) That MG gets a lot of kills sometimes. Put AP mines in cover, so enemy infantry have to stay in the open. I have found a good position for the wood MG bunker is right to the left of your left-most building, on the map. Put it almost inside the building. Put a MG42 in there. I usually put 2 infantry platoons inside the town, and make that my main defense. Some of the buildings can take Arty fire pretty well. Use smoke yourself, launch it with a mortar. If your company HQ can see an area, he acts as a spotter for your mortars. Use their smoke wisely yourself. If you see an enemy arty observer, smoke him. Smoke their tanks. Most of all, make your infantry all HIDE. Until you want them to shoot. Once you get your Panther, put him in a hull down position and start unloading on Shermans. Your Infantry Gun I have found a good spot is in the woods on the far left. Not much can see it and it doesnt have a good LOS, but if any US infantry decide to flank from that direction you can blast em. Put a Wooden Bunker on the bottom of a hill on your right flank to stop infantyr. It wil be almost invisible until they stumble into the open in front of it. I have never really found a good position for the 75mm Pak, so I just leave it on the hill and hope for the best. Hope that helps.
  22. I started making a pretty fun Axis scenario. There is a big Allied column moving through a road in the forest. You have to ambush it with Volk troops and are heavily outnumbered. It is a lot of fun. I want to make it fog but the fog graphics just make everything all whited out.
  23. I have heard about a MadDog Mod Pack for sounds, but I am wondering what sounds it replaces and such and who thinks it is an improvement.
  24. I actually like the American training mission. It has a pretty cool premise. Another one I liked was "A Walk in Paris" intense city fighting with tanks RACING down streets like crazy.
  25. I noticed when I got the game, that the vast majority of the battles are meant to be played as the Allies. I would like to see a lot more Axis scenarios.
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